Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Early Life[]

Born as "Lain Sheyka", the son of an impoverished, lower-ranking noble family from the Kingdom of Brydle,[1] the young Lain despite originally having nothing going for him, was able to work his way up to become a royal knight at a young age.[2] One day, after receiving a warrant to search a mansion suspected of illegally owning a White Dragon, he discovered the young Faitfore who was locked in a cramped cage inside the basement, at which Lain who was loved by Dragons since birth quickly convinced the injured and wary Faitfore to lower her guard and proceeded to form a covenant with her.[3] Because of this, he was granted the rare Class of "Dragon Knight",[4] and the two would proceed to have many adventures, where the White Dragon had once saved him from a horde of monsters.[3] As his deeds began to pile up, he became renowned as the "strongest spearman in the country," gaining a reputation Rin later described as the "handsome, dependable and perfect ideal of a knight", with his prestige growing to the point that stories about him spread outside of his homeland and across the continent while his good deeds were unparalleled.[5]

Between the epic escapades he embarked on, Lain spent much of his time with Dragons, and frequently fell asleep in the stables. During these interim periods, he began to develop a relationship with the tomboyish princess Leonor who would often come and talk, most of the time making idle chatter but from time to time also consulting the Dragon Knight on serious matters, which opened the rigid Lain up despite him still maintaining the image of the perfect chevalier.[1] As a result of this, Leonor began to foster feelings for him and vice versa, even though she was already betrothed.[6]

After a period of having to babysit Leonor whenever she ran off to the stables or somewhere else, two days before she was to be married off, Lain was convinced by Leonor to discretely take her on a ride atop Faitfore, only to discover that she had set up for the scandalous event to be publicised. Passing the point of no return, Lain proceeded to put Faitfore in the care of an old couple he had once saved, then accompanied Leonor under the guise of "Rene" to stroll around a foreign town, though he got scared out of his wits after waking up to think that he had made a move on the princess. With the time of Leonor's wedding long past, Lain through Faitfore's help located the runaway princess before having her slip away again, making Lain hold doubts over his prior rigid and serious lifestyle which didn't gain him anything. Managing to recapture Leonor and have her tied to Faitfore, they later visited a casino where Lain was advised to act and dress like a delinquent, though he insisted on returning there the next two days attempting to rectify his losing streak until they got chased off. Subsequently taken to the local Adventurer Guild by Leonor, at her prodding Lain signed up as an adventurer using the alias "Dust", although his Class as a Dragon Knight gave them away and forced them to flee from adventurers seeking the bounty for their capture. They were accordingly located by Brydle's band of Dragon Knights the following morning, so Lain admitted to all the responsibility and was put under arrest. Consequently given the lighter sentence of banishment, disbanding of his noble house, and revoking of his name by the king who knew Leonor was the one really responsible, Lain having decided to become the delinquent adventurer Dust bid farewell to the princess, and was gifted an enchanted sword as well as ordered not to use a spear again unless it is for protecting her or somebody he holds dear.[4]

Dust eventually found his way to the neighbouring Kingdom of Belzerg, and started his adventurer career at Axel, where his bad swordsmanship made him find even quests against Giant Toads a challenge. Accordingly witnessing a party consisting of Taylor, Keith, and Rin struggling in their own battle, Dust rushed up offering to help, then asked to join their party upon discovering Rin to look very much like Leonor.[7] His attempts at making a move on the princess' look-alike, though, were met with a dagger that nearly got him castrated, leaving Dust with a lingering trauma.[8] And because of the delinquent antics (in addition to borrowing money from his party members indefinitely) he constantly expressed without restraint, Dust frequently found himself arrested and thrown into jail, which over time he viewed as staying at an inn with free accommodation and food.[9]

Irregular of Axel Arc[]

A week after the whole party celebrated a profitable quest,[10] Dust while drunk at the Guild noticed Mitsurugi who had newly arrived at Axel alongside Cremea and Fio, so against Rin's advice he went up to harass the two girls and taunt Mitsurugi. The delinquent adventurer proceeded to go outside for teaching the newcomer Swordmaster a lesson, only to be instantly beaten up.[11]

Beginner Adventurer Arc[]

One day, Dust having drank to relieve his frustration from a bad day at the casino strolled to a general store from which he frequently took things for free without paying off his debts, much to the irritation of its owner, who along with a Rin coming to reproach Dust compared him against Mitsurugi. The annoyed Dust accordingly walked off where he groped Fio and Cremea whom he ran into, only to flee when Mitsurugi showed up. Several days later while occupying one of the owner's chairs in front of the general store, Dust noticed that Mitsurugi's Cursed Sword Gram was put on display after Kazuma sold it to the store. Seeing it as a chance to get back at Mitsurugi, Dust traded in his old Dragon Knight helmet to purchase Gram, though this caused him to be harassed by Cecily when she asked him to hand over the sword for free and tried to trick him into signing a conversion form for the Axis Order. Subsequent to chasing Cecily off, Dust hid Gram at a hidden storage outside the city before he went looking for Mitsurugi, during which a Rin suspicious of what he was doing followed along. Upon discovering Mitsurugi, Dust made an offer to sell Gram back to him for 5 million eris, one that surprisingly was quickly accepted. Refused when he suggested paying back his debts to Rin with his newly earned fortune, Dust after getting rid of Cecily again with a lie, proceeded to invest all of the money on purchasing from a vegetable vendor one whole cartload of Tomatoes, so that he could resell the vegetable which had a bad harvest that year for a higher price at the royal capital. However, the Guild soon called all adventurers to the city gate because of Beldia's attack, and by the time Dust dragged his cart of Tomatoes there, the Dullahan was already busy dodging the water magically sprayed his way, following which came the flood summoned by Aqua, resulting in Dust nearly drowning and the cartload of Tomatoes all smashed up.[9]

With just one sole Tomato surviving intact, Dust tried to get the vegetable vendor into repaying the money, only to have the police called on him in addition to being charged for the destroyed cart.[12] Not getting any rewards for helping defeat one of the Devil King's Generals due to arriving late at the scene, he pondered selling the Tomato for a fortune, before handing it over to Rin so she could munch on it with an expensive smile on her face.[9]

Deep Winter Arc[]

Jealous at the newcomer adventurer Kazuma Satou, who got praised by his party members for defeating Beldia in addition to being surrounded by three beauties of advanced Classes, Dust mocked him for doing porter work like how the weakest Class should despite owning a harem of three fine ladies. This set off an argument between the two, which cumulated in Dust and Kazuma switching parties for a day. Dust was soon surprised when Aqua suggested going to fight Dragons, an idea that Megumin and an unarmed and unarmoured Darkness agreed with until he talked them out of it. He was then disillusioned by Aqua's party tricks as well as Darkness' inability to hit targets, before being scared out of his wits by Megumin targeting an empty field with Explosion which the others are nonchalant to. Exasperated upon discovering how Megumin becomes immobile afterwards, Dust tried to carry her and flee from an approaching Beginner's Bane attracted by the Explosion, only to have his sword snatched away by Darkness who futilely attacked. Subsequent to witnessing the elated Darkness and the confident Aqua successively defeated, Dust unable to watch any longer put Megumin down at an angle where she couldn't see what's happening, and accordingly wielded her magic rod like a spear for driving away the Beginner's Bane. Managing to lead the party back to the Guild that night as he carried Megumin on his back, Dust apologised to Kazuma and his original party members once they returned, as he begged to go back to their previous parties so he could be free of the three pretty but incompetent troublemakers.[13]

Having heard of the rumour about the Succubus Cafe, Dust and Keith went to check it out, as well as let Kazuma who noticed them sneaking around the entrance into the secret shared by the city's men.[8]

During the attack of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, Dust accompanied his party to the emergency meeting at the Guild, and joined the other male adventurers storming the immobilised fortress in an attempt to save the Succubus Cafe. He was one of the first to discover the remains of the Head Researcher, and subsequent to Aqua's reciting of the dead idiot's diary, evacuated the fortress with the other adventurers while Kazuma sought ways to prevent its self-detonation.[14]

Dust later heard from Kazuma while they were drinking about how the Loli Succubus failed in his first service request, and proceeded to spread the news of her failure among other patrons of the Cafe.[12]

Late Winter Arc[]

After Sena came to arrest Kazuma for treason, Dust looking for free meals and accommodations in jail got himself arrested again (while in the anime, he and other adventurers banded together to protest Kazuma's arrest, only to back down when Sena threatened to charge them with treason as well)[15]. Sharing a cell with Kazuma, he slept soundly despite the Explosions cast outside the city. During Kazuma's trial, he was summoned by Sena as one of the witnesses, though he didn't give a testimony that could prove her case.[16]

