Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Old Hearts.... Old Wood...and, Old... Wire.

: )
That...was my Day, in a Nutshell.
It's been several days, since I last posted. 
It's...been a Bit, Crazy....around here.
Some, Good... 'Crazy', some...not, so much.
but, then... I guess...That's All...of Us. : )
I'm working on several things, at the same time. 
Each... are Millions of Miles apart, on every level.
: )
I've been gathering, some wonderful....Old...Soulfulness.
Gold Rush, at the Fairgrounds, in Rochester, MN. 
is....around the corner.
August 18 thru 20. 
I'm dealing on another Living Estate Sale, that will be in October....if all goes well.
It's a
Another, in November, that will be smaller, but...has some Wonderful...Old Treasures.
The Fall Harvest Sale, is in SEPTEMBER, and the First Day, in October.
{September 28th thru October, 1st.}
Yes, it's gonna get Curiouser...and, Curiouser.
: )
I've lost, most all of my Helpers..., that usually help me load, and get ready... due to illness.
Liz, has Little Jack, to tend to...: )
 and Brandon, who is normally my right hand, 
with mowing...and loading... is having some problems.
: (
The next few months, are going to Test The Old...Hatter's Body...
My mind, isn't going to fare, much better...Either! : ) : ) : )  
I'm preparing for a rather, detailed...presentation, in early August.
I'm not intimidated...but, I know...what the stakes are.
I, also...know...
I'm going to be addressing Folks, whom...have a lot more knowledge, and the areas, I'm addressing, than... myself. 
So...that's...been tucked, in a corner of my mind, day and night...for months....along, with everything else...that has to be Done, on a daily basis.
I hear my Dad, my ear, when I get a little rattled.
"Just do your Best. : ) 
 That's can do. : )
 If you know, in your've done your Best...
You won't have any regrets." 
: )
Then, I hear John... : ) 
"You can do it." : )
He, always told me that, so... matter of factly. he was walking away...with a bowl of Ice Cream, or...Supper, in his hand. 
{as I was Running Circles...Pulling My Hair Out...
and, basically saying...
I always wondered, how he had so much me, when...I sure as Hell....didn't.
<3 <3 <3 
I, many times, hearing him, say that...while walking, 
"no...big deal".
I couldn't understand it.
I'd stand there...and, think...
"but...the sky is falling...."
John...was Always...Right.
: ) <3
I'll Get 'er Done, the Best...I can. 
: )
Just, like... They always, somehow...Knew, I Could.
: ) 
<3 <3 <3 
So, if...I skip a few days, here...and there...
know, my focusing...on other, very...important areas.
I'll catch ya all...up, when things slow down...a little.
I, Promise. : ) <3
I'd appreciate your Prayers, for Strength...and Wisdom, over the next several months.
I, Thank You...for Them, in advance. <3
Love, to Ya...
Barb C. 

{I was sitting here, trying to decide...what Tune, to play...above....
that fits the situations...
at hand.
I had to Smile,
 once again.....
: )
Peg, whispered in my ear.
"Our Favorite Tune!!!" 
'If You're Going Through Hell"
<3 <3 <3 
but, I'm going to, above it. 
It came to my mind...when I first....rolled out of bed, this morning.
{another... 'Wink'. : ) <3 }
I've never been, much of a 'runner'... : )
I, think... the devil, knows that. : ) 
Love, is 'The Greatest...Gift, of All'
'The Greatest...Love, of All'
: )
'Love' The Strength...that carries Us.
I was, Blessed. : ) <3 }

I found this little Heart, by the door, as Sweetie and me...were coming in, tonight.
: )
from John...and Dad. : ) <3
I picked it bring in the House...with us.
It's a fragment...of our Roof Shingles. : )
Two Winks.
The second...
Make some Dough.
That Old...Roof, is gonna Need, some Shingles.
: ) <3

The Little Ford, has been Hauling some Loads...Home.
We'll have a Sweet Load, for Gold Rush.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All

It's all...about the journey.

