Famicom Detective Club is a series of visual novel mystery games. They follow a junior detective and his assistant Ayumi Tachibana as they solve murders, though the third game exclusively features Ayumi as the protagonist. It consists of six games, two of which are remakes of the first and second games, respectively.
- Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir (1988) (Famicom) – A junior detective visits a small town to solve the murder of a family matriarch.
- Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir (2021) (Switch) – A remake for the Switch.
- Famicom Detective Club Part II: The Girl Who Stands Behind (1989) (Famicom) – The prequel to the first game. The protagonist meets Detective Shunsuke Utsugi and Ayumi Tachibana for the first time as he solves the murder of a high school student and one of Ayumi's friends.
- Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind (2021) (Switch) – A remake for the Switch.
- BS Detective Club: Lost Memories in the Snow (1997) (Satellaview) – Released only on the Satellaview in 1997, this game follows Ayumi as she visits her ill mother and learns she's suspected of killing the town's mayor.
- Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club (2024) (Switch) The first new title in over two decades, this game follows the detective as he investigates the murder of a student found wearing a paper bag, which may be connected to a string of murders from 18 years prior.