Still dead broke while his party members ignored his predicament, Dust asked Luna about a quest against Orcs close to a nearby village. Initially reluctant to accept, Dust got tempted into accepting when told of a "beauty hot springs" in that village, then upon being approached by a little girl who Luna thought he had kidnapped, heard from that quest requestor's daughter how her father who was captured and tramatised by Orcs had dropped her birthday present during his escape. Trying to come up with an action plan at the general store while the owner chided him, Dust got the idea of duping Mitsurugi into fighting the Orcs in his place. Through promises of requesting and recommending the Loli Succubus' services, he proceeded to talk her into helping him by dressing up as a village girl.[12]

The next day, right before lurking with the Loli Succubus in the mountains, Dust spread a rumour about Aqua in danger close to the quest location for luring Mitsurugi out, following which the Loli Succubus burst out upon the Swordmaster's approach and successfully directed him towards the Orcs through tearful acting. Subsequent to Mitsurugi killing all the Orcs and leaving, Dust led the Loli Succubus to the scene and searched the bodies for the little girl's birthday present, only to run into Mitsurugi when he turned back. As both he and the Loli Succubus tried to make excuses, Dust revealed the Loli Succubus' identity as a Succubus, who in turn blurted out how he had swindled Mitsurugi when he sold back Gram. Faced with an infuriated Mitsurugi who drew out his sword, Dust distracted him by lifting the Loli Succubus' skirt, before grabbing her and fleeing back to the village, where he discovered much to his disappointment that the hot springs were only used by old hags since all young women had left for town.[12]

Returning to Axel the next day only to find out about the quest rewards already claimed by Mitsurugi, Dust went to the Succubus Cafe and grumbled over it to the Loli Succubus, and subsequently flattered her into helping him give Mitsurugi a nightmare consisting of Aqua seducing him before turning into an Orc. The plan however got foiled that night courtesy of Cremea and Fio, who got Mitsurugi so drunk he fell into a dreamless sleep, and invaded Mitsurugi's room just when the Loli Succubus was at his bedside futilely trying to make him dream. Managing to lose the two girls when daylight broke, Dust impressed the Loli Succubus by returning the little girl from the village her birthday present that he had retrieved for her.[12]

One day, Dust noticed the lonely Yunyun wandering around Axel, thus he got two young men into hitting on her in an alleyway so that he could timely come out for a heroic rescue, only to be forced into prematurely revealing himself when Yunyun made to accept their invitation. As Dust next tried to hit on Yunyun, he got kicked by Vanir whom he cowardly bowed down to upon hearing of his identity as an Archdemon. Following the Crimson Demon girl's introduction and admitting how he had set up the earlier episode, Dust offered to help Yunyun find friends so he can meet more girls. He and Vanir accordingly headed into a restaurant with Yunyun, where they caused embarrassment for her as they annoyed the waitresses and came up with useless friend-making ideas. Later watching Vanir set up a consultation service at the Guild with Yunyun being the first customer, Dust got piqued when Yunyun refused Vanir's suggestion for him to become her friend. He then remembered about Rin to whom he introduced Yunyun to, only for the distrusting Rin refuse becoming friends with somebody presented by him. After Yunyun ran off in tears, Dust tried to teach Rin a lesson outside their inn, but was swiftly blasted down by her spells.[17]

Having quickly spent all of his rewards from helping take out the Destroyer, a Dust dead broke again was left to well in poverty by his party members as they wanted to teach him a lesson, when he ran into Darkness who he only recently discovered is the heiress Lalatina, and pondered winning her heart so she will fund him with her family's wealth. To this end, Dust tried to find out more about Darkness' by tailing her while she was on a quest against Goblins with Chris, grabbing on the way a Yunyun trying to buy romance novels at the bookstore so she could become an excuse if he got noticed. After witnessing the masochist Darkness purposefully getting herself Binded by Chris and beaten by Goblins which the Thief had to take out herself, they eavesdropped on Darkness expressing how she liked lecherous men who leer at women all the time while drinking all day without working in order to live a carefree life in debt, points that Yunyun found matched Dust perfectly.[18]

Dust accordingly had to attend alongside Vanir the excited Yunyun's matchmaking meetings aimed at pairing him and Darkness up, though they had very different ideas regarding romance moves on and gifts for Darkness compared to Yunyun, while their antics forced them to move their meetings from a restaurant to the front of the general store. Some days later when the trio wandered into some alleyways as their efforts had gone nowhere, they were alerted to a woman screaming, which Dust led them towards in hopes of gaining rewards in money and women for going to the rescue, though it turned out to be Darkness excitedly getting cornered by some masked men aiming to kidnap her. Observing the scene from the side with the other two, Dust eventually stepped out to knock out some of the men and skillfully parry their ringleader's spear lunge, only to be surrounded by the men's archers and somebody murderous lurking in the shadows. With Yunyun and Vanir having no intentions to join the battle, Dust tried to intimidate the men by claiming himself to be Kazuma, only to have the men cite Darkness' exclamation at his appearance to call out his lie. Saved when Yunyun and Vanir feigned the police arriving to scare off the men, Dust subsequent to Darkness declining Yunyun's request for her to date him got lectured by the girls about changing his behaviour in order to become popular with women, so in a spurt of temper he called Darkness a muscular macho and Yunyun a friendless pseudo-expert on romance, resulting in him being hunted by the upset pair for the better part of the day.[18]

At some point during the period, Dust went peeking at the women's baths, and got himself arrested as a result.[19] He also accepted a job from Kazuma to observe what his troublemaking party members were up to in his absence, so Dust proceeded to trail them on separate days, and discovered Aqua loyally displaying her urges by cozying herself at home before heading to hang out with other Axis followers and drinking free tea from Wiz's Shop,[20] watched Megumin perform her daily Explosion routine with Yunyun before they started quarrelling and went on to hold an eating contest,[21] as well as trailed Darkness after she unsuccessfully tried to take a quest against Giant Toads because nobody would team up with her into back alleys where she loitered around suspicious shops.[22] The delinquent in addition had Kazuma and his party treat him to a meal under the guise of giving the rookie adventurer advice, during which he dismissed Aqua's claims of godnesshood.[23]

Following several days of the Succubus Cafe being closed, Dust lectured the Loli Succubus about tips to improve the eroticness of dreams in front of the general store, much to its owner's displeasure. Subsequent to the owner returning inside after the two men denied the Loli Succubus' comment over them being good friends, Dust heard of the Cafe being targeted by the single unmarried women making up the Association for Protecting Women's Chances of Marriage, the chairwoman of which was Sena who would be leading a police raid on the premises the following day for any illegal sex operations. Dust in exchange for a week of free services thus came up with the idea of the Cafe posing as a fortune telling operation for consulting men with troubles, while he and another regular customer would be the only men present in case Sena brings out her magical bell for detecting lies. It so turned out that a noble covering his face with the Dragon Knight helmet Dust had sold became chosen by the Loli Succubus to act as customers alongside Dust, so following Sena and the policewomen's failure to find material evidence of anything illegal at the Cafe, Dust who taunted then soothed the frustrated women told them how most male adventurers in Axel are gay. He was accordingly impressed by the way the helmet guy was able to proclaim his love for a man without triggering the magical bell as well as stomach Sena's request of demonstrating how gay he was, although Dust began panicking when the helmet guy really started fondling him. Subsequent to Sena being convinced of the city's male adventurers' gayness, Dust proceeded to castigate them for disrupting a rightful business, then talked Sena into voluntarily helping out at the Cafe while wearing the Succubi's scanty outfit. Yet as the Succubi made preparations, Dust while hungrily eyeing a bakery accepted the Loli Succubus' offer to buy him bread, causing Rin who made to borrow him money to storm off.[24]

On the next day when Sena and Darkness came working at the Cafe, Dust asked some snide questions for Sena to consult him over, after which he was instead asked if he had heard of a criminal organisation moving into Axel, so Dust listed some other recent crimes including him beating up a debt collector and Darkness' attempted kidnapping. Sena then noticed how the other male customers filling the Cafe were leering at the Succubi employees, which cumulated in Dust having to admit everything while apologising. Relieved when Sena and the Cafe reached a compromise, Dust prepared to enjoy a week of free Succubi service, only to have a Sena still irate at his earlier snarkiness arrest him for beating up a debt collector. Thrown into jail where the Succubi cannot visit for two weeks, Dust ended up missing out on their free service, with a loaf of bread sent to him by Rin the only consolation.[24]

Early Spring Arc[]

