solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map 1.5 – 21 February 2025 – is now available on github, as is MEGAMAP 1.5.

With this version, the Greater Northshore Map has adopted our MEGAMAP’s former Empty Quarter, previously a basically empty paste-in of King County Regional Trails. It is now a peer map section with Greater Northshore proper, City of Seattle, and 2 Line Eastside Bike Connector.

There may not be a lot down there, but what’s down there is now properly mapped and included.

MEGAMAP 1.5 bike map, in screen-resolution preview, covering south Snohomish County down to Newcastle and northern Renton.

Additions and changes since 1.4.6:

  • ALL OF NEWCASTLE, as far as I know. Thanks to Kerry Sullivan (City of Newcastle) for help on unpublished but completed new May Creek Park Drive bike lanes
  • NORTHERNMOST RENTON, including substantial upgrades to Lake Washington Loop route markings, particularly street names for the chunk where it’s just bike lanes
  • New-to-me bike lanes around 100th Ave W. in Edmonds, now mapped
  • Upgrade to 15th Avenue S bike lanes in the Seattle map – they now have physical separation. There’s a warning flag because they’re still intermittently being worked on a little? But as far as I can tell they are generally open.

All permalinks continue to work.

If you enjoy these maps and feel like throwing some change at the tip jar, here’s my patreon. Patreon supports get things like pre-sliced printables of the Greater Northshore, and also the completely-uncompressed MEGAMAP, not that the .jpg has much compression in it because it doesn’t. If you have an iPhone, please use the website interface and not the app, because Apple takes 30% if you use the app. I’ll keep doing this regardless, but you know. Thank you! ^_^

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (made her from parts)

I made a video for Monsterdon, the weekly mostly-monster-moving event on Mastodon.

For some reason, people voted to watch Frogs (1972) this week. The title sequence I’m riffing on can make anything look action-packed, but, uh, I’m told… don’t be fooled by that.

I mean, it’s terror frogs. Don’t expect too much. xD

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

Lots of weekend landscaping work happening at the Montlake lid this rainy Saturday – it’s crunch time before the opening ceremonies that’re finally happening next week.

I will, naturally, be dropping a revised MEGAMAP the day before, this coming Friday afternoon or evening (depending upon scheduling). I’ll also be dropping an updated Greater Northshore since there’s some Seattle-area updates which show up in its coverage area as well.

They’ll be posted here for free download, as always. The current version is from November.

And if you like my bike nonsense – or any of my other nonsense, for that matter – I have a patreon. And if you’re already there, as always, you have my heartfelt thanks! ^_^

A blurred-by-rain image of several landscaping/construction workers along the new unopened section of bike/ped trail connecting Bill Dawson to SR-520 trails, seen from the east. It has been a very rainy day, and is still rainy in the photograph. A support cargo truck in frame, has its headlights on despite it being 11:30am, showing that it is a very dim day.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

The Google app for iOS now adds THEIR links to YOUR posts from YOUR website unless you opt-out.

Their links lead people away from your site and back to Google. Because that’s definitely what you want, right? That’s why you have a blog or portal or web site or whatever. You want people to leave your site and go back to Google.

Oh, it’s not?

If you don’t like it, you can “Opt out.” Opting out is a pain in the ass. Here’s where you go to do it. You have to enter every variation of each of your domains or it won’t work. It will take up to 30 days, during which time Google will continue to pollute your work and your writing and your website with their modifications and their added links to take people away from your site and back to themselves.

For example, here’s the list of what I need to opt-out just for this one blog:

Yes, you explicitly have to file no prefix, http:, and https: variants separately. They say so.

Making it difficult like this is 100% intentional and entirely designed to make it as annoying as possible, and also, to make sure you slip up if at all possible and forget one or more combinations.

(Tho’ I am just going to depreciate web. as a prefix right now, to bring down the load a little. Still gonna list ’em, though, because spite is why.)

Right now it’s only in the Google app for iOS and it’s probably a test to see whether they can get away with it without complaint, and how much revenue it generates. Let’s make that a combination of no and as close to zero as possible. Because otherwise they’ll roll it out everywhere, and probably derank you if you don’t go along.

Fucking hell, Google. Fuck you. Just… fuck you.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (ART-gonzo)

“Look, everyone – it’s clearance sale day at Dracula City! Can you believe these values?!”
— Vincent Price, probably

Basil Rathbone, Peter Lorrie, Vincent Price, and I think Boris Karloff all hanging around in various coffins. Lorrie is holding a lit candelabra; Price is reading Variety, apparently out loud, relaying some bit of news to everyone else, who are looking at him with interest.
open ’til midnight!

