Saturday, January 30, 2010

Teddy, in His Old, Old Cradle, I found for Him, Today... { I think he likes it!}

Liz and Judy...The Muscle Women... They Got'er Done!

I told Liz, to be sure and dress warm, and she did... This hat just cracks me up... She thinks it's the 'Cats Meow'! I saw one elderly man look at her, and very seriously say, he'd had one just like it, years and years ago, and it was the warmest hat he'd ever had... She didn't bat an eye, and said how much she loved hers, too...Hmmm.

Darling Little Bike...{at Hickory Hill} How 'Spring' is That?!

Judy, and Sweet Teddy...

I could feel 'Spingtime!', at Judy's{ Hickory Hill}

My Beautiful Gift...From Nancy...

Thank You, Nancy...I will treasure it, always....

Large Brown Romantic Staffordshire Plate...

A Vintage Sewing Basket, Very Tightly Woven...

A 'Well Worn' Amish Quilt.... Harvested, today...

A Perfect Ironstone Punch Bowl...found today...

A Day with Liz Riding Shotgun!

Whew!!! What a day! While shopping at Sisters' Garden and Bloom,{sisters' garden and bloom} yesterday, with pal Val, and having, as I predicted, a Great time, I received a call from Judy Donavon, { Hickory Hill} from Cascade, Iowa {northern Iowa}... I had mentioned to her, way back, that if she should ever decide to sell, her amazing Seed Cabinet, from the General Store, there in Cascade, give me a holler! { She loved it, and wasn't ready to part with it, last year...} The phone rang, while I was meandering through Sisters', and Judy was hollering, on the other end... " Still interested in the Seed Cabinet?", ah...Yeeeah! She said she was moving in an awesome old Farm piece, and needed some room... I was elated! I told her I'd be there first thing in the morning... She also advised me to bring Men... It's 10 feet long, has 5 'c' roll back, bins, and 10 glass front drawers... and it is HEAVY!!! I told her I'd do better than men, I'd bring Liz.... Liz and I were running down the road, a little before 8:00, this morning, we flew through Mt. Vernon, to get a jolt of Great Coffee, at FUEL, then buzzed our way to Cascade! We made short order of it, had the Seed Counter loaded and strapped down in minutes! { Judy, had 2 friends helping, too, it was a walk in the park!!!} Judy's store looks great, and Liz and I drooled over several pieces... but the one thing I could not walk away from, was the sweetest little Teddy Bear... Oh my... He is wonderful, and had to come home with us... We had to make a delivery, after we unloaded the Counter, and had a very interesting time getting the piece out of my Shop... I thought the entire back corner of the Store was coming with... But we all survived, got the piece loaded, and on our way South, this time... Just as we were heading out, Dale F. pulled up, and he decided to join us, on the run! So we all crammed into the little Ford, and headed South! We stopped in at Barntiques, {[email protected]} and{proprietor} Nancy was Great! She is a fellow blogger, and is a real Sweet Heart!!! I spied a beautiful Currier and Ives print, { I love them} titled 'The Carrier Dove', and my heart melted... I had taken in a Dove, that had a broken wing, years ago, and it lived for a long time... When she died, I was devastated, so now when I see Doves, in concrete, or prints, I bring them home... I told Nancy the story, and she gave the print, to me... We fought about it, and I won, a little, but what a gift... I truly love it! We had a fun time, and found some really good stuff! When you are on your way to Kalona, on hwy. 1, be sure and stop by... And check out Nancy's Blog! She does a great job! I love her images!!! After stopping at Nancy's, we of course, HAD to go to Sisters'... That Barb is such a Dolly Babe! The Store looks amazing, as always... and 'Spring' has 'Sprung', there, for sure! All of the stores were very busy, today, and it was good to see folks getting out! On our way home, we headed to Iowa City, and stopped at 'Decorum', visited with Mark... I could hardly get out the door... I would pay for something, start heading out, then find something else, pay for that, then find yet, another, something cool! Oh my!!! Dale and Liz, threw a bag over my head, so we could leave, and then we headed for 'The Hamburg Inn'... I Love this diner! It's been in Iowa City, since the 30's, and has had several Presidents, and Candidates come dine, over the years... They have 'pie shakes', where they actually blend a big slice of pie, with ice cream, and make a shake... oh my... Liz and I shared a Rhubarb {homemade, and really good and tart!} pie shake! {they are HUGE!!!} We all were stuffed, when we left, and we somehow, all squeezed back into the little Ford... It was a long, but wonderful day, lots of laughs, great gatherings, and the best people you could ever spend a day hanging around with! Ahhh, a good day.... 'til next time, Barb C. I do want to mention, I did get some news today, concerning an old friend... She has been diagnosed with the 'C' word...{ I won't give that word time on this space...} She is in my prayers, and I hope yours too. I have known her for many years, and that ugly 'C', doesn't stand a chance... She is a 'spit fire', and has the will, and stamina to kick it's 'ugly butt'! Hang in there Baby! We love ya! You are in the 'Arms of the Angels', they will carry you through... God Bless You... Barb C.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Little Collector...

It's a cold, but bright day, here in Iowa... Just got off the phone, with Rita, {Iowa Show Productions} concerning the UNI-Dome Show, in Cedar Falls, Iowa, March 19th, 20th and 21st! We are going! I need to get out, and gather, for this show, and if the weather holds, next week is the plan! Don't know, at this point, which direction, but I am sure, there will be a 'sign', there always is...pointing the way! The UNI Show, has a lot of collectibles, beautiful glass, Victorian, refinished pieces, as well as Country, and with us going, Garden, and Early Farm House.... We are kind of odd ducks, at this Show... but have a good time! We quit doing the Show, in 2001, when we started doing 'Heart of Country', in Nashville... We just couldn't do them both, too close together... We had a great following, in Cedar Falls, at that time, but doing it last year, made me realize, I really need to promote it myself, and let the folks, who used to come see us, know we are back!
The phone just rang, and it was my old Pal, Val! She's going on and on about getting all of her seeds goin'! She truly is a breath of Springtime!!! Yea! She's on her way out, and we are going to have a great time! Doing what? Who knows... But when Val and I get together, it's always a great time!!! {could this be a 'sign'????}
See Ya!
Barb C.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

An Overdue Thank You...