Complaining at a restaurant to his party members about his two weeks of imprisonment only to be ignored, Dust nearly lost his hand to a dagger when he tried to grope Rin, before he was shocked by them going off questing with another adventurer who they had invited to take his place during his absence. Consequently going to grumble all about it to Yunyun and Vanir at Wiz's Shop, he tried to topple Yunyun's house of cards before Vanir offered to let him take one magic item for free in exchange for bringing Yunyun somewhere else, though he put it off upon hearing the defects with goods like the magical portable toilets which is prone to flooding the surroundings and an orb storing Lightning magic which can only shoot straight down. Dust was next told off by the two of them over his uptight party members abandoning him, causing him to remember Leonor's comment against living rigidly, and prompted Vanir to give him an advice involving keeping his guard up. Heading to the Guild for quests, Dust's mood was soured by the other adventurers' disappointment at his return as well as the rumours and wagers they had made surrounding his absence, which became worse once Luna informed him that there were neither quests nor odd jobs for him to take because of less monsters appearing lately in addition to people specifically refusing to hire him. Dust next tried approaching Kazuma's mansion for food from his rich friend, only to find the whole party out on a trip. Just as he was considering apologising to Rin as he trudged to the Succubus Cafe, he got told by the Loli Succubus how all the staff at the Cafe would be serving him for free that night as an apology for him missing out on his week of free services.[25]

In his absent-minded bliss, Dust wandered into some unfamiliar alleyway, where he overheard the ringleader of the criminal organisation who tried to kidnap Darkness discussing the failed kidnapping with a subordinate, as well as how the accomplice they had planted into Rin's party would help them mug the party and kidnap Rin for some noble. Dust proceeded to knock out and tie up the two lolicon men in a surprise attack, then subsequent to taking what meagre wealth they carried, slapped the ringleader awake and forced him into talking about the abduction plot by threatening to make him "play" with his naked subordinate, though it turned out only the still-unconscious subordinate who got tied up with the ringleader knew where the organisation would be striking the party at. Asking the Loli Succubus to call the police on the two men, Dust in search of the location his party was questing at rushed to the Guild, where he told Luna, Sena, and the Loli Succubus the whole story, so in turn Luna revealed that his party was hunting Goblins near Keele's Dungeon, making him and Sena deduce the organisation's intent to attack them after they camp out for the night while the accomplice was standing watch. Dust made to go rescue his party alone since no adventurers or police were able to accompany him, but under the Loli Succubus' manipulations the helmet guy who provided some horses was summoned to help. Later taking some magic items from Wiz's Shop, however, Dust also dragged the Succubus into going with them.[25]

Dust on the way detected the jealous glare from the helmet guy sent in his direction as he and the Loli Succubus riding with him cheerily chatted, before the trio ran into a group of the criminals along the road. Since they were outnumbered, Dust and the Loli Succubus put up an act where Dust pretended to be a new member who offered up a tearful Loli Succubus as a token, though while the lolicon criminals pampered the Loli Succubus, some of them involved in Darkness' attempted kidnapping began recalling Dust's face. In the ensuing chaos caused by the helmet guy knocking out the said members, Dust cut the strings of the criminals' bows before grabbing the Loli Succubus and riding off. When the trio reached a hillside by the road, Dust laid a trap for those pursuing criminals by drenching the slopes of the hillside they mounted with the portable magical toilet's overflow, then once the criminals taunted by Dust and the helmet guy's stone-throwing tried to scale the muddy slopes only to be bogged down in a bunch, he had the Loli Succubus fly in and electrocute them all unconscious using the orb containing Lightning magic. Leaving the tied up criminals behind as night fell, the trio trekked up the path ahead on foot, and successfully located Dust's party while the criminals' accomplice was sleeping, though it took the Loli Succubus and the helmet guy's affirmation before Dust's narrative was believed. Dust proceeded to have the Loli Succubus give the accomplice a nightmare where the criminal molested Rin only for her to turn into one of several Orcs ganging up on him, which earned Dust the gratitude and praise of his party members. Later in the night when Dust was the only one awake at the camp, he borrowed the helmet guy's spear to face the murderous assassin lurking among the trees, and upon failing to convince the professionally rigid mercenary from finishing the job, started a fierce battle where he wielded a spear for protecting Rin, and eventually knocked the assassin out.[25]

Disappointed afterwards when he found out how he wouldn't get paid because the criminals who had pampered and released the kidnapped girls didn't have bounties on their heads, in addition to his free service at the Cafe gone toast, Dust vaguely deflected his party members' queries regarding the Loli Succubus and the helmet guy, before Taylor offered him all of the reparation money the Guild paid them for recommending a criminal into their party. But just as the overjoyed Dust made to order drinks, Vanir came and took all of the money as payment for the magic items Dust had taken from Wiz's Shop in excess of the freely offered one. Left with no choice but to accept quests so he could stay away from Axel and the collectors for his debts due that day, Dust as he set out with his party members heard Rin hint that she was awake during his battle with the assassin.[26]

At some point during the period, Dust along with Keith participated in a raffle for a special service from the Succubus Cafe, which they also notified Kazuma about upon running into him.[27]

Cursed Ring Arc[]

Having heard from a gossiping Aqua how Kazuma was Stealing panties because of a cursed ring stuck onto his finger, Dust along with Keith offered to listen to his troubles, before becoming patrons of the maid café Kazuma opened, where he and Keith were mellowed out by girls like Aqua serving them as maids.[28] Later winning at gambling for once, Dust offered to treat a gloomy Kazuma to the Succubus Cafe, then along with Keith listened to his woes on being drained to death by the ring's power and warned him about the girls one day killing him for Stealing their panties, before suggesting him to earn the ring removal fee at the Guild's sports festival, which they also participated in for the prize and the women's swimsuits, though during the race Dust tried to kick Kazuma out of jealousy.[29] Then during Kazuma's setup of an idol unit, Dust as well as Keith helped to train the girls on handshaking with fans.[30] Unable afterwards to make any more good suggestions for Kazuma to make money through, several days later Dust joined the emergency Guild meeting for defending the city against the approaching Skull Dragon, then following Kazuma's plan fought in the resistance alongside other adventurers.[31]

Magical Stones Arc[]

Dust with his party mainly hung around the Guild during that period, where he gave advice to Kazuma for his adventures.[32] He also in exchange for coupons to the Succubus Cafe informed Kazuma about a rumour over the Devil-Sealing Magical Stones that the latter had been searching for, which told of them being capable of granting any wish when all seven are gathered.[33] And subsequent to the vanquishing of the Imitation Dragon, Dust and his party also participated in the celebrations at the Guild.[34]

Black Slab Arc[]

Having heard of Kazuma and his party being forced to make clothes for a nobleman or else face execution, Dust along with Keith told him of how that greedy nobleman had taken a black slab and executed its owner some years back. Later in exchange for tickets to the Succubus Cafe, he helped Kazuma assemble an audience for listening to Megumin making a speech for her Lolita Alliance.[35]

Running into Kazuma afterwards, Dust as well as Keith started talking about dreams from the Succubus Cafe that involved changing clothes, which brought up the subject of a man in black robes frequently appearing there to check on dreams regarding clothes that he had requested on a nobleman's behalf, then subsequently agree to look out for the man on behalf of Kazuma who treated them to bubbly.[36]

Cursed Relic Arc[]

While Keith and Taylor were forced to work faraway for paying off their gambling debts, Dust who was left in Axel with Rin offered to join Kazuma's adventuring after hearing of his predicament.[37] Later paying Wiz's Shop a visit when Kazuma's party was there hoping to buy Heat Rings so they can head into the lethally cold snowfield forest, Dust upon hearing of the Heat Rings in Axel being out of stock suggested importing them from other cities, but backed down due to Vanir's opposition against more business competitors, and so jokingly proposed the party to carry a Salamander with them instead.[38]

At some point during the period, Dust was asked by the Succubus Cafe to gather herbs for a "special potion", which he lecherously invited Kazuma to help gather in exchange for a special service ticket. Dust subsequently agreed for them to upgrade the ticket if they would gather herbs for another potion he had figured could dissolve clothes, though due to attacking monsters they dropped a lot of herbs gathered. Agreeing to further upgrade their ticket if he and Kazuma could perform essential functions for the Cafe, Dust got thoroughly disappointed when it turned out they had agreed to perform labourious janitorial chores using the potions that were actually cleaning formulas and bleach. He returned to his inn that night dead tired before dropping into a dreamless sleep, which caused him to miss out on the repeatedly upgraded special service a Succubus was going to give him that night.[39]

