solarbird: (tracer)

I haven't been playing a whole lot of Tracer lately, so I've gone back to her, trying to get my skills back together, and after a rather dumb early death, I fell back in and had a rather good game.

solarbird: (widow)

This was a pleasantly long time spent 'on fire,' and I got the fairly-rare-for-console-Widowmaker MVP card, so I thought I'd post it.

solarbird: (widow)

This was POTG, but without the "Hello there!" at the beginning, and I wanted to add that in because I could.

The real attraction is the Junkrat shot, of course.

[gfycat] [unedited]

solarbird: (widow)

I was on fire an awfully long time in this game - once I hit that point I never lost it again - and honestly thought I was going to card for MVP. Instead, I just carded for kills, which makes me wonder about the threshold for that MVP card again.

Were it not for one of those what the fuck is wrong with me moments late in the game, where I missed like eight or nine shots in a row, I'd've been estatic about this performance. I mean, even with that hard slump, this is a well-into-top-1%-scoped-accuracy game, which doesn't say that much as my baseline shooting is top 1% on PS4 generally. But... for a while... for a while, my aim was just intoxicatingly good. For a little while, I don't miss was just the reality of it.

Anyway, there's one shot in particular during the defence of point A which just made me very happy. I'll let you find it. :D

solarbird: (widow)

This game was one of those where enemy team just kind of... spent a lot of time not confronting me? Which was absolutely their mistake. I mean, we're talking about a fairly supreme unforced error there, in particular one run after they took the first checkpoint (their only really successful push) and I was just mowing them down from a high point they mostly didn't approach.

And even when they did, it's like, they'd chase me, I'd flee momentarily, they'd not follow, and I'd come right back and kill them. Particularly this Genji, who... still seems to have issues with object permanence? Somebody didn't get enough games of peek-a-boo as a kid, I guess.

solarbird: (widow)

i would like if i may to present to you the best widowmaker play of the game ever

i must stress

this actually was play of the game

and, and, and i should add

against this team

we lost.

(i was on a terrible team. basically tracer and i knew how to play and nobody else seemed to know how the game worked. like, at all. we actually won a few and it was all me and tracer carding.)

(and less stupid there are reasons i am top 1% gamewide in kills with widowmaker mines, and this actually is kind of a potg for my mine placement. it's just also intensely stupid! (⌒▽⌒) )

solarbird: (widow)

We won, I had gold kills and gold damage, but this was absolutely my favourite shot. I hope they had killcam enabled. (¬ᴗ¬)

(gfycat is more important than usual here)

solarbird: (widow)

Coming around that corner, I was looking for enemy Widowmaker, who was quite good. Instead... Junkrat? Well, fine I'll take the shot either way, but such a disappointment. (⌒▽⌒)

solarbird: (widow)

This was so frustrating that I had to share it. We go in, it's another one of those teams that won't touch the point until it's clear, and I'm playing dive attack on my one-trick Widowmaker account. AND IT WORKS. AND I KILL THE LAST STANDING AND TAKE THE POINT.

And then we lose it immediately because the surviving members of my team don't back me up.

Unsurprisingly, we lost.


solarbird: (widow)

The only reason I uploaded this, really, is because I like the timing of the bow as we win. ^_^

(I was deep backfill, came in just in time to get the second round loss notification; helped them win the third round, including here.)

solarbird: (Default)

Basically I uploaded this because I liked my shooting in the third segment, when the team finally came together. Enemy team had tried bringing in a Widowmaker, but I had some particularly nice shots against her - there's a particularly delightful one up close - and so she wasn't able to neutralise me. Plus, I found that you can still stand on the large canvas, you just have to chain up at a different point, so I'll practice that some later in a private custom game so I don't get it wrong like I do once here.

solarbird: (widow)

This was pretty funny, because I was deep, deep backfill - this was literally my only run this game - and after I took out Ashe I started to shoot at Bob? Before going WHAT I AM DOING I CAN SEE SPAWN FROM HERE and adjusting. (⌒▽⌒)


solarbird: (widowmaker)

This was on offence, and I really like what I was doing on my first round out. We steamrolled through the first point and got the payload underway, and I had a... not sure if it's 10 or 11 kill streak, before they managed to take me down and start slowing us.

Unfortunately, by the time we got into the castle, they'd really figured out the kill order and they held. We got close, but didn't quite get there.

Then the turnaround. Unfortunately... they remembered me. I mean, of course they did, right? And we got charged pretty badly. The only time we slowed them down is when they couldn't keep me out of position, and they absolutely halted, and I was shooting 91% scoped, which is madness. But then they managed to take me down again and that was, sadly, that.

But still, in both cases, I'm pretty pleased with my shooting.

solarbird: (Default)

The push to the second point - which starts at 2:30, and the video is already cued there - was really a lot of fun. I just wasn't having any more of Bastion's bullshit.

(I shot better later, though really, I was shooting pretty well here - particularly for a warmup game. Literally first game of the day. Particularly the sequence that ends up Play of the Game, against Mercy, Tracer, and Orisa, in rapid succession.)

solarbird: (widow)


so i'm not shooting well, at all, this game. i'm tired, i should've quit earlier but I didn't, and I'm regretting it.

then i ralled, nine out of the final 14 kills were mine (all my final blows - including four of the last six) and we won.

they weren't all good shots - some of them were fairly terrible shots - but they were the shots we needed. you want some pulling a game out of the fire? i will claim this as one.

solarbird: (widow)

And this is why you don't run patterns like that, enemy Widowmaker.

solarbird: (widow)

The first three of these kills were Play of the Game. Ingrates didn't even vote for me when we lost, but it was clearly not my fault.

(Placements are a trainwreck. Silver, here I come!)

[shorter POTG clip]

solarbird: (widow)

Let's start the game with play of the game, shall we?

(They did not recover from that. It was delightful.)

solarbird: (widow)

Yes. Please. Line up. Just like that. Just like that.

Thank you.

solarbird: (widow)

Just keep hoppin', Bastion. That'll save you. For sure.

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