Endless Ocean, known as Forever Blue in Japan, is a 2008 Wii simulation title in which the player explores the vast sea. The game was published by Nintendo and developed by Arika. A sequel, titled Endless Ocean: Blue World, was also released for the Wii the following year.
In Endless Ocean, the player uses the Wii Remote to interact with the world and move the character. Using the on screen cursor, the player will maneuver the guide around the water. Using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, two players can explore the sea together over the internet. The game has both first person and third person portions. There are 212 creatures in the game, and each one contains a description which can be obtained by interacting with them. The basic details of an animal can be acquired by rubbing them. Doing so again a few days later will result in more information on the animal. All of the sea creatures in the game are real-life animals and the information on them is correct excluding their locations (for example, the Oriental butterflyfish explains that it's "A common fish that can be seen all year round in Manoa Lai". Manoa Lai is a fictional location in the game and does not exist in real life). Additionally, the creatures White mother and Magu tapah are both fictional.