Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wa Hooo! Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year...and...Love to You...From Me...and my Polly.... be Yourself...and that order....
Barb C.
{please...rescue... I rescued my Polly...once....She...has rescued me.... ever since...}
Me...and Skeeter! My New Years Eve Date! He's 80 years Old...and says...he  Loves telling his pals...he Knows...that Crazy Girl...that Drives the Hot Rod...through Town....{ahhhhh ....Jethro.....}
 I told him...when ever he needs a lift....Ring Me! We'll Show 'em the Way Home!...
He is a Veteran... and has some Amazing share...
I could listen to him...for hours....
an Amazing...Spirit...
 What a Sweet Heart!
{ I had to laugh...Skeeter is a Gin and Tonic well as Martini Connoisseur...... Hmmm...I feel...we Must Have Known each another Life!...oh my... }

I'm sitting around the tree...and reflecting...on the last looking the New Year... {my knees...knocking....just a bit...but...for only a moment....and...that's all I will allow..}
I find... we be manipulated... and...intimidated... but...we don't...have to allow it....
{I...Choose..NOT to }
Spent the day with Allyson... it was Grand...Had a Long Talk...with John W., Amazing....and...throughly enjoyed the day...{gathered some Wonderful Boot!}
Took Allyson...for a Wild...Jethro Ride! : )  : )  : ) and....visited...with...Amazing Folk...this Eve....
Ahhh.... Yes...New Years Eve....
Friend, Ed...said...he hoped we would find our glasses half full....and not see them...half empty....
that touched me....
I say....let's find them...OVER FLOWING.....
With Happiness...Kindness... Love...for one, another...Hope.... and Pride...for Ourselves.... and Everyone....
It's Time.... we start...Reaching Out...To All Creatures... Great...and Small...
Be Kind...
To Ourselves....
Others... Each...and Everyone....
Happy New Year...
God Bless Us....
Barb C.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Oh Boy!!!! Diggin' Through Buried Treasure!

These are a few screens, that are left.... All of the windows, I posted are on hold, 'til Tuesday...
Well.... I'm on a Mission....Getting Things Organized! It may take me the entire year...but it has got to be done! I spend so much time running.... doing shows...making deliveries....buying... seems...all I do at load...unload...stack.... shove....and bury stuff.....
I started in John's Office....I couldn't walk through it....we had stacked lumber...totes.... weed meds...and tack.... car parts...REALLY! Enough! I started pitching...then...John came in....and attempted to rescue....some stuff...and...we did...but...he got the burn barrel going....and we got a lot done.... we have a long way to go....
I started going through the 'Lost Totes'....oh my gosh! Treasures! It was like Christmas!!! {and...some of it....had to go} Some will be on the Memorial Day Weekend Sale...some will go to Anamosa...some will go to Nashville! Some...I brought to the house...
I received a call from a gal... while I was working on it....she asked if I was 'simplifying'...ahhhh... NO...! I am getting organized... I really should have been a Victorian...I Love...a Full feels me...Sparse...feels Cold....that's just me...
Everyone is different...I can't ever imagine myself... in a clean lined...stark...sterile... home.... I like... it's place... but...Lot's of it.... Kind of like...the a restaurant...some 3 tiny pieces...of meat... with a chive...sliced like splinters....resting on top....and a drizzle...of sauce....forming an interesting....circular design...on the plate....
Me...I Like...a Beautiful Platter....Dressed with Two Big Pieces of Fried Chicken...Garlic and Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes and Gravy....Corn...with a slice of Melting Butter...and Salt and Pepper...working it's way to the Corn...trough the melting Butter.... a few State Fair, Bread and Butter Pickles... and...on the side...some Soft Rolls...and a Nice Slice of Rhubarb Pie....with...French Vanilla Ice Cream.... My House... Mmmm... Mmmmm... Good!
That is also why...I'll never be skinny!

I found all sorts of awesome this tote! a Heart Shaped Pincushion... a darling sewing basket...some Flow Blue... a Sweet 'Dog' dish... cool stuff!

I Nearly the Contents of this tote!!!! OLD MOTHER HUBBARD NURSERY RHYME CHILDREN'S DISHES....from the 1880's.... oh my gosh!...Beautiful Lace Fragments.... Wow!

I brought this Old Tea Leaf the House...I Love this Shape.... John eats Ice Cream...every night...from this type of bowl... I use them...every day!

TEA BERRY!!! Oh my gosh...I unearthed this...from a cardboard box...filled with mid to late 1800's Tea Leaf Ironstone.... soooo hard to find...Tea a bit slow...right now.... but I Love it... and Use it...Everyday.... Teaberry...very rare.... Merry Me! This one dated...from 1867 to 1880... Love...It!

