Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Day!

It was Great! Vicky came, with an armload, of the Best Cinnamon Rolls! Oh My...{she spoils us so!}{I didn't get a picture of her, and her Darling Pooch... Dang!!!! Vicky always makes me smile...} Jan {summer sundays} with her adorable, Sis, and dear friend, made it up, from all the way down in Missouri, I can't thank them enough... What Darling Gals!!!! Debbie, and her Sweet Hubby, also made the Missouri trek... I Love 'em all! Brandon, {house things}, also, came and spent the morning with us! Patrick, from Illinois.... he is such a Darling Soul! Bud and Renate, {Renate's, Amana, Iowa} We always have fun...Larry and Linda, Wanda, {gatherings} she flew out, running fast, as she is trying to get everything done, for the Pumpkin Festival, this weekend, in Anamosa, Iowa.... Oh my... { I just visited with her, she sprung her back today.... not good.... She runs way too hard...} Sweet Barb H. and Deb... then later, the Sweetest, Erika, and Elaine, all from Sisters' Garden, Hiway 1, Kalona...Oh my...I so enjoy those Girls... They are the Best!!! I will keep remembering, as the days go.... My mind is whirling... and shriveling... I can feel the brain cells shrinking by the minute! It was absolutely WONDERFUL to see EVERYONE!!! {oh yeah, Marian...Kathy.... John.... I have to quit...}
Peg sold out of ALL of her gourds... It was a feeding Frenzie! She is amazing!!!! Liz made all sorts of treats, I'll get images of them tomorrow... Her Carmel Apples are to Die For!!!! I'm pooped...
Thanks for a Wonderful Day!
Barb C.
Poor Linda, from Nebraska...even had to write her own receipt.... we have the best customers! Glad they came, it was so nice to see them! This is one of my most favorite purchases... It'll wind up, as a Door Greeter, at the shop... Lynn and Lea bought this in Nebraska... They decided to part with it, and it is so perfect for our Pet Cemetery.... I had to buy it.... It is Amazing....{The concrete and stone girl, is holding a German Shepherd, in her hand... It was from the 30's, we think... I love it!} Stuff...Stuff.... Stuff! Amy {the nest} and Lydia... oh my... What a Darling Pair! Debbie and Paula! Debbie and her Hubby, made it up from Missouri to see us all! Paula helped out, all day, today... She and Tom, brought out some of the COOLEST STUFF!!! Oh My!!!! Larry and Linda!{Painted Pony} What Sweethearts! They found some fun stuff, this morning!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Well....Fall Harvest Sale... Make no Mistake... This is a BIG ONE!!!

Well.... No one will say, there wasn't much 'stuff', in Fairfax.... Plan on spending a lot of time... We will be adding more, daily.... I didn't get everything done... but... It is, what it is.... I am totally Wiped out.... we all are.... Thanks to Peg, Dale, Mark, Maurina,Lynn, Lea, {I spelled it right, this time!} Carolyn A., Tom, Bart, Dan, Liz, Nick, Amy, John... and everyone else, who brought great Antiques, at Great Prices... helped lift, lug, clean, shop and lend a much needed hand....
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone... I know some are coming long distances... be safe...
My Love to You, all...
Barb C.
{I have left my camera, somewhere, outside.... it's pitch black... I'll share tomorrow... or better yet, come see all of the amazing treasures, first hand! It will blow your mind!!!!}

Fall Harvest Sale!

Well... the hours are melting away! Sale Starts at 8 a.m., Thursday Morning.... Ready or Not!
If you have never been here, we are located On Hiway 151, Fairfax.... Only 11 miles from Amana, or a few minutes South of Cedar Rapids. 151 is a major Hiway, it connects with 30, and to our South, Interstate 80. If you have any questions, you may call me, at 319-241-1348.
Peg has worked her tail off....I'm running, too.... Lots and lots of folks bringing stuff....It is going to be an amazing, 4 day event!
Can't wait to see ya!
Barb C.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things... Then I Don't Feel So Bad......

Oh My...What a Day... What would I do, without Peg... and everyone, who helped out... Tons of stuff, coming in, in the morning...Whew! What an Amazing Sale.... Oh My!
I'll keep ya posted!
{Thanks, Steph.... for the Cosmo's.... oh my....}
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.

