Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Harvest Sale....Day Two!

It was a Lovely Day....Filled with Lovely People.... Paula brought our Lunch...Thank You.... Sweet Connie and Janet...found their the Rabbit Hole... {Love Them!} as did So Many Wonderful Folk....Some...I haven't seen...for so long.... The Kids all made an Appearance.... Brother in Law, Jim...stopped by...with some of my late Sister, Chery's things... {that was a bit hard to was here, helping me during my very first sales... there isn't a sale, that happens here...that I don't feel a part of her, with me.... I do miss her so....I was a bit off my pins....after that....}
Nancy...{Rug Cottage} and her Darling Daughter, Jessica, were here, late this a Wonderful Vocalist....and sang 'Over the Rainbow', for the Shop...tonight...what a Lovely Treat...
I do feel so blessed....To have such Amazing Spirit....
My Family...and Friends...are Truly...The Wind Beneath My Wings....
I could go on and on...listing by one...but...I think they all know...who they are....My Love...and each....
I'm exhausted...the Sale is Going Great...More stuff coming in...Look forward to seeing You...
Love to Ya...
My Gift.... Gayle N., brought this 1830's Lusterware Tea Pot, out to the made it...under the Old Oak...on an Open Table...while the Winds Howled...Yesterday.... I was running past...and caught a Glimpse.....I stopped dead in my tracks....and picked it up.... The handle has an Amazing Wire Repair...  I Melted....
Michael, from Leftovers....educated me, on these Repaired Art Forms....
This is my Treasure from Fall Harvest Sale...2011...
 Love It.... Love...this Old Gnarly....Most Wonderful Stuff...and all the Folks...Who Love me....

Amazing Stained Glass....just came in...This Afternoon! Wowza!

Cool Stuff!
Lovely...old Cupola....Waiting for You!
Ahhh....the Wind...Beneath my Wings..... So Many....I am...and have been blessed with....During my Life's Journey... from day... moment to all...are truly....
The Wind Beneath My Wings....
Thank God...for All of You....
Thanks to Everyone...who has Shopped...Visited... Helped...Love to Ya...
Two Days Left...!
Barb C.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awesome....Come and Get 'em!

These are Amazing Art Pieces!... Wow!
 Love The New Miniature Line!!!!
They Are Goin' Fast!!!! Something Else....Wow!

Day One....Fall Harvest Sale...