This isn't about Antiques...but as you know, I don't always write about the Crazy Antique World... I finally sat down, and wrote a thank you, to a dear Man, who truly pulled me out of the fire, last September... There has not been a single day, that has went by, that this Man, has not been on my heart... When I was truly at the end of my rope, one of the darkest days of my life, felt I had been betrayed by those, I had trusted most, it seemed, with one little conversation, he delivered me from the fire, and I was filled with rejoice... Am I speaking of God... Well, yes and no... He had a major Hand in this, I am positively sure... I have struggled, how does one ever repay this kind of debt... I don't know... I just don't know... I sat down, and wrote him a letter. Yes, long over due, but not for the reason you may think. Not because I didn't take the time, or forgot about his kindness, he was always right there, in my heart, but I think, because I couldn't come up with anything worthy enough, to thank him with... What this Man did for me, was truly priceless... It was an unbelievable act, that no amount of money, or words could ever begin to repay... I have shed many tears today, while trying to express my gratitude, and in the end, a simple 'thank you', was all I could say.... I hope he somehow knows, how very much he truly saved me, I know, for as long as I have a breath in my body, I will never forget... So... Thank You, Don. I think listening to the song, I put on for Mary, today, " In the Arms of The Angels", helped me finally find the words, to convey to Don, how very much, he saved me... I don't think, even he knew, what a blessing he was to all of us... He truly is " The Bridge Over Troubled Water". Barb C. I hope others that read this, will find the words, to thank those who do so much... It seems so little, their thoughtfulness being so big, but let them know how very much they mean to you... Thank You... { I delivered the cards, and letter, to Don, this afternoon, sure I wasn't going to cry... But of course, melted, when I handed them to him... You probably wonder, who is Don? A Minister, or a Priest? Nope, he's our Home Town, {Independent }Banker, and more than that, much more... a Friend.. { this had nothing to do with me... it was for the most important ones in my life, the 'priceless' ones...}

Butter Mold... { came from the same family as the cake...}

I'm a sucker, for hearts.... When I spied this early butter mold, at the Vinton Auction, so many years ago, all hand made, with a tiny little heart, carved in it, well, dare I say it, it stole my heart.... I only wish I would have been wealthy enough, to keep the old wooden bowl, butter worker and mold, together... and the note, telling who made them.... I didn't get started on the shop, yesterday, just worked around the house... Thought I'd give myself one more day... and boy, do I feel better this morning! I want to give a Big 'Thanks', to Lori, from { altered glass} for giving me a blog award! I am a follower of hers, and love her work... She is a very cool person, that is so creative, and inspiring! Check out her blog, and her wonderful mosaics! Also want to tell you about a new blog, {camelot cottons} My pal Stephanie, { fern hill} {stephanie brandenberg studios} {lilly mae} has started a new blog, with her latest endeavor, her beautiful hand painted quilting fabric! { I can see it as wall fabric... it is amazing!} be sure and check it out! I follow her, so you can get there from my blog! I had a wonderful surprise last night, my friend Mary S. {'Dark Horse Antiques' Janesville, Iowa } rang me! It was sooo good to hear her voice! Mary has been battling breast cancer, and is doing GREAT! I could tell she is on the road to recovery! She's back to her old self, again,{ chasing raccoons around the barn!} and I am so happy for her, and her family! { husband, Tom, and all of her Cats! { one I gave her last year, a kitten, {munchkin} that is kind of a dwarf, I knew she was the right Mom, for him... He survived, and loves Mary so... They are best buddies!} She says she thinks of me, when the commercial comes on, with the abused animals, and the beautiful song, 'In the arms of the Angels'.{ I put this song on, for Mary...} That commercial always makes me cry...I can't take it... I told her, she is the Angel... Mary has rescued so many cats, hundreds and hundreds... taken them to the vet, neutered and spayed, doctored, and above all, given them the love, they so greatly deserve... She is an amazing woman, in so many ways... She made my day! Mary said, she's looking foreword to 'Gold Rush', my 'Spring Sale'{see this...{-yhhhhgb fge} ... as I was editing the post, the cat just jumped on my lap top, and ran across the key board! She's a lucky cat... I have Mary on the brain! Mary's Angel thoughts protected her! She has NEVER done this before! I guess she just wanted to say" Hi' to Mary!}, 'Walnut' and the fall 'Mid-West Show'. We will all be so glad to see her back in the saddle again! She said she has 'dibs' on my daughter, Liz, for her porter, at Mid-West, I know Liz would run from me, to help Mary, anytime! Liz Loves Mary! I hope when you attend these shows, you will support Mary... { I'm not asking for much...she has the coolest stuff!} It has been such a long journey for her, and she is determined to get back, doing what she loves, and being surrounded, by the customers {friends} she loves so! She said she's been out gathering... I can't wait to see what she has come up with! I'm up early, and feel GREAT! I have a ton of paper work to do, and banking... Then I will get busy in the Shop! I forgot the other day to mention how wonderful it was to see Bart, Alice and John, {Alice's Wonderland, Mt.Vernon, Iowa} John W. {First Brick & Schoolhouse Antiques, Mt Vernon, Iowa} Gail H., Bob & Joyce { Marion Mercantile, Marion Iowa} at the Anamosa Show. These Antique shows are so much fun, the vendors and customers are truly like family... The promoters, Cecilia and Jon, did a wonderful job! Can't wait 'til next year! Well, it's back to the old grind! Have a great day! Barb C.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake... {just not this's 113 years old!}

I was at an auction, 12 or 13 years ago, in Vinton, Iowa, and they were selling out an estate, where the family had written on everything, when, where and who! Thank goodness! I saw this slice of cake, and everyone thought I was crazy, but I bought it... I don't think anyone even bid against me... Hmmm. {silly people} The note that is with it reads: Cake this cake was baked in the year of 1897 by Jossie Ammerman- it took the prise at the county fair in Minnesota Now really... How cool is that? I also bought a wonderful hand dovetailed butter stamp there, it also had a note, speaking of the person who made it, and a large wooden bowl.... I ran the wooden bowl up to around 200.00, and didn't get it, the note went with the bowl.... I thought about asking the woman who got the bowl, if I could copy the note, but she left, as soon as she bought it. Oh well. I'm feeling a lot better, today, and am going to start taking Christmas down, at the store... It truly is time for Spring... Barb C.

A January Iowa...

I took this image, a few minutes ago... looking out our picture window... It's snowing, a soft, feathery snow. The wind is calm, unlike the blizzard winds, we had yesterday... I know, to some, it's a little depressing, to me, it's soothing. The 'running hard' days, will be here, before we know it, so for today, I am alive, and well... and that's good enough for me... Barb C.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My 'Make Do' Coffee Maker...