Following many adventures and battles alongside Kazuma, Dust joined him in defending Axel from the attack of a supergiant Wallavy, then after retrieving with Rin a spent Megumin, proceeded to battle the mutated Wallavy and later its multiple smaller clones so that Kazuma and Aqua could go destroy its core.[40] Several days later, when all the adventurers who had fought in the battle were drinking at the Guild in celebration, Dust enjoyed the delicious warabi mochi Aqua had cut out from Wallavy.[41]

Early Summer Arc[]

Looking for somebody to treat him for breakfast at the Guild after Luna threatened to call the police on him for staring at her breasts, Dust found Kazuma offering to pay adventurers at the Guild who would help Darkness defeat the Kowloon Hydra dwelling in a nearby lake, and so he also signed up to join the high-risk but high-return endeavour. Impressed at Kazuma expertly directing the adventurers into binding before dragging the monster ashore, he while helping other adventurers with the tugging noticed the Hydra noticeably weakening after it rolled atop Kazuma and Darkness, thus ignoring Rin's protests charged out in hopes of taking the kill and associated rewards, only to attract the attention from one of the heads that ended up swallowing him.[42]

Accordingly finding himself sitting in a strange location where a beautiful white-haired woman with her chests padded expressed sympathy to his death, the delinquent's initial response was him being approached by some kind of preaching scam. Although he took the familiar-sounding woman's introduction as Eris the goddess with the same seriousness he gave Aqua, Dust finally believed it and her proclamation of his death once she recounted his final moments. He anyhow continued to casually dismiss Eris' vituperation over his disreputable deeds that got him repeatedly arrested, and proceeded to change the subject once she read from the records about his noble past, though before Dust had to make a choice between reincarnating into a new life or going to Heaven where nothing enjoyable can be done, Aqua successfully Resurrected his partially dissolved body which was recovered from the slain Hydra. Asking Eris if her breasts are real much to the goddess' vexation, Dust returned to his naked body which was surrounded by his relieved party members.[42]

With nothing but a loincloth, he made his way alongside other adventurers back to the Guild, and subsequent to a change of clothes got mocked by Rin and Keith again. Dust next went to thank Aqua for Resurrecting him, yet the Arch Priest kept asking for more and more praise, to the point he had to shove her back into the hands of the busily celebrating Kazuma in order to escape.[42]

Not receiving a share of the rewards because he foolishly got himself killed by the Hydra, and with his own party members taking a break since unlike him they had earned a lot, Dust began tailing Rin when he noticed her to be frequently occupied, and discovered her to be meeting with an unknown guy. Then one day having seen Kazuma and Megumin trying to recruit a front-liner for replacing Darkness who had left them, suggested that the three of them team up. Taking a quest for defending a farm's crops from monsters and pests which attack during the rainy season, he directed Kazuma to slow down some advancing Adaman Snails while he stops other monsters from entering the fields. After defeating some monkeys, however, Dust was sent flying by a charging boar he had attempted to block, before Megumin unleashed her Explosion to destroy both the monsters and the crops, resulting in his rewards being quartered, though he didn't mind as long as he could pay for his drink that day.[43]

Yet later that day, he discovered in panic that Rin had been frequenting the inn room of that unknown guy, thus went screaming all about her getting a boyfriend to Keith and Taylor only to receive their nonchalant reactions. Dust therefore paid the innkeeper to rent the room adjacent to the guy's, before running to Kazuma on the following day for help in finding out what the guy was actually like. As the two of them eavesdropped on the conversation between Rin and the guy, who turned out to be a noble torn by the difference in social status keeping him from bonding with the adventurer he loves, Dust was barely held back by Kazuma from charging next door and punching the guy upon hearing him beg Rin to take a sexy photo.[43]

When Rin subsequently took the guy downstairs for lunch, Dust despite Kazuma's misgivings broke into the guy's room before ransacking it for clues regarding his true nature, and discovered in fury a pair of red lacy lingerie. Thinking that the guy was intending to make Rin put on the lingerie while he took her sexy photos with his magical camera, the enraged Dust came up with the idea of disgusting that guy out by personally putting on nothing but the lingerie, then had Kazuma use the magical camera for taking his sexy photos. The two of them soon became engrossed to the point they forgot the time, and were caught right in the act when Rin and the guy returned. Subsequently given a chiding by Rin, Dust after she took Kazuma outside was left alone with the guy, whom he began confronting despite the other party thanking Aqua for delivering Dust to him. It didn't take long for the whole truth of the matter to surface when the guy proceeded to make advances on the sexily-clad Dust, who was actually the one he was in love with, driving the delinquent into the depths of sheer horror,[43] though thankfully he managed to escape with his chastity in the backside intact.[2]

On the day of Darkness' marriage to Alderp, like other adventurers in the city, Dust also gathered at the church of Eris where the wedding ceremony was held in hopes of glimpsing the rare sight of the Crusader dressed as a bride, though the governor's guards kept them from drawing too close. Soon witnessing those guards sent flying by Megumin's Explosion and Kazuma's ensuing escape from the church with Darkness, Dust who had ignored Alderp's command to capture Kazuma's fleeing party next saw the Yunyun left behind as the rearguard about to be swamped by the recovering guards, so still livid at nobles due to the horror he had suffered days earlier, the delinquent played along with Keith's gig to come up with an excuse for all the adventurers to beat up those noble's henchmen, which in effect let Kazuma's party make a clean getaway.[44]

Accompanying his party on a quest for exploring some ancient ruins one day, upon him accidentally discovering a hidden passageway leading from the derelict abode of the dungeon's master, Dust with Rin in tow investigated the doorway within leading left while the others searched the right one. Displeased at her using him as a meat shield against possible traps, he talked of his previous meeting with Eris before stepping inside, where the lights suddenly flickering on gave him the chance to sexually harass the disappointedly flat body of Rin. Rummaging around once he pacified the furious Wizard, Dust noticed a spherical device by the wall, and tried pressing a button on it though to no apparent effect.[5]

Next discovering bookshelves packed with books of an unknown language, the delinquent became overjoyed to discover them filled with illustrated scenarios of pretty girls performing lewd acts, so he sent the embarrassed Rin away while staying being to further investigate those "treasures of mankind" which surpassed many of the dreams provided by the Succubi. Later noticing the genre of the books overwhelmingly comprised of men receiving punishment, Dust after flicking through other illustrated books depicting no sexual content pocketed some of the lewd ones. Yet when rendezvousing with his party members who discovered nothing of interest beyond the other doorway, he became surprised at Keith and Taylor turning sluggish and losing the motivation to continue exploring, even when he presented them with one of the lewd books, and so agreed to head back. Dust afterwards shared some of the lewd books with his male party members as well as presented one to Kazuma, who recognised it to be something called a "Japanese adult manga".[5]

On the following day Dust at the Guild heard from Rin about Keith and Taylor lethargically taking a break from quests for the next several days, so reminded by her about them having already accepted a four-member bodyguard quest from some homebound villager against Goblins which was set to be performed in two days, he agreed to the suggestion of hiring temporary members. Then when nobody came answering their advertisement, the two of them began casting the blame on one another, until Dust challenged the infuriating Rin to a duel outside the Guild where he dodged her surprise Lightning, though an angry Luna kicked them out of the surrounding premises before he could teach Rin a lesson. Forced to set up desk in the deserted front of the general store he frequented, the delinquent quarreled with the store owner, before a subsequent conversation with Rin about the nobility and royalty stirred up his old unpleasant memories.[5]

He was next noticed by the Loli Succubus, so dismissing Rin's query regarding the shop where the Succubus worked by claiming it to be a common cafe, Dust upon Rin inviting her to team up with them declared the Loli Succubus not suited for fighting, and instead put her as a reserve in case they cannot recruit enough members, so to avoid any possible trouble springing from them questing together. Yet only the incompatible Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua came applying, so after he responded by outright rejecting the perverted Crusader's request, disqualifying the crazy Arch Wizard in an interview, and tricking the Axis Arch Priest into storming off by claiming that Vanir will be questing too, Dust was forced to acknowledge Yunyun who had been peeking at them the whole time. Following an argument with Rin over what to do with the loner, he tried striking a conversation with her, which got nowhere until Rin outright asked for the Crimson Demon to team up.[5]

Unable to recruit anybody else on the following day, Dust attempted approaching some adventurers only for them demanding him to return the money he owed them, resulting in a brawl that saw the delinquent thrown into jail for the night. Without any other choice, once released the next morning, Dust went asking the Loli Succubus to join in their quest under the guise of a rookie Wizard named "Lolisa". Later brushing aside Rin's chiding during breakfast at the Guild where he tried pinching food from the luggage prepared by Yunyun, the delinquent introduced them to the Loli Succubus, before setting out among the envious gazes of other male adventurers.[5]