Camp Blankets....LOADS of them...Amazing....Indian...Camp Blankets.... Wow....
Look what Peg the North Green House...{yes...Wanda...the Mama got them across the Busy Hi Way......} This little Fella was Not a Happy Camper!
This Man, and his Lovely Wife...{loading the truck} were so much Fun... He bought the Gnarly 5.00 Stetson Hat...{it was Perfect on him! {it fit me, too...I wore it...'til he paid for it.... was Cool....} his wife said..." I had no idea he could do a U turn with this Big Rig... when he saw this sale....he whipped it right around on the hi way...." Oh My...I have done this...a time or two myself....{ask Lynn and Lea...about a U Racine, Minnesota...oh my....HANG ON!!!}
The Old Walnut Wonderful...Holding these Beautiful Blankets....Oh My....
The Big Tent is Full! Thanks to Paula...for getting all of the totes unpacked.... Wow....There is A Lot Of Stuff!
Ahhh...Sweet Carolyn.... and The Junk Jubilee Girl.... I Am Going To Make It...To That Des Moines Show....This Year!!!! I have heard sooo much Great Stuff About It! I'm so glad she came...and visited!
Amy...."The Nest"..... Lord knows...what an Angel She is... She has to come back with a Truck... and... her Darling Daughter.....Lydia.... Wish I would have had more time to visit with her.... When she comes to Load.... I'll make time...Love..Her...
Sweet....Liz....and Sweet...Scarlett! This Baby....Always Everyone....She Loves Us All...{Even the Old Oak Tree....{we have a face, on the tree} She Loved the Old Oak...and Jerry...His Beard was a Lovely Thing! Ahhhh Miss. Scarlett..... Once again...The Belle of the Ball!{ Liz was whistling the 'Cyclone' Tune...from her favorite Movie..."The Wizard of Oz".... with the Crazy...Scary Wind...Blowing through the Scarlett....was not worried...not a single bit!}
Ahhh...Jerry...Love Him! And...Sweet Carole! {do ya see why Scarlett was so Intrigued?...What a Sweet Man! She Loved His Beard!}
Tom R. brought this Amazing Iron Fence!!!! Gorgeous! Priced to Sell!!!! 50 feet of it...and...the GATE!!!! WOW!
The Day Was CRAZY!!!! I am Exhausted! The Wind...Took Limbs off of trees...and Cupboards Blew on the Ground Like Domino's! I said..."Leave it all lay.....Tomorrow, is another day.... we'll Stand Up... and Fluff... Tomorrow!...But....LOOK OUT FOR THE DEBRIS!!!!"...It was CRAZY!!!!{50 mph sustained winds!!!} It's going to be a Great.... Rest of the Weekend... but...whew... today...was unsettling!{I sooo hate the wind...Peg and I wanted to totally Jump Down the Rabbit Hole!}
It was Great Seeing Everyone! {I'll touch on week...} Barb H., Brenda...Gail...Brandon....Stephanie...Eva...and Mark...Kim..."The Girls From Story City!"{Marion...and Jean!} I could...truly...go on...and on...and...The Sweet Gals from Texas... They had, some how... mistaken me...for a Woman...from Iowa...who drinks...with some Boys...from Texas...hmmmm...I told them...they have me Confused with Someone Else....I certainly...don't drink...ahhh Yukon Jack...ahhh...not ever....
Very Sweet...Miss...
Texas Girls....
Had a Great Time...visiting with everyone, who Braved the WIND!!!! Wow!
I'm Exhausted!!! If You are Headed this way....Be SURE...and Hit The Amana Colonies.... and What Cheer...Wow...I have heard Great Gathering Stories from Folks... That have went all Directions!!! They are Having Blast!
We are going to Dig In...and Re Set...In the Morn... Oh my... Hope to See Ya! New Stuff...coming in...Every Day!
Thanks to Everyone...who came...{ David...and Vernon...BIG HUGS!} I was sooo many...Good Folk....Thank You...Thank You...
I'm heading to the Sack...
See Ya...In The Morn...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Harvest Sale! 8 a.m.!!!!

Don't Miss It!!!
September 29th, 30th October 1st and 2nd!!!!!
8 a.m 'til Dusk...Daily!
The Lawn and Buildings are Brimming!
The Sale has Never Been this Large!
Antiques of Every Shape and Size!
All Priced to Sell!!!
Friends and Neighbors have Gathered and Amazing Amount of Wonderful Treasures... !
Hope You Will Come Visit....{lot's of Great Shopping in the Area! Octoberfest in the Amana's...and What Cheer Flea Market!!!!}
Located at 101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa {hi way 151} 5 miles S.W. of Cedar Rapids, or 11 miles North of The Amana Colonies! Only 1 hour North East of What Cheer!}
I will have Images in the Morn...{left my camera the Dark....dang! so you better come see for yourself!}
We have Gathered Cool Farm Stuff... a Cupola....Amazing Indian Blankets... Early Cupboards....Dry Sink.... Oak Tables and Chairs.... Architectural...Folk Art...Linens...Lace.... Quilts... Toys...tons of Smalls!Way too much to begin to mention...and...we will be adding things...Every Day!!!!
A Special Thanks To Peg...oh my....{her latest UNBELIEVABLE!!!} Mark...Paula....Jan....Lynn....Lea.... Mary...Dave...John...and, Everyone who dug in...and helped out....Amazing Folk.... Thank You...Thank You! {Justin...Josh...Jack...Carolyn...Gayle...Amy....Bud and Renate....}
We aren't done yet...{may not be for days...a lot of stuff...but...It Is...What It Is....All Good...}
Wear Your Grubbies!!! And....Bring a TRUCK!!!!
I hope to see You!
any 319-241-1348
Love to Ya!
Barb C.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Folks Bringing Good Stuff....

