Friday, April 5, 2024

Beyoncé - JOLENE (Official Lyric Video)

Dolly Parton - Jolene 19880110


who needs it?

oh... dear, 
got about an hour of combined moments of sleep, last night.
as I've heard Sweet Carolyn... from Fern Hill, in South Amana, Iowa...
say, Dozens of Times, over the years...
"People Die in Bed!! 'Sleep' is Overrated!!"
: ) : ) : ) 
What a Woman!!
: )
{I... kinda need my 'sleep'. Used to be a GOOD Sleeper.
 Relished It...
'before' the 'nonsense' around Home. }

Was supposed to look at another 'Estate'... this morning, called the Gal, first thing, told her I'd pumped all of the coffee in my body, that... I could, but... we'd better meet next week.
; )
She totally... understood.
; ) 

Celebrating Easter... tomorrow, with Son, Justin... and his Family.
: )
Had to get to the store... this afternoon, and pick up a few things.
Making my World Famous Baked Beans!!
: )
Whip up some Jello, like Mom... always made.
; )

Oh My Gosh!!!
When I went to make it this afternoon, realized... I'd left 'Mom's' Corningware 9x13 
Blue Cornflower ...
Dish, at Justin's, with Jello, at Christmas!!
: ( : ( : (

had ta... 
 with an old...
: (
: (

'not'... the 'Same'.}
; )

When I finally decided to climb out of a sleepless bed, this morning...
was watching Good Morning America.
: )
They were talking about Beyonce, and Dolly.
: )
The Tune...
; )

Listened to both versions... this morning.
: )
: )

Remember... Dolly's version, when she first wrote, and recorded it.

I'll Never Forget a Wedding that a Band, I used to sing with... played, at a Club, in Cedar Rapids, back... in the early 1990's.

The Bride...
 requested The Band play,
  'The First Dance', 
at her 
Wedding Reception.

{remember looking at 'The Band'... with a little disbelief... then...with a 'nod', said...
"Let's Do It... Boys"
; )
{Whatever 'The Bride Wants'... 'The Bride... Gets'.}
; )
{no questions asked.}
; )

Beyonce's Version...
; )
oh... dear, 
it touched me, too.
; )

having a 'conversation' of sorts... with a person, way back in The Day...
whom, I...kinda thought, had 'bad intentions', concerning John.
{Uh oh.}
: )
Nipped Those 'Bad Intentions'... in 'The Bud'.
: )
{bless her heart}
A 1975 Pontiac Trans Am... can Spin, and Spin... and... Spin, on a little Iowa Town's... 
narrow street with 
Amazing Precision.
; )
{'she' didn't want me to get out of That Spinnin' Pontiac. ; )}

John... was even taken back, by that old 'Pontiac'.
; )

Love to Ya...
Talkin' in Riddles.

Prayers for All.
Barb C.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A Teeny Tiny Snippet of The May 2 - 5 Estate Sale.

Spent the day, yesterday... workin' on The May Estate Sale.
The Kitchen... is Incredibly Full!!
The Lady who lived there... was an Amazing Cook, and Baker!!
: )

Her Stove... which will be on The Sale, is Neat as a Pin!!

The Fridge is older, but... works Great!!

Still have Many Miles to Go...
but, makin' headway.
; )

There's Ton's of All Sorts of Things!!

That's the largest 'Paint by Number'... painting, I've ever seen.
; )
So Cool!!

So Many Pans, and Baking Supplies!!
Above, is a Tiny Snippet.
; )

This... is an Unbelievable Amount of Good Stuff!
; )
Clean.... Well Cared For.
: )
I'll most likely have to capture a video, before the Sale.
It's going to be difficult to picture every item.
{Remember... there's a HUGE Heated Garage/Woodworking Shop... 
Tools... Tools... Tools!!
A Basement... with a Ceramic Studio. Molds, Kiln... and Completed Vintage Ceramics, and Supplies!!
Many Canning Supplies!!
Load's of Lovely Furniture!! Much is Handmade!!
Toys... Toys... Toys, Clothes, Furniture... Beds, Bedding, Dressers... Vintage Stereo, and Albums...a Massive amount of New Yarn, as she had a Knitting Machine.
Riding Mower... Push Mowers...
Oh MY!!! 
I could go On... and On... and, On!! }

Folk's are asking where this Sale is located.
We'll share the address closer to Sale Time.
It's just S.W. of Cedar Rapids.
Not far from The Rabbit Hole.
: )

Loved seeing the vintage Tupperware Cookie Cutters, with the Original Cookie Recipe with them.
; )

There are three Cool... Mid Century Lamps, like above.
The Radio... keeps me Hoppin'... while workin'.
; )

Vintage Linens... and Textiles.
Oh My!!