Yesterday, was John's Birthday.
It hit me harder...than the last three, without him. 
They've All...been pretty ruff.
but, yesterday...
I, pretty much...was in a Ball...all day.
I miss Him...Soooo Much.
: )
Somehow...I can usually...get through the Days...well. 
I stay very....Busy.
Unless, someone....stops by, and starts reminiscing... : )
then, the 'water flows'. 
but, yesterday...wasn't a good day.
Nights, are the worst. so quiet.
John, and I...spent Evenings....together, most...always.
That, was 'Our Time'.
We, usually sat in front of the T.V.
: )
We liked the same things, on T.V. 
: )
He'd call me, if it was getting close, to some our Favorite Show's...'time', when I was on the road....
and say...
"Where Ya At??? Show starts in an Hour!!!"
{I've Put The Hammer Down, in The Fords...Many Times....
coming, from Illinois, 
Loaded Heavy....
to get Home, and The Recliner...beside John!!!}
We Loved...'The Closer', 'Soprano's'....
{Shoot, I Crazy we were over 'Dallas'...back, in 'The Day' : )
: )
We Could Not...Miss an Episode!!! }
It took me two go back, in John's Room....
I, couldn't open the door. 
I sit in his chair, most every,{sleep in it, more often, than I should.} and watch the Shows...we used to watch...together.
M.A.S.H... Barney Miller, Columbo....Perry Mason...: )
old...reruns. : ) 
We watched old reruns....every night. : )
As I sit, and watch them now...
I, wonder....when was the 'last' time...'we'...watched the episodes 'Together'.
I called Peg's Beloved...Michael, a couple Sunday mornings ago.
I, should call him, more often.
We talked..for a long...time.
He's...lost, too.  : (
Maybe...that's why, I don't call.
I..have no... advise, that will ease his pain.
He misses, Peg...Soooo Much. 

After you have spent so many...years, Loving...someone.
You, become...One Person.
It's a gradual thing.
When, you Lose...your 'Soul Mate'....
You, lose...half, of yourself.
You, don't realize that...until...they are gone.
you're like a Bird....trying to fly, with one wing.
He told me, all of the things, that used to make him happy...mean nothing, anymore.
I told him... if my life, didn't depend...on making a living...
I'd never leave the house.
I, probably...wouldn't get out of bed.
He's retired... I, understand... how difficult...that must be.
I'm blessed, by...somehow, having a 'switch', inside...that allows me, to work.
I can flip it, when it's 'Showtime'....and, around Public.
when I walk in the House...
and, close...the door, I'm done.
Yesterday, John's Birthday.....
that 'switch'...was broken.
I know...John and Peg, wouldn't want this, for us.
: ) : )
No one's...Loved Ones...would. 
so, like I told Michael...
"One Day, at a Time."
: ) : ) : ) 
There is Much...Beauty, in The World, Peg and John...taught us 'See' that.
: )
Life, is short.
We'll All, will be Together...again, someday.
: )
Life, is truly...
about the journey.
We'll have to keep putting one foot, in front of the other, on our paths....
until we are called Home.
Then, what a Beautiful...Reunion, that will be. 
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.

{As I reread, this post...
Looking back...
and, ahead.
There's so Much...on my Shoulders, right now....
So Much, coming at me...from every direction.
I realized...
to be Thankful...
for 'The Mountains'.
Without them, I'd be consumed...
by Reality. }

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Billy Joel - You May Be Right

You... may be... right.