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (pony-zebragirl)

Dracula City! DRACULA CITY! Dracula City!

The OG Dracula, Bela Lugosi, lurking behind Sy Greenbalm, owner of Dracula City, hypnotising him and whispering into his ear the words "I liked their Draculas so much I bought the company" which he repeats with a dead-eyed stare into the camera

This Halloween, take advantage of our special liquidation sale!
Buy nine Draculas, get the tenth one for just one penny!

A still frame from the UHF faux commercial for Spatula City, changed to Dracula City, with a woman in a light blue dress surrounded by an arc of Draculas: Leslie Nielsen, Bela Lugosi, Kate O'Mara, Klaus Kinski, The Count from Sesame Street, William Marshall, Alyson Hannigan, Peter Cushing, and whoever the hell played the Space Vampire in Buck Rodgers. Jutting in at an angle from the left is Vampire Princess Miyu, saying DRACULA CITY in red on black text. The woman is holding a Robot Dracula from Robot Chicken.

🎶 Dracula City
we sell Draculas
and that’s all! 🎶

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (ART-gonzo)

I’ve been making a series of dracula city edits based on spatula city from the weird al yankovich movie UHF and today’s went over well on monsterdon ^_^

Where do you go when you want to buy name brand Draculas at a fraction of retail cost?

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map 1.4.3 – 19 October 2024 – is now available on github, as is MEGAMAP 1.4.3 a pasteup of Greater Northshore, City of Seattle, 2 Line Eastside Bike Connector, and a little bit of King County Regional Trails to get us all the way to the south end of Lake Washington.

Most of this are changes in Seattle that won’t be showing up on their map for another couple of months, or whenever they finally release Seattle 2024. So GETCHER HOTTEST FRESHEST SEATTLE BIKE MAPS RIGHT HERE xD

A screen-resolution preview of the Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map 1.4.3, released 19 October 2024.

Changes in 1.4.3:

  • Updating Juanita Drive construction area with a temporary downgrade to sharrow, recommending detour
  • Slope markers on the closest, most obvious detour route (NE 123rd, NE 132nd)
  • NEW BIKE UNDERPASS from Montlake to Bill Dawson trail is open, added to Seattle’s map
  • Additional sharrows in Kirkland near Mark Twain Park
  • New 6th Ave NW neighbourhood greenway in Fremont, yes I’m updating Seattle’s map for them again
  • Updating/clarifications around Montlake Boulevard at SR-520; it’s in flux but this is close

All permalinks continue to work.

If you enjoy these maps and feel like throwing some change at the tip jar, here’s my patreon. Patreon supports get things like pre-sliced printables of the Greater Northshore, and also the completely-uncompressed MEGAMAP, not that the .jpg has much compression in it because it doesn’t. If you have an iPhone, please use the website interface and not the app, because Apple takes 30% if you use the app. I’ll keep doing this regardless, but you know. Thank you! ^_^

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

As I mentioned on Patreon, work has eaten my life, but I did follow along secondhand on the debate tonight once my Mastodon feed became 100% “concept of a plan” feed posts.

Here’s my contribution, I figure four of five of you will apprecaite it. Depends upon whether you remember System of a Down. xD

Then Taylor Swift endorsed Harris and it became a mix of memes and Taylor Swift. That was also fun!

I also made a video annotating Harris’s “…former President” pause. That one seems popular, people seem to be enjoying it. Hopefully you will too. ^_^

55 days remain.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map 1.4 – dated 30 August 2024 – is now available on github, as is MEGAMAP 1.4, a pasteup of Greater Northshore, City of Seattle, 2 Line Eastside Bike Connector, and a little bit of King County Regional Trails to get us all the way to the south end of Lake Washington.

A bike map of several northwest King County cities along with the southernmost two kilometres of Snohomish County

New in this release:

  • New data type: 1 Line Link Light Rail stations are now mapped, both on Greater Northshore and the MEGAMAP! They allow bikes onboard, so count as bike infrastructure. (Note that all 1 Line stations north of Seattle proper open on August 30th, not before.)
  • Added several street names, particularly around 1 Line rail stations, for better wayfinding
  • Cleaned up other street names where bike infrastructure overlaid KCGIS labels
  • NEW SEATTLE ROUTE: New MLK bike lanes from north of S. Winthrop all the way up two blocks north of I-90. Seattle’s big map doesn’t have this yet, but mine does, Greater Northshore Megamap FTW ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • Upgraded block connection on 68th between Bothell Way and NE 181st/Remington in Kenmore to Sharrow after upgraded street painting
  • “Very Bumpy” advisory removed from Shoreline Interurban Trailhead due to repaving, thank you wildjo on Github for the contribution
  • Re-added very short trail exit from Shoreline Interurban Trailhead that got lost somehow in a previous map revision
  • Added two more short starter sections of what will become the “Trail Along the Rail” in Shoreline, and adjusted exact ending point of the largest section already on the map, thank you on Mastodon for the contribution

