Nov. 10th, 2024

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

spokane street s. across I-5

connects spokane street across the freeway


the worst parts are of of course around the freeway but it’s still an absolute deathrace along columbian once you make it past the third under-freeway stairwell

find something worse than this

i dare you

satellite view of spokane street s. at i-5 in seattle, with a line drawn showing the pedestrian route, with several inset pictures showing locations, e.g., one stairwell that goes down to go under an on-ramp and then back up on the other side of the other on-ramp

it’s nowhere near me but i kinda wanna bike it – but i can’t (because those stairs wow) so maybe hike it

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

I am not seeing nearly enough cishet men react proactively to this national wave of rape threats.

Most men listen only to men, particularly on topics like these. These men specifically only listen to men. Not listening to the opinions of women is the point, because as far as they’re concerned, we don’t get to have any.

Right now, these men are testing what they can get away with. They see but don’t care about how women react; if anything, they like the revulsion and anger, and look forward to more of it when they actually start “grabbing women by the pussy.”

But they do want to see how other men will react. They want to know what other men will say or do.

Passivity now, in the face of this, is permission. And your men friends are watching. If you don’t object, they probably won’t either. So if you’re against this – and you fucking well need to be – you need to get ahead of it.

And the next time, and the time after that? Every other time the fash test something? Because they will be testing everything they can?

It’s the same reality.

You have to get in front of it. Independently. Not just a thumbs up to a woman’s post. Preferably in your own words.

And you have to start right now.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

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