Desperate Coffee Drinker...

GRRRR! My trusty coffee maker, bit the dust... I have had no time to pick up a new one,{ while getting ready for, and doing the show, and then the weather took a turn... so glad it waited til Monday!} so... I have been pretty creative, and obsessed, about getting my morning Starbucks down, this last week! My little ironstone pitcher is filled up with water, thrown in the micro, for 4 minutes, grounds are put into the old coffee maker's holder, then placed over my favorite, huge ironstone coffee mug, and I slowly pour the boiling water through, and groggily wait for the wonderful potion, to flow into my mug... and it does...and it has kept me going, through this last week...
The roads are crud, so it will have to do, for another day... I glanced at the old copper tea kettle, I have on an old cupboard, in the kitchen... It is so beaten up, yet so sweet... It's close to 200 years old, and I wonder how many times, a groggy woman like me, filled it up with water, and waited.... Waited for the water to boil, so she could get her morning tea... I'd say, thousands... So, I guess, I'm in good company...
'til next time,
Barb C.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Day at the Show!

It was an 'easy in, and easy out' Show! Yeah! We purposely arrived a little late, on set up, so everyone else could get unloaded, before we came in, with the Big Truck, and entourage! Daughter, Liz, { and mega whirlwind} came to help, as well as Mark's daughter, Kelsey, and my best man, John! We made fast work of it, and had the booth set, and displayed, in about 6 hours! I didn't bring very much, not like usual, but I was so dizzy, packing, that I just stopped after about 4 totes... Mark brought loads of smalls, so, the booth looked full! { I like a full booth!} I bought some darling fresh posies, Liz and I filled pitchers and bottles with them... it just felt like spring! Aletha J. met me at the truck, as we where unloading, and said Bill A, from Iowa City had a wonderful rug, that had my name on it, so I hopped down, and took a peek! {got yelled at, for leaving my post...Too bad!} She was absolutely correct! It is amazing! All florals, and stunning! Bill, and Don J. {From Amana, Iowa} had just laid it down, in their booth, and I said, pull it up, and would they please deliver? Yep, they brought it to the booth, and it looked PERFECT!!!! Since they were at the booth, we talked them, and Matt, {Sarah's hubby, and our neighbor, at the show} into helping us unload, the big daddy, store counter, into our booth! What Great Guys!!!! I think we had 8 people on that counter! It was a piece of cake!{ Mark and I loaded it alone, onto my Ranger, when I bought it...It was a ton of bricks, with just us! So a Huge Thanks, to all that lent a hand!} I got quite a bit of ribbing, for bringing it, but it SOLD! My friend, Don Mc. came through the show, he and his wife loved it, and had the perfect spot for it! YEAH! It was a beautiful piece, I gave him a good deal, so we are all happy! I was thrilled to see Janelle Duwa come to the show! {Duwa's Auctions, from Wellman, Iowa.} I had visited with her, on Friday, and said she should come, and promote their Antique Auction. And she did! They are such a nice couple, and have great Auctions! So many friends attended the show, and bought well! Barb H. {Sisters Garden and Bloom} Kalona, Iowa. Wanda {Gatherings} Anamosa, Iowa. Barb and Dan O. {Park Place} Marion, Iowa. Tom R. {Sanctuary Antiques} Cedar Rapids. Tom V. {Vandeest Antiques} Cedar Rapids. Lou P. { Main Street Antiques} West Branch, Iowa { the prior three are also the promoter's of 'The Midwest Show', coming right up, in April! In Cedar Rapids, Iowa.} Kenny and Julie Moore, Maquoketa, Iowa. Dale F. {Frese Antiques} Watkins, Iowa. And countless 'Bloggers'! The list could go on and on! The crowd was great, and they stayed all day! Mark and I sold very well, and had a great time visiting with everyone! The dealers that set up at this show are diverse. That is a very good thing. I remember Libby Kramer, {promoter, Heart of Country} telling me, 10 years ago, if a Show is going to survive, it must be diverse... How true, how true! Something for everyone!{ She also, to my surprise, stated on her contract, that was sent to all of her dealers, " Bears make money, and Bulls make money, Pigs don't"... Libby was a wise woman, and very gutsy, she put it on the line, and was absolutely correct... Know your merchandise, treat people, like you would like to be treated, fair, and do the very best you can, and that's all you can do...} I saw things from 2.00, to 1200., and make no mistake, one should not be afraid to bring either... Some folks can't afford to spend big bucks, and are thrilled to find a little treasure, and others are filling out a collection, and are willing to pay big money, to complete it! You just never know... With help from Liz, Kels, and Mark, we threw the booth together in record time, and it turned out pretty good! Many folks said, when they walked in the door, they knew we were there... They saw our booth towering, way at the back wall, calling them in! The Old Blue Screens, I bought at Duwa's Auction, last week were clear up in the sky, you could definitely tell I have vertigo... Everything was going every which way! I had the little black chairs, all piled on top of each other, like a stairway to Heaven, around the Amana Harvest Table, and climbing up the side of a Victorian door! It was pretty cool! We were loaded, and gone, also, in record time, an hour and twenty minutes! We had lots of room left, and are very happy with the show! I think everyone did pretty well! Polly, {pollyanns} had, as usual, a darling booth, and when I spoke with Bob, her Dad, he said they had really done great! YEAH! Colleen and Daryl, were selling very well, and Dan and Jo { Jo-Dans, Cedar Rapids, Iowa} Said they had done well! I didn't get out much, and visit, was a little too wobbly, and looking through my camera was a nightmare! So not too many pics... A Big thanks to everyone who had helping hands! Chery, Matt, Sarah, Daryl, Dan, Lea Ann, Connie, Bill, Don, Sandy and all, I hope I'm not forgetting anyone... I really like this show, it's down to earth, and fun...No pressure! It was great to see Cindy, { Lady Bug Antiques, Waterloo, Iowa} and Steve K. { Antiques of Marion, Marion, Iowa} and so many others that set up at the show... I hope you can make the next one, make plans! It truly is so much fun, and something for all! And I am really not saying this, because I am from Iowa, but... Eastern Iowa has some of the very best Antiques Shopping, that I have ever seen... The folks are friendly, and always willing to help out, in any way... We have great, fun, and affordable stuff, and very early pieces, to boot! When you come visit, plan to stay for more than a day, or two...The Shops are wonderful, and you simply can't do it all in a day! 'til next time, Barb C.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Anamosa Show!