Oh My Gosh.... The little garage...has vomited....

Here's Peg.... The garage, is pretty empty.... Scroll down, and see just how much a single stall garage can hold.... I made the mistake, of mentioning to Peg, I might want to put Sally in the garage.... oh dear.... There are going to be some sweet deals! and... remember... this is just the single stall garage..... there are many, many more buildings....... and.... the entire lawn.... oh dear... YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!

A Few More 'Iowa Farmhouse' Treasures!

This Old Ice Box, really looks tuff, in the image... but.... it's solid as a rock, and complete.... I haven't had a chance to give it a little Nourishment.... It will look much better, with a little Beauty Cream.... This is a darling buffet.... it needs a new bottom, but other than that... It's pretty sweet!
{many more images, tonight!}

Monday, September 27, 2010

Whew! What a Day... What Can I Say....

Here's Nicky... He loves the old Fainting Couch, that we bought from the Farmhouse.... The Gentleman, we bought it from, said he used to sleep on it, at his Grandmother's Farm { Their Family Farm}.... She would put a soft, feather tick, on it, and he loved it.... Nicky agrees...
Any questions.... do we Love our Hounds.... Here's John, and Nicky.... oh my....and by the way... they Love us, too... The Beautiful Old Wardrobe, was Filled with Darling Ladies Hats! Here's Peg, Steph, {stephanie brandenberg studios} and her Darling Daughter, Nichole.... all trying some on....I was even wearing a cool hat, with Daisies... Steph said I looked like a '60's, 'Flower Child'...{Peace, Baby...} oh my....{John was even strutting around with a cool, Fedora, ...oh dear.... I Just want to Jump on that Bed!!!! The King....
Oh my... This Amazing, 'Knock Down' Oak Wardrobe, makes you just want to 'Bow'... upon approach... All I can say is... It is Very Impressive... It, as well as all of it's Kin, of the late 1800's Iowa Farmhouse Furniture, retains {after a little tender loving care, this afternoon...} it's Stunning, original Surfaces..... Nothing has been Skinned... It Speaks Loud and Clear... of all of the decades, it has enjoyed.... Gorgeous...
{ a 'Knock Down', comes completely apart, with ease.... and can easily be put in any room...up or down any narrow staircase.... a Dream!}
I sold the Beautiful Walnut Knock Down Wardrobe, at Gold Rush... The new owners LOVED IT!!!! They are an Amazing piece of furniture!...} {poor Peg, was my Vanna.... I had to have her show you, the incredible stature of these Beauties... she's The Sweetest Model... even better that Vanna!} This Wonderful, Old Oak Princess, is one that all of us are drawn to... Everyone here, absolutely Loves it... all, for totally different reasons... It Just Seems to Speak, Every one's Language...
I have caught myself, over and over today, referring to the Amazing 'Crowns', {They are most, always, long gone} an old term.... 'Bonnets'... They used to call furniture's Pegged in, fancy, applied tops, or, 'Crowns'..... 'Bonnets'... I have always thought that sounded strange... until today... These Old Cupboards, don't have 'Crowns'... They are Most definitely Adorned With Their Original Bonnets... and wear them, so very Proudly... This is the Old Stepback Cupboard, that came from the Millersburg Farm.... It is Beautiful... and solid as a rock... It still has all of it's wonderful Original Surface... It truly Sings! This is a Lovely Oak Bed, {matching Dresser, below} with the Most inviting Feather Beds, on top... just begging me to jump in... oh my... Wonder how long, this old beauty has waited, to be slept upon.... I have a feeling, before the Sale is over... I may have to sneak a snooze.... ahhh.... Beautiful Dresser, and John's reflection, in the Mirror, looking in the 1900, Sears and Roebuck, seeing what the first owners paid, for all of these Beauties.... Tons of the Coolest Old, Old Fruit Jars... Last packed away, over 30 years ago... Oh my.... We started out Bright and Early.... Running Hard! Unloaded the Fuso, ran to the Bank... {only cash would do, for the Gentleman, we bought the Farmhouse Furniture from... I totally understand... This poor man had been Jerked around by some local dealers, that offered him, basically, nothing,{ little more than 10% of our offer} for these beautiful treasures.... shame on them... they are the type of Antique Dealers, that give us all a Bad name....I Shake my head...instead of offering, an insulting offer... just say "no thanks"... I don't get it...} {You won't either, when you see this, most Amazing group of Beauties!}
Oh my... We loaded and loaded, then cleaned, and spiffed... I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!{It was an Honor, to help it find it's Voice!} It is so awesome... I don't know, if it's all the history.... or, being in one family, for over a hundred years, on a Farm, near where my Dad, lived, and Brother, has lived most of his life, between Millersburg, and Williamsburg, Iowa...{Yep...south of 80...about 60 miles south of Cedar Rapids...} I don't know... but I so enjoyed giving it all a beauty treatment, and letting it SING!!! It all just seems to be Smiling, tonight.... Wish someone would buy it all, and keep it all together... It almost breaks my Heart, seeing it all separated, after all these years....
Time is ticking, fast... I spent the day, lost, in all this Farmhouse Furniture... and didn't get near enough done, on other things... Oh well...
Thanks to Peg, John, Mark, Carolyn A., and Maurina, for helping out... It was a Long Day... Our Butt's were kicked!
Tic Toc!
My Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{this is a thimble full... ah... really...a 'portion', of one tent...much more, tomorrow...}

