Saturday, August 31, 2024

Miranda Lambert - Only Prettier (Official Video)

Findin' The Road.

Yesterday was a Lovely... day, mostly.
Wrote a long post about it, then saved it, as a draft.

Pal, Garth... stopped by, to show me a cool Old Cupboard he'd just picked up.
; )
We had a long visit,
then... took a Long.... Walk.
: )

Garth wanted me to show him... what's had me so 'twisted'... with IDOT, and Fairfax, for around 8 years... and Still... Ongoing.
: )
{oh... dear. }

Didn't take Garth long.... to figure it out.
{You should've seen Poor Garth... JUMP...!!!
 when a car was turning right... onto Stallman Dr. off of 151, next to where we were standing, 
 the car... behind the one turning... LOCKED It's Brakes Up.... With a Horrible Screech....
in order not to hit the car turning right....
then, a Pick Up... Passed Them Both in The Center Turn Lane!!
; )
 I don't even flinch, anymore. 
: (
Garth... didn't think 'this' was a very good place, for a 'Bike Trail'.
Hmmmm... who knew?? : ) }

Garth looked at the 'drainage' we're left with.
the Bridges.
oh my.
: )
So Much More.
Fairfax's Future...
: )
The Stories.
The 'Facts'.
oh... my.

You should've seen Garth's face... when I told him that the IDOT, has Immunity to Fraud.
; )
Garth... just stood there, next to 151, on Fairfax's 'Bike Trail'... 
{that isn't, according to So Many, at Fairfax City Hall.}
I... could see the Gears Turning... behind his eyes.
Garth said...
"Wait... What??? How can That 'Be'?? Why... would the IDOT need to have 'Immunity' to Fraud??"
: )
We both answered his question.... in unison.
"unless... you're planning on committing... 'fraud'."
{Great minds think alike, it seems. : ) }

As Much... as I Enjoyed visiting with Garth, 
by the end of our walk {Tour}around the entire property, well....
I... was kinda...
in a 

Said... Many, Many... Many,
'bless their hearts', 
concerning IDOT District 6, Fairfax, Iowa...
 City Hall, and...
 those who represent them...
; )
: )

Listened to Miranda Lambert's 'Tune', that addresses that sentiment, 
a hundred times, while cleaning house.
; )

Today... is a Beautiful Day.
; )
New Day.
 Takin' a Drive.
Gettin' The Flock... Outta Fairfax, for a bit.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Aretha Franklin, Bridge over troubled water Switzerland 1971


Each, and Everyone of Them.
{Not So Much}

Oh my. 
Millions, and Millions...

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

You Are My Sunshine





<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Will

The Golden Rule.

What a Day.
: )
The last Couple... have been Interesting, to say the least.
: )
Met a Gal... a Farmer Gal, online... that was selling Tomatoes, yesterday.
Told her I'd like to purchase 20 pounds.
; )
She, like... myself, prefer to 'Talk', rather than text.
She sent her number.
I called.
oh my.
: )

Turns out Our Lives... are like living Parallel Dreams.
Holy Smokes!!!
: ) : ) : )
'Life'... had taken her away, she couldn't meet with me, yesterday.
 All Hell was Breaking Loose. : ( 
Told the Gal... I, Truly... wasn't Laughing... 'at' Her, or...
The Hornet's Nest, She's Livin' In...
oh my Lord, listening to The Hell She's Fighting, and Going Through...

She said... 
"All I want to do, is go to The Farm, pick tomatoes... 
and sell it to Folks... who appreciate it.
Have To Take Care Of All Of The Bullshit, that doesn't seem to Ever Let Up!!!"
: (....................

{hmmmm.... Hahahahahahaha!!! Yeah, Had To Laugh!!! Hahahahaha!!}
: ( : ( : ( 

Told The Gal...
this morning, after listening to her... 'Journey' yesterday, that continued on, today...
"Girl... it's not Funny, but... I kinda understand, after listening to You, and The Frickin' Drama...
in Your Hornet's Nest, why... so many, seem to find humor... in mine.

This is a FRICKIN' Comedy Sh!t Show!!
: ) : ) : )
 there's Nothing FUNNY.... 
about It, when you're Fightin' for Your Life, and for Those Ya Love."

That Farmer Gal... is a Character.
Piss Cutter.
; )
She could make a Million... on a Stage.
: )
: (

The Farmer Gal... brought up politics, yesterday.
; )
We had some deep... conversations.
: )
We... didn't agree, on some things... by a long shot.
 we saw eye to eye, on quite a Lot.
; )
We're Still 'Pals', today.
: )

'Respect', and...
'The Golden Rule'.

