Sunday, September 1, 2024

Gravel Roads...

Found 'The Road'...
It was a Beautiful Day, as is... Today, in Iowa.

There's something about the back roads.... 
where 'Life'... slows down... a bit.
{Jethro... too. ; ) 20 mph on Gravel. <3
No Rock Chips... ; ) }

Your mind... can take a moment, to 'rest'... as well, on those old... 
gravel roads. 

Found our way to Son, Justin's.
: )
Almost went to visit Charlie, and his Barn Sale... 
but, just as I was getting ready to head out, Justin 'J'.... called, was wondering if I was going to come... 
: )
Told Justin... thought I might...: ) and would he like me to bring some Casey's Pizza???
: )
Justin... thought 'that' might be 'ok'.
 ; )

 The Country, is Much Slower, than on 151 in Fairfax.
: )

That Old... Magnum, is keepin' Bobby's sofa warm.
We All... Sure Miss Bobby.
He was a Blessing to Many.

: )
oh my.
: )

Miss. Meadow showed me All Sorts of her Favorite Things!!

<3 <3 <3 
: )
Wondered 'why' a 'sign'... is needed on The Deck??
: )
{Don't wanna 'know'!! : ) }
: )

When The Girl's... were at The Rabbit Hole, on Thursday... they found some Very Cool Shells.
: )

Love how 'tuned in' The Girl's are... to Nature.
They... are so Interested... Curious... and Respectful, of All of God's little Creatures.
: ) : ) : )

"Cool Spider... Grandma!!".
: )

Justin 'J'.... LIVES on Romeo.
: )
Those Two.... are Inseparable.
<3 <3

Justin, often...
 jumps on Romeo... 
no bridle...
no saddle...
they just...
: )

Comin' Home.

So Much... on my brain.
Spent most of yesterday's 'visit', with The Kids... visiting with Son, Justin.
: )
So Proud of Justin.
; )
Justin's working on a Huge Project, that... His Dad would be so Proud of Justin, for undertaking.
: )

I get pretty weak in the knees, 
when I think of 'All'...
 Who've Been 'Here', 
for our Family, these last 10 years.

<3 <3 <3 

Love To YOU.
; )
Thank You.

Barb C.

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