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The 'Deal' is done....

And... The Race is On... Mark and I bought a Household, really, a time capsule, of furniture....
You want to see, 'Iowa Farmhouse Style'.... The 'Real' Farmhouse Style... oh dear... It will be at the Sale...{ Massive, Beautiful, straight from the Farm, Original Finish, Oak Wardrobes, and Cupboards, Ice Box, Iron Beds, Oak Beds, Dressers, Buffet's, Beautifully Stenciled Chick Incubators, Oak Tables, and Chairs, Gas Lighting Fixtures, the list could go on and on... all 'as found', and what one would purchase, when setting up a house, in the Late 1800's... I was blown away... I don't usually buy much Oak... but, I gotta tell ya... this group, really touched me, as soon as I laid eyes on it.... It has been saved, for over a hundred years, and stayed together, in one Family Home, all this time.... amazing...}
John, Peg, Mark and I are picking it up, first thing, in the Morn...... we are going to have to haul 'Fanny', to get everything done....
I'll have images, tomorrow...
My Love to Ya!
Barb C
{Vicky, I do have a very cool, old old... 2 door cupboard.... I think may fit the bill, for ya! Can't wait to see ya!}


This is a Massive Bunch of Bittersweet, that is growing over an old arbor, between the Shop, and House.... I have tried for years, to get it to grow, to no avail.... My Late Sister, Chery, adored it.... and those fall colors, of Bittersweet, and Chocolate Browns, were always in her home...{except her kitchen... Everything was White... before 'white' was cool... Chery did it... she was 'Cool'...}she planted Bittersweet at her farm...and, within, a few years... she had it growing, like crazy.... she and I would cut it, for the Fall Sale.... When she passed away.... my brother in law, brought some out, the first year after Chery died....and said, I could come get more, anytime.... But... I could never bring myself, to go back out to her house, and cut it... I had some old branches, in the shop, and would lay them along the fence line, around the shop... it grew... but never berried. I think Chery whispered in it's ear... and asked it to berry.... It's loaded... all from her beautiful Bittersweet vines.....I miss her so... She used to come out, and help, at the sale... from the very first year, in the little one stall, attached garage...I'll never forget Bud, from Renate's, in Main Amana, was my first 'Big Time' dealer, that shopped the little sale... He breezed up the drive, I was working away... nothing was priced { Not much has changed...} He kept asking Chery, how much things were... Chery would turn to me, and say, "Barbie, how much is this?...Barbie, how much is that?".... Bud must have thought it was funny.... He walked up to me, and with a 'smarty pants' look on his face, said, "Barbie, how much is this?"... I stopped in my tracks... I was, and always will be "Barbie, to my Mom, Dad, family, and siblings... but, hearing "Barbie", from someone, I barely knew, at that time...was, well... weird....I threw a price at him, along with a dagger stare... He was amused.... oh my...

Peg's Latest Beauties!