During the carriage ride alongside the villager who posted the quest back to his village, Dust became impressed with Yunyun vanquishing all attacking monsters by herself, so finding her much more useful than Megumin and hoping to let her do all the hard fighting, Dust began heaping praise onto the Arch Wizard, though this invited jealousy from Rin and the Loli Succubus. Therefore during an ensuing attack by Goblins, the delinquent chose to let Yunyun stand aside while he with the help of the other girls took them out, and in the process discovered the Loli Succubus being capable of incapacitating magic. Dust later on heard the villager confess that he had understated the total number of Goblins threatening his village by several times in order to reduce the quest fee, then became further irritated by the three girls discussing the possibility of him being bisexual, especially when the villager who couldn't afford extra payments tearfully hugged him.[5]

Subsequent to completing the quest upon arrival at the village, the party accepted its chief's additional request to eradicate the rest of the Goblins in exchange for more pay, though upon arriving at the cave where the monsters made their nest, a quick scouting by Dust revealed that the Goblins had already fled. Just as he was pondering the reason for them leaving in a hurry, the shocked girls alerted him to the presence of a well-developed Green Dragon in the nearby woods. Seeing the girls all scared out of their wits, Dust instructed them to leave while he held the Dragon off, though the girls insulting him and expressing more concern about the money he owed them piqued the delinquent. Anyhow encouraged by Rin as she led the other girls away, the former Dragon Knight approached the Green Dragon that actually had a sword stuck into its leg from a previous battle, so he proceeded to pull it out, and was rewarded by the treasure it had collected. Leaving the Dragon behind so it could recuperate before heading elsewhere, Dust found and interrupted the girls as they discussed his despicableness in addition to a hidden side, then in response to them bringing up the subject of Lain Sheyka once they heard of him communicating with the Dragon, identified himself to be very much alike the famous Dragon Knight only to be rebuffed. With his companions accordingly rejoicing the highly successful quest in their various ways, the delinquent unable to find pleasure from the pretty girls surrounding him became further impressed by Kazuma.[5]

While walking on the city streets one day after he borrowed another large debt, Dust was approached by Kazuma who offered eight tickets for a free stay at Arcanletia, so without pondering deeply into why his friend didn't want to set foot once more in the famous City of Water and Hot Springs, he accepted the tickets with which his party would be using. Subsequent to informing his initially unenthusiastic party members including Rin who had used the Green Dragon's treasure for paying off his previous debts, he finally got them agreeing to go upon uttering Kazuma's name, much to his exasperation.[45]

Dust anyhow went to invite Vanir as a means to kiss up to the Archdemon without cost, though it resulted in a row between Aqua and Vanir that threatened to spill out into a catastrophic battle, so fearful of getting caught in the crossfire, the delinquent cited Kazuma to skillfully trick the Arch Priest into running off. Proceeding to talk with Vanir about the imminent eventful trip to the hot springs, Dust was told of Yunyun's presence just as he was anticipating the mixed bathing, thus invited the loner to the trip too despite having to reinstate his disinterest in her underage body during an argument about mixed bathing. He was then gifted by the All-Seeing Demon a small marble containing a mist that makes the inhaler fall in love with the user, prompting the delinquent to excitedly run off with it.[45]

Bumping into a familiar trio on the streets in his elation, Dust pondering which other female candidate for falling in love with him to invite wandered towards the Succubus Cafe, where the Loli Succubus began squabbling with him about the friends they have, so hoping the flat-chested Succubus can introduce her much more well-developed kin to him, the delinquent handed her a ticket before securing her acceptance by talking of Vanir also joining the trip. Accordingly ignoring the squabbling Yunyun and Megumin on his way to the Guild, he tried to invite Luna only to hear her vent out all the stresses accumulated on her job. Thoroughly exhausted following the ordeal, Dust didn't object when Chris asked for the remaining ticket, though this also made him depressed because except for the underage Yunyun, all the girls going on the trip have small breasts and make the mixed bathing much less enjoyable.[45]

Spending a sleepless night prior to the day of the trip from pondering how to use the marble, he and all other companions sans Chris assembled at the carriage terminal, where Dust tried to have the three girls sit with him in the same carriage, though at Keith's frenzied objection he had to settle for a lot draw. Yet despite Dust having prepared for such a situation with rigged lots and a collaborative gig alongside the Loli Succubus, his plan was derailed by Vanir's intervention, resulting in the three human men stuck on one carriage while the girls rode with the Archdemon on the other.[45]

Following an uneventful day of traveling, the caravan made camp along the highway leading to Arcanletia, and despite wanting to go sleep early, the girls still huddling by the campfire prompted Dust to use the marble. He proceeded to approach the girls and strike a conversation that sexually harassed them, then upon being chided as he had expected pretended to do stretches so he could inconspicuously smash the marble and release the mist on the trio, just as a sudden gust of wind swept along. Next seeing the girls still as repulsed by him as ever, Dust wondering if the wind had dispersed the mist disappointedly headed to sleep, but was surprisingly given encouragement by Keith and Taylor. Initially moved by his male companions showing concern for him, it soon turned to terror when they started advancing on him just like that gay noble. Proceeding to hear from Vanir that the speed of the mist taking effect is proportionate to the dosage inhaled as well as it lasting for an hour on the two men, Dust without needing the All-Seeing Demon's prophecy regarding the disastrous fate awaiting his butt to spur him on, immediately fled all around the surrounding plains with the half-naked Keith and Taylor hot on his behind. He was in the end finally caught up, which fortunately occurred when the effects of the mist wore off, so Dust consequently carried his pursuers who had dropped into deep slumber back to the camp.[45]

Although Rin rejoined them in their carriage when the trip continued on the ensuing day, Dust was too exhausted from the night's ordeal in addition to being too traumatised by the presence of Keith and Taylor to care, until she began acting uncharacteristically kind towards him. Wondering if the power of the marble was starting to work on Rin, he began answering to her advances when they arrived at Arcanletia, only to be interrupted by the jealous Yunyun and Loli Succubus. Next shocked by Yunyun revealing that the city was actually the headquarters of the Axis Order, Dust unmasked a local's attempt to trick him into signing a conversion form, then as the group started getting beset by other attempts to hardsell and convert, he dragged the beleaguered Yunyun out of the throng, though the kind attitude she displayed in return unnerved him.[45]

Subsequent to the group reaching the inn where he was assigned a room with Vanir, Dust proclaimed himself heading for the mixed bathing hot springs, yet the nonchalant reactions of the girls made him think that the marble didn't have an effect on them, so he grumpily went for a lonesome dip in the empty mixed baths,[45] until the unexpected appearance of Yunyun who bashfully asked to bathe with him.[46] As Dust was caught in a dilemma on whether to accept the underage but busty girl's advances, he was struck terrified when an angry Rin and Loli Succubus also showed up. Despite realising himself in a harem situation thanks to the marble making the girls fall in love with him, Dust's suggestion for them to serve him all at once was vehemently rejected. With the trio preparing to fight it out for determining who gets to keep him, the delinquent quickly splashed cold water on the girls for calming them down, which indeed made them come to their senses but also washed off the effects of the marble, so Dust's ensuing request for them to lewdly serve him was met by a barrage of the disgusted girls' spells. Managing to survive albeit left floating in the water, Dust too depressed to be angry was told by Vanir how the situation was set up for the All-Seeing Demon to taste his grave disappointment. Later joined in the baths by Keith and Taylor, their concern for him when the delinquent declared that he had enough of women made Dust let go of the trauma concerning them on the previous night, and instead declared how great having male friends is.[45]

Going outside for a walk at dusk following a nap, Dust who didn't feel like hitting on women nevertheless helped a young woman pick up the basket of apples, only to have her latch onto and attempt converting him to the Axis faith. He was saved when Chris showed up before chasing the Axis follower off by identifying herself as an Eris follower, so the delinquent accepted her petition to serve as a bodyguard in exchange for dinner. Harassed on the way by further conversion attempts each more ludicrous than the other, Dust used Chris' religious affiliation to ward off any approaching Axis followers.[47]

When they reached the gate leading up to the main spring behind the main cathedral for investigating its water's holy properties, however, the pair was barred entry by the knights of the Eris Order standing guard, who after talking about the spring now gushing out holy water, refused the bribe of Axis items that Dust tried handing them. He was anyhow treated to dinner by Chris, and subsequent to being told on their way back to the inn that he had seen the goddess Aqua many times before, upon noticing how sensitive Chris was to the locals' comments about her patron goddess, he cheered the Thief up by declaring his preference to Eris over Aqua. Going to bed in his inn room, Dust was awoken by Yunyun who came asking about her strange behaviour at the hot springs, an affair that the delinquent fearing more trouble tricked her into forgetting.[47]

