Friday, September 20, 2024

Fall Harvest Sale... October 5 thru 13!! Tick Tock!!

Workin' Away...
on The Fall Harvest Sale.
; )
{October 5 thru 13!! BIG SALE!! GADS!!}

not workin' on what I'd Like... to be workin' on.
; )
Seems, That's... Always the way... 
'Sale Time'.

Ran across the below images, from several years ago...
this time of year.
: )


I'll be posting images very soon of some of the Treasures that will be on the 2024 
Fall Harvest Sale.
oh my.
{The Massive Amount of Vintage Storage Unit... Estate items, will be posted much closer to Sale Time.
Bill will be hauling them in, Non Stop, after the 28th.}
Holy Smokes!!
: )

One of Peg's Amazing Gourds, she created for The Rabbit Hole.
; )
When images of Peg's Amazing Art... pop up, well... Have to Post Them!!
; )

; )

'It's 'Show' Time'!!!
; )

all goes well, 
there aren't too many 
to extinguish... 
will have some images from 
The Rabbit Hole!!
; )

During 'Fall Harvest Sale'... time, 
my mind lands somewhere between
'Dancin' in The Moonlight', 
the clip from the '88 movie,

'It's Showtime!!!'
; ) ; ) ; )

Never much 'space'... in between.
; )

Stay Tuned!!!

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Love... Love... Love, the top image.
It's a large... late 1800's print, that is so incredibly Perfect, for The Fall Harvest Sale.
Pal, Alice... from Alice's Wonderland, Mt. Vernon, Iowa...
gave it to me... long ago.
 Treasure It.}

{Alice... and Jon, Too!! ; ) }

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