We had a GREAT SHOW!!!! And, I will fill you in, in the morn! Here's a few images of the booth, and I'll be adding to the post later.... I'm still spinning! So I'm going to put my feet up! See ya tomorrow, and have lots to share!

Friday, January 22, 2010

God Speed the Plough...

I love tis mug... I have had it for years, and enjoy it more and more, each time I read this verse... Let the Wealthy & Great, Roll in Splender & State, I envy them not I declare it. I eat my own Lamb, My Chickens and Ham, I shear my own Fleece & I wear it. I have Lawns, I have Bowers, I have Fruits, I have Flowers. The Lark is my morning alarmer, So jolly boys now, Here's God Speed to the Plough, Long Life & Success to the Farmer. {nothing without work} This mug dates from the 1870's, and on the bottom it reads: A.W. Gale 'Bee' Farmer...

The Diagnosis: Vertigo...

Well... I finally broke down, and went to see the Doc... I have been trying to get stuff ready, for the show, and thank God, for John... I have been pretty miserable.... The Doc called it something else, then shortened it up, to something I can understand...Vertigo... If you have never had it, I hope you never do... Every time I stand up, or sit down, or lay down, or look up... The whole world spins...oh yes...spins, I mean 'Silly Silo' spin! Poor Polly, {my beloved hound} when we climb into bed, I am o.k, for a second, or two, and think I'm o.k.... Ah, not so much...I am spinning so fast, I grab a hold of my head, and she knows something is wrong, and tries to nuzzle up, under my hands, and all I can do is try and push her away, and keep hold of my spinning head!{ that really isn't spinning at all, but it feels like it is going to spin right off my neck!!!} What a mess! The Doc says I don't have a neurological problem, and this was probably brought on by a virus, so, in a week or so, I should be better...She sent me out the door, with some meds, that make me drowsy, but happy, {still spinning, but it should get better...soon...} John asked Mark, if he would come help us load the big stuff, and he did, and promptly smashed his thumb, and broke the nail in half, on a cupboard door...{ the door is fine, thanks to the 'cush' from Mark's thumb...} I sent him on his way... He was in agony, and he still has to load, too... We will go help him, in the morn... Ah, the life of an Antiques Dealer... So I'll be swaying 'to and fro', Mark will be single handed, but we will get it done... All in all, I think we are going to have a Great Show! { no matter, these meds have me feeling no pain!} We are working on a 6 foot Amana table, and have several great pieces of furniture going! I packed a bunch of smalls, and we should have a booth full! Hope to see ya there! 'til next time, Barb C.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


No, my windows aren't made of frosted glass... They are all completely covered in Ice... At least all of the East facing windows... This really is nasty! I hope things clear off, before we have to load for the show! John and I are getting things all ready, and I think everything looks Great! I worked on a beautiful Empire Mirror, I harvested, while shopping last week, on the Mississippi, with Polly {pollyanns}, all it needed was a little cleaning. We also worked on the Cottage Dresser... I love early Cottage furniture... It's 1870's, or so, all hand grain painted, and hand constructed... It is really neat. This one has a super tall mirror, the dresser stands about 7 feet tall. The mirror, itself, is gone, so we will have to replace it... I might just hang a large Ironstone pitcher in the huge, ornate mirror frame opening, filled with a big fresh floral spray, for the show, and see if I can find a vintage mirror, if it doesn't sell... I can price it with a new mirror, and have it installed... I got several totes of smalls packed, and will do a few more... I'm feeling on the 'punchy' side today...Think I might have a sinus infection or ear infection coming on.... Every time I stand up, the world starts spinning.... { no, I haven't had any Margaritas!} { Hmm, maybe I need one...just kidding!} Well, off to work I go, see how things are goin', down at John's shop... I'd like to get a harvest table ready... and I'm recovering some sweet little ladder back chairs, to go with... I'll get a pic of them today... Barb C.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Old Salmon Step Back Cupboard! Anamosa Show Bound!

A Day on the Road...{ check out } I miss spelled yesterday!

Mark had bought an old wardrobe, at an auction, and didn't have any way of hauling it, so I ran up north to retrieve it, for him... He always does such nice things for us, it was nice to do something back!{ he sent a huge box of his home made cookies home for us...What a guy!} I almost didn't go to his shop, in Norway, last night, it was sooo foggy... {As I was headed home, and pretty wiped out, from a long day, I was runnin' a little faster than I should have been, only able to see one car length ahead of me, and all of a sudden, I hit the strips, that warn you of a stop sign... If they wouldn't have been there, I would have cruised right through a T, of the major hiway, 151, and been in a farm field! Thank God they were there... My heart was in my throat!!!} Carolyn A. rode shotgun, yesterday afternoon, and we had a nice visit, hit a couple of Antique Shops, { Bob and Vi's, in Manchester, and Antiques of Marion, in Marion... }We were on a schedule, so we didn't have a lot of 'dilly dally', time, but we harvested a few treasures, and ran into some old friends! Stanley and Klarika, {} they are truly the most wonderful couple, he is from Poland, and she is from Slovakia! Stanley is the most amazing artist... Please check out his web site, I have seen his work, first hand, in their beautiful home, and I will tell you, he is truly unbelievable!{ They walked through the door, at the most perfect time! I had just purchased a beautiful, 1800's still life,{with several ears of corn...I love corn paintings...} that had some damage, and Stanley said he would fix it for me! Yea!!!} He does portraits, like no other... And to think, we have that amazing talent, right here, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa... WOW!!!! The weather looks a little iffy, this weekend, but never the less, we are getting a load together, and it will be Great! I was in too much of a hurry, yesterday, to take images... sorry, but I will try and get a few today, of the treasures we are taking with! I will be taking a beautiful 11'7 Oak Store Counter... It is amazing! All panelled front and ends... Very nice... I also am taking a darling Salmon colored step back cupboard... it has the coolest hardware, it dates from the 1860's or 70's! I'll be loading lots of good smalls, and all sorts of sprinkling cans, and garden related stuff! We watched the new show, last night on The History Channel, "Picker's"... with apprehension... I haven't decided if I like it or not... The funny thing is, I knew some of the folks they were dealing with...Small world! I have known Dan Bean, forever, and Love him! { I knew they wouldn't get anything over on Ol' Dan...He is a cool Cat!} Dan Slaughter, tho I have never met him, I have owned a couple pieces of his artwork...I have heard he is really an amazing man! This show concerns me, a bit... I hate the word 'picker', 'gatherer' sounds much better to me... I am a 'Gatherer', and gather for many, but what concerns me, is that I hope they don't take advantage of people... This will hurt all of us... When I buy something from someone, I will tell them what I can pay, and what I am going to ask... { if I know... sometimes I go by my 'gut' instincts, and may sell it for more than I thought, and sometimes, far less, than I thought, after visiting with more knowledgeable folks... But I always try and be as fair as I can be...and for the most part, everyone I personally do business with, works with the same ethics} No one wants to be taken advantage of, and if they do, it will make it hard on all of us... I'll be watching... Well, I'd better get busy! Lots to do! Barb C.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Day at the Auction..'Duwa's' Wellman, Iowa

