Friday, September 20, 2024

Toploader - Dancing in the Moonlight (Official Video)

BeetleJuice, It's Showtime!

Fall Harvest Sale... October 5 thru 13!! Tick Tock!!

Workin' Away...
on The Fall Harvest Sale.
; )
{October 5 thru 13!! BIG SALE!! GADS!!}

not workin' on what I'd Like... to be workin' on.
; )
Seems, That's... Always the way... 
'Sale Time'.

Ran across the below images, from several years ago...
this time of year.
: )


I'll be posting images very soon of some of the Treasures that will be on the 2024 
Fall Harvest Sale.
oh my.
{The Massive Amount of Vintage Storage Unit... Estate items, will be posted much closer to Sale Time.
Bill will be hauling them in, Non Stop, after the 28th.}
Holy Smokes!!
: )

One of Peg's Amazing Gourds, she created for The Rabbit Hole.
; )
When images of Peg's Amazing Art... pop up, well... Have to Post Them!!
; )

; )

'It's 'Show' Time'!!!
; )

all goes well, 
there aren't too many 
to extinguish... 
will have some images from 
The Rabbit Hole!!
; )

During 'Fall Harvest Sale'... time, 
my mind lands somewhere between
'Dancin' in The Moonlight', 
the clip from the '88 movie,

'It's Showtime!!!'
; ) ; ) ; )

Never much 'space'... in between.
; )

Stay Tuned!!!

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Love... Love... Love, the top image.
It's a large... late 1800's print, that is so incredibly Perfect, for The Fall Harvest Sale.
Pal, Alice... from Alice's Wonderland, Mt. Vernon, Iowa...
gave it to me... long ago.
 Treasure It.}

{Alice... and Jon, Too!! ; ) }

Thursday, September 19, 2024

1946 Aeronca 7AC Champ Stick & Rudder Fun

Rascal Flatts - Life Is a Highway (From "Cars"/Official Video)

Climbing a Mountain with 77,000 lbs | Regional Trucking | Tips and Talk-...

Shifting Gears.

Time is Marching On... 

I've been in such a downward spiral... for so long, oh my.
I've got to Pull The Nose of this little Plane, UP... UP... UP!!
: )
{Dad... taught himself how to 'Fly', after purchasing an Aeronca Champ, in the late 1940's, or early... 50's.
; )
I wasn't there... but, have heard The Stories.
: )
Dad... was Quite a 'Pilot'. ; ) }

HUGE Fall Harvest Sale... Here, 
October 5 thru 13.
Stay Tuned for Many Updates about That.
Bill is cleaning out Several 'Estate' Storage Units.
It's Comin' HERE.
oh my.
Big... Big... Big...
{Many... are Bringing 'Much'. Oh... Dear. ; ) }

I... agreed to set up at The Midwest Antique & Art and Collector's Eye, Show...
September 29.
They had a spot... that a longtime Vendor couldn't fill... this time, Thom, and Cathy...
offered it to me, a few days ago.
At first... I said no, because it's gonna Take Every Ounce of Energy I've got...
{and a Bunch... I 'Don't Got'... : ) }
to Pull The Rabbit Hole, Buildings... and Lawn, up on Their Feet.
Thom, and Cathy... have never Once turned me down, when I needed their help.
What a Great Event... The Midwest Show Is!!
: )
I can Advertise The Fall Harvest Sale... there, as well....
it'll be GREAT!!
; )

Picked up the above... Mid Century Patio Set, yesterday.

The Ford... had been down, since Gold Rush.
{You'll hear all about That, when I can get that Gold Rush Post... done. What a Ride.}
The Boys got him on his Wheels.... last week.
yesterday, before taking him on a long journey, to pick up the set...
I heard a noise.
: (
Turned out one of the pulley's The Boys had replaced was faulty.
It was cracked from the factory.
So... they ordered a new one, Justin 'J', put it on... and away I went.
: )
Stopped to get fuel, at the Fairfax Casey's... and grab Pizza, for Justin...
as I pulled the gas nozzle from The Ford, noticed a puddle of brake fluid, by The Ford's rear tire.
Climbed under it...
Blew a brake line.
: (
{Grateful... it 'blew' there. <3}
oh my.
: )

I was supposed to have picked up that set, a week ago.
Contacted the Sweet Gal, Just... as I was heading to get fuel, letting her know that I was on my way.
: (

Called Pal, Dale.
; )
Asked him what he had on his plate... for the day.
He was going to mow...
but, sounded pretty Happy to have an excuse, not too.
; )

Dale and I ran up North, picked up the set... and a few other Patio pieces, then...
we stopped at one of his Favorite Diner's... and I got his Lunch.
; )

Oh... my.
; )
So MUCH... is Swirlin'.
Sometimes... it just seems, if anything can go wrong, it most certainly...

One Day at A Time.
: )

Heading down The Rabbit Hole, today.
Much... to get done, there.
I'm Ready to Hide in It's Shelter, for a bit.
<3 <3 <3 
It's not 'work'... there.
It's... Much Needed Shelter!!