'Do unto Others, as You'd have Them...
Do unto You'...
pretty much, 
says it all.
; )

The Farmer Gal... has The MOST Amazing Tree in her yard.
{Almost... as Amazing, as an Old Oak I Love Deeply. }

A Massive Sycamore Tree.
The Farmer Gal, said... she was told, it's about 350 Years Old.
<3 <3 <3 
It's Insanely Beautiful.
; )
Blew my Mind... when I saw it, today... while Finally being able to pick up 
: )
{30 Pounds.
 ; )
 I'll be Freezin' a Bunch, for later. 
; ) 
Eatin' a Bunch, over the next few days. <3 : ) }

Justin 'J'... helped me unload The Ford, this morning...
Miss. Willow, and Miss. Meadow... came to visit.
They So Wanted to See... Goldie, The Goldfish, {Koi}.... but, he was pretty shy, this morning.
: (

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Travis Tritt - T-R-O-U-B-L-E (from Live & Kickin')

What a Ride.

Don't know what ever became of the above... book.
: )
Looking back, now... probably should've Read It Closer.
; )

The 'Study'... went Very Well, yesterday.
: )
Getting to Iowa City... 
{That New Cluster Fudge, Octopus... 380/I80 Mess, then... Through... The HUGE University BS, and... Parking.}
: )
: )
'The Parking' in Iowa City, Iowa... 
: )
oh my.
: )

Called one of the Dr.'s when I arrived, while I was trying to find a parking space.
Told him... I might be a bit late.
 : )
There Was No Parking, Anywhere.
; )
{Anywhere... I'd park... 'Jethro'. }

The Dr. asked... 
"Are you driving a Mustang???"
: )

{He'd seen us pull in, and out... of the Building above...where we couldn't park.}
: )

Yes... Indeed.
: )
oh my.

Finally found a spot... on The Top of a Roof, at The End.... of The Line, where...
I wasn't in Fear... of People Slamming Their Doors, into Jethro.
: (
Those Parking Spots, in Iowa City.... are Very Slim.
: (

The Dr.'s were Awesome!!
We visited, for quite a long time, after the 'Study'.
: )
One... of The Dr.'s collects, and uses Antique Farm, and Home...Tools.
He... also cooks with Cast Iron.
; )
Educated 'him'... a bit, on the HUGE Differences between Old... Cast, and new.
I'd never... ever, ever... buy a new, mass produced piece of Iron Cookware.
It's grainy... the molds aren't Clean, like they were a hundred, plus... year's ago.
Griswold... {Erie} Cast... is my Favorite Cast, Everything.
have some piece's that are super Early, unmarked.... that are Priceless, to me...
They Cook, Beautifully.
They... clean up...
They'll Last, and Cook... Brilliantly, another several hundred years.

In my opinion...
the 'new' cast... 
you can buy at the store... or online... 
: )
 can have it.
; )
I... don't... 
won't, and... never ever will.
; )

Gave The Dr. the name of a Shop, Antique Cast Iron Dealer, in Cedar Rapids, he needs to Visit.
; )

It was a Great...
: )

Shared the entire Journey, with the Dr.'s.
The Fall... 
The Crawl...
The Ride...
: )
Never Ending...

Despise... driving to, and... through... Iowa City.
Reminds me a bit, of driving through Atlanta, but... a little quicker.


Bless Their Hearts.


Love to Ya...
Barb C.

There's only Two People... on This Planet, 
I'd drive through Iowa City, Iowa's...
 and Fight to park for.
oh... my.
; )

Dr. Jody Buckwalter...
Lawyer... Charles Meardon.

Bless Their Hearts!!
: )

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"Killing The Blues" by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss from Raising Sand

We All Knew... It would 'happen', one day. : )

Spent over an hour... watering everything, this morning.
It's gonna be another... Toasty Day, in Iowa.
Let the hose run slowly.... into The Fish Pond.
They Love... Cool, Fresh... Water, when it gets Toasty.
: )
Who... Doesn't??
; )

Everything... seemed to appreciate A Drink!!.
; )

It was a Pretty Morning, but... I was workin' up a sweat, effortlessly, by 10.

Gonna soak in a Cool Bath, myself, before heading to Iowa City.
The University of Iowa wants to study my wrist, hand and arm... 
The Amazing...
Dr. Buckwalter,
 pieced, and screwed back together, about 5 years ago.
Today's The Day....
I get to be a 'Study Subject'.
; )
{we all knew, it would 'happen'... some day. : ) }

That Dr. Buckwalter... probably saved my leg, too.
He wouldn't allow anyone else, to touch me, 'treat me'.... after he saw how 'broken' I was, and horribly infected my leg had become.

He's a Very... Caring Dr. 
a Very Dedicated Dr.
; )
So Incredibly Grateful, to Him.
: )

The Bittersweet, around The Rabbit Hole.... 
has berries already.
oh my.
Don't have a Clue...
Where This Year Has Gone.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{The morning after I returned Home... from Gold Rush, noticed... how many leaves had fallen, on the North side of the house.
'Fall'... had arrived.