Whew... What a day! Was on the road, a little after 8, and got home last night, pushing 11... I feel like I have went 15 rounds with Ali, this morning! I felt like a cue ball, it was a tuff Action! They had lots of great stuff, and a huge crowd! It was like old home week! I ran into Lynn, from southern Iowa, he took some cool stuff home, and I think Leah, his lovely wife, will be pleased! Visited with fellow blogger, Nancy, {[email protected]} Julie and Margine, from C.R., Bill Ackerman, from Iowa City, Sandy, from Noe Haus, in Amana, Don Johnson, Amana Colonies Antiques, from Amana, Coral, from New London, Jo, from 'Jo Dan's', Barb and Dan, from Marion, Kelly Reed, from Ottumwa, who vouched for me, with a clerk, I didn't know, when I was getting my bidding number, and didn't bring in my licence, he spoke up, and said I was o.k. At least I know I have one person in the world, who knows me, and will admit it...{ Thanks Kelly! You are my friend forever! It was a long walk, back to the truck!} and of course Dale Frese... Bless his heart, he stuck it out, all day then helped me load! We went out to dinner, in Kalona, and ran into Dwight Duwa,{ the auctioneer} and his lovely wife Jenelle, and they joined us! We had a wonderful visit, but was late getting home! I am quite pleased with the load... I needed some furniture, { and they say it isn't selling... we all saw a quite different image, yesterday!} I battled, and won, a wonderful, old, old pine painted step back cupboard... It's 'Iowa', all the way...Old mustard grain paint, 2 doors, 2 drawers, then 2 doors.... I wasn't in love with it at first...but throughout the day, it kept wooing me to it... When I started looking it over, I really fell in love with it! I asked Dwight where it came from, he said from an old house, right there in Wellman! Dale and I both think it is from the 1840's... It's pretty amazing! All it really needs is a good bath, and it'll be ready for the show, next weekend... Next weekend? Oh my gosh! Jo reminded me, that the Anamosa Show is next weekend...I thought I had 2 weeks! Yikes... No Sunday off, today! I also bought a wonderful Early Cottage Dresser! It is amazing! Bought 6 or 7 big painted house screens, in blue... Perfect for a spring booth!!! Loads of Ironstone... A couple of darling 'spring' quilts, { one is a 'Tulip Applique'} A very cool 1870's, Salmon colored step back cupboard, also from a home, near Wellman, a grinding stone, and a few funky farm things... Really, a pretty darned good load...Considering I had to work hard all day, to get them! I had left phone bids, on some cool stuff, in Illinois, but must not have gotten them, they didn't call, last night... Probably a good thing... I spent enough at Duwa's! Yikes!!!! I unfortunately missed Kim, a blog follower, yesterday, and she had to do some 'self service' shopping...{ sorry...I hope you can come to the show next Sunday! I'd love to see ya!} Well, I'd better take on the day! Lot's to do, and little time to gett'er done! 'til next time, Barb C.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Answering Your E-Mails...

The darling 'Junk Asylum' is located in Park View, Iowa... Near Davenport, and not too far off of Interstate 80! If you check out Sharon's Blog, {sweet repose}, on her second page, she has wonderful images! You will also see on her blog, 'Manley's', in Muscatine, { we wanted to get there yesterday, and ran out of time!} and 'Sisters Garden', check it out! Also, check out {fern hill} they are doing a 'major makeover', and Steph, {stephanie brandenburg studios} She has another wonderful article in 'Country Homes Gardens'! Steph is the creative designer at 'Fern Hill', and is a world wide fabric designer,and works hand in hand with Meredith Publishing, she's a whirl wind!!! You will love all of these! I follow all of these creative folks, {and consider them my bud's!} so you can get to them from here! Barb C.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Junk Asylum...{ A very Cool Place to be Committed!}

Oh my gosh! What a Day!!! Polly{pollyanns} and I took off, on a 14 hour day,and got to view the Mighty Mississippi!!! We ran through an Estate Sale, and one Antique Shop and Consignment Shop after another... Click, click, click!!! We had a great time visiting, and fixing all of the World's problems!!!! We even hooked up with our Darling Sarah, and had a wonderful dinner, and afterwards, she and her Sweet husband, Matt, gave us a tour of their beautiful home...{ I got to visit several of my favorite things, that now live with them, and I want them all back!} Actually, they are very happy where they are, and I know, would never want to leave! We popped in, and surprised Lori, at her new, Darling Store, 'The Junk Asylum'! How cool is that! She is just starting out, and will be opening up in a couple of weeks! YA HOO!{ Lori and Polly above...} She and her vendors had tons of cool stuff, and I can't wait to go back! My little camera died, or it's batteries, right after I took this pic, so I'll get more, on my next trip! I'm beat, so I'll see ya tomorrow! {We brought back lots of new treasures!}
Barb C.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heart of Country... Oh My...