Here’s today’s Seattle Times article about the new stations, too. First train leaves Lynnwood (CORRECTION) around 12:30pm on the first day.

See you at the opening!

ps: my patreon, if you feel like throwing some change at the jar. I mean, I’ll keep doing this regardless, but you know. ^_^

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

mappity map

Aug. 9th, 2024 05:44 pm
solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)

test print of Late August 2024 (preliminary), with all these new light rail stations for the 1 Line added ^_^

A Greater Northshore bike map printed, assembled, and glued, ready for folding on top of a table.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)
Thumbnail for Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map version 1.3.

Now incorporating the southern mile-ish of Snohomish County! The idea was 2km but some places it’s barely over a mile. Either way, that means yes, we further enGreatered Northshore, because the actual Snohomish County map is absolutely a trainwreck.

It’s mostly for the Interurban North and North Creek trails but not just that.

Also new since map set 1.2:

  • Construction warnings with dates! At least the ones I know about, which means Juanita Way. They’re widening the bike lanes but that means there aren’t bike lanes sometimes while they work.
  • New bike lanes on 73rd Ave NE in Kenmore!
  • Bike shop icons in Northshore
  • Route updates in Bothell and Lake Forest Park
  • Misc small stuff

URLs have not changed. Enjoy!

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (pingsearch)

…and it didn’t work out, mostly because not to put too fine a point on it but the Community Transit bike maps for Snohomish County are not good. I have fundamental issues with how their legend is defined but that’s only part of it – even going by the letter of their bad-idea legend, it’s often very wrong in bad ways.

Which is a damn shame because 1) it would’ve been glorious and 2) it would’ve been nice to have a bike map that goes all the way to Skagit County, I mean damn. But I’m not going to put something out that leads people into danger like that, I don’t care if it is official.

So I pulled the bottom two kilometres (roughly) off the bottom of their county map using SNOGIS and brought my OWN map. With my OWN legends. And heat maps!

I’m not posting them to the official site yet, these are betas. I’ve got reduced-size versions on Amazon but they lose a lot of resolution due to their sizes. Still, if you want to get the general idea:

Genuinely curious about thoughts – particularly if you’re in southern Snohomish County, in which case I need your BRAIN. Or the contents thereof, that would do.

I mean, there are two important and very real separated trails heading up there, one of which I’ve explored lately though only in part, the other of which I had no idea went so far. I think it’s important to have visibility on those. They both go places that matter – Interurban goes all the way to Everett and does so via Alderwood Mall, and North Creek goes all the way up to the core of Canyon Park, a big employment area for Snohomish County and Bothell.

Plus, for people who live on the very upper border of North King County, it seems reasonable to me that they’d want some north-facing data too.

It does make the maps even bigger, though. I mean… sure does. lol

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: our bike hill girl standing back to the camera facing her bike, which spans the image (biking)
Much reduced preview of Greater Northshore map 1.2.2 - Mid-June 2024

Greater Northshore and MEGAMAP Bike Maps version 1.2.2, Mid-June 2024, dropped at the usual place. This is a very minor release.

I don’t see any substantial updates for the next few months; we’re as up-to-date as I think I can get. There is, however, some relevant new construction that falls into the Greater Northshore area, and that’ll get reflected as it comes online.


  • Added “Very Bumpy” note near Shoreline Interurban Trailhead
  • Added start of bike lanes and “To Interurban Trail North” above that
  • Extended fully-separated lane one block east in northern Shoreline after in-person verification
  • Corrected types of routes (red-dash vs. green-dot) around Lake Forest Park Town Centre to more accurately reflect Burke Gilman-Interurban Trail connector signage
  • Extended North Creek Trail a little into Snohomish County to indicate it continues

Direct “latest map” links have not changed.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (cascadia dance dance revolution)


  • Greater Northshore Bike Connector Map (now version 1.2.1, dataset 1.1 rev 5)
  • Northwest King County MEGAMAP (also version 1.2.1, dataset 1.1 rev 5)

The bike part of the bike and sidewalk improvements on 73rd Ave NE in Kenmore are complete! There’s still a little sidewalk work to be done – the elevated sections have railings, but they’re extremely temporary. However, with the bike parts done, that’s good enough for me to show.

