Cam/FriendlyInsider 🩵’s review published on Letterboxd:
So I am close to 150 followers, and Ash is close to 200 followers, so let’s make a deal.
You get both of us to those numbers, and I’ll do one of whatever you guys suggest; it could be watch a certain movie, sing a cover, make a drawing, anything. Hell, to set the stakes, here’s mine: I’ll do a one day face reveal.
Ofc, nothing like “reveal address” or “record yourself doing smth embarrassing”, and after we hit the milestones, I’ll spin a wheel to decide. So get to following please, time’s ticking :3.
Edit: 2 suggestions in and I’m kicking myself for being cocky; I’m still gonna ride this, but please be kind.
Edit 2: I GOT 150, AND ASH GOT 200