I received an e-mail, today from Pam {Country Meadows} and Susan, from "Heart of Country", Nashville, TN. Oh my, oh my... It brought back all of the wonderful memories, of all of the years we did that Unbelievable Show... {You simply Must go to their} My heart is aching... I don't think I can make it this year...Boo Hoo! I was truly honored, to be included at this Magnificent Show...{at least 9 times...} I always say, I like to push it, over the top, and then give'er another shove... This is exactly what Heart of Country is...WAY OVER THE TOP!!! It's at the Opryland Hotel, and Convention Center,{ easy to find! no getting lost!} and if you have never been there, well to say it's over the top, is a huge understatement! I would love to get a group together, and go... Take on Nashville, and turn it loose! Oh my!!! I had all but put it out of my mind... and then I get those e-mails... Dang!!! I was sitting, in my favorite coffee sip'in spot, this morning, just dreaming of Nashville.... the Beautiful Opryland Hotel, the Revolving Bar, the 100 foot waterfalls, and rain forests, the unbelievable architecture, the 4 star restaurants... 2000 plus rooms, that you never see, and it's all under one roof....You never leave the Hotel, to go to the Show... OH MY!!!! The Hotel has a special rate, for Heart of Country, 184.00 a night plus tax, so around 200.00 a night... However, we always share, so with 4 to a room, that's only 50.00 a night! Or when their were only 2 of us, it still is affordable...AND WOW!!!! I have paid a hundred dollars a night at hotels before, but this isn't a hotel, this is HEAVEN!!!!! BOO HOO!!!! I hope someone reading this, will go... I told Pam, to take notes, I want a full report...You never know who will be attending the show, I visited with Tipper Gore, one year, and Marlo Thomas, another!!! Toby Kieth was there, and Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, oh my... It's wonderful, amazing, fabulous... I could go on and on!!! If you can get away, and go, GO!!! I loved it, because it is such a Trend Setting Show... It was what set the pace, for the year! WOW!!!! {BOO HOO HOO HOO!!!} There is the Fiddlers Antique Show, going on, across the road from The Opryland, that is always fun, and diverse! Nashville is an easy day drive from Cedar Rapids... So, NOT TOO FAR!!! BOO HOOOOOO!!!! DANG! Well enough... I have puddles of tears at my feet, so I'll quit torturing myself... Check out the website, and GO! Take notes, and have a Gold Marg, for me, at the Revolving Bar, and enjoy a Prime Rib, at the Cascades Restaurant, { a short stumble, from the Revolving Bar} Take in the Beauty, of the Waterfalls, and Dancing hoo... 'til next time, Barb C. P.S. Spend the money, and go to the Preview Party, at Heart... Just do it... YOU WON'T BE SORRY! {Champagne, and tons of Wonderful Food, is all included with your ticket, and the admission, for the next 2 days, you will miss a ton of great stuff, and I mean GREAT ANTIQUES!!! And yes, you can buy... some things are pricey, but they are museum quality, and it is wonderful, just seeing all of this amazing merchandise, in one place!!!! So.... step up to the plate! And, we all brought enough for three shows, so new stuff is added daily!!! GO! GO! GO!!!! {boo hoo}

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The story below, really is true... Sometimes, I think it must be a dream... It truly is, all about the journey, and the well worn path we all travel on... Barb C.

This is a True Story...

When I wrote, the other day, about the 'Derby Quilt', and how it was the only thing I had, from my Dad's side of the family, that wasn't quite true... And here is another example, of how things, just seem to come to you, it's like they are on a well worn path... strait to you...if you just open your eyes and see them... {makes me wonder what all I have missed, with my 'busy blinders' on...} My dear friend, Eudora, had called me, several years ago, when she had made the decision not to be an Antiques Dealer, anymore. She had brought all of her inventory home, and wanted me to buy it, lock, stock and barrel! I tried to convince her, to stay in the business, to no avail. She and her best buddy, Joan, enjoyed it so much, I truly hated to see them give it up. Eudora was having health issues, but I assured her, she would be fine, and not rush into things...I couldn't talk her out of it... So, I went to her home, and started going through things, and I remembered some things, I had admired in her booth, at the Store, they were little Calligraphy pieces... I didn't think I could afford to purchase everything, but I told her I really wanted one of them! She had sold one of them, but had one left, and she said it was the most unusual one...It had a tiny photo of the artist, on it! { Eudora was sure I could afford it, all of it, and made sure of it... I really miss her...} I hauled everything home, and came into the house, to have lunch, and it dawned on me, I had left the little Calligraphy piece, out in the truck... That was something I was going to keep, for myself, to remember Eudora by... I have seen these pieces at Nashville, but they are always so expensive, that I really didn't feel like I could afford to buy one for myself. { I refer to these as calligraphy, but they are also called 'flourishes', they are penmanship samples, and a writer would do them to sharpen up their skills, and show their beautiful talent! They date from the mid to late 1800's, and are amazing pieces of 'folk art'! Eudora was a wonderful Calligrapher, and also did beautiful work...} So out to the truck I trotted, and brought in the little Flourish, and as I was eating my lunch, I was examining the beautiful work, then I saw the artists signature, hmmm, he had actually signed it hmmm, I looked a little closer, at the signature, and squinted, and looked again... William H. Conner... William H. Conner... The last name was spelled like mine... that's unbelievable... most 'Conner's' are spelled with an 'or' or 'ors' at the end...{ neither Eudora, or I had noticed this... I saw the writing, but it didn't matter to me what it said, it was cool!} My blood went cold... My Dad had a cousin, in Nebraska, who had done all of our genealogy, on the Conner side, way back to Ireland, so I did some hunting, and found her number, and called her, right away! She didn't know me from Adam, but I told her about the piece, and was wondering if we had a relative, by that name... With out any hesitation, her reply was, oh yes, he would have been your Dad's Grandfather's brother.... I asked her if she had a photo of him, and what he looked like, and she described him to a tee...I asked her when he was born, and if he would fit into this time frame, and, oh yes... I had her send me three copies of the book she had written, on our family, which included pictures of William H. It was him... Now, what are the chances of that... really... I called Eudora, and we both just sat in silence, for a moment... Wow... I got to thinking, what if it had been this one, that had sold, at the Store... It would have been gone, forever... But that isn't how things work... If it's meant to be, it shall be... This is a true story... Sometimes, even I, { who believes in, what most would say is, unbelievable} can't hardly comprehend, how things play out... I treasure this little Flourish, and think of my Dad and Eudora, every time I see it...I just sit, and think, and wonder... 'til next time, Barb C.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Blues...

I was rescued today, by my Dear Little friend, Polly... My Lil' Ford, has clutch issues... So I'm grounded... Polly rang me, and said she was a goin shoppin', and would I like to go... You bet! I harvested some really cool textiles, one huge, shocking blue Damask Table cover, it must be 10 feet long, and the possibilities are endless! A pair of wonderful, satiny, white sheer drapes, and some funky Spring fabric! All perfect for the Spring Shows coming up.... { The Victorian Wedding Cake Topper, is out of my collection, I love it... I bought it on the way home from Nashville, when Jo and I did Heart, many years ago. I love Doves, and this one has two Wedding bands, in it's beak! How cool is that!} Anyway, I'm goin' 'Blue', in the Spring booths... I have a wonderful, early {1840's or 50's} Blue door, and a darling old, old Blue Jelly Cupboard, that I will be bringing to the show, and am gathering all sorts of 'Blue' treasures... I'll throw in a bunch of white Ironstone, and a dash of yellow, for accents, and 'Spring', here we come! I'm ready!!!! 'Blue' is back! It's been coming in, strong, the last few years, and I am excited to be able to use it again! Polly and I had a fun afternoon, and we both came home with loads of stuff! { we are a pretty dangerous team...} 'til next time, Barb C.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can't Wait!!!!


