an appropriate response
Nov. 8th, 2024 12:29 pmAn appropriate response to someone saying “Your body, my choice” is to shoot them in the face.
To be very clear, I’m not saying this is legal. I’m most certainly not arguing that you should do it. Are we clear on that? I’m not saying to do that, I’m not saying it’s legal. It’s not, you will go to jail. Don’t do it. You’re almost certainly not even capable of it. Don’t feel bad about that; most people aren’t. That’s one of the reasons for professional armies instead of draftees; you have to get people who are willing to shoot people in the face, and most people just won’t, no matter how hard you train them.
But that statement is a threat of violence. More than that – much like the public adoption of naziism – it’s a promise of violence. And that combination of threat and promise is, “I will rape you, and nobody will stop me.”
And that is why shooting them in the face is an appropriate response. It’s an act of self defence in direct reaction to a direct statement of intent of to harm you with violence.
Again, I’m not saying to do this. I’m not arguing that you should do it, even if you can. You should not. You should not do this.
I’m just arguing that as a response, it is appropriate.
In Stand Your Ground states, I’d argue that maybe it should be legal, if you talk about the supposed intent of the law. You’re allowed to stand your ground, after all, to defend yourself against assault and threats thereof. Yes, of course I know that no Trumpist judge will ever support that argument; self-defense is for white men and no one else. But it seems to me this should qualify, even if it absolutely won’t.
So again – because I need to make this as clear as possible – I’m not saying it is a legal response, not even in Stand Your Ground states. It’s not a legal response. They will jail you. They may have the state kill you. I’d say it’s pretty likely. Don’t do it.
All I’m saying is that it’s appropriate. That it is a measured and proportionate response to a direct threat upon your body and quite possibly your life.
To my mind, after having done so, it is also reasonable to then repeat “your body, my choice” to their cooling corpse. After all, they’re not a person anymore – just as you were never a person to them – so it’s not a threat. But that does assume they are in fact already dead, so you would need to be very careful about that.
Not that I’m saying you should do this, either. I’m not saying that. Absolutely not. Don’t do any of this.
I’m just saying…
…it would be an appropriate response.
Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.