This is the mark..on the back of the Teaberry.... These early marks...are as Beautiful, and, sometimes, more so...than the front!
 Allyson and I are taking a short the morn... she called, and asked if I'd like to go with her... the week... I had to think...."Saturday...Saturday....hmmm...yeah....I'm not doing anything...Saturday....hey...isn't Saturday...New Years Eve...?....hmmm isn't it...???"
It's pretty sad...when New Years Eve...doesn't hold much weight.... I remember when I couldn't Turn it Loose..on New Years Eve.... ahhhh those days...are gone...gone....gone....
Love to Ya...
Barb C.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Peg called...from MAYO....The Tumor is SHRINKING!!!! She'll know Tuesday.... if it has shrunk enough to start radiation... if not...they'll keep shrinking it...with chemo... Her Doctor was Very Impressed! I's the isn't her time... I have said that...from the beginning..... I knew...when Chery was was her time....I could see it... feel it...we just knew....
 we all....have 'our time'....this...sure doesn't feel like Peg's time.... not to her...either...{she told her Doctor that...the first day they MAYO... "Tell me what I need to do... to fight this...let's do it... 'cause...this isn't my time"....
The Prayers... Positive Thoughts...and Light...have kept her up...{remember...she wept, as she told me, while waiting to meet with her Doctor...months ago....she could feel all the Angel Wings...around her... Keep Flappin' those Wings!}along with her Loving Husband...and Family...and have been the Wind....Beneath her Wings....
Peg has had an Amazing Journey...these last few months.... we all have....
Thank You All...for friends....Keep It Up!!! Keep Flappin' Those Wings!!!!
 You Are Amazing!
Love to You!
Barb C.

Doors...Windows... Odds and Ends! from 5.00 to 35.00 !

I'm sorting through....and letting go of some of my cool show props! CHEAP! Lot's of Great Old Treasures...Just waiting.....
Call me... or stop out....
(319) 241-1348

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Show Dates.... are Set....

I think I have the dates set for 2012...!
What a Diverse... Calendar..... From Fun Flea Markets... to The 'Big Daddy'...of All Antique Shows.......
Heart of Country!...and...even a couple trips...Down the Rabbit Hole!
I Love This Old...Gnarly Stuff...! It crosses all boundaries... it's at Home...and fits right in... is Loved....and Appreciated...
I'm looking the New Year!...full of Diversities...I Welcome Them...with Open Arms!
Make Attend these Shows...{listed on the right} You will have a Wonderful Time...I Promise!
Love, to Ya!
Barb .

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sometimes....I Get a Good...Feeling....yeah.........

I have been searching... for direction...this year...
I've been kicked down...beaten... chewed up....ahhh... and...yeah...Spit Out.... but...I gotta tell ya...
2012....I Gotta Feeling...a Goooood Feeling...
Yep...the Stars... they are Aligning....
I Got A Feeling....
I'll keep ya Posted....
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{this 2012 Theme Song....It's All Frickin'........... Gooooood!!!!!!!}
: )
{ I can't wait....for the Show Season to Start! Oh My! my brain is goin' " CLICK"!!!}
and...The Rabbit Hole.... well... it may take the entire year...but.... oh my.... it's gonna BLOW! : ) I'm..Ready! {whew..don't get too close... the Antiques World....who would'a thought?}
{oh God....and Pegadoo...}....{and...those....who...have heart...: )   we are going  to.... Frickin'...! ROCK!!!!!!} : )   {oh yeah...Those Broken Roads.... they are well... : )   }

Monday, December 26, 2011

Heart of Country...2011.... oh my...

This was The Booth.... It was a Drapey...Swaggy...Mad Hatter.... Simply Iowa Style... Gnarly....Completely...Over the Top....Booth.... and Paul Bunyan... Loved It All!
Peg...Vikki...and Allyson...all in their PJ' the Cascades Bar... in the Fabulous...Opryland Hotel....{Allyson, is sporting my old jean jacket....over her Pj's.... oh yeah....} The Cascades...Loved Us.... no matter..what attire...we touted.... even dancing...stocking footed...on the inlaid marble... lobby the wee hours.... I don't call it my "Happy Place"...for nothin'! When you come to the show....plan to stay at the Opryland....when you call for reservations....tell them it's for Heart of Country...and get an Amazing 'Heart' Rate!

Paul Heart of Country ....Nashville....

Pegadoo...and Amy...What would I have done without tare down....we were outta there! Peg...was by my side...the entire journey....This Grueling....It's the Most Amazing Show...Most Beautiful....Set's the Tone...for the rest of the Year.... {my heart races....just thinking about it....}'s by Far...the Most's all about the Customer.... If you are there to See....and...Shop....and...Be Inspired...You Won't be Disappointed...