Hit The Iowa...Country Roads, today.
{God, I...Love...Eating Dust, from The Iowa, Gravel Roads! <3 }
{I, : ) When I die, they won't find Blood, in my veins. : )
It', from the rabbit hole, and...Iowa...Gravel...Roads. : ) }
It was soooo Hot. No either of the Trucks....I drove today.
 No Worries. : )
I'd Much...Rather...have the Wind, blowing in the Trucks. Along...with The Dust!!!
I was so Sweaty...and...stinky.
: )
Then, received a message, from Family.
They, wanted to hook up, in Iowa City.
: )
My Sister, {Dad's 'Next', to 'Youngest' visiting, from Texas, with some of her Family.}
Oh Dear.
I...was on The Road. Had Many Stops.
There, was NO WAY, I could make it happen.
I, know...I really disappointed my Family.
I tried to explain, had I known sooner.... : ( : ( : ( 
oh...dear. : (
One, 'Stop'...was close, but...the next 'Stop'...was back to back....and MILES Away.
I Ran Hard, Gathered Up...the first Load...
then, I...thought...I might have 15 spare.
The Sky...turned BLACK.
A HUGE...Storm, was bearing down.
The Traffic, was Insane.
Ya couldn't, was hard.
I pulled into a parking lot, to see how close I was, to where the 'Family'...was.
I was 'ONE MINUTE', from where They were.
: )
It was hard, I couldn't see the building.
I found the parking lot....
emptied...a plastic grocery bag, that was holding...receipt books,
 on The Ford's Passenger Seat,
threw it over my head...{holding my cell phone, under the bag, on my head!!!
I had to have it, to text the Girl, I was going to meet, letting her know....I was running a little behind! : ) }
and RAN...into the Restaurant....where, my Family...didn't expect me to 'Show'. : )
The Man, who Greeted me at the door, Laughed....when I Blew In!!!
: ) : ) : ) 
I looked like a Sweaty...Stinky...Dirty...Drowned...Rat!!!
: )
I told him... : )
"There's a, I'll Find 'em!!!"
I, did...Indeed.
: )
Oh My....
At least, The Conner Clan...isn't Much.
: ) : ) : ) 
{They, Dad. : ) <3 }
{Loved Him...too. <3 <3 <3 }
It was a Fast...Visit.
 a Good...One.
I, went on...piled...More...on The Ford, : )
just, as I had 'Home' my Sights...
The above, Tune...came on the radio.
: )
: )
I'm kinda 'The Black Sheep'...of The Family. : )
The Rest of The Flock, Loves me...anyway.
: )
May God, Bless Them!!!
Love, to ya....
Barb C.

May God Bless...
The Irish....'blood', of my Family.
: )

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Brothers Osborne - It Ain't My Fault Lyrics Video

Hot...Sundays in July. One never knows, how they'll end up.

Started this Sunday, clipping Poison Ivy.
: )
Oh My.
I was up...early, with LONG Handled Trimmers, Cutting. got Hot.
: )
Miss. Scarlett, spent the night, with me....
Son, Justin...Katie, Little Justin, and Miss. Meadow came I was trimming, to feed Critters.
It was Good, seeing the Kids. 
I had to chuckle....
Miss. Scarlett, is still...afraid of Scout. {Horse <3 }
Little, Miss. Fearless. So is her Brother, little 'J'.
Scarlett, is All Girl. <3
Meadow, reminds me...of me, when I was little.
Love Them All, <3 <3 <3's so interesting, to see their personalities.
Liz, told me...years ago, on Miss. Scarlett's altrasound, she had her little feet crossed, like...a
 'little lady'. 
She, still does. In so many of the pictures I take of her...she has her little feet, crossed. : ) 
Meadow, on the other hand...
was feeding Scout, and the Chickens....
She even got one.
She just turned around, and said...
: )
A Friend, called last week, and asked if I'd help him...try and figure out...what to do, with some of his stuff.
I, went over...this afternoon.
: )
Went through a ton of stuff...
then, he pulled out one of his Toy Boxes...from when he was little.
One Big Box, was Full...of Wonderful...
Toy Trucks.
: )
I spent an hour...Playing with Those Toys!!!
: ) : ) : ) 
Who knew, this morning, when I opened my eyes...
This afternoon, I'd be a Wonderful...Big...Wooden Box,
Filled, with Awesome...Old...Toy...Trucks?????!!!!
{God, I job. : ) }
Then, he showed me an old...wooden suitcase.
My Friend, was given to the mid 1970's, from a Man, who was in his 90's, then.
The Man, was a Cobbler. He repaired Shoes. <3
It was like a time capsule. 
The Old...Pin Cushion...inside, was... incredible.
I was dusting it off, Friend, couldn't understand why.
I was trying to see the writing on it.
It's Sooooo Cool!!!

The Old, Wooden Suitcase...was Filled, with Tools...for Shoe Repair.
When I was in Winston Salem, NC., years ago...with my Pal, Alyson...
we visited with a Cobbler.
He said, back in the day...the cost of Shoes, to have them made...was over a Month's Wages.
I'm not sure...he didn't say 3 months. 
We, weren't...always...a 'Throw Away Society'. : (
Front and back...of the Old, Cobbler's...Pin Cushion.
LOVE, how it's filled with Boar's Hair. it was repaired.
It still has several...leather sewing needles, in it.