Waking up at noon on the following day to find his companions having suffered a morning's worth of conversion harassment from the Axis followers, subsequent to Vanir's fury fit and the others not willing to join Chris into striking back at the Axis Order, Dust was about to follow suit when the Thief brought up the subject of the lewd books he had secretly circulated in Axel possibly becoming the subject of investigation by the Eris Order. Afraid of the contraband's sales getting confiscated by the police, the delinquent had no choice but to lower Chris' hatred towards the Axis Order by agreeing to help, before her remarkable similarity to Eris gave him an idea.[47]

Accompanied by a bashful Yunyun as he went looking for props to enact his plan, Dust became puzzled by some activities she wanted to engage in, such as watching a romance play, drinking at a coffee shop, and shopping for dolls. After the Crimson Demon gave up and left, he returned to the inn with a borrowed theatre costume that matched Eris' attire for Chris to dress up in, so that the Thief can perform great deeds and elevate the status of Eris followers, and on the way back also bought a small doll that Yunyun had wanted. But once reminded of the hostility displayed by Axis followers to anything of the Eris Order, Dust realising how potentially suicidal his plan was decided to scrap the idea.[47]

Suddenly hearing the Axis followers outside clamouring about a Demon at the fountain plaza, the delinquent followed them and Chris who was still in her costume to the location, where he found Vanir alongside the Loli Succubus on a stage. Subsequent to the Archdemon disparaging the patron goddess of the Axis Order by listing Aqua's indolent and rascal antics, which the lunatics instead appreciated as part of their teachings, the delinquent found himself concurring with the Axis followers, though he then became piqued because his party members declared him very similar to the good-for-nothing lunatics. Next hearing the All-Seeing Demon declare selling the Axis followers photobooks of Aqua at half price, Dust realising the All-Seeing Demon's marketing strategy dragged his party and Yunyun into helping Vanir and the Loli Succubus with the selling in exchange for a share of the earnings.[47]

The photobooks however turned out to be featuring Vanir instead, forcing Dust to flee alongside his selling companions from a mob of extremely furious Axis followers. Running into Chris on her way back to the inn, the delinquent diverted some of the hatred off him by naming the "Dark God Eris" as the mastermind, though due to the Axis Priests buffing the pursuing followers, Dust suggested for the group to split up. He decided to flee with Yunyun because of her magical prowess as well as acquaintance with the Axis Order's pontiff, and proceeded to taunt the lunatics so they would go after him instead of his party members. Nearly shocked into stopping once discovering that she was actually a shapeshifted Vanir, the delinquent despite feeling very much aggravated nevertheless concentrated on escaping the mob who were now focused on them. Eventually losing his pursuers, Dust ran into the real Yunyun, and as they trudged back to the inn, he gifted her the doll he had bought earlier with all his remaining money, so the loner could boast to Megumin about having gone on a date.[47]

The exhausted group afterwards took the carriage back to Axel, determined not to set foot in Arcanletia ever again, though Dust despite pinning the blame on Kazuma's "gift" still kept his share of the photobooks' sales while being thankful for the ordeal distracting the girls from what happened in the hot springs. Yet once they arrived at the gates of Axel, he was surprisingly not stringently questioned by the guards like usual, and calls for them to properly do their jobs were met by murmurs displaying their lack of motivation to work. Proceeding to find the townsfolk also acting the same, Dust and his party members headed for the Guild, only to find the employees limply lazing around, a phenomenon that he and Rin realised was identical to what Keith and Taylor had suffered while exploring the ancient ruins. After hearing from the sluggish Luna how people all over the city began turning more and more lethargic ever since their party's trip to Arcanletia, Dust afraid of them also losing motivation over time began discussing possible causes of the phenomenon.[48]

Accordingly visiting Kazuma's mansion for information, the four of them only discovered Yunyun loitering around its entrance because the residents were all out, so at the Crimson Demon's suggestion they went asking Vanir for advice. In Wiz's Shop where they found Wiz crispily zapped for falling to a con scheme, Dust began reiterating how the same phenomenon had happened to Keith and Taylor, at which Vanir advised them to head back into the ruins for finding what was draining motivation from people before Axel's residents starve to death. Since the Archdemon refused to accompany them, Dust unable to seek anybody else in the city capable of helping, was only able to take his party along with Yunyun and the Loli Succubus on the journey.[48]

Discussing with the others about possible causes of the phenomenon during their uneventful carriage ride to the ruins, Dust energetically jumped to advance upon arrival, yet discovered his companions already descending into lethargy. Leaving behind Keith and Taylor now reduced to sluggish potatoes, he carried the girls who were barely awake into the corridors of the facility. While wondering why was he alone spared the motivation drain, Dust eventually reached the abode of the dungeon's master, where he was forced the leave the slumbering girls. Proceeding into the hidden section he had previously discovered, this time Dust went investigating the doorway to the right, where he found a den containing strange devices in addition to rubbish recently left behind by multiple people. Soon coming across a diary written by the creator of the dungeon and the lewd books, Dust read how he had created this secret section for shirking work, having generated a prototype of some mobile weapon, as well as him creating a spherical device for draining motivation as long as the user was near the facility. Perplexed because the device was said to drain the motivation of everyone but those around the user, as well as the effects strengthening upon repeated use on everybody except for the first user, the delinquent soon found his answer when heading to the storeroom with the lewd books, where he noticed three men congratulating their luck in discovering the spherical motivation draining device that Dust had pressed on his initial visit.[48]

After some further eavesdropping revealed the men to be the fugitive lolicon criminals from earlier on, Dust couldn't contain his outburst from seeing them embrace one another in tears because of some preposterous philosophy. Proceeding to square off against the trio still sprouting nonsense, he demanded the motivation draining device, only for them to advance on him brandishing weapons. The outnumbered delinquent thus ran back to the sleeping girls and pretended to take the Loli Succubus as hostage, which successfully scared the men into surrendering but also earned him groggy insults from the girls. Subsequently tying the men together, Dust searched around in vain for the motivation draining device, so he forced the men's leader into revealing its location by pretending to burn the lewd books. Although he did make the leader confess to have placed the device onto a pedestal behind a movable bookshelf, the shocked reaction of another man alarmed Dust to the action activating some kind of prototype.[48]

As a series of quaking and cracking started permeating throughout the surrounding dungeon, Dust unable to carry the three girls who were still sleepy, was forced to untie the lolicon men so they could help him carry them to safety, though because the busty Yunyun was ignored, he was forced to carry her outside himself. Barely having time to rejoice the girls as well as Keith and Taylor reverting to normal courtesy of the device's deactivation in the cave-in, he was next faced with the Prototype Destroyer bursting out from the ruins. Worried about the consequences he will face if the scaled-down version of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer destroyed Axel and the Guild discovered him to be the cause, the delinquent valiantly spurred the others on to help destroy evidence of his involvement.[48]

Identifying one of the Prototype Destroyer's eyes that wasn't glowing as the motivation draining device and also the construct's weak spot, Dust waited till its movements were encumbered, before rushing ahead with the spear of the lolicon criminal's leader in hand once the Prototype Destroyer had some legs cut off by Yunyun and lost its balance. The former Dragon Knight next speared through the spherical device, then told Rin to attack the spear with Lightning, before jumping clear of the ensuing explosion which destroyed the Prototype Destroyer. Nevertheless blown to a clumsy touchdown by the shockwave, the delinquent laying on the ground was approached by the girls, so he asked them to come closer in hopes of peeking under Yunyun and the Loli Succubus' skirts, only for them to stomp on his face.[48]

Returning to the remotivated Axel, Dust reported the destruction of the Prototype Destroyer to the Guild and presented the diary of the dungeon's creator as proof, albeit having torn out the pages that will incriminate him, and was given a generous share of rewards. But after telling Kazuma of his recent exploit, his friend called for him to treat everybody at the Guild for a feast, which thankfully his party members also helped fund. Heading outside for a breather subsequent to nightfall, the former Dragon Knight was approached by a drunken Rin who pointedly inquired if he was hiding something from them. Moved by her offering to share his burden, Dust made to tell Rin about his past, only for the Wizard to drop into slumber.[49]