Thought of the Alison Krauss, and Robert Plant... tune, posted above.}

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ray Charles - Georgia On My Mind (Live)


Day, in Iowa.
; )
Decided... to move very slowly, keep... in the shade.
: )

Was thinking about... the conversations, Pal, Allyson... and I...
shared, on Saturday.

One... was about 9/11.
Where we were, when... the 'Unimaginable'...

I watched it unfold... with Charlie Gibson, and Diane Sawyer.
The Kids... were just off to School, I... was sippin' on a Strong... Brew, in my favorite... pink robe, watchin' 
Good Morning America.
Same... Daily... Routine.
: )
it wasn't.
: (
Watched Charlie.... split to a live screen, of something... that had Just 'happened',
 at The World Trade Center.
a small... 
plane, had possibly hit The World Trade Center.

Oh Dear Lord....
just a few minutes later, on Live... tv, we saw the second Plane, Jet, hit The World Trade Center.
: ( : ( : (......
it was then, 
'We'... all knew, This... was no 'accident'...
and we'd just witnessed MANY People Die.
: ( : ( : (

so Very... 
Sadly, that was just the Beginning.
: ( : ( : (

Called John, filled him in, asked him... if he thought I should go pull the Kids from School???
He thought we should sit tight.
We didn't know at that point, how Many... Planes were in the air, and where they might be located, and targeting.

That... was difficult.

Kept watching...  9/11 unfold, with Charlie... and Diane.
When I saw... the melting aluminum... dripping, from the windows...of the Trade Center structures.
 I knew...
they couldn't withstand the Heat.
: (
Dad... was a Scrapper, I've seen him burn metal. 
: (.....
those Beautiful...
Filled... With Beautiful People, were going to come down.
: ( : ( : (..............
: (

Got a little 'Political'... last night.
Deleted that post.
Here's what I'll tell ya.
January 6, is like 9/11 to me.
: (

Watched that Horrible Day, unfold... on tv, too.
Minute by Minute.
: (
The January 6... Attack, came from 'The Inside'.
Our People.
Our... Trusted, President.

in my opinion...

Don't take my word for it.
There's plenty of live video, watching January 6, unfold.
I, Sing... Liz Cheney's Praises, not because I agree with her thoughts on politics, but... because She....
 Put 'Country' Above 'Party'.

It cost her a bunch, sadly.
Somehow, that says a bunch, too.
: (
: )
Trust, and Truth... are Everything.
The Constitution... 
The Rule of Law.
We, as a 'People'... Must Protect our Constitution.
suffer the consequences.

Not writing about 'Politics', 
writing about our Democracy.

Bobby... Sure Miss 'You'!! : )

Yep, seems We'd Better Start Grabbin' Shovels.
: )

Goin' through more images, tonight.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL!!

Barb C.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Whatever It Takes: A Conversation with Rep. Liz Cheney

Canon in D (Pachelbel's Canon) - Cello & Piano [BEST WEDDING VERSION]

Livin' The Dream.

Travis Tritt & The Eagles - Take It Easy

Miles... and Miles... and Miles.

Allyson picked me up at 8 a.m. Sharp...
Saturday Morn!!
: )
We headed to Mt. Vernon, Iowa... about 20 minutes East of The Rabbit Hole, to Grab The Best Coffee on The Planet, and... Best Bakery.
; )
Art and Espresso'.
Our Dear Friend...
Tommie, owns it.
; )
Her Mom... does All of The Baking!!
Best Scones... We've Ever Eaten!!
: ) : ) : )

Tommie has All Sorts of Gnarliness, and Fun... at FUEL.
: )
the Sweet Little 'Thank You', above.
; )
The Rabbit Hole... 
feels the same way.
Once Ya step inside the door, 
that 'other' world...
needs to keep out.
; )
<3 <3 <3 

Then, we headed South... and, a little West.
Kalona, Iowa... area.
Amish Country Stores.

Met This... Wonderful Guy, when I found an apple, that had fallen from a tree, near where he was hitched.
Don't believe he gets apples, often.

He... didn't quite know what to think of it, at first.
but, after he gave it a Good Sniff...
That Apple was HISTORY!!
<3 <3 <3

Oh My...
; )
made me think of Scout... and how Incredibly Spoiled He Was.
<3 <3 <3
Should Be, in my opinion.
Justin 'J's 'Romeo'... is a Close Runner Up, to Scoutaroo.
: )
'Romeo'... came from an Amish Farm, where he was being used to pull a Manure Spreader, the week before he came to live with The Kids.
: )
He's Livin' in Horse Heaven!!
<3 <3 <3 

The Amish Garden's are Insane!!