Went through...a Ton...of Stuff, today.
From Antique, Coins... and Jewelry.
I gave my Friend, some 'direction' get working on.
: )
I'll help him...late, this Fall, pull a Sale...together.
: )

Little 'J', Miss. Meadow, and...
Miss. Scarlett, keeping her Distance. : )
While I was Whacking Poison Ivy, I ran across this Old...Old...Boot Scraper, The Weeds!!!
Hope, Your Sunday...was Wonderful.
Love, to ya...
Barb C. 
{Love the tune, above. : ) 
It's pretty Cool. : ) : ) : ) 
I've been...Guilty, of a 'Damned Good Time', 
a 'Time'...or, two....
too.  ; )  }

Friday, July 14, 2017

Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Haley Reinhart (lyrics)

Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett - It's Five O' Clock Somewhere

Alan Jackson - Remember When

Alan Jackson - Livin' On Love

Looks like another...'Sale' in The Works.

It was such a
Not Hot!
: )
Thought, I'd work outside.
The Lord, Knows...
There's be done.
met up, with some Folks, I'd talked to...a couple of weeks ago, about their Sale.
I went over to their, and did a walk through.
They, are in a Pickle.
We visited, for a Long...time.
: )
I'm going to help them, one way...or another.
Their full.
They've never thrown anything away...
and, they took in Both...of their Parents'...things, years ago.
They've been trying to do So much...that, they are....Dizzy.
: (
I told them, trying to close up a House...that's been 'Lived' in...for decades...
will suck ya a Vortex!!!
: ) : ) : ) 
My Pal, Bill...{and Mel...: ) } are on vacation.
When he gets back....we'll put our heads together...and figure to tackle this.
: )
I'll keep ya posted. : )

The Drain, at Home....
Keeps getting Better...and Better.
: )
It cost me several hundred dollars, to find out, the line they were working on,
was a 'dead' nowhere.
: )
Thankfully, one of John's Friends...Kenny, figured that out, before I rented a back hoe...
and tore the yard apart.
Thank God, for Bobby. He came out, and worked on that drain, after...he'd put in a Full Day, at his Job.
It was soooo Hot.
 I called him, and told him...not to come. It was Too Hot.
He didn't listen.
His Brother, Kenny...came out, the next day...and got the rest...figured out.
: )
We got it all figured out...

and, it shouldn't take much more, to get things in order.
{as my Mother would say....
"Famous Last Words!"...
Hahahahaha! <3 }
I...Have...Faith. : ) 
<3 <3 <3 

 Received a Lovely...Card, from the Folks, I did the last Sale...for, yesterday.
I called them, when I found the mail box.
{I, don't check the mail, like I should. 
There's never...much 'Good' be found, there. }
We talked, for a Long...time. : )
They, are getting settled...up North. : ) 
At the end, of our conversation, I told Anne, 
"Think I'm gonna try out, that Nifty Martini Shaker, and Martini Glass, I got from Your!...'s only 3:00. "
Anne said...
"It's 5:00, Somewhere!!! : ) "
Indeed. : )
I, didn't...yesterday...
but, By Golly...I Am...Tonight!
I gotta tell ya,... : )
 They Work, Pretty..Slick!
: )

Hope, Your...Day, was as mine.
I, sooooo Enjoyed, visiting with the Folks, today.
They, are...Great. : )
These 'Sales'...are, tuff.
On Everyone.
sooooo Rewarding. : )
It's truly...all about the Journey.
It's...a 'God', 
: ) 
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{The Tunes, by Alan Jackson...are pretty much, what I told the Folks, today.
They, are so 'much'.
The, They have Each Other. <3
Everything 'else'.... means...Nothing, in the scheme...of things.
They Need, to spend This Time, without 'worry', and...Enjoy...Each Other, Every...Moment, with...
Each Other.
: )
<3 }
It's an Alan Jackson Night!
I, just realized...he Also recorded...with, Jimmy Buffett,
Mine, and Anne's Tune.
"It's 5:00 Somewhere"
: ) : ) : )
Yes, it is. : )
Right here...

The 'Top' tune...
is one, I've Loved...forever.
: )
Elvis, did it Great.
but, Haley...touched my heart, with her...Beautiful, version. : ) <3 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Rodney Atkins - If You're Going Through Hell (Official)

Merle Haggard - My Favorite Memory

That's The Way Love Goes - Merle Haggard

Sometimes...I shake my head.