This is one of the nights...of set up.... before the show opened.... oh my gosh...Peg and I were Exhausted.... I remember, Steph...the first year, she and I shared a booth, at Heart.....after we checked in....she asked where the gym was....I looked at her...and said..."How would I know?"...."and you aren't going to need a this show...." she was Sure...she would....The first day....of 'set up'....we made our way back to our food....most of the day...on concrete...carried....literally...tons of merchandise.... set walls.... walked for miles.... Steph....walked to her bed...threw her body on it....and said.." I Feel Like A Bag Of Bones".....I'm not sure, that we didn't sleep in our clothes...oh yeah...this is a tough one.....
The booth.... nearly naked....
If Peg is up to it...she may fly down...for a couple of planning on flying down....opening night...thru Sunday Morn...I have a couple of friends, who are thinking about it as well....I may be looking for one or share with....let me know... I need someone...for the entire week...and to help out on fuel....I may be able to haul purchases back to C.R. as well....The Faint of Heart...need not apply....: )
{You may ask....why do I keep going back....'s the Most Amazing Show....I have ever My Heart Races...oh my...}

Paul Bunyan.... Home.....

Well....I gotta tell ya....
I was loaded for Bear...this morn....In a month...I'll be headed towards Nashville.... I have a get done...before the Truck leaves the drive....{and another Anamosa...before then..}
Paul Bunyan {10 foot tall Farm Cupboard, that I have Lovingly named "Paul Bunyan".... as he was built for a Giant...he is a one piece, stepback cupboard....from the mid 1800's...that looks like he was scaled...for someone 7 feet tall.... oh my...} was in the Fuso { Box Truck...I take to the shows...} Paul had enjoyed his second trip to Nashville, for 'display' only.... last February....and...said 'hello' to my Sale....and Gold Rush...he was ready to come back to the Rabbit Hole....
I had sold the massive Wardrobe....and  have to deliver of these days....I thought...if I got on it.....I could move the Wardrobe out...and bring Paul in.... I wasn't asking anyone...for help....{ I get way too much grief...when I do... I can usually get it done, myself....quicker...} If I take my time...I can get it done....and...for the most part...unscathed... I knew it would take me all was a job...that had to be done....
Then...Mike and Peg stopped by.... we visited.... and they wouldn't leave... without helping me....I reassured them...I Can Do This....
Oh My... Mike never understood...what a big deal, it is to move and out of the Rabbit Hole....Peg has shared a few stories with him...{he keeps saying I need a conveyor belt system....oh my...} Unless you have experienced it... well.... you'd never understand.... {I think he gets have to be do this...}
We got everything torn apart....and moved.... Peg only ran for her life....once... Mike, took a few get his mind, in focus.... and Paul....he's home....
I feel Great....because...I figured I'd be down there...'til 8:00....
It's All Good....
{tho...Peg says, Mike is going to have some intense therapy...after this ordeal....oh my....}
Thanks...So Much...for Their Help...It was Great Having Peg Back.... She goes to Mayo, tomorrow...they will be seeing how much her tumor has shrunk....then...if  enough...they will start radiation...if not...more chemo...please keep her in your Prayers....along with all...who suffer, today...}

{this is Paul Bunyan....stuck on the ceiling... at an angle...we lifted...twisted....turned...cursed.... and broke a sweat.... but He's Home! That's Mike.... standing next to Paul.... Yeah....This is a Big One....}
 Love to You...
Barb C.


An Angel....
Sweet Friend...Gail H., gave me this...
I Love....It....and her....
An Amazing...Spirit...

Christmas Day....

Justin 'J'.....and 'The Baby'...Cat.... Justin is so gentle...with all of the Animals...they all got along...Great!

The Kids.... oh my....Justin opened all of the gifts....for everyone.... Oh Boy! he didn't care what was in them....he just Loved getting that wrap off! I didn't one image of Scarlett.... or Nick... Next year....someone else in charge of the Camera....!

This images says a Thousand Words.... Nicky has been a Most Amazing Gift... To John.... He was rescued from the Animal Shelter.... a few years ago.... He and John have become inseparable.... Best Friends....

These 3 Huge Platters... were what was hiding in the Box.... from John and the Kids... Oh My! Love Them....!  {and the Platters Too!}

Peg made this Bag for me....from an Old Seed Sack, in the shop.... She signed it...MMH { Mad March Hare}.....and stitched in, {Mad Hatter}...She insisted on leaving my price tag on it....for some reason....she has a 'thing' about my tags....and writing....? She demanded...that I use it... oh my.... Peg is...truly...The Tea Cup Hurling...Mad March Hare!....and What would The Mad Hatter be....without her.....
This was a Lovely Surprise...from my Little Canadian Pal, Bev.... Oh my.... Love It! Can't wait to see the Girls, this Spring!
 It was Great Sharing The Day....With Everyone! If you didn't get a Christmas Card...E-Mail...or Call...this Christmas...Know...You are in my Thoughts.... Simply NOT enough Time.... pull it All Together!
So many walk through my mind....every day....Alma....Jim...Kari...Larry...Vikki... Wanda... Brooke... Ken and Brenda...Nancy...Dale...Mark....Linda...Colleen...Carolyn... Laura...Sandy... Dwight and Junell.... Cindy...Julie...Eudora...Jerri...Dad... Chery...Doreen...the Customers...{Friends...I see at Shows...and visit with...down the Rabbit Hole...oh my....}and the Critters...that have been the True Angels...of my Life...I could go on and on...., some... not....some, from today....some...long ago....but...always...gentle...on my mind....with fond....memories....of... the happy......'Moments'...
Hope You Had...Lot's....of Happy Moments.... on Your Christmas Day...
Love, to You....
Barb C.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas... Past...