Mark brought this Mantle out...It is Just out of a House in Cedar Rapids....It's Amazing
Paul Bunyan looks pretty bare...We'll put straw and Pumpkins out in the morn....
Lea set this display....Thank Goodness for Lynn and Lea... Don't know what we would have done without them.... What wonderful Folk....
Old...Old..... Shocking Blue... If it doesn't sell... John will make something Neat Out of It....!
Here are a few things Lynn and Lea brought...I am so all of the Folks who are bringing things....I'm hoping Mary S., can bring a few treasures... {Dark Horse Antiques....}she has been having a ruff go.... but...even just to hear her Laugh.... would be so Wonderful....!
The Cool Bottle Folk! Jerome and Dawn! Love These Bottles! They dig them up, cool is that?
Mark has brought a Huge Load...of Great Stuff... and is bringing more, in the Morn.... can't wait to see it all! Several Folks are bringing things tomorrow.... It's going to be busy...getting everything together...for Opening on Thursday....
Peg is Amazing...I haven't seen her Beautiful Pieces Yet...  Can't Wait!
Dan A. popped in...and said he was taking a Great Load to What Cheer... I think it's going to be a Super Weekend for those Folks! The Weather Looks Good!
Thanks to all who have helped...this week... I think of all the Folks who have helped over the this 'Antique...Yard Sale....'...and I Thank Them Too...what a Journey....
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{Gloria...please call on the Ovoid Crock...} 

Monday, September 26, 2011


Things are Rolling in! The Best Thing...was Pegadoo... she is my Angel...We just got done working in the shop... a late night....a Long Day...but...a Good Day...
I am dirty from head to toe! oh my...
It was cold and Rainy... but some neighbors brought some cool stuff in tonight...A Large Rug...and Empire Dresser...some cute stuff! Lynn and Lea also brought some neat stuff... and will be coming tomorrow...with a bit more! They brought Corn Stalks...and what I call White Bittersweet.... it has really cool White Berries...
Remember...There are Some Great Events going on in the Area...
What Cheer Flea Market...What Cheer, Iowa... the Amana Colonies....{Tons of Great Shopping There!}
and...we'd love to see you well...
{There's so many Antique this area...{ general....} make plans to come visit over a weekend...You will have a Most Wonderful Time!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Harvest Sale...Coming Fast!

Back at it! Mark just called about a load, he is bringing... Sounds like some Amazing Stuff! {a Huge Fireplace Mantle... and some very cool Fancy Old Windows...things he just acquired, yesterday...he is bringing a Huge Load, besides...}I'm headed back out... more stuff to get ready...
There is going to be a TON of Furniture...some Ruff... and for parts... Some Ready to Go! Folks are bringing stuff from all over...and...sounds like some are making the trip...from quite a distance! There is going to be stuff...from FREE...on up! It's gonna be a Great Sale...
There will be all sorts of Farm related, fun things...loads of Smalls...{Old...Old...stuff....from Books, to Staffordshire...Crocks...Jugs...Churns...Wooden Bowls and Trenchers...Old...Old...Things..} Tons of Quilts...lace and a Huge Variety of Textiles...Pastel Paintings...and Oil... I'm parting with some Treasures...from the House...
And...of Course... Peg will have her Beautiful Embellished Gourds...They go FAST... I'm hoping she will have a Collection, of her "Miniatures"... oh dear... these are going to blow your mind!
Out the Door I Go!
Have a Most Lovely Day...
Barb C.
{I had to give 'er a little more Lead...What a Soulful Old Gal...John says..."if it could only talk"....
My right hand is so swollen today...from scraping....and soooo carefully sanding the top layer of paint.... that I won't be able to get my ring off for a Week!'s all worth it.... Wish I was a Wealthy Woman! {actually...I am....just not in Money.....}

Saturday, September 24, 2011

If The Old Gal Could Sing...I think She'd Sing This Tune...