At some point during the period, Dust secretly followed Yunyun as she wandered around Axel in an unsuccessful attempt to seek company, so at the end of the day he and Vanir joined Yunyun for dinner where they teased her.[50] He also gave the Loli Succubus a lecture over the lack of big-breasted women in her dreams as well as the kimonos she envisioned being too difficult to take off, which cumulated in her giving him a dream about a big-breasted Orc, much to his fury.[51] In addition, Dust after telling Rin an excuse for him and Keith refraining from drinking so he could keep the secret of them using the Succubi's services under wraps, accompanied her on tailing Taylor whom they suspected had been privately meeting with a woman after questing, only to find out that he was simply seeing Kazuma so they could vent their frustrations regarding the troublesome members in their respective parties.[52]

Mid Summer Arc[]

Going to bother Wiz's Shop once more, the delinquent responded to the annoyed Vanir's vituperations with an explanation of how money's lack of love for him prevented his shopping spree at the shop, in addition to asking for effortless ways that can make quick money. Due to receiving only tips incompatible with his lifestyle while the Arch Wizard shopkeeper made to fight her Archdemon employee, Dust prepared to leg it, until Vanir offered him the job of collecting the fruits of Tranquility Girls to serve as ingredients for dietary snacks aimed at women.[53]

Dust quickly told his party members about it at the Guild, and received their agreement for taking the job despite them not willing to kill the humanoid plant, though their ensuing conversation about an instance of somebody cruel enough to cut down one of those alluring monsters somehow earned the ire of the nearby Kazuma. An inquiry with Luna soon revealed the sighting of a Tranquility Girl in the forests near the picturesque riverhead lake, where the party found dozens of adventurers wandering around the area.[53]

Eventually discovering the Tranquility Girl inside the forest, Dust who noticed its dialogue sounding very much like swindler women still found it hard to kill the plant that looked like a little girl, and so simply asked to obtain its fruits which he quickly placed inside a bag. The delinquent then rebuked the Tranquility Girl's request for them to immediately eat the addictive fruit filled with narcotics before telling the humanoid plant to try eating it itself, though during the ensuing dispute among the party over the matter, Dust confessed having scavenged rubbish cans for leftover food, and earned him unwanted sympathy from everyone else. Further piqued by the Tranquility Girl offering him more fruits, he angrily led his party members back to Axel despite misgivings over letting the insidious plant live.[53]

Dust proceeded to deliver the fruits to Vanir alone, yet was shocked to be told that they had already degraded into shriveled stinking husks unable to be used as ingredients. Next hearing from the visiting Loli Succubus about how the Tranquility Girl had been seducing away the Succubi's customers, the delinquent was thankfully not requested by Vanir to repay the deposit money that he had already spent. In preparation for another expedition to obtain more fruits from the Tranquility Girl as well as claim the rewards from eliminating it, Dust headed for the Guild only to find his party members to have already ditched him. He thus tried unsuccessfully to drink on tabs because of too much prior accumulation, and while sexually harassing the waitress who told him that received a warning from Luna, though he managed to have her back down by feigning disinterest in eliminating the Tranquility Girl, and was promised a reward of an extra month of drinking tabs.[53]

Excitedly contacting his party members yet finding them all refusing to go for another run against the humanoid plant, the delinquent tried unsuccessfully to recruit other adventurers, until noticing Yunyun whom he enticed with promises of adventuring together while keeping the goal secret. After Megumin piping in and her removal at Dust's request by Kazuma whom he chose not to team up with in fear of the female troublemakers, Dust accepted Yunyun's request for a team up. Next noticing Kazuma and Aqua drinking, the delinquent ignored the crazy explosion girl who was pestering Yunyun so he could grab a few free drinks and meals from his rich friend.[53]

Waking up late in the following day from all the drinking, Dust went reporting his findings to Vanir, who warned him about the adventurers seduced by the Tranquility Girl now serving as its bodyguards. The concerned Dust therefore abided by the All-Seeing Demon's instructions to head for the Succubus Cafe, where he became unsettled by the Succubi creepily treating him to meals on top of pampering him, all in exchange for his protection during their upcoming journey to reclaim their customers from the clutches of the insidious plant. Requesting a bottle of high-class wine as deposit, Dust suggested having the Loli Succubus pose as an adventurer like before while the other Succubi cover themselves in hooded cloaks, so that Yunyun whom he relied on for clearing away monsters in their way would not discover their identities.[53]

As the team prepared to set out on the following day, Dust realised he was escorting a harem squad of beauties despite the Loli Succubus' appearance being disappointing. Subsequent to the Loli Succubus handing him the previously requested bottle of wine, the delinquent while letting Yunyun do all the fighting against monsters rummaged through her luggage and ate up her snacks. Later noticing on their way a familiar trio carting water from the lake into the forest, he gave the clueless Yunyun a vague description of the Tranquility Girl that they were questing against. Next obstructed and insulted by the adventurers guarding the monster, the delinquent at the Loli Succubus' advice took Yunyun to charge ahead while the Succubi took care of their seduced customers, yet was separated from the Crimson Demon by more arriving adventurers.[53]

Dust proceeded to seize the distraction provided when the Succubi threw off their cloaks and enticed their customers by clarifying to the adventurers how the Tranquility Girl was deceiving them into starvation, though the appearance of the lolicon trio made a number of adventurers remain in defence of the monster that looked like a little girl. The delinquent thus threatened to have the Succubi give them dreams of well-endowed women, and successfully scared them into submission. By the time he caught up with Yunyun, however, she had already succumbed to the Tranquility Girl's deceit, therefore when his points about the monster attempting to drive the adventurers to death fell on deaf ears, Dust while Yunyun was distracted knocked her out with a sneak attack.[53]

Now alone with the sinister plant that began showing its true nature, he told it about the vengeful Succubi also present, and blackmailed the monster into handing over more of its fruits which it modified into lasting for a week, though Dust didn't miss the Tranquility Girl's slip of tongue about having been recently nourished. Therefore after packing up the fruits, the delinquent cut the Tranquility Girl down in order to avenge the adventurers whom it had consumed, then emptied the bottle of high-class wine on the surrounding ground as an offering to the deceased buried underneath, before dragging the stirring Yunyun back to the others for their return trip to Axel.[53]

When the time came for eliminating the masses of summer monsters so that people could hold the upcoming Eris Appreciation Festival in peace, Dust on the first day of the operation accompanied his party members to the Guild for taking the quests, especially those in the forest which were imperative for stopping Cicadas from keeping people awake all night, though Kazuma being cluelessly unenthusiastic despite the insects' detrimental effects on the Succubi's services puzzled him. Managing to pull through even with Megumin surprisingly casting an Explosion in their midst and attracting even more monsters, he on the ensuing days continued with the insect extermination quests.[54]

Heading to Kazuma's mansion for drinks one day but finding only the unwelcoming Aqua and Megumin at home, the delinquent got to stay around by striking a conversation with the Axis Arch Priest about the respectively padded and small breasts of Eris and her followers, though his subsequent slip of tongue regarding Megumin's small breasts as well as craziness prompted him to flee from the enraged Crimson Demon. While wandering the streets, Dust noticed a timid young woman he wanted to hit on, and so pretended to be injured because of her knocking him down. Yet just as he was about to pressure the woman into treating him to a meal, the delinquent was told off by a familiar young girl of noble origins, who sent Claire and Rain to beat him up for being a thug. With Vanir who accompanied the trio in denial of knowing him, Dust ended up sent to jail again, from where Rin had to get him out of on the following day.[2]

While drunk at the Guild one day, Dust began sexually harassing Luna, only to receive a warning from the receptionist before getting beaten up by her adventurer fans. Later giving a greeting to Vanir while the Archdemon sat at the Guild, the delinquent grabbed and drank the juice of Yunyun next to him, and as a result got beaten by the crazed Crimson Demon. He anyhow heard about Vanir falling for Luna, and so went blurting all about it to the Succubi at the Cafe.[55]

Subsequently hearing about a criminal organisation called the Yatagarasu forcing businesses around Axel to sign contracts with them for "security services" or else face harassment to operations, the delinquent identified a loophole in the contract terms that allowed him to swindle money from the thugs. Conspiring with a team of fraudsters as well as enlisting Yunyun's help through informing her of the Yatagarasu's wickedness, Dust had the fraudsters start "businesses" peddling things like discarded pottery which were claimed to be "expensive merchandise", before getting them to "bow under" the Yatagarasu's pressuring and contract the thugs for protection of the "merchandise". Next having Yunyun secretly trail him, the delinquent went around these "businesses" to smash the "merchandise" which the "proprietors" won't report him to the police for in "fear of reprisal", following which those fraudsters demanded compensation from the Yatagarasu based on the contract terms, and any attempts of the thugs to attack Dust were thwarted by the lonely Crimson Demon. Persuading Yunyun to continue aiding him after Vanir walked by to point out their scam, Dust ended up being arrested for the scheme, and days later he was joined by the Yatagarasu members who also got incarcerated.[56]