A Long day.... But...very nice.... truly Wonderful....watching it through a Child's....Eyes....
Justin 'J' was a Delight....He was Quite taken The Tree....He is such a tender hearted....Child...
 Scarlett...was a bit all the hubbub...but took it all in stride.... {she gets that from me...'perplexed'...and...'stride'...}{she can also climb the stairs...all by herself...oh boy!}
 It was Great spending the Day with...Family...
I'll have the morn...
Hope You All....Had a Most Beautiful Christmas Day....Filled With Love....
Barb C.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hope You all have the Most Wonderful Christmas....Filled With Love....
Love to You...
Barb C.

Retail Shopping....

Oh My Gosh....
I must have walked a hundred miles...yesterday feet...knees... and every joint of my body hurt! { I can go twice as far...load trucks....unload...concrete.....and not feel this miserable...oh my...}
I had sooo many things to get done, and Folks to see... in the Morn..
Bud popped over around Noon.......he was picking some things up...and he brought some sweets...that we tore into....while we visited... I ran across town... twice...
Got to see Peg...and Mike...and meet their Granddaughter, Delaney....{very Sweet!}Went to see Amy N., and wish them a Merry Christmas...Gail and I had a Great Lunch.... all wonderful! I wanted Peg to come seeing the girls.......but she was pretty worn'll see her on Monday...
Delivered friends...and got caught up in the insanity of 'Retail Shopping'.... oh my gosh....It was Great...seeing so much activity.... but...when strangers are warning you to drive safe... in the Holiday Traffic...ya might be a bit....hairy....
The Clerks were all great...and I know...they are exhausted...mentally....and physically....I stood in line at several places...and listened to customer's grievances... oh my... but...I also heard people...laughing...and having Fun! and...that was great....
I got home... late... definitely was a Martini night...put my feet up.... and after having 2...I couldn't get up.... no supper... just to bed...they hit me like a Mack Truck....they went Straight to my Head....I feel the Entire Day...'m on the Wagon....
John is heading out to visit Family....I'm wrapping gifts...
I couldn't find the pants...I wanted to get Mom...and...I had a very hard time finding things..for the kids.... I'm so far out of the loop....on what's in...and out...I had to ask Liz three times...."what was the name of that thing again...where do I go...for it...} I was in constant contact with her.... almost...{ I accidentally hit my 'ear wig'... button, in  my pocket...for my hands free I kept calling her....but I couldn't hear it ringing on her end....I walked to different locations... had plenty of bars....then...I figured out what had happened....} I called her, when I turned the devise off....and asked her if I had just driven her Crazy!...She said, "Yeah.... I was yelling into the phone...hoping you could hear'd hang up...grrrr....then...I thought....what if you were being robbed...or abducted?.... and were trying to reach me....I felt bad about getting mad..." {ahhh...those 'Mother' instincts....have found Liz!}
The good thing is...there were lot's of Great Sales going on.... That helped my budget....
I'm still...wiped out....thought about going back out...and getting a few more little things...but...I think I'm calling it Quits... and Good!
Still haven't taken images... I truly have been running Hard..... When I went to Peg's, just as I was starting out...on the shopping day... she stood in the door...looking at me...and said, "You look totally befuddled".... ahhhh...yeah...I a nut shell...
Retail Shopping...oh my...
Love to Ya!
Happy Christmas Eve!
Barb C.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Large Hand Made Storage Jar....

This is one of the treasures I picked up yesterday..... It's about 20 inches tall.... and beautifully done.... It looks a little pink in this's very clear...with a slight...very slight pink cast.... it is a lovely's 20 inches tall....and makes whatever is in it.... Beautiful! I believe it to be...quite Old....
I didn't have a lot of time today.... getting things unpacked...Mom had a bad day...and... I had Customers...that needed attention, as well.... shopping...supper...and now...I have had enough...
Love, to you...
Barb C.
{The Bell sold...}

Peg, Her Hubby...Mike....and John... What a Trio!

Peg and Mike...took us to supper, last night... It was Lovely.....{You want to see True Love..... Look where Peg and Mike's hands are.... You can FEEL the Love...around them...They have been Sweethearts...since Middle School....}
Moments...I'm telling's all about the 'Moments'.... John and I truly enjoyed our 'Moments' with them...
John rarely leaves the Fort.... so Peg was Shocked when he agreed to come dine out... First thing she asked John..." Well....I think you're SICK!...Have you checked yourself lately...with a rectal thermometer????"....John nearly LOST IT!!!! He was Rolling! The two of them sparred..all throughout supper... oh my....
All Mike and Peg have been doing is shopping.... Mike takes her out...Goodwill shopping...and clothes shopping... {not much else to Rochester...after treatments...} I asked Mike, how he is holding up...hanging out in all of the stores...he said " Well... I'm growing Female's getting easier, and easier...."...Well... He had Me Rolling!!!
I feel soooo Blessed to have our Lives...
a moment...
to share...with them....
Love to You..
Barb C.
{I'm headed to go with Mom, again, today... rechecks...}
just  received a call...that an old Friend...has passed away...and I missed the funeral...
My Prayers go to Don J. He Rests...
and...His Beautiful, Loving Wife...Elsie.... My Prayers are with You....
Barb C.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Chair.... Day...