These amazing pieces, will be added to Pegs Fall Collection, she has been working tirelessly on these all Summer... She has also done Christmas Ornaments... They are Stunning! Come see them, here, at the Fall Harvest Sale... But Hurry.... They will go Fast!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Peg and I...worked....

Seems I always have 'life'....these days.... Thank God, for Peg.... She has really worked steady... me... well... my hair is falling out.... Literally... by the handfuls... I've had lots of business, other than 'business', to tend to... and I feel like I'm being pulled a million directions.... I'm working on a mass purchase, for the sale... Hope it happens... but... if it does... I have no idea how I will ever be able to get everything done.... John is working on a wonderful Corner Cupboard... I will be working on Funky Farm Tables... Bart popped out, and he's bringing some cool stuff out... Haven't heard from my Southern Iowa Pals, Lynn and Lea...{ I'm sure they will bring some fun stuff...} Mark, Maurina, Tom and Paula, friends and neighbors, will be hauling stuff in, all week... I have major plans, for the garage.... The Big Truck, will be unloaded, Monday... oh my...
Cindy B. {Smokehouse Square Antique Mall, Amana, Iowa...319-622-3539} is headed for Round Top, Texas.... I would so Love to go... just see it, once.....Visit the Boys, at Leftovers.... Their Party, is tonight... I truly mean it.... Those Boys know how to 'Turn it Loose!'... I think, I need to 'Turn it Loose'.... Maybe, in the Spring....ahhhh...{let me know, if anyone wants to go...and... I'm really thinking hard, on Nashville... Heart of Country... in February....It is going to be AMAZING!!! It's Back... Like Libby had it..... If I gather the 'Right Stuff'....I'll be there, with bells on... ahhh... my Happy Place... The Revolving Bar.... Opryland Hotel...Oh my....}
I have been pricing, and setting the shop up... I am so excited to see everyone, at sale time... I so love working in the shop... I was playing, and setting displays... I told Peg, it's like therapy... I run so hard, I forget how wonderful it is, to be in the shop, and unwind... I could truly get lost, in that little building....I ran across a book, from 1790... and, the most wonderful old cookbooks.... It's been such a long time, since I shopped the shop...I Love Everything... It's hard to keep forging ahead... I get stuck, playing with my toys...and... meandering through Centuries past....
ahhhh.... Therapy...maybe, my hair will hold on, a little tighter... it was a 'Good' day...
My Love to You....
Barb C.
{ I lead in, with this song..." But, You Know I Love You"... seems.... it keeps hitting home, more and more... these days.... "If only I could find my way, back to the time...when the problems of this life, had not yet crossed my mind...and all the answers could be found, in children's nursery rhymes..." Oh my....}

Friday, September 24, 2010

Leftovers! Go Visit...for me!

The Boy's always do it up Wayyyyy over the Top!!!!! This Round Top Event, they Host at The Leftovers Store.... is Not to be Missed!!!! They have all sorts of new stuff, just in for this Special Event! I have always wanted to go... but... never am able.... So... go give The Boys a Big Hug, and Kiss for me! {and take a Box Truck!!!! The pick up, may not cut it!}