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Please keep Renate in your Prayers... and, All... who are suffering.}

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Brad Paisley - When I Get Where I'm Going (Official Video) ft. Dolly Parton

Thank God... for the 'Winks'. ; )

: ) 

Bud's Family... picked Beautiful Flowers, from Bud's Garden at the shop...
in Amana,
{Renate's Antique Gallery}
then gathered several...Old Gnarly Containers from the Shop... 
to place them in...
at The Church.
Loved seeing Bud's handwritten tags, on some of them.

Pal, Dale... called at 7 a.m., yesterday morning... 
wondering where I was.
He... was at The Church.
I... was still in bed.

We'd both decided to get to Bud's Funeral very early, because we knew there was going to be a Crowd.
like so many...
I've really been struggling with Bud's sudden passing.

My eyes popped open at 3:30 a.m., yesterday morning...
realizing I'd sent a document off... Monday, with the wrong date.
: (
 think, I dated it 8/16/24...
instead of 9/16.
I know very Well... we're in September, 
not quite Sure 'How'.... we got here so Fast...tho.
: (
{and... Why, do I catch those missteps... at 3:30 a.m.??? GADS!!}

Couldn't go back to sleep.
Couldn't get up...
: (

Told Dale, I'd be there... about 8:30.
: )
{Visitation started at 9.}
Dear Friend, Patti... called, she, too... was wondering when I was heading to The Church.
: )
Met them both... there, at 8.
: )

It was Such a Beautiful Morning.
There was a young Man... watering all of the Plants, and Flowers... when I walked up to The Church.
{Patti, and Dale... wanted to wait in their vehicles. : ) }
As I watched the young Man... for a split second, I thought he was Bud.
Oh My Gosh!!!
Same Build.
Same... Stride.
oh my.
: )
When he noticed me... standing beside The Church doors, he walked up.
: )
Told him How MUCH... I Loved The Floral Arrangements, and...
'He'... Had to Be a 'Shulte'.
: )
: )

Bud's Nephew.

We visited for quite a while, swapping 'Bud' Stories.
: )
The 'Love Story' of Bud...and Renate.
<3 <3

Pal, Steph... made it to the Visitation, but had to get to work.
She's moving her Store to her Mom's {Patti} Store, Fern Hill, in South Amana.
HUGE Job!!

Bud and Renate Love Steph.
Those 'Artists'... 'Understand' each other.
Steph took images of Bud's Zinnia's. Steph creates Fabric from her Original Paintings.
Many... are Floral Paintings.
{Stephanie Brandenburg Studios}
Bud... would be Pleased.


The Church....
It... was also....
No empty pews.
Bud... was Much LOVED.

The Entire Service, was Perfect.

The Priest... was Perfect.
Young... Handsome, and had an Amazing Voice.
: )
{He... kinda reminded me of Bud, when I first met him... decades ago. : )}

We... 'Antique Folks' were sitting very close to the front.... ; )
I noticed the Priest drop, to one knee, behind the Altar, as we were all in the middle of 'Song'.
 I'm not Catholic, so... wasn't familiar with all of the traditions...
figured the Priest was performing a Prayer...
I saw him tying his shoelace.
: ) : ) : )
I Nearly... 
Threw My Hands In The Air...
 and Shouted...
 "Praise God!! Bud... I KNOW You're HERE!!"
<3 <3 <3 
; ) ; ) ; )

Bud... was ALWAYS Movin' So Fast, even His Shoelaces Couldn't Keep Up!!
; )
How Many Times, have I seen Bud, drop to one knee, and Tie... his shoelaces.
: )
Big 'Wink'.
; )

St. Michael's Cemetery, in Norway....
is Beautiful.
Pal's Bill, and Jacey....{ A Beautiful Purpose, West Branch, Iowa. } 
climbed in with me, and Dale... we shared the ride to the cemetery.
: )

Told them all, before we leave, I'd like to check out The Beautiful Shrine, above.

After Bud's Interment... found my way there.
: )
Jacey, was already there.
: )

We both stood there, taking in the Soulfulness, turned around...
and, there... stood the young, Wonderful...
that I was Certain, Bud... had Hand Selected.
: )

The Priest asked us if we were 'Family'.
Jacey replied, "Yes... 'Antique' Family."
: )
I, agreed. <3
went a bit further.
: )
Told the Priest, we're Definitely 'Family'.
I... call us kind of a 'Mafia'... Crew.
: )
Once You're 'In'... There Ain't No Gettin' Out... ; )
Oh... My!!
We tend to 'Protect' each other.
: )
Like Bud, the Priest had a Wonderful Sense of Humor!!
; )

Told the Priest... I was Certain, He... and Bud, were Close!!
the Priest said something, I... truly didn't expect.
He, said... he really didn't have the opportunity to get to 'Know' Bud.
They'd just met, when Bud became so suddenly ill.
He said... Bud, usually attended the Fairfax Catholic Church.

I... nearly.... Fell Over.

That Priest, and Budwardo... were Cut From The Same Cloth.
: )
I... Couldn't IMAGINE another Priest, handling Bud's services.
; )

We talked for quite a while, I filled the Priest in... on Bud, Renate... their Amazing Store, and... that HE Must... Visit.
It's Never Looked Better.
It's like... Bud's 'Masterpiece' is finally done.

Thanked the Priest, for his Beautiful Service, and Especially...
dropping to one knee,
Tying His Shoe.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.


Monday, September 16, 2024