{There have been many Old Cupboards...that have touched my Heart...Over the Years...{this is Definitely One of them...I knew it the moment I laid eyes on it....She has Soul...}Oh...How I have Loved Them...I actually them...scraping them...what ever they may need...I think...if they could talk...they would say..."Girl...I Love how you Love me..." so many of them....haven't been loved...for so very long....I See Them Smile...
Yes...I am Crazy... and...I Do....Have a Passion...for Old Cupboards...they kind of...Love me Back...}
Love...Love ...Love this Old Darling....
John had started scraping on it...{someone had started the front, when I bought it...} I kept looking at it....every time I went to his shop....he had moved on to other projects...{scraping is a tedious job...especially when you have to be careful not to gouge...and try and save the bottom, original paint....} I grabbed the scraper...and got on it...I saved all the old Mustard I could on the door panels...and crown...It looks Great! Dry...and just like it should...being from the early to mid 1800's... The image really isn't good....if this Old Darling doesn't the Sale...I may have to find a spot in the house....It is so Old... Bracket Feet... just don't find anymore...
I got the massive doors set...and a couple other pieces of furniture done...John is working on a Corner Cupboard...I was going to work late in the shop, tonight...but...I have had enough... think I'll sink into a
 Nice... Hot Bubble Bath...
and take on the the Morn!
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{oh my...after re-reading this... if anyone...for a moment...thinks I do what I do...for the Money...REALLY! Dear God....I Love This Old Stuff!!! Thank You...for allowing us to get by...Working with it...: )}

Friday, September 23, 2011

Let The Good Times Roll...Lord...Lord...

I sat down tonight...wondering what I would say about today....and what play...with it.... I tired as I am... I need something..Up...Up....Up! I thought about 'The Cars'... Let the Good Times Roll....{ I hated them...when I was young...kind of like them, now...hmmm...} But then...I saw...B.B. King... 'Let the Good Times Roll'.....and took me Back.... Oh My...To Nashville.... several  years ago...B.B. King's... Downtown Nashville... With Steph...and the Girls...{Liz and Kristi...} and Sweet Maurice... Our Heart... Oh My... Maurice took us all B.B. King's...Live Music...Great Music...and the Place was Packed.... He knew someone....who could get us all in.... we went...But...not a table to be found... except...a tiny one...way in the back....Maurice started for it...and so did another couple.... a fight broke out... between Maurice...and The Wife....of a Very Large Man...A Large Man... all dressed in a Red Tux...and a Big Red Top Hat... I'm motioning to GET BACK HERE....but Nooooo.... He and the Wife...are in each other's faces...toe to a Huge Shouting Match...Over That Table! oh my gosh.... {The just standing there....if he would have thumped would have been all over....that guy...was a Giant...}
The next thing I know....we are all... all 7 of us... sitting around a 2 top B.B. King's... having an Amazing Time... Who Would Have Thought!? The Amazing the Band...took a Shine to Us Gals... and came and danced with us...crowded in with us... at our table...and visited...on his breaks... oh my....Only...In Nashville... My February Happy Place...
Sometimes... it be Crazy...all the best People are...don't ya know!
Ahhhh...back to reality.... Got the tents up....the load of furniture home.... lawn push mowed...and trimmed.... It's all good...{Peg is sick... that's not good...she'll be here Monday... but I'm hoping to have most things done... I don't want her busting her all...can't wait to see her new Collection...oh my...can't see her...}
So...all I can say, is...
6 Days 'til Sale!!!
Yeeee Haw!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.

I'm Throwin' 'er into OVER DRIVE!

The Tents are going up today....I'm going to buy another...Sooo much stuff coming in.... oh my...
I'm throwing my body into Over Drive... my lags a bit week from now...if you stop in...I may seem normal...{what ever that is...} but trust'll see a walking...talking...Shell...these sales are a KILLER!!!!
I feel like I'm running in always.... Everyone...needs me.... from Mom...{who has now come down with a bad bug....dang....} to folks stoppin' in...{ it....} to man handling a lot of big... heavy stuff... today..if it's not too windy...I'll be burning.... This eve...I'm headed to Rick and Karen's, to pick up a load of furniture... I want to get the Massive doors set, today, as well... I was up half the night with sinus'm finally hitting the shower...
Oh Baby...
I'm shiftin' gears...and puttin' the Hammer Down!
Yee Haw!!!!
6 DAYS 'til SALE!!!!
oh my...
love to ya...
Barb C.
{I need to make sense...of the newly trashed shop...too....
Let's see... Gazebo....4 HUGE tents... Hen House... front and back Greenhouses... Shop....Garage...
oh yeah...the LAWN...
Hmmm.... I should be able to get it all done... Peg will be here Monday...we'll have 3 days together......hmmm... everyone keeps saying... I always get it done..I will...get it done... Over Drive!!!!}
{oh dear...people will start bringing stuff....Tuesday....oh do I always do this, again???}
{I'm So thankful to the Guys...for putting the tents up....I HATE putting those Tents up.....}