Thanks to Everyone, for the calls, e-mail and comments... You will never know how much they were needed....
Since the sad news of Maggie, I haven't thought of much else... except... I have to keep running... Sale, next week... and hundreds of miles, in between....Dale and I went to Des Moines, with his Van and Trailer on Tuesday... We went to pick up the Auction stuff, and I had to make a house call, on the way... I bought a nice load... I'm not putting images on, as to squirrel away some stuff for the sale....{I will be posting a few get you all excited!}Seemed Dale and I were delayed, at every corner... It was an incredibly, long, long day.... I was worried about Maggie...all day...We got most of the Stuff from Jo's, and I got home, a little after midnight... I had an appointment, yesterday morning, to look at more stuff, and went... I sure didn't want to.... I apologized to the Older Gentleman, for my appearance... I explained, what had just happened, with Maggie, and why my eyes looked like hamburger... He said, "don't think anything of it... my daughter just went through the same thing, with her dog... Cancer... surgeries... rehab... and her beloved, lived only 6 months..." It sounded to me, like it was a difficult 6, if for no other reason, I'm so glad I kept that appointment...
Peg made it, into town, and we had a quick cup of coffee, she had plans, for the afternoon, and I needed to get stuff home, from Dale's...Dale was kind enough to help..{ I was just going to pull his trailer down home, and unload...} Peg popped out, and before long, John, Dale, Peg and I had stuff poked everywhere... I really don't even want to go look, inside the Shop, this morning.... Liz called, she had taken several days off work, to be with Maggie, so, now, I think she's gonna hang with us...
I'm going to try and just talk business... through 'sale time'...
I will have to share my nightmare I had, last night.... I don't remember everything, but I was at an auction.... running to, and fro... great stuff... John, Dale and Mark were there... I was exhausted...I was buying very well, but couldn't keep up...I was totally overwhelmed... so, I sat down....away from the crowd.... and it felt like I had a bead, in my mouth, rolling around...then, several... turns out, they weren't beads... they were my teeth... my teeth were all falling out.... I looked down, and there was a trail, of my teeth, going back to where everyone the auctioneer...I stood up, and started gathering them up, in my hand... I knew I could never smile again... I went and paid my bill, and realized I had missed all of the stuff, I had went to buy... My customers were all furious with me...What a seemed so real....oh my....
My Love to You...
Barb C.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maggie passed away this morning...but..we know...Liz will never walk alone...

This is an Oil Painting, Liz's Fiance', Nick, painted for John, and gave him 2 years ago, at Christmas... Of Liz and Maggie walking down the Wintry streets, near their home... I knew them both, the minute I saw this... It was a wonderful gift.... I have had folks call, confused with my posts this morning... and they didn't realize, until they read the 3rd post, that Liz's Best Friend, Maggie passed away, in the night, after her surgery, yesterday... I was posting, so fast, I didn't really think about it... so... hope this makes more sense... sorry....
Peg called, and said life is a wreck up here... it seems, ongoing 'wreck'...but...Liz and I still have our Faith...and we know... we don't ever walk alone....

Asking for Your Prayers...

John just brought me in, the 'Last Rose', of the season... I'm really not sure I'm gonna make it...
Please send a comment to Liz's blog...{liz-lemon-aid} or, an e-mail... {[email protected]} Loosing your Best Beloved Friend, is one of the hardest things for me... Witnessing your Child, lose her Best Beloved Friend... well... That Trumps Everything...


This is Liz's post, from last week... Liz had come to terms with the amputation, and had studied everything she could, to make this transition work, for Maggie... Maggie was the most wonderful Best Friend... She was with Liz, since Liz moved out on her own... They went everywhere together...Maggie loved to run... Liz would go for bike rides, and Maggie would run beside her...I always felt better knowing, Liz had Maggie with their little house.....
Maggie had the kindest heart... The last time I saw her, I was inconsolable... We were at the vet's office... Maggie limped up to me, leaned her chest, into my knees and buried her head in my lap... She was the one in pain, but she couldn't bear seeing me so distraught...
Maggie loved everyone... She was so wonderful with children, the elderly neighbors, and other dogs...Everyone loved Maggie.... She was an Angel....
Liz is Heartbroken....just... Heartbroken....
We all are...heartbroken...................................................... {Liz rescued Maggie, 4 years ago, from the shelter... she was just a pup....if you are thinking about a best friend... and, please, think hard... they are Angels... please visit your shelter... and save an Angel...You will rescue them once... they will rescue you, from that moment on...}

Our Maggie.... is Gone...

Liz just called... Maggie developed a blood clot, after her amputation, in the night, she passed away...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And All The Answers Could Be Found in Children's Nursery Ryhmes