Ahhh... Spring....

My dear friend, Alberta, has moved to a condo... She always loved her garden, and planted so many flowers, I remember her giving me some of the wonderful ground cherries, she had growing in her garden....Yum... I know she misses her house, but, I am so thankful she moved, when she did...The '08 flood, would have been in her home... While her son, Gary was here, from Colorado, over the holidays, and they were going through things, they ran across tons of vintage seed packets... She thought of me.... Gary dropped them off, last week, and I finally had a little time to go through them.... It was like I had opened a window, and Spring blew right in! Oh my.... The graphics are beautiful, and I have never seen so many Sweet Peas! Alberta said her husband loved Sweet Peas! He built special trellis's for them, and the yard was filled with Sweet Peas... I thought I would share, Alberta's bundle of Spring, with you... and we all can sit back, and dream of Spring... Barb C.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Master has Spoken....

I received a call back, from 'The Master', Tom R. His opinion, without seeing it and touching it, in person, is that it dates from the mid 1800's... Going just by the shape, I think so too. I want him to see it in person... It is sooo much darker, and cooler, to the eye...Accurate images are so difficult to capture, with a camera. I know when I look at something, it's not what I see, at first glance... It's when I start dissecting it... The feel, weight, wear, color, craftsmanship... these things are nearly impossible to determine, by an image. That is why I don't buy much, on the Internet, unless I know the person, very well, and have learned how to read them, and their descriptions. I always prefer to buy things I can see and lay my hands on. Unless, of course, it is a 'mass produced' piece, that I am familiar with... Thanks Tom! You are the Master! Barb C.

Simply Beautiful!

I picked up this beautiful amethyst sugar urn, from my new friend, Brad... We both absolutely loved it, but neither of us knew a thing about it... I have a way, of feeling something, and just knowing it is very old... My 'Vintage Meter' went off the charts, as I held this in my hands... It is all hand made, pont mark, at the top of the finial, and has an applied foot, with a pont mark, on the bottom, and the shape is wonderful, very much like the pieces I see, that are from the 18th and 19th century... I left a message, for my friend Tom R. who knows everything, about everything, and am hoping he will help figure this out for me... If anyone else may have some idea, let me know... It came from an estate, where there was nothing newer than the early 1900's... Thanks! Barb C.

For You!

I love it! This must have been a sample, for Chow.... I bought several of these little sacks, and tons of old feed sacks, from my new friends, Brad and Shelley, up by Cedar Falls, on Sunday... I think we must have known each other in a past life! Oh my, we visited for hours... They have collected for years, and sold me some really cool stuff! I am just now going through it all, and having a wonderful time!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home...

This old punched paper piece, was in my store, for a long time, I finally brought it into the house... It feels ever so appropriate, today....

When the Angels Whisper....Listen....

I called Dale, this morning, to see if he and Dan headed for Nebraska, last night....Oh yes... they did... As they hit the Nebraska line, they hit a monster snow drift, got stuck, and spent 9 hours, waiting for help, to get out...They got no sleep, when help arrived this morning, they hooked up a chain, to the sway bar, on the van, and broke it, clean off... then they had to wait for another tow vehicle, to come and pull them out sideways....They kept the van running all night, in cold weather, {25 below wind chill} diesels need to plugged in, they don't start when it's cold.... Dale was afraid of the diesel fumes, so he left his window down, and his pop was frozen...that's how cold the van was, all night...{ he thought about 20 degrees} Oh my.... I am sooo thankful those little Angels talked me into sitting this one out...He said that 25 dealers had cancelled, I don't know how many will be there. I'm thankful no one got hurt... He said his van and trailer were 3 to 4 feet higher, perched in that drift... He tried to dig his way out, but it was so cold, he could hardly breathe... And after seeing it in the daylight, there was no way, he could have ever dug his way out.... So with no sleep, they got to the show, and have their booth set... I hope they sell some stuff... Ahhh, the life of an Antique Dealer... I, on the other hand, spent the day in the lazy boy, I didn't take Sunday off, this week, so with the crumby weather, I decided, I'd take the day off... Watched movies, ate m&m's, and kept my feet up! My little Ford is in the shop, {clutch issues} so we both had a break, today... I'll be working in the shop tomorrow. My prayers are with the guys, and hope they have a very uneventful journey home.... Barb C.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Iowa's Winter Day....

Oh my....Old Man Winter, is truly putting us through our paces... I am so thankful, that the little voice in my head, told me not to go to Nebraska, and do the show... I'd be leaving today, in the middle of a blizzard... I try and listen, more than I used to... we all get those nagging little feelings, and when we listen, after a bit, we don't have regrets... I don't know if Dale and Dan are leaving tonight, or not... I hope not... I remember, a couple of years ago, Colleen and I were heading for Nashville, to do a show. The weather was horrible, the Big Truck is helpless on ice...{everything is} and we got stuck in St.Louis, on ice... It took us 4 hours, to get through St.Louis. Colleen is very patient, and trusts my driving, but as the hours were slowly ticking by, her patience was wearing thin.... I said, don't get too worried, we are being held up, for a reason... We are not supposed to be miles ahead.... we have to be patient... I was confident, we would get there unscathed. As we made our way towards Paducha, Kentucky, there were tree limbs, bending over, hitting the roof of the Big Truck, and we were driving over tree limbs... They had just went through a horrible ice storm, and had we been there, a few hours sooner, we would have been in the middle of it... We made it, safe and sound... I did come to realize, after that, that we had risked our lives, others lives, the best inventory, that we own, and my Big Truck... Nothing is worth that... I thought about that journey, while I was trying to make the decision, to go to Nebraska, with Dale...and decided to sit this one out...{ long before I knew what the weather was going to do} Do I need the money? Oh yes... Do I need to risk everything, to get it... no. I put my life in God's Hands... He hasn't steered me wrong, ever. I don't believe He did this time, either... Stay warm, stay safe... Barb C. P.S. I sat down, to read my daily devotional, this morning, after I wrote my post, and was guided to this message, immediately... Commit your way to the Lord {roll and repose each care of your load on Him}: trust {lean on, rely on, and be confident} also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 Isn't that what I had just written? He said in a much better way, and shorter, too... Colleen and I had sooo many people praying for us, on this journey. I really had no fear.... I knew we would get there fine... I felt it... This time, ah, not so much...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Went out this morning, and Scout was doing sooo much better! His eye, is not hardly watering at all! { I had written this morning, about our Horse, who was having horrible eye problems, since Friday} The meds have finally kicked in... Thank Goodness... I'm on the go, now feeling better about leaving, for more than an hour, or two... I have a delivery, and a pick up. It's still incredibly cold out, and they are saying snow tomorrow... And the sub zero temps, are staying around... So much for the 'mild winter', they predicted....Well, on the road again! Barb C.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Quilt...