Also, both maps have updates to bike shop locations (deleting some in Seattle; adding some in Greater Northshore) and there’s also word correction in the MEGAMAP box.

Direct “latest map” URLs have not changed since the 1.2 release; both maps can be download from github.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (cascadia dance dance revolution)
Mercer Island as reflected on the Bike Megamap, on which the island is made by combining parts of three separate maps.

Every time I look at the megamap and notice Mercer Island again – which I had to stitch together from three separate maps – it’s funnier to me.

Bellevue sees an interstate, a park-and-ride, and a tiiiiiny bit that they care to include. King County sees a couple of parks. And Seattle sees a fast blank field, with only an interstate crossing it.

That’s so desperately… accurate, really? And to me, that’s hilarious, even if nobody else seems to get it.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: Brigitte Lindholm from Overwatch (brigitte)
new biking MEGAMAP, combing the Greater Northshore that I built and maintain with other maintained maps to make a map that gets all the way around Lake Washington

Housemate printed my map in tiles across eight sheets of 11×17 (roughly A3) paper and I cut them up and glued them together into a poster and got it hung. I’m really quite pleased with it. ^_^

I probably need a proper bike icon for Dreamwidth now – I write these in WordPress, it’s Federated so it goes to the Federation but it also cross-posts to Dreamwidth because that’s how I roll, and it still has per-post user icons which I kinda miss in general. ^_^

Anyway, you know where to find it if you want to grab the file and print your own. FedEx storefronts can print them all on one sheet so you don’t have to break it into tiles and glue it. I’m sure other places can do it too.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: Brigitte Lindholm from Overwatch (brigitte)
Megamap 1.2 Release Candidate 1, now even more megaererer.

Just because King County doesn’t do a detailed bike map anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t still doing their regional trails map


And I can USE THAT if I don’t have anything ELSE. And since even King County Regional has the East Rail Trail South, that not only lets me use all of Seattle but gives me a full Mercer Island and a complete Lake Washington Loop.


RC 1, right here.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: Brigitte Lindholm from Overwatch (brigitte)

Now that Version 1 of everything is out and solid, I’ve been reimplementing the Greater Northshore Connector Bike Map in a vector graphics app, and also implementing a few small improvements along the way, which mostly come from seeing it in giant map form on a wall.

I’ve improved the background map image via jpg artifact removal, I’ve fixed some text that came out of KCGIS looking weird. I’ve changed from “fuzzy line” to “pattern line” for challenging trails because “fuzzy line” doesn’t read well (if at all) on paper or at certain magnifications. I’ve regularised the distance between the two thin lines that show bike lanes on both sides of streets or paths.

But the real point of this is to reimplement it in something a lot easier to maintain. Version 1 was made entirely in macOS Preview, which is kind of insane but at the same time totally worked! However, eventually, unless you want to have the document open literally forever, that gets you down to a single-plane bitmap and changes become bloody difficult mate and I’m not having that.

So the new version has all the trail lines but none of the icons or text yet. I’ve gone over it a couple of times for accuracy but I’m not the best proofer in the world – if you’re up for giving it a look yourself, here it is at high resolution. And of course here’s the current released bitmap original Version 1, for comparison.

An example of the many advantages of going to a vector-graphics package (Inkscape in this case) is that I can go ahead and move to putting in text and icons and it won’t affect my ability to make corrections in any way. So I don’t have to sit around bouncing in place waiting for corrections this time. And that’s much better.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: Brigitte Lindholm from Overwatch (brigitte)
A lower, screen-resolution preview of the three combined bike maps that make up the latest Megamap.

What I hope is the FINAL major update for the Megamap:

I decided it was kind of rude to cut off discovery park so I widened the workspace to put it back on, and discovered that also gave me the space to add back the West Seattle bridge detail so I did that too, and a little cleanup because why not.

Anyway, it’s now wider, 722x656mm or roughly 28.5″x26″ now at intended print resolution of 300 dpi (because that’s a standard here).

I really think and hope I’m done with this version, now that I know this thing has legs I’m kinda like “whelp now time to do it over again with proper tools” so that maintenance will be easier and alignment won’t be such a bear and a half. Because it will be.

Here’s the project, and here’s the May 2024 Megamap directly. Enjoy!

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

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