This is a Child's Sugar Bowl, in the Old Mother Hubbard Pattern... I love this... It's from the 1880's, and really touches my heart... Beloved Dog... Old Cupboard...what more could anyone want... well... maybe a bone, for the Dog... This is the emblem, on my top oven door, from my old cook stove... It's wood/gas combination.... We use the gas side, only... I love it... It's from the turn of the last century, it is a Superior brand...{ I think it is a real jewel...} I bought it from my old friend, Cindy B. {Lady Bug Antiques...Waterloo, Iowa} Many years ago...{ I haven't added anything, lately to the "Iowa Farmhouse Style" blog... But have no fear... I will...I am very excited with this new adventure... it is something that has Always been very close to my heart... I'll let you know when I start posting...} These are the darling Sterling Berry Forks, Amy N. found for me, at Gold Rush!{ Amy found two groups, of them... one group at 45. each, the others at 5. each... I opted for the latter...I will pay up to 20. each for them... I collect them, and they are not for resale, at this time...} The center fork is for pie, or desert, it is pretty common... but... it has 'Mother' monogrammed on the handle... Love 'em! This is a Gnarly Old Glass Ladle, with a Gnarly twisted wire handle.... The ladle's bowl, has a crack, probably a hundred year old one, but I love it, anyway...It's a Cool Thing.... I spent the day, grocery shopping, Old Mother Hubbard, found her Cupboards Empty... John won't set foot in the grocery store, unless he is almost starved to death...I completely forgot to grocery shop, before I left, and was shocked when I opened the fridge, to find it, almost totally empty, when I got home Sunday night... oh my...
I didn't run down the road today, antiquing, ... so... no new images... I poked around the house and breezeway, tonight... and saw a few fun treasures...Here they are...
Please say a prayer for Maggie... Liz's Beloved Friend... She is having her leg amputated tomorrow... my gut is churning... I hate this... I'll be on the road, all day... Headed back to Des Moines...The road, always brings me peace... It's going to be a long, long day...
Barb C.
{ when I got home, late Sunday night, tho the cupboards were bare... there were soup bones, simmering in the crock pot, for the Hounds... Our Babe's will never be without a bone... no way...}
I was reading "Streams in the Desert", tonight...{I wish everyone, would have this book... I can't begin to tell you, what it has done in my life...The first year, I followed it, day by day... then, I let the Lord guide me, to what I needed for that day... God has never let me down... It's always the Perfect Lesson....
Tonight I read...{a portion of page 287}
{There are times when everything looks very dark to me.... so dark that I have to wait before I have hope. Waiting, with hope, is very difficult, true patience is expressed when we must even wait for hope...When we see no hint of success, yet refuse to despair, when we see nothing but darkness of night through our windows, yet keep the shutters open, because the stars may appear in the sky, and when we have an empty place in our heart, yet we will not allow it to be filled with anything less than God's best....that is the greatest kind of patience....}
It is difficult, to believe... and keep faith... when you can't see through the darkness... A dear friend of mine, has been going through a very difficult time, and is angry with God... We are all in the middle of a most Glorious Painting, it's titled 'Life'.... The Master, isn't done yet... Though things may seem unfair, and the loss is great, in my friend's mind....The Lord is waiting... When my friend, forgives...looks up... Thanks God, for everything he has endured, asks for help, and God to Shower him, with Blessings... they will come... maybe not in the package my friend expects, or dreams of... but... they will be much more Grand, than my friend could ever imagine....
Barb C.
{ I have to remember this...'s difficult...when life starts smothering... sometimes it takes me weeks to come feet get pretty bloody, from the rough and rocky path... but... they always heal...and are a little 'tuffer', for the next 'go round'....}