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This is a tool box, from an old Case Farm Implement... or Tractor... Love It!
Oh My...time is really FLYING!!! Whew! It's Mighty Chilly out...this morn... guess I'll have to be steppin' lively! Lot's to do!
Tic Toc!

Folk Art....

This Lovely Old Tiered Stand, and Matching Clock Shelf, came rolling in this morn... They are about 90 years
All made from Hand... Folk Art...
Their condition is Amazing....
Perfect for the Fall Harvest Sale!
They came from a Farm, just a dozen miles, or so... away... lived there, their entire lives...
I will find them a Lovely Home!
Happy Last Day of Summer!
Barb C.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

'A' is for Apple Pie!

Picked this little cloth, late 1800's children's book, up...the other day... Showed it to Miss Scarlett....she Loved It!!!
I will be having lot's of old books, and odds and the Fall Harvest Sale...
I am proud to say...I did cut a huge load of brush, around the house and shop today... and cleared a couple of areas! Then...went and visited Rick and Karen... they had some wonderful Old Doors...that will be so Fun...for Display...and I'm going back, to get a load of Furniture...for the Sale...
I sold an Amana need to dig it out of the shop...and reset the Primitive area...
So Much...Much...Much... to do...
The Cool Cats, I just met, this Summer...who are Bottle Diggers... stopped by, today....They are bringing HUNDREDS of Gnarly Old Bottles to the Sale! Priced so fair... they are so cool...
I gotta tell ya...I feel, Truly Blessed... with the most Amazing Folks... bringing stuff, for us to enjoy...
It looks to be a Grand Sale...
I'm tired... and a bit...sore...
But...this Foggy Mountain Breakdown...Has Me SMILING...and Dancin' in the Kitchen!
 Never too tired to Dance!
Yee Haw!!!!
{Polly thinks I have Lost My Mind...but...she Likes it...and is Bouncing around...too!}
Love to Ya!
Barb C.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh...dear....It's Getting Ugly...

This is an Old Wardrobe... I picked up Northern Iowa... She's a Big Girl! In Very Good Condition... a Real Sweet Heart!
Go ahead...ask me....what I got done today...
for the Fall Harvest home... go ahead...
The answer is...NOTHING!!!
It appears...the going to look like a mess....But Oh My...there is gonna be Stuff!!!! Loads...and Loads...of Great Stuff!!!
I have invited some bring their Huge Load... that was in a House, they bought...that was going down... Tons...of Old Stuff..Priced to SELL!
Mark has gathered a Massive amount of Old Stuff! Talked to my Interior Designer Pal....She's throwing a Load together...Tom and Paula...also have Gnarly Stuff!!!! Lynn and Farmer Friends...also...are bringing a Mighty Fine Load!!!!  just to name...a few!
I got a call...this morn...that took me to Northern Iowa...
brought back a Very Respectable LOAD!!!
no...I didn't get cleaning done...or yard work done...
I dragged Home a Mighty Fine Fall Harvest Load!!!! always...
Wear Your Grubbies....
{no White Gloves Allowed...Save Them...for the 'Brightly Lit'...Clean... Stores!]
and, for Heaven's Sake...
Bring The TRUCK!!!
This Sale is Gonna be a BIG ONE!!!
But...You won't go home Empty Handed!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{the Big so full... I have things...Stacked...and Racked! We are putting up, two more 24 footers....and maybe buying another! along with the Little Red and White Circus Style Tent... oh my...Bring the Truck! {and Trailer!}