Still haven't unpacked from yesterday.... and was on the road, today...gathering another load...I was supposed to go last week, to see these things...but with everything going on...we made it the last minute...this morn...
 oh my ... I found...The Mad Hatter's Chair...!!!! I have been searching high and low for one...A Tall... slight  winged....Wing Back...Voila'! Here it is! Tho, it doesn't look overly tall in this is.... Love it! Love the Gothic Chair...and the one...with the Inlay... I gathered a pretty good load...Some sweet smalls... I sold the Lovely Yellow Cupboard, over the weekend... and was thankful.... I have now...reinvested...every dime of that sale.... I really needed the inventory...and this is all Very Cool Stuff.... that...if it doesn't sell right away...will be great for the upcoming shows!
I'll have lots of images, soon....  I simply had to get this Northern Iowa run done,'t post any sooner...
John and I are going to supper with Pegadoo and Mike.... ! So...gotta get the truck unloaded...and Fly!
Love to Ya!

Love the Chairs.... and the Old Concrete Urns are like none I have ever seen....They have some raised lettering on the side...I'll have to give them a good look in the morn....I also bought a Big... Tall.... Old... Birdbath... it's cool....!

I  bought some lovely smalls from this Estate.... An extra Large... Vintage Bell Jar...{Cloche} was one of them... I'll be posting more...tomorrow!
 Barb C.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Chicago Run....

Oh my...a long day.... got the car parts... on the truck and trailer...and managed a little Antiquing....
and...I got most of my cards done...on the way there...they look like chicken scratch...but... they are....what they are...!
John and I had a long talk....all the way home...I drove....
Once again....that other person, that I share my body with...stepped forward.... {wow...she's really got her crap together...!} She laid out plans, for the upcoming year... The Shows....and direction, she will be taking the business...along with his role....{ it was like a corporate meeting...flying down the a Souped up Ford Truck...all Tricked out in Flames...and Fender Skirts...{yes...Fender Skirts...}pulling a trailer...loaded down...and weaving between Semis... oh yeah...that a Mega Multi-Tasker!} God...let's keep her around...awhile!} I was pretty impressed with her ideas....think John was too...
I have some Grand Plans....  I think... all the stress...and turmoil...the last three years...{and...the last 3 months....}were a blessing....{like...the Northern Star...} it's made me stronger... and...more focused...
Times...they are a Changin'... am I... along with the Rabbit Hole....{There will be Huge Transformations...this upcoming Year...!}
I'll be taking You With Me....
It's Gonna Be...Good....
God Bless The Broken Road...that Led me Straight to...Home...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{Be sure and make plans to come visit the shows I'll be doing this year... I have Big Changes in Mind...with them! ....and...I'll be adding some...that will be Pure Fun!... I'll be posting all of the 2012 Dates... at the first of  the New Year!!!} {Make Plans to Attend Heart of Country... first weekend in February.... oh my...I have heard...once's gonna be...Over The Top! { I have some Major mind... in my Little Corner of It!}

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Lovely Gift....

This one....oh yes...this one touched my Heart.... Thanks.... Sweet,  Lorraine....
What a Lovely Package...The Bath Salt Bottle...will find a Perfect the Bedroom...Love It!
For some reason...I was a lovely day, yesterday...Allyson popped out...and we had a wonderful visit... she thoroughly enjoyed her trip, to Germany...and visiting the Christmas Markets... she brought me back some sweet treasures...and a hand decorated egg... that is lovely.... I fixed some snacks... and we hung out.... around the Tree... I couldn't hardly move.... {except...I ate about five pounds of chocolate....I can't have that stuff NEAR ME!!!{or within walking distance....this time of year....I ate half of the Rum Balls....Allyson made...oh my..she warned me, to let them set...for a week...they get better with time...{whatever...}
When John came in tonight...he had a box full of treasures, our friend, Lorraine, had sent out... Oh my...who needs Santa?
I dug through the box... that was Full Of Tea Leaf Ironstone...{ I am so fond of Tea Leaf.... it was made in England, beginning in the mid 1800's, for export, to America....At first, it was plain Ironstone......but the English Potters figured out, when they added the gold, or copper type hand painted luster....the Farm Women went crazy over it....they dubbed it "Farmer's China"....of course...with that kind of history... it's right up my alley! I Love Ironstone...Tea Leaf...Transferware...Staffordshire....from the late 1700's, to the late 1800's...we use it everyday...It goes in the micro...and oven...{the Ironstone.... the Staffordshire...I don't }
What a Lovely Surprise... my the the Eight Sided Platter... I Love that shape... and the beautiful wear.....Thank You...Lorraine.... they will all be loved!
John and I are headed to Illinois, in the morn...early...he has to get some parts for 'Old Yeller'....he showed me images of it, in progress.... oh dear....It's come a long way...from when they hauled it in...but....they have many miles to go!
I still haven't gotten my Christmas cards done... I really can't figure out...what is wrong with me.... seems... I just can't get them started... I keep walking past patiently for me...on the end, of the old harvest table... along with my list...of people to send them to.... heart...just doesn't want to do them....I bought some lovely cards... even, a new pen...that writes so good... Well.... I'm going to eat some supper...
Hope Everyone has a Lovely Tuesday...
Barb C.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Open Today...12 - 4 !