We wanted to stop at Sisters' Garden, but... were running late, for the Kalona Farmer's Market.
Next Road Trip... South.
; )

Went through many Cool... Iowa Towns.
Fairfield.... had some Awesome Homes, and Buildings.
: )

Ran into a Church Rummage Sale.
Beautiful Church.
they didn't have any tables set up, had everything layered on the Pews, mostly.
They had things outside... on the ground, it was so different than how they conduct them here.
; )

Found a Sweet... Chandelier... there.
: )
It rode with the Tomato Dill... Sourdough Bread, I bought at The Kalona Farmer's Market.
: )
Allyson, and I... bought MANY Groceries, at The Country Stores.
; )
Stocked Up!!
; )

Allyson wanted me to see 'Dutchman's Store', in Cantril, Iowa.
It was Crazy BUSY!!
Very Cool!!

Decided to buy Sweet Corn, there.
There was a Father, Daughter... and Darling, infant Granddaughter... loading up on Sweet Corn, too.
I... stood back, waiting my turn.
The Dad...said... 
"You want to get in here???" : )
Told him, I'd like to grab a dozen, but am happy to wait.
: )
He said... "You get your dozen, because we're buying 20 dozen."
OH MY!!!!
The Daughter, who is from Arkansas, told me it's The Best Sweet Corn They've Ever Eaten!! Her Dad, Agreed.
; )
He's from Missouri. 
They drive a LONG Way... for This Iowa Sweet Corn!!
They're Canning, and Freezing it.
; )

Allyson, and I... stopped for a late Lunch, across the street from 'Dutchman's'.
'Cantril Fox Den'.
A small...
; )
that serves...
Good Eats.
'Soul Food'.
: )

Met some Great Folks from Des Moines while waiting for our meals. 
Had a Wonderful Visit with them... over Lunch.
: )

Then... we headed North, towards Home.
Crossed over The Des Moines River, again...
into Bonaparte, Iowa.
: )
Always Fun... Antiquing there.
; )
Haven't been there, for Years.
: (
Don't let the slow street above... fool ya.
: )
It's not until you have to Push a Ford Ranger, loaded... kinda heavy,
on one of The Hottest Days, of the year.... down the Main Street.
 When The Cars Line Up... on the 'Main Street', 
behind... Ya.
: )
They Come From Out of Nowhere!!!
Trust Me...
They're There.
Ya Can't See 'em.....
but, trust me...
They're There.
: )

We had Fun... Visiting in Bonaparte.

The Above Event... is After The Fall Harvest Sale.
: )
Might be a Great Escape!!
Love The Area.

Purchased the above...
INSANE Lamp, yesterday.
I DIG OLD FARM, and OLD... Soulfulness.
Crazy Lamps, 
make me smile.
: )

these days, when Ya run across something, That Brings a Smile to Your Face, well...
in my opinion...
You'd Better Grab It!!
; )

Speaking of Smiles.
: )

Allyson, and me... Popped in on Charlie!!
: )
His Barn Sale... Is Happening!!
: )


{Should've bought that Crazy Snail... }
{damn it. : ( }

See Simply Iowa, on FB.
Posted Many, Many... Images of Charlie's Barn Sale, that I captured yesterday.
What a SALE!!
; )

Lovely Day.
Grabbed some Much Needed Supplies.
Some Great Produce.
: )
Met, some Awesome Folks.
Shared some Wonderful Conversations...with Dear Pal, Allyson.
: )
{Eventually... we'll figure out the World's Problems. : ) }

Love.... the Early Ironstone Covered Vegetable, I found in Bonaparte.
No lid. 
No Worries.
I've NEVER Seen this pattern, before.
Guessing it dates from the Civil War era.
Those Beautiful Tomatoes... look even More Beautiful...
{in my opinion... : ) }
in that Old....
: )

Found the little 'memorandum' 
Book, as I was leaving the Cool Antique Store, in Bonaparte. 
It was sitting in a bin, in a zip-lock baggie, among a bunch of other little things.
: )
oh dear.
It Grabbed Me!!
: )

It's a handwritten cookbook, from 1904.
<3 <3 <3 
: )

Stopped in at our Fairfax Casey's tonight.
I, absolutely... Love The Fairfax Casey's Kids, and Manager... Barb.
Was just grabbing a BIG Iced Fountain Drink, but... when I went to pay, 
The Casey's Kids... had my 'Usual', waiting... for me.
; )

Surprised The Kids, I haven't seen in a long time, that...
I no longer smoke.
: )
They All Cheered.
<3 <3 <3
; )

Pal, Kelly Dennis, sent this to me this evening.
<3 <3 <3 
Love It...
and, Kelly.
: )

Love to Ya.
Prayers... for All.

Barb C.

{yes... when I can, I'll be addressing 'Gold Rush'. ; ) Gads. <3 }