This quilt, has the most wonderful story...A few years back, I was pounding the roads, trying to put together a load, for Heart of Country, in Nashville... I went to a friend of mines shop, in southern Iowa, and asked her if she might have any old crazy quilts... Nope, she said, but she'd keep her eyes peeled! A few weeks later, I ran into her, at a show, and she grabbed my arm, and said she'd found an old crazy quilt, but it was pretty rough, and directed me to an old basket, where she had it with other textiles... as I pulled it out of the basket, another dealer, from the area, gave me a look, and then the quilt, and rolled his eyes, like, you have got to be kidding me... I'll say it's a little rough... and walked on... I fell instantly in LOVE with it... I asked my friend how much, and thanked her for finding it... She was thrilled I loved it, and said 35.00. It was worn, but when you hang it up, it's amazing...teeny tiny little pieces, it almost makes me dizzy, looking at it! greens, and pinks, perfect for the Spring booth backdrop, at Heart!!! I didn't care if it sold, it was a calling card! It would draw people into the booth, I just knew it... it would sing beautifully!!! When I got it home, I started really examining it... It had 2 little flags, a tiny little tea cup, 1900, Mc Kinley, Freddie and Lyle, and just all sorts of wonderful little embellished pieces! I took it down to John's shop, where I was to be loading the Big Truck, in a few days, for the show, and my friend Val, popped in...I had to show her this little treasure! I was pointing out, all of the darling little pieces, but was searching for the tiny flags... We looked and looked, and then I saw something, that I had not seen before...Derby, Iowa... I nearly dropped... My Father, was born and raised, in Derby, Iowa... He was raised by his grandparents, and would slip into another world, when he would tell stories about his wonderful childhood... I would go right there with him... like I was there myself... His Grandmother was his best friend... He loved her so. Dad was born in 1913, and Derby is a tiny town... I'll bet, my Great Grandmother knew this quilter... Probably knew my Dad... Now, If I would have been a purist, like the other dealer, who rolled his eyes, look at what I would have lost... I whisked the New Member of our Family, up to the house, introduced it to my Family, and said, if something should happen to me, do not sell this Quilt... This is a Family Treasure... We have nothing from my Dad's side of the family, or Mom's either.... This Quilt is it... What a Gift... I share this story often, and carry a picture of it on my cell, as a reminder to those who live for perfection...
Be sure and read the next post, it has a wonderful little message...
Barb C.

And We Think we are Advanced....

I picked up a book the other day, titled " The Smithsonian Treasury: American Quilts" And as I was flipping through the pages, of stunning quilts, I came across one that stole my heart, a wonderful Crazy Quilt... but the message that was hand sewn, on it, really touched my soul... There is so much good in the worst of us, And there is so much bad in the best of us, That it scarcely behooves any of us, To talk about the rest of us. The Smithsonian must have seen it's importance too, they quoted it in their book... This quilt was created in 1897. How true, how true...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Woman With Plants"

This vintage 'gelatone', is in my house... I love Grant Wood's paintings... I love gelatones... It was a process, that held the color, better than a 'print'... I had it at my sale, many years ago, and it had gotten some dirt, under the glass, so John tore it apart, to find all sorts of handwriting, in pencil... It originally had been in the University of Iowa,{ in the late 30's and early 40's} and the writing said, "approved, Grant Wood", along with the title, in pencil... Grant Wood worked at the University, at that time, wouldn't it be cool, if it is his handwriting, and his approval... I don't know how to authenticate it, but who cares... I love it! Barb C. Grant Wood's wonderful paintings were created here, in Cedar Rapids, and all over Jones County, that is next to Linn County, where I live... His artwork is a beautiful portrayal of Iowa....


Oh my... Thank Goodness, for Good friends.... I had sold several pieces out of the store, last week, and delivered them, so I had some empty spaces...{yikes!} So I went out and dug around, {in below zero temps... beat on the Big Truck's, frozen sliding door, til it broke loose, dug through the furniture inside, waded through drifts, and only nearly fell, a half a dozen times!} and found some pretty cool stuff! I brought in an old, 5 foot long, 2 board top, pine table... It didn't look so big, outside... well, getting it in the store was quite tricky... Just then, Carolyn A. popped in... on her way home from Des Moines! We maneuvered things around, and thought we were home free, but then, no way... Well, 'yes, way'... We had to get it through an opening, that had cupboards, on either side, the only way to get it into the area it needed to be in, was up, and over the top of them... So I grabbed a chair, hoisted, the not so small table, up, and on top,{ then the legs got stuck, on the 10 foot ceiling...we got 'em unstuck...} of the Old Corner Cupboard, until it was perfectly balanced, and I mean perfectly... It was literally balancing, like it was at the point of a pin head... then I ran underneath, moved the chair, and Carolyn grabbed the end, as it was sliding down...She looked at me, and said, I didn't think I could do that... Oh yes she can! We were both pretty proud of ourselves... I unpacked, loads of new finds, and got everything placed... I also, brought in a hanging corner cupboard, that I was going to keep... It has been sitting in the breezeway, for months, and it isn't fair to the piece... It's way too wonderful, to be so unappreciated... So, I thought, I'll take it to the Store, where I can enjoy it, and I already do... It is truly and amazing cupboard.... It looks sooo happy, hanging beside Virgil's old cupboard, in the Primitive Corner.... I am taking today off, well sort of... Dale is coming, to pick up a few of his things, so he can take them to the Nebraska Show, he and Dan are going to do it... I decided to sit this one out... Then I will be headed up north, a man called me on two old cupboards, so I'm going to go take a peek... One of them has history, concerning Abe Lincoln... Sounds pretty cool! He says he has all of the documentation....Can't wait! I'll keep ya posted! Barb C.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

It was a pretty uneventful day here... John and I took down the tree, and put all of the Christmas away... We just loafed, the rest of the day.... It was good... I have many things to get done, tomorrow, and will be open... Hope Everyone had a Happy and Safe, New Years! Barb C.