Nothing do.
: )
Our drain..has been giving me fits...for months.
Too Busy...
'between work', to take on the time, and fix it.
Thought it would be pretty simple, like last time...{this Spring} 
yet, expensive.
It, was, to find's gonna be a LOT MORE...expensive.
: )
Tree roots, are involved... this time. 
It's a simple, gray water line, but...will flood the basement, if it won't drain.
We're gonna have to tear the yard up...this time.
I, can't afford to hire someone to do it....
I'm gonna rent a back hoe, and... call in, 
The Boys.
: )
Justin and Brandon. : )
We have Friends, who used to do this kind of work...
I'm hoping...I can hire them, to supervise. 
Last time, I hired 'professionals'...
Three years ago...on a sewer line...
It took me a year, to get the bill paid off.
they left a HUGE Mess...of the yard.
Not, doing that...again. 
I'm not so sure, the 'professionals'...aren't the cause, of this mess.
I, think...they may have damaged this tile, when they dug...all over the yard, trying to find, the tile...they were supposed to be working on.
It was...a Mess.
So, we'll fix the yard, they screwed up...when we dig, again.
Oh Boy!!! 
: )
Seems, when it Pours.
They had 11 inches of rain, North of us, last night.
North, and...South, of us.
One, was just one County, away.
about 20 miles.
so, I...feel Blessed. 
Things, could be much worse.
Prayers, go those Folks.
It's get frustrated...when things, seem to pile up.
when ya look around, our 'problems'...are so small, compared to so many.
When I came inside...after working with the drain guy...outside.
It was Hot, and HUMID... 
I, sat the Old...Harvest Table, {only me and Harold, could Love... {and, Ed. } 
It's piled....with all sorts of stuff.
Miss. Scarlett's stuff, Stuff, I'm sorting, from the last estate sale. Mail, Bills... : )
under a pile, was a small photo album.
It has pictures in it, that John and I, took, when we were building on the the House.
: )
I, saw this one....
and remembered...that moment.
I, didn't know, John...had taken this picture.
John, had been putting up the walls, I...was on the road, every day.
I, remember...coming Home, that a 'room'...that didn't have walls, when I'd left, that morning.
I...sat there...

this room, it 
Everyone else...saw a bunch of 2x6's....carefully...put together.

I, don't think...even John...who Created This Masterpiece, with his Two Hands....
had, any idea...
how Beautiful...this, would be.
{He, in the beginning...didn't have a lot...of 'faith' the 'Old Junk'...I dragged Home, that...I wanted him, to use...: ) 
but, it saved us so much money... : )
{something...we never had much...of. }
 He liked that idea. : )
 thankfully...John, wasn't...'trained'...or, modern carpenters. 
{'any' : ) John, was 'self taught'...He, was an Artist <3 }
 So, he wasn't afraid to incorporate...Salvage. <3 }

I was visiting with Liz, earlier...
I got the news, about...the drain.
There's been a few other things, too.
She said...
"Seems We Can't Get a Break!!!"
: )
Yeah,  : )
Pretty Blessed. 
: ) : ) : ) 
Love, to ya....
Barb C.

I told Liz...
If her Dad, could climb...all of the Mountains, he did...
without Blinking,
I...guess...we could, too. : )
He set a pretty darned...Good, example. : ) <3 <3 <3 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Simply Iowa 'the rabbit hole'