Monday, September 20, 2010


When I was trying to capture an image, for Face Book, a couple of weeks ago, I snapped several images, in the kitchen, where I do all of my computer work... Just several of the ones in the kitchen came out this way....{ I believe there is a reason for this... a tragedy occurred here, in this room, about 60 years ago} I'll show others, taken that night, and share some of the stories, from over the years, closer to Halloween....
In this image, it appears, someone is standing behind me,{ 12 inches, or more, off the floor...} I have always known the house has a Ghost, or two...{ John and I, have both seen a man, in a suit... Once, I saw a perfect silhouette of a man, talking 2 steps, in John's room... and John saw a man, in a suit walking out of our old Grandfather Clock { we were both afraid to say anything, to the other, for fear, we'd each think the other was Crazy!} I used to tell Julie, about our sightings.... she was a non-believer... Oh well... Just like Lydia said in Beetlejuice..." Ghosts will only be seen by the strange, and unusual...I, Myself, am, Strange, and Unusual"... I don't care... as long as they don't try and scare me, or physically touch me... we're good...I say it out loud," You are welcome, here, on your journey... but if you scare me, in any way... tho, I'm not Catholic, I'll have every Priest in the County here..." I have never been afraid... whoever they are, it seems, they are not mean { I can feel that... I have been places, where I won't go in... or, won't stay long} These Departed, seem sort of oblivious to us, like they are living in another time... So, no worries... I Hope they find their way, someday...
Barb C. {Oh, and for those who may think I doctored this image... all I can say is..."Really"... I have used this camera, daily, for months...and never had it take these kind of images...Nor, have I ever taken an image, that is even close to the outline of this person, who is behind me... so 'double exposure'...nope.... It's like I was totally surrounded by swirls of smoke.... I was so tired that night... but was determined to get an image, for face book... {My pal, Audrey, was insistent, that evening, I have a presence I kept snapping images... it was the same time I got the image, accidentally, that I posted, that was so sad... I had been crying, for days before, and that image, by accident, truly captured my soul.... it was a very strange night...{ I showed that image to Mark, during Gold Rush, he didn't think it was me.... Liz, on the other hand, knew it right away.... she said,"Mom, I grew up with you, and I've seen you like that before"....all I can say, is I wish she hadn't seen that person...That image makes me cry, every time I see it... What a sad, broken, beaten down, soul... I look at the eyes... and there is nothing left.... what an image... for an accidental shot... I guess, everything does happen for a reason... and, no.... I wouldn't know the first thing about 'fixing' an image}....

My Day Off.... oh well....

It started off pretty good... then... the phone started in... seems I was a 'Wanted Woman'.... Between phone calls, bookwork, bills, and folks, that just plain, needed me.... it wasn't too restful....and... 'The Fall Harvest Sale'... is just little over a week away... oh my....I'm lacing up my running shoes, and throwing on the red cape! Peg is coming up, Thursday... What an Angel... I was thinking, today.... our booth at Gold Rush was 10x60... completely empty... three of us have have the trucks unloaded, and booth set in about 10 hours... Peg and I do the shop, garage, hen house, gazebo, 2 massive tents and spill onto the lawn...oh my... in a few days...We always seem to pull it off... but, as I look back, I have no idea how... I have hundreds of miles to cover, this week... many house calls, and treasures from Des Moines, to finish gathering up! I am soooo excited to keep getting little notes from folks who are making their way, to the sale! I tell everyone, I may look like I know you, smile, and nod... but trust me... there will be no brain cells left....{ I don't have many to work with now....}
Well.... The Beat Goes On!
Barb C.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Home....

This is a cool, old Corner Cupboard I bought Sunday, late in the show... This is a Super Fun, hooked rug, that was for a stair case.... I Love it!!!! It must be 30 feet long! It has a horse, house, school, eagle, Indians, a farmstead... and... it also has a few holes... but...I Still Love it! The show was great... for September... It was Great seeing everyone... The Canadians are on their way home... and... they will be missed.... Amy N. popped in, after Junk Bonanza, with pals..." we had several folks stop in, on their way home!} I mentioned to Amy, to keep her eyes open, on her travels, for Strawberry Forks.... I swear it wasn't 5 minutes, and she had located several...{ I have been hunting, for a year...Thanks Sweetie!}
I bought several treasures at Gold Rush, but, most sold, during the show... a good thing... however, I did squirrel away a few goodies, for the Fall Harvest Sale! And.... I have many house calls lined up this week!
I'm exhausted, and am trying to take Monday off...
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gold Rush... Fun...Fun Fun!

The Gang.... there is a herd of us, heading for Michaels, tonight... Oh My... We are going to Rock Michael''ll never be the same! Here are the amazing Mums. from Sisters'... Everyone wants them, here in Minnesota... but... no way... They are Fall Harvest Bound! Oh my gosh.... This table, will totally blow your mind... This Could Sooooo Be a Keeper... Oh my... The fun never ends.... Yes, yes... this is, the smallest show, at Gold Rush... but... laid back, and it's wonderful to have time to visit... oh, yes... And... time to my Wonderful 'Regulars', who always seek our booth out, 'First'... { Tho... some folks would say... well... I am a bit....ahhh... 'Long Winded'...'Blog' wise... and... in 'person' wise...some... like me, love to visit, and read...
Here's a snippet of Gold Rush...
Wish You All... Were here, to visit, and have the most wonderful Supper... at Michaels....
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.