Gnarly Mohair Chair... She's got a tare, here and there... but...the price is right...and So...So... So....FALL!!!! {and Comfy...oh...yeah....}

Love...Love...Love This Massive Hand Made Tub!!!! Wowza! {at least 3 feet in diameter!}{did I say I Love This???}

9 Days...'til Show Time!

Oh My...Spinning....Spinning!
 Mama Mia!
I'm headed out the door...not sure which direction to turn....Work...Everywhere! {Peg says..."No Worries... it always comes together"...she'll be up, next week...}
Yard Work...
Set Areas...
It Is...What It Is.....
It's All Good...
Have a Great Day!
Barb C.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Letting Go...{Bohemian Rhapsody...ahhhh yes....I am...a Bohemian...after all....just seemed...Fitting...I am Irish too... Oh Dear!}The Queen part...well...

I've decided to do a little house cleaning... at this Fall Harvest Sale...
I Hate to do it... Still... Love All of It... but, think it's let go....and let someone else enjoy, some of the Treasures...I hold, so dear....
As the Sale draws near... I'll have a list.... but....most will be a Surprise...for those who attend....I'll be adding things...the duration of the well...
It's going to be a Great Sale...
Don't Miss It....
Barb C.
Fall Harvest Sale
September 29th, 30th October 1st, and 2nd
8 a.m. 'til Dusk Daily
The Lawn and Buildings will be Brimming!
Friends and Neighbors are Bringing all Sorts of Antique Treasures
at Affordible Prices!
{and Peg will be bringing her Latest Collection!}
Something...for Everyone!
{new items, and neighbors, added daily!}
Rain or Shine!
Wear Your Grubbies and Bring a Truck!
Located at 101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa 52228
{on hiway 151 between Cedar Rapids and Amana Colonies}
You may call me, at 319-241-1348 or email at [email protected]

The Coverlet of Life....

I am up I can be at the Hospital early, to meet Mom there for tests.. she's been having a few issues...hopefully nothing major....
I don't talk about the pins, that are always in the with every family...with my family....much...
My life is, like I would imagine, a Weaver...on her loom... keeping all the main colors in line...then pulling  a few different colors, in as they are presented... it's when the pattern changes, without warning.... that I get crazy...{or...when other's tell me, how I should be weaving...yet, they do help....and only step up...when they want to tell me, how I should be holding the shuttle....but, would never want to guide it, themselves........{I'm so thankful, they are all retired...and have plenty of time, to figure out, what I need to improve my coverlet... Bless their Hearts!{then...wonder why...I sound a bit angry...listening to their helpful suggestions.......hmmmm...}Bless Their Hearts...again...}but, I guess that's life...{aren't you only hear about, one color, in my coverlet... my work...oh everyone else's... is say the very least...}
Ahhh....yes....The American Queen...I marvel, at how Strong she appears.... oh my... wonder what she's hiding under those petticoats...? I think...I already have a pretty good idea....
It was cold and rainy here, yesterday... got some shop cleaning done...Eva, and her husband, Mark, stopped by....and found some treasures...It was Great to see them...they will be at What Cheer, the same weekend as The Fall Harvest Sale... and Rick and Karen...It's always Great seeing them, too...It was very always is...leading up to Sale Time...and two weeks after.... Folks wait, to come, 'til the sale...Then,  have already been wait a couple weeks to come back...
The Fall will be filled with seems...I'll be posting dates for The Harvest Moon Gathering,{I'm calling it, that, now...may change the title...} the end of October, Mid West Show Weekend... and The Holiday Open House, in mid November...
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, this Fall... Spending time with Pegadoo... I laugh a lot...when she's here... feels sooo laugh....
Hope you all have a Most Amazing Day....
and Laugh...a little...
Love to ya...
The Coverlet...It Almost Makes One....Dizzy...looking at it... Think what the Weaver, went through....creating it...oh my....
Barb C.
{I had to put this song on..."Put another Log on the Fire"... for all of the 'American Queens'...that juggle everything... and dance backwards in high heels... they don't hear, 'thanks'... very often... so Here's a BIG THANKS!!!! now...go lift that car up....and change that tire...! }