It's been a long...weekend.
: )
Daughter, Liz...went to the E.R., on Saturday,
Thank God...
she's doing much better.
They didn't keep her, but...we were all afraid she might have a blood clot, in her lung.
She couldn't take a deep breath....and had severe abdominal pain.
It turned out, to be pulled muscles, {she's been working too hard, cleaning out the rental house, so the new tenants, can move in. She went back to work, last Thursday...and, had been running her tail off, there... She never quits. }
She, also... had a postpartum infection, that...Thankfully...was caught, before it turned sepsis.
Miss. Scarlett, has been hanging out, with me. : )
Liz, is taking a few days off.
: )
I just received a text, from a Girl...who said she's envious...of all of the cool stuff, I keep getting in.
She, has a job...that she 'hates', provides insurance, but...would like to get back into what I do.
She, asked me...if, I had any 'advice'.
I Burst...Out...Laughing, when I read it.
I told her...
"Don't Quit Your Job!!!"
I, her, to start looking, for another.
{but, don't quit her old one, until she finds another.
No one...should work, in a place...they thoroughly....Hate.
Life, is too short. }
I, added, she could do this, part time.
Have occasional Sales...a few times a year, or...sell...on line.
Maybe, have a little booth, at a Mall, a few events, 'Shows'.
That, should help...fill her Creative Spirit, and...Love, of Old.
She watches what I do, on fb or here...
She said... it looks like so much fun.
It times. : )
I work, a Lot...of Hours.
I, don't have a vacation...or, many days off.
There is no security....of any kind.
It's always...always....
feast, or famine.
I describe, the way I live...
'Dancing on the Sharp, Glistening Edge...of a Razor Blade'
: )
It's not, for the faint of heart.
: )
Yes... I Love, what I do, but...
One has to...
to much, for it.
There are many times...I don't like it much, at all.
It can be a rat race.
You have to push your Body, Vehicles, Family, and Friends...Hard.
You miss, many Family Events. 'Weekends', are for 'other' people.
There's a Lot...of Stress, on your mind...constantly.
Most, who are in this 'business'...have a Spouse, with a 'Real' Job.
: )
Trying to do 'this'...for a Living, is like every other... 'Owner Operator' a Small Business.
It's Tuff.
: )
I'm glad, that when she reads my posts...I, sound so Happy.
and, like....I Love, what I do. : )
I, do.
I'm stubborn, and bull headed.
I'll figure out a 'way' make this work.
Some days... it's Exhausting. 
It's Exhausting.
: )
Years ago...some Gals...wanted to come with a Show.
Help me with it.
: )
They, came...Once.
There's only...been a few, throughout all of the years...that have kept up, for many years.
We like to Drink...Heavily...when we get together. : ) 
They, have other sources, of income...and, still...Bust Their Butts!!!
I, need to get a video camera....that mounts on my head.
: )
Have it running, for a week, : )
I, could be... 'enlightening'. 
I, wouldn't change...a thing.
There are Many....Blessings.
I, wish...things, would be more certain.
but, 'Life'...doesn't work that way...for anyone.
It's all...about.....'The Journey'. 
What a Ride.
: )
Love, to ya...
Barb C.
{As I was rereading, this post... it reminded me, of when I was about 15.
I was standing in my Brother, Larry's... Kitchen...talking to my Niece.
She's a year younger, than me.
She went on and on, about how Lucky...I was, and how...I got to do Anything...I wanted.
I, got to drive, and go places... had Horses, spent all of my time, riding all over the country
 No one, was making me go to school, or do homework.
I, stood there...and looked at her.
thought about it, for a minute. 
She didn't have a 'worry' the world.
She didn't have to worry...about bills, or....a roof, over her head, or...making sure...anyone, or anything...was cared for. Not even..herself.
I said...
"I drive, because....I have to haul feed, to livestock. If, I didn't...they wouldn't eat. I, don't always have a perfect attendance at school, because...I have to work, to pay bills, and buy fuel...for the Truck...that carries feed, to the Livestock. Sometimes...I have to take care, of the sick calves, and colts, all hours, of the day, and night. Sometimes...I've sat there with them...helplessly...and watched them die. You've rarely...seen me, at a Family Picnic, or...on any vacations, you...and your Family...go on, throughout the year. I, don't have new clothes, or you. I live..on those Horses, Ponies...and Mules, because, if I didn't, they...wouldn't live. Most all of them, were headed to 'Kill' at the sale barn. Me, and my Friends...ride them, until they are safe, for ride, then...they find Homes. I, make some money....and, we all...have a Good Time. "
Just, then... the phone rang.
It was Mom, she told call a man, who had called her...looking for me. The Mules had gotten out, and damaged some things.
I took his number down, and told my Niece, to call him, 'deal'...with him, be polite, and tell him, you'll take care of it, like I'd had to...with many people, for many years...over many...'issues'.  : )
She smiled... : ) and, dialed.
She started out, 4 words out...Smiling...and, being polite.
Then, she stopped speaking... and tears...began to roll down her cheeks.
He was yelling at her....and, saying things, I'm sure...she'd never her life.
Yeah, the grass...always looks greener, on the other side of the fence...
 to Mules... : ) : ) : ) 
People. : )
I, went and got the little Mules. Paid the man, for the damages.
Told him, I was sorry...
then, told him... no matter, what they did...he had no speak to me, the way he did.
{He told my Niece, he was going to shoot the Mules, and...if I didn't make it 'right'...I'd be very sorry.}
He, didn't say anything else. 