I'll be shuffling around...the Rabbit Hole....this afternoon....
If you have a minute...stop in!
Barb C.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hmmm...Look what I Just Found....Under the Tree....

As I was cleaning house, tonight... I spied this Massive Box.....under the Tree... In John's Wrapping Paper... from John....and all of The Kids....oh my...I Really....didn't Expect...This...... Hmmm...
Full of Surprises....

A Great The Shop!

Had a Lovely Day... Kathy, from Plaza Antique Mall, in Dyersville, popped in, to visit... She brought Her Wonderful well.... What Soulful Folk.... What a Treat!!!! {and...some darling bottle brush trees!!!}
I snuck out, put a sign on the door... to ring me....and we had Lunch, together! {Kathy bought me lunch....what a stinker!!! no...she is a Doll...she went home...with some Great Old Salt Glazed Stoneware! Merry Christmas Girls!}}
We had a long over due visit.... The Plaza Mall...has never looked better.... Kathy works so hard.... and, it shows....
Thanks, to the Sweet Sisters... who rang me...and shopped, unchaperoned...'til I finished lunch.... what Sweet Hearts.... I truly do...have the Nicest People, wonder through the Rabbit Hole....
It was nice seeing, and meeting everyone...One Gal, came in with her parents.... as she was heading out...with her purchases...I asked her, where she is living now...{she's visiting, for Christmas}... she said, L.A.... I asked her what she does there..."Set Displays"...I said..."Oh....I want Your Job"...{as I said it...I rethought it....soooo many people want my job....I gotta tell ya...most that go with...go once... to a show... it is grueling...and...being on the road...every day...tho, I love it exhausting...and things don't get done, when I'm always gone...} The Gal, said exactly what I was thinking...We understood each other...
It goes back to my favorite story, in Streams...about a woman wanting someone else's cross... and the Lord said, "go ahead.... you may have the Big Beautiful one... with the Jewels dripping from are so attracted to"... when the woman went to pick it was so heavy, she could barely lift it.... then... she spied one, with Beautiful Flowers...and Vines.... that...was the one for her.... but, when she grabbed ahold  of it... she quickly let go... was Stunningly Beautiful... it was full of thorns... and she couldn't hold onto it.... she then, decided...her, little, simple cross...that the Lord had Blesed her with...was indeed... the very best...
It was a good day....Allyson is coming to visit, tomorrow sit around the Tree...and I get to hear all about her trip to Germany! {Mmmmm....I Smell Rum Balls!....}...{Spiked Egg Nog...and Rum Balls...Life is Good...!}
Peg shared the day, with her Family, in MO... Please keep her in your Prayers... and Positive Thoughts...and...Light!
I took a video of the shop, today...and am loading it... I don't know if it's going to work...but after watching it.... I see MUCH...I need to get busy doing...oh my.... oh my... was a Real Eye Opener... The Rabbit Hole...Truly is a Reflection...of Me....'s worrisome.... I gotta get On It...and...I Will...
A Real...Eye Opener...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.

In The Shop...Today! 11 - 5!

I'm headed down to the Rabbit Hole! Nope...I didn't get my cards done...but...I will... {they may not arrive at their destination...'til the first thaw.... but...I'll get 'em done!}
I have got to get some stuff sold...or Christmas is going to be mighty slim...and...if it is...We have be Thankful for! A roof over our head... Great Children...and Grandchildren... Loved Ones... that are So Amazing...our Beloved Critters...{soul mates....} and...we are Breathing...
When I say...I always have to keep the 'Pins in the Air'.... I'm not kidding....with all that has transpired this Fall...{few folks know all of it...} my pins have been totally out of sync...
But... I think Finally...I have found my Legs! {with a little help...from The Man Upstairs... and a my ear.... {the Angels....Angels...} so...
I'm getting back on track!
Sooo Much To Get Caught Up On!!!!
and...The Shows January.... Yikes!
{I'll have the entire Show Season Posted, soon!}
Have a Great Day!