Yes... She Loved to Cook...and Bake!!

While cleaning off the Fridge, and cabinet doors, took down several clippings, she saved over the decades.
She clipped quotes, and stories... from newspaper's just like Mom did.

Mom Loved... 'Dear Abby'... Too!
; )
We NEED a 'Dear Abby'... Today, More Than Ever!!
Had to Laugh... when I read the message to 'Tex'. 
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{These 'Estate Sales'...}
; )

Van McCoy - The Hustle (Official Music Video) [HD]

Hustle!! Hustle!! Hustle!!

Workin' at The May 2 - 5 Estate, today!!
; )
Rabbit Hole...
; )

Hustle!! Hustle!! Hustle!!
oh... dear.
; )
So Much to Get Done...
Oh Boy!!
 : )

Seems There's Always Many 'Fires' to Put Out!!

It's a Cold... Windy, and Wet Day... 
in Eastern Iowa.
Great Day to 'Fight Fires'...

I'll have a few images of The Estate, this Evening.
; )

Stay Tuned!!

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Maren Morris - 80s Mercedes (Official Music Video)

Back in The Saddle... again.

Back in The Saddle, again... oh my.
Yesterday.... wasn't movin' very fast.
; )
Remember the time John... took a ride down the stairs, like I did... the other night.
Oh Dear!!
He, too... was carrying his Supper.
Oh... Dear!!
He narrowly missed the huge Iron Fireplace Andiron, at the bottom of the stairs, with his head.
: (

It's Amazing... How Quick a Body can move down stairs.
Yeah... Boy!!
: (
Every time I do something stupid, like this... I think of Comedian Ron White, 
'The Dr. Phil Story',  when Ron steps off of the dock.
Phil warned him...
"Big Step... Ron."
: )

was definitely Several Big Steps...  the other night.
: )
I... didn't laugh, when John missed some steps, but... 
I usually do, at myself.
: )
It has to be a Sight to See!!
; )

Above is the Old... Harvest Table, I wrote about yesterday.
Was thinking about the Empire Furniture... that I wrote about, too.
Empire Furniture, has always touched my heart.
It's so Early, and so incredibly well made.
It's never been popular around home.
In Iowa.
In the South... people truly appreciate it.
When Allyson and I... have traveled South, it amazed me at how the prices for Empire Furniture was Over the Moon.
Here... not so much.
Grateful for That.
; )

Was telling the Gal who called yesterday, hunting a table... how everything cycles.
Years ago... nobody wanted painted furniture.
They were stripping furniture, left and right.
Today... original, old... painted pieces, are in Top Demand.
I'm seeing a bit of a comeback in Varnished pieces.
Especially... original, old... Varnished pieces.

I've always bought what I like. Some pieces have old, gnarly paint.
Some... pieces have original old varnished surfaces.
I know Folks...who only want nicely refinished pieces.
To each... their own.

but... I will Always say, 'Vintage'... and 'Antique' Furniture is the Best.
It's lasted 100, 200... years, and will last our lifetime, and then some.
It's Soulful!!
: )
It's Built... and Beautiful.
{in my humble... opinion. ; ) }
It's also... a good investment.
; )

Heading to work at The May 2 -5 Estate Sale, today.
We've brought in 10, 6 foot tables... and will try to squeeze a few more, in the house.
We've been sorting, and stacking... 
we've put many risers on many tables.
Sometimes... Ya have to Go Up...Up...Up!!
; )

The Garage.... is FULL as well.
Tools, and Tools... and Tools!!
Mowers... and Lawn Equipment Galore!!
Oh My!!

Found some fun quotes... this morning, posted them below.
; )

; )
; )


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Andy Griffith Show 2-11 - The Pickle Story-Aunt Bee brings pickles for l...

The Old... Souls.

Received a call from a Gal... this morning, that's hunting for a table, for her entryway.
I... don't have anything, like what she's hunting... right now, but gave her many, many... wonderful places throughout our area to check.
; )
The Gal... said, she's collected antiques for decades, but... if she can't find something 'Old'...
she's going to go with something new.
{uh oh. }
; )

We chatted for a long time, oh...dear.
Told her, that.... I'd never tell her what to do, but...
: )
When it comes to 'new'... verses 'old'...
: )
 when a Home is filled with 'Old Souls', 
'They' don't 'Dance Well'... with 'new'.
; )

and, after all...
 'Hunting' Antiques, is The Best Part of The Journey!!
: )
She Agreed!!!