{The above video, is one I captured early...Saturday morning, down the rabbit hole.
For all of the Hell...that the World...dishes out...
it's 'moments' that, that... I, savour. 
: )
God, is Good. 
He suits us...with our Very Own... 'Cross to Bare'.
Don't ever...think, yours...isn't as someone else's.
Don't ever think...yours, is too heavy, and, the Other...person's....must be...much lighter.
God, has Given us all... Perfect Crosses... He Created...Specially...for Each of Us.
'Our' Journey.
 <3 <3 <3  }

Friday, July 7, 2017

So Small - Carrie Underwood with lyrics

Angels... with 2x4's.

The 'Old Glory' Open House...
It was laid back...
Easy Goin'.
: )
The Shop...was a mess, was too hot, and, I...was too care.
: )
No one...else did...either. : )
Folks, dug around...found some Fun...stuff, and Visited.
I met so many...interesting Folks. <3
Enjoyed the Evenings, with Folks, and Friends.
It, was 'Good'. 
Thanks, to Everyone...who stopped by, and didn't mind...that I sat in the Old Rocker, under the Shade Tree, while they shopped. : )
I'd have another Open House, early August, and... have everything, like...I Hoped, I could have had it, this time.
We'll see. 
Some Folks, stopped by, that have retired....
that have a 6500 sq. ft. Home...
filled, with their things, their Parent's things....
They said... they've never thrown anything away.
They...are moving.
They want me, to come over...and see...if I can help.
: )
I, may be very busy.
Pal's, Bill...and Brandon...helped me take the tent down, and put everything away...
this morning.
Just, as I was getting ready, to settle up...with Bill, the phone rang.
It, was Daughter...Liz.
She has her old Home...rented, well...had it rented.
That place has several buildings, and sheds...on it.
In one shed, she had things stored...that she couldn't take to Adam's and her, new Home.
She, told the young man...who was renting, that she had things, that were that shed, and not to get in it.
{Washer, Dryer, Materials...for the House...and...
An 1860's Harvest Table, that John had put tin on. John, worked on it...for days. <3
 I loaned it to Liz...It was be Sold.
Liz, didn't have room for it, her new Home. No dining room, and the kitchen is very small. }
She had to evict, the young man....a few weeks ago.
He's nice Guy...or, so...I had heard.
Had too many Irons, on the Fire...
She told me, during our conversation...The Table...was gone.
{I thought, this young man...was using it. I had no problem...with that, as long as he took Care...of it. Then, I found out, he never used it, it was her shed. }
I, about...lost it.
I wanted his number.
then, messaged him. Mine...and Travis's...conversation, that spanned...the afternoon.
I, swear...I had an Angel, on my shoulder.
I doubt, he'd understand, how much...this hurt...
Somehow, it doesn't matter.

These, are a few, of the message exchanges.
I'm...not angry.
I, honestly...feel sorry for the Guy.
I'm sure...they were having a Big Party, and were scrounging for things, to burn...
His friends, probably...went where they shouldn't....and saw the old Table...
It just...breaks my heart.
I sat here, the other day...after being told....and wondered, where I they were destroying...
that...wonderful...old...Table, that John had so carefully...repaired.
I'm glad...he told me the Truth.
If... he would have lied to me....
{A neighbor, told Liz, he thought, he saw them burning a night. I, was in Hopes, that wasn't true. }
We exchanged...much more, in texts.... mostly, me telling keep looking up, and hope...he finds 'Faith'.
He said...he realized, he'd made many mistakes.
I, thanked him...for his honesty.
{That, took guts. }
I, told him... you only make mistakes, when you don't learn anything...from them.
If, you make them, there are Angels, with 2x4's....that'll keep dropping you, to your knees, until...ya 'get it'.
Told him... I've picked a lot...of Gravel, from my knees, over my life. Still do.
Liz, was surprised...he even answered my texts.
I, wasn't.
I...knew...he would.

I'm going to keep this Kid in my Prayers.
He, has a little Girl, that he Loves...dearly.
From what Liz, has told me... he has a Good Heart.
I, think so...too.
He told me... The Truth.
That...says...a Bunch.
and, that...
'Saved' him.
That, 'Saved', too.
Love, to ya...
Barb C.