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I gathered these wonderful collections... from a Lovely Woman....who had brought things, to Sisters' Garden, to sell during the Open House....{which was Packed with People today! YEAH!!!} I so enjoyed visiting with her.... these buttons, and sewing odds and ends... were her Grandmothers... she had just thought of we visited... she hadn't put out yet...and reached into a box... pulled out an envelope, holding this stunning Pearl Heart...and beautiful Locket...that was also, Eleanor's Grandmothers... I nearly melted.... she was there, yesterday, as well.... if she would have gotten it, and several other things out, she recalled, just while visiting with me....they all would have been long...gone...
I do believe...everything happens, for a reason...
The Beautiful Heart....goes with my collection... of Heart Reminders...of Dad...
 The other little treasures...will fall into the hands... they were also, meant for....ones...who will love, and appreciate them...a few...already have...
I saw many Sisters...So Many Kind yesterday...
Love This Old Stuff...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{12 days...'til The Fall Harvest Sale....oh...dear....}

Gnarly Things...

Love the Old Flower Pot...and the Gnarly...Little Tin Medicine Cabinet.... Soulful Things....

A Great Afternoon! Gathering....

The Girls at Sisters' used old paper grain sacks, for was so cool!

MUMS!!! Beautiful Mums!!!!

Deb's Folks brought this Old Truck in....for the Open House! Thaere are several there...very...very....Wonderful!
Love...Love...Love...the Garden Shed! {she bought the door entry, from me, years ago! I used it as an one of the very first Heart of Country's, we did....It's a Show Stopper!}
Sweet Brandon... His area, was done up Darling... He is Amazing...I sure do Love Him!
They had all sorts of goodies....several varieties of Coffee...and Cider....Mmmmmm.....
This is Brandon's display if Early Ironstone...the little black crow...seems quite at Home!
This is a shot of Brandon's was weird...but seemed fitting....I helped a gal get some pieces down to purchase...I must have been she asked me... oh well... it's Cool!
Brandon...and Bow Ties....oh my.... he is a Cool Cat!
This is a snippet of Sharon's room... She also sells her Amazing Soap, here.... Sharon and I love so many of the same, soulful things.... must be a 'Free Spirit'...'thing'....
Sisters' has a Wonderful Variety of Lotions...Soaps... and cleaning supplies.... Very...Very....Good Stuff!
Nancy, and Sweet Carolyn... at Rug Cottage { } Alyson and I stopped there on the way to Sisters' Garden.... and filled up on Jellies, and my fav, Hot and Sweet Pepper Relish! Yum! I also bought a Huge Tin Wash Pan... {it looks Amana...all hand made!} Allyson drove...and there was no was going in her little car! So...I'm headed back, pick up! }
We had a lovely afternoon... went to the Stringtown Grocery, where Alyson got some of her favorite Grapefruit Wedge Candy...and I...some bulk, Dill....{LOVE DILL ON EVERYTHING!} We should have went to Old Man's Creek Antiques... and on to Kalona....but time was gobbled Another Time...soon...Kalona has it's Fall Festival, I weekend... oh my....
Alyson and I were talking about taking a road trip to Illinois, this Fall.... We started looking at weekends...oh my Gosh.... With my Sale....less...than two weeks away.... and prep, for that... then... the Mid West Show....I'm having a PARTY here....and open 12 hour days...all weekend, then.... Then...the Holiday Open House.... in November.... Throw in Thanksgiving... Then...start gathering for NASHVILLE...EARLY FEBRUARY! Oh my gosh...Time Is Flyin'!
It was great seeing everyone, yesterday! Val and Roxanne popped out, before we headed to Kalona... we invited them, to ride along...but they were headed to the pick Pumpkins!
I'm jumping in the Gather up my goodies, from Sisters' Garden, and Rug Cottage...Then...I HAVE GOT To Get Home...and Get BUSY!
The Shop is Open tomorrow...12 to 4.... Come visit...if you stay too long...I'm puttin' ya to Work!
Love to ya!
Barb C.