The Tree Top... I put about 20 toppers on it... I keep adding more, every year.... I sold a few of them, yesterday...One...was one of my very Favorites...{ I don't have anymore like 'That'}'s headed to a Most Wonderful Great is That!
Barb C.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Back To Work!!!!

I'm working, here at Home...Today...
Shop, tomorrow! {and Sunday!}
Oh My! Soooo Much to do....

This is a Little friend, Charlie gave me...a few years ago.... had been left outside.... for a long time... he ran across a box of stuff...or...maybe, on the a Farm Auction...  knowing how much I Love...worn, and Once Loved...Survivors... {not to mention..Charlie Love for Old Christmas...} he saved it for me... a few years ago..... It may be.... my very Favorite.... I think.... it needs someone, to 'love' more than the rest....

I found a spot on the Tree... for Miss Scarlett's First Ornament..... I picked one up, for 'J'.... I'm going to let him hang it.... oh my.....

This is a tiny vintage wreath, I have plopped on the top of an old silverplated spooner... that still had some of Liz's Babyshower Flowers in it.....that...I couldn't bare, to pitch.... They seem Happy, to Adorn...the tiny Wreath....Glad I didn't pitch 'em.... They make me smile... ahhhh ... Yellow!

Sooooo....Little Time!
I'm doing Christmas Cards...TODAY!!!!
Love, to You...
Barb C.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Whew... another! {yes...I had to put...'What's Your Name' on as lead....for a while...sooooo sorry...{now removed....}The Special 'K' pick up Mama...had to wait a few minutes, on me...this morn...I was running 90 miles an hour....down a dead end street!{ and a few minutes Late...} {from the lyrics, of a country song...I wasn't Really running 90 miles an hour....tho...I suppose...I wasn't against the law...of course... : ) } ahhh...yeah.....that 'dizzy'...thing....Me and Jethro...spun a 'U' turn in the Nursing Home Parking Lot...and I was on a dead run....across the lot...and through the doors....Got Mom's coat and hat on....and away we went! and...made Plenty...of time!
I So Wish...Mom could take a ride with me, in Jethro... we would Rock! {'What's Your Name'... Lynyrd Skynyrd...oh yeah....blaring from the Muscle Car Speakers...oh yeah... {I know this sounds...crazy...but...I know my Mama... and...she's a pretty tuff bird...oh my...{the Book... I'm tellin' will be a 'Best Seller!'...}
I'm trying to soak in the Fragments of Holiday Spirit.... mind keeps heading to Nashville.... Heart of Country.... {well...the massive Church Alter,{It's going with, to little more, than a month...} Like a White the room....kind of takes me I sit...gazing at the Tree...oh my...}
I have been gathering...wonderful...Farm Primitives.... my first choice...on the Gallery, style Booth... I will construct.... but... when the Alter arrived... everything changed....I had to go 'Garden'... I was headed down a 'Garden' path... But... tho... it may seem Crazy....and maybe...a bit  'Dizzy'... I'm gonna go for it....I'm going to Pull...All of It...Together!  This' Heart of Country' Booth...won't be won't will be...
                                                                  "Simply Iowa'.... exactly...what I know.... Hard Core Country...As Found... Primitives...Farm...Architectural... Beautiful Glassware... Romantic Staffordshire.....Moss Covered Concrete Statuary...and...The Most Soulful Treasures...I can Lay My Hands On!
Whew! I have Found My Legs!
as Sponge Bob would say...
See Ya There!
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.
{Mama...had a Great Appointment, with the Surgeon....He said the Graft was 100%...unheard of...and with skin...that was 91 years old...He was blown away! He said she has Amazing Skin....{that's my Mama!} spending a few days...At Her Home!!! It's all Good!...and...I got some news today.... that answered a lot of questions...{The'll be in the Book!} as...I would all fall together.... God works, that way... I have put it His Hands...He has shown me...the Way...{as..I always knew He would...} and...I feel...Soooo Good...I'm Movin' On!}
{Oh yeah...I also...was blessed...with My Sweet Scarlett's Company.... and...Daughter, Liz's company...this afternoon.......Tell me...what could be better... ?
I gotta tell ya... when the puzzle pieces..fall in place... they...truly do...
God Bless Us...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Seems the day started out...all backwards....Breakfast was scrambled...unintentionally.... I was getting bookwork done....could not process...and realised...I hadn't had any coffee, yet... so...was grinding the beans... and watching my breakfast catch of fire.... got that taken care of...realised...I don't know when I need to meet at Mom's for her one had called, to confirm...for called the Nursing Home... they hadn't made the appointment.... or scheduled the bus.... hmmm...I turn, to get a cup of coffee....and see, clear, hot water brewing....and the grounds....sitting on the counter.... I told the nurse, from Mom's.... "no worries".... see what she can do.... my day wasn't going any better than hers....She called back....and had everything together.... I was going to hit the shower...then...the phone was Pegadoo...she and Mike, were on their way....  So... I got my hair and teeth brushed....scraped the dried food particles, off of my old sweat shirt...and ran out the door.... Peg doesn't care...what I look like{or smell like....}...and Mike...well... he'll get over it!
It was Great Seeing Them... Peg was given some high powered antibiotics, in the hospital, over the weekend... and has a bad case of thrush...and canker sores, in her mouth.... as she was showing me, her new way of her...exaggerated style...she had me rolling....Oh...My.... Only Peg.... She is...Priceless.... Carol Burnett has Nothing...on Peg......
I had to pick up some things I had left bids on, at Duwa's Auction....before 5... as I was thinking about it...something clicked... I had also ...maybe... left a bid, last week, in northern Hoges... did I? did I?.... I called Marvel...and Yes... I had... she wasn't worried...she knew I'd be around.... Oh My Gosh! I was worried...I had Forgotten!!! And... I had to beat feet! To get to Southern Iowa...then...Bounce...up North.... No Shower....I jumped in Jethro....and Flew South..{I got Smalls, in Wellman...}...Then...came home, switched vehicles....and headed north...., to Coggon...another auction was going on, at Hoges......I ran through...said 'hello's'...and didn't get too close to anyone...{whew}.... Loaded up....then...headed was 8, before I got done....a long day....I spent nearly as much on I did on merchandise....oh my...
Tomorrow...I'll be with Mom, most of the day...
Then...I'll be getting the shop pulled together...and be Open... Both...Saturday...and Sunday...