Made me think... about some of the Old Souls, here.
Told the Gal... 
It's All About The Details.
Ya can't find the 'details'....
in something that's been stapled together, power nailed...
from fiberboard, or... even newly harvested real lumber.

Told her about the Old... 6 foot Walnut Harvest Table, in the dining room, I bought from Pal, Harold, many, many... years ago.
It has a two board top.
 One board... is 22 inches wide, the other... 12 inches.
Native Iowa Lumber.
It dates from the 1840's... I'd guess.
All... wooden pegged together.
I Guarantee Ya, 'IT'... wouldn't 'Dance' well...
with something mass produced, from a 'box store'.
; )
Ya can't find Lumber, like that... anymore.
We don't have Trees big enough, anymore.

I paid 250. for that Table, back then.
It was a LOT... considering, it had a Huge Swayback, from holding a Ton of Weight, over the last many years of it's life, before Harold... found it, in Southern Iowa.
: )
John, somehow... got the Massive Bow, out of the Old... Harvest Table.
: )
{He'd never tell me 'How'... he managed That. : ) }

Walked through the house, after the conversation... with the Gal.
Pulled a few drawers, on a few... pieces.

Had to clean out the drawer, above... to get a picture of the drawer bottom.
It's from an Early... Walnut Stand.
I... remember the day I found it, at an Antique Shop, in Iowa... along The Mighty Mississippi.
Pal, Julie... was with.
: )
That was a GREAT Day!!!
We Used to Have So Much Fun!!!
; )
{I'll bet that was, about 30 years ago. Wow. ; ) }
When I pulled that little drawer, and saw the Maker's Mark, from 1854, and Amazing Craftsmanship...
{No 'power tools' back, 'Then'... Baby!! ; ) 
It Was All Over!!!}
; )

The Construction... 
Oh My!!!
Hand Dovetailing....
The Scribe Marks.

The Empire Highboy....
: )
1830's... 40's, or 50's.
{paid... a couple hundred for it, at an Estate Sale, Friend's were conducting, a few years ago.
 Can pull each drawer, with one hand.
Try that, with a 'new' piece of furniture.}


Found the 1840's Cherry Chest of Drawers, at an Estate Sale, long ago.
Paid... around 65. for it.

Paid... more, than I'd hoped to... for The Above.
{don't mind the dust. : ) }
It was at Hoge's Auction, in Central City, Iowa.
Decades ago.
I... couldn't attend, so left a bid, with The Clerk.
Don't remember how many times I called Marvel, during the auction... that night...
Raising my Bid... before it Sold!!
Marvel, said... "Thank God Ya Did!!... 
You Would've LOST It, without that 'last'... Call!!!"
<3 <3 <3 
{Marvel... Is The Best!! Her Dad, Orvie... was a Dear Friend, of my Dad. 
Orvie was also a Clerk, for one of our Favorite Auctioneers... back in the day.
; )
Dad, would leave me at Farm Auction's... to bid on Scrap Iron Piles, from when I was about 7.
 Dad would go on to other Auctions, to buy.
Dad, would tell Orvie... to be sure, and keep an eye on me, because... I'd be doing 'his' bidding.
; )
Orvie... Never Missed my Bids.
; )
of course, He Couldn't!!!
: )
I'd Stand Right Next to Orvie, and the Auctioneer.
Front... and Center.
 'Serious as Death'.

'Missing' my 'bids'... would've been very difficult.
: )

Huge... Single Dovetail.
Love seeing those 'scribe marks'.

Took a tumble, down the stairs... last night.
: (

I'd just fixed a little plate, of 'Supper'... 
piled it on one of my FAVORITE...
little brown transferware platters.
Tiny... little Daffodil Platter.
: (

could've saved myself, had I not been trying so hard...
that tiny... 
: (
{Call me 'Grace'. }
; )

It's been about 6 years to the day, I took a 'tumble' down 'stairs'.
; )
Didn't 'break' anything... 
a Wonderful... Little Platter,
this time.
Wasn't chasing IDOT/Fairfax...  'records'... this time, either.
or, 'doing laundry'.
; )
Was bouncin' downstairs to watch Andy Griffith. 
An episode I've probably seen a hundred times. 
Yeah... Boy. 
; )

Grateful... to be alive, after that 'tumble'.
Was told, by several... Dr.'s that few survive such a 'fall'.

Grateful... to So Many over the last many years.
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.