This is a Christmas Gift...from Peg... {I so wish she wouldn't get me anything!}It was at the gift shop, at the Cemetery, where her Mother is....she said.."It's a HEART.... I had to get it for you...." {sigh...} that Peg....I do...Love her So....
 I hope to get my Christmas Cards Done...Friday.... has the time gone???
Have a Great Thursday....
Barb C.
{ I am...sooooo Head Is Spinnin'!}

The Time to Buy an Antique...Is When You See It....

I have, as of this morning...had five people wanting to buy the little Chimney Cupboard...They all had inquired about it...the last few weeks....then, once it was sold...yesterday afternoon... it could have been sold, 5 times... I actually had to go through the facebook times, and email times, to figure out who was first...
I am baffled... that Cupboard...should have been sold...before it was unloaded, from the truck.... it is Awesome.... the price was a steal.... I priced it, by what I paid... if I can make a little...I pass the good deal on...{hoping, that the folks I bought it from, also, makes a little....}
Most everything I post, is for sale....{unless, I say it's in the house... then, it may not be.... but...if I'm in a bind... everything is on the block... {most} I have people's names on things... I will call... when I have to let go...}
The BEST way to secure a phone call... {319-241-1348} I am on the computer...a couple times a day.... at best...but...I will see it in the eve...
I don't like text messages... I like to hear a voice....
I am happy to hold  things...for a short length of time... and send images...
The Best thing to come visit....I can be here...most anytime... and...who knows, what may be waiting for you, down....The Rabbit Hole....
I feel so sorry, for those, who missed out...
Hopefully...there's a Better One...around the Corner!
{tho...this one... is pretty good....}
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hmmm...did I say....Soulful....oh my...

As I was putting things away....and off the Table... I opened this 1880 see this Tiny Baby's Hand...{Ruth}...Everything I buy...whether it be for me...or the Rabbit Hole.... has something.... about it...some little voice.... like this.... It's The Soulful Objects...that whisper, in my ear... I had forgotten, about this... priceless... priceless... the '80's... 1880's...that is... Sifting Through...letting go....

I took the day off... and...rested.... towards evening...I started going through the Old Cupboards....{two shelves...of an Old Cupboard...} getting Christmas cards out.... I hope to get them sent, this week... we'll see...
It was calming... going through my gatherings... from years passed.... I'm going to be selling some of my treasures.... I hate, to part with them... but....sometimes, one must do...what one must do...
I ran across a Dickens Illustration Book....from, the 1880''s beautiful.... they are all loose...and could be framed.... I see so many people I these Characters... oh my...
The Staffordshire Sale Book.... is, I would guess...from the late 1800's or early 1900's... it's offering an 18th and 19th century Staffordshire Collection, for sale...I LOVE....they price the broken pieces...and make little excuses for them...hmmm.... back in the day... folks knew a good matter!
The Cookbooks, are from 1880, and 85... I have several, from that hard to find, anymore....
I don't know...yet what I'll be letting go of.... I told Mark, today...I should just open the house....and price everything...what stays...stays... and is meant to...what goes... well... guess it needed a new home.... He thought it would be one heck of a sale...
after just digging trough, a couple of shelves...I have to agree.... there is some pretty cool stuff, here....Diary's... Ledgers...Photo Albums... Early 1800's Scrap Books...oh my....Soulful...Soulful...Stuff...
I told Mark... I wasn't sure if I could let go of any Cupboards...yet... but...who knows...
I may Just Have an Amazing Heart of Country Booth! 
or...maybe...just keep filtering into the Rabbit Hole...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.