Late Summer Arc[]

Dust afterwards hung around the Guild to nurse his ache from trying out a formula taught by Keith that was supposed to make him "cockier", and in the meantime he pestered a passing Yunyun for drinking money, then in the ensuing drunkenness rewarded her by giving a lecture on how to act cocky. Proceeding to have a fight with the Crimson Demon because of some sexual harassment, he later headed alone to an unsorted rubbish pile from which a handful of recyclable refuse was picked out. Yet despite neatly tidying up the remaining rubbish so that he may go scavenging there the next time, the frustration from the recycling shop forcing him to sell the recyclable rubbish at low prices prompted Dust to kick the rubbish pile into disarray. The delinquent later on stopped another adventurer from pestering a woman so he could hit on her himself as well as purposefully dropped his purse so he could scam more money from passers-by who picked it up, then fleeing in both cases because of police intervention, pointed to a rookie adventurer practising spearwielding to accuse the police of ignoring an armed man.[57]

Returning to the Guild after noticing Megumin and some other girls trailing him, Dust began telling to an old priest of the Eris Order the tale of how he met Eris during the battle with the Kowloon Hydra, yet just as the delinquent was trying to extract money from the moved old man, his scheme was thwarted by an enraged Chris. Dust thus accused Chris of impeding business and demanded a meal as reparations, during which he brought up the Thief's panties getting Stolen by Kazuma as well as insist that Eris was fond of him. Next hearing about Megumin establishing her own bandit band, into which she hoped to recruit a certain powerful and straightforward blonde adventurer, he was at a loss on how to respond when the young blonde girl whom Claire had accompanied directly asked if he can wield a spear. The appearance of the said retainer coming to collect Illis thankfully interrupted the question, so muttering his grumblings to the young blonde girl, Dust seized the opportunity to flee. Later seeing the spearwielding rookie adventurer still practising, the former Dragon Knight went and showed him one of his advanced moves, before offering to teach it for a million eris.[57]

Dust afterwards took Rin for a visit to Wiz's Shop, where he found her respectful attitude towards the former Ice Witch who now looked nothing like the legends say out of place, before comparing her breasts to the shopkeeper's only to get elbowed. Subsequent to calming his Wizard who was shocked to see Vanir zap Wiz yet again, Dust received his share of the dietary snack's earnings, before nearly getting his face blasted off by Rin's Lightning for jokingly offering to help her lose weight through exercises in bed.[2]

He proceeded to accept Vanir's job for delivering some junk unsellable in Axel to a scarred reseller, though the mention of having to go with him to the royal capital made Dust have second thoughts, at which the All-Seeing Demon assured him that he wouldn't meet Leonor there. Anyhow forced to accept the job or else Rin would use all the rewards to pay off his pending debts, Dust and his party members were Teleported to the royal capital, where he spurred them to stop sightseeing and complete the delivery but instead got labelled as acting weird. Suddenly spying Claire and Rain at the head of some approaching knights, he quickly hid himself until they left to search for somebody elsewhere.[2]

Although the delivery was soon completed, the worry over running into Claire and Rain made Dust refrain from sightseeing, instead choosing to buy some snacks before hiding in the safety of the party's inn, an errand which Rin accompanied him on. They soon caught sight of a familiar noble girl about to be scammed into buying Giant Toad skewers at 100 thousand eris apiece, so the delinquent jealous at somebody else about to make a fortune stepped in to stop the scam, only to discover the girl to be Illis. Labelled a criminal by the girl, Dust's explanation to Rin about their interactions did nothing to make her believe in his innocence. With the girls' conversation soon turning to how Illis had thought him to be Lain Sheyka, the former Dragon Knight hurriedly spoke a lewd joke for deflecting her inquiry about his stride being that of a spear wielder.[2]

Dust's suspicions of Illis' true identity gained further proof when she found Rin's face that resembled Leonor's looking familiar, then following further observations of Illis telling Rin of Lain Sheyka's exploits, he interrupted to express his dislike of nobles. Next hearing the sheltered and naïve girl talk about her sneaking out to learn about society as well as expressing dismay upon hearing Claire and the knights in search of her, the delinquent contemplated turning Illis in for a reward, though upon the runaway begging them for freedom in exchange for her signet ring bearing the seal of the royal family, Dust quickly put himself in the service of Princess Iris.[2]

The delinquent proceeded to show the princess around the less savoury aspects of the royal capital, such as the type of ripoff bars he had previously fallen victim to, before pressuring a scam art exhibition into giving him money and food by threatening to resell the tickets it gave out for free. Told by the princess about his similarity to her big brother, the delinquent upon hearing of how she wanted to live freely couldn't help overlapping her with Leonor. Concerned that his past may be revealed if the girls spend more time together, the former Dragon Knight offered to take Iris home as dusk fell, though after she failed to identify him possessing noble blue eyes thanks to the red contact lenses that he wore, Dust had to flee from Claire who showed up to collect the princess.[2]

Subsequent to his return to Axel, the delinquent failed to sell Iris' signet ring because of its royal seal, so having run out of money, he went to the Guild in search of jobs, only to have Luna point him out to Claire and Rain.[2] Dust thus ordered some drinks in order to facilitate inquiries of their purpose, but soon found himself alongside Rin listening to the female knight vent out during a drunken tirade her stress that originated from Iris frequently sneaking out in hopes of seeing a scummy man who corrupted her. Further being called names by the two women, the delinquent like many surrounding adventurers expressed his dislike of nobles for being a bunch of weirdoes, except for poorer ones like Rain who possesses common sense. Next noticing Yunyun peeking in their direction and realising her to be the one who ratted him out to the two noblewomen, Dust considering the rich rewards for paying off his debt as well as the princess not coming along decided to accept their request for taking them on an adventure. He thus accepted quests due in several days for subjugating Goblins and Giant Toads, so the noblewomen could get a feel of adventuring while earning him drinking money.[58]

Defying expectations by arriving second at the rendezvous spot several days later, Dust expressing exasperation at Yunyun bringing a whole load of luggage again turned piqued at her and Rin conspiring to discipline him on the journey with magic spells, before being rendered speechless at Claire who unlike Rain showed up wearing only her white suit and no armour. He proceeded to casually greet the noblewomen despite the knight's ire and the other girls' cautioning because Rain allowed for it, then after inquiring about Claire and Rain's abilities, explained how they would first be fighting Giant Toads that Megumin's Explosions such as the one that ensued had been keeping from hibernation, followed by telling the newcomers how they need to stop panicking at such daily occurrences. Accordingly telling them to fight the Giant Toads headed their way, Dust was rendered flabbergasted by Claire recklessly charging a knot of them out of the misconception that the amphibians won't eat knights instead of their metal armour. After both she and Rain got gobbled up, though, the delinquent tried having the other girls delay intervention so he could enjoy the sight them erotically squirming in clothes turned translucent by the slime, until Yunyun spoiled the fun by saving the noblewomen. Next unable to feel excitement at the rescued beauties because of their stench, Dust anticipatingly led the team towards the riverhead lake where they could bathe.[58]

Upon reaching the lake, however, the delinquent was abruptly overpowered and tied up by Rin and Yunyun behind a rock facing another direction which prevented him from looking at the noblewomen bathing. Pleading for release from Rin only to have the dagger that nearly castrated him brandished, Dust next appealed for Yunyun's help by citing their friendship as well as having shared a bath, but was consequently smacked down by her embarrassed flailing that sent his head hitting the rock. He thus pretended losing control of his bladder and bowels to squirm after the panicked Yunyun as payback, until catching sight of Claire and Rain clad only in their panties trying to fight off attacking Goblins. The delinquent thus cheered for the monsters in hopes that they can force the noblewomen into removing the hands covering their breasts, but instead had the Goblins scared towards him by the murderous gazes of the infuriated women, following which he barely survived the Lightning Strike that Yunyun cast at them.[58]

Disappointed upon regaining consciousness because the noblewomen had already dressed themselves up, Dust used his identity as the quest accepter required for claiming the rewards as leverage to talk the others, especially the destitute Rain who needed both the money and the fame from completing quests, out of ditching him. Released from his bonds by the gullible Claire once he claimed how Iris likes those who secretly aid people through adventuring, but accordingly asked to lead them on something else that adventurers generally experience, Dust agreed to take the noblewomen on dungeon exploration at the nearby abandoned castle formerly occupied by Beldia. Nonchalantly leading the others through the structure sporting marks of Megumin's Explosions but surprised to find the place having been cleaned up previously, he watched Yunyun and the others set up afternoon tea in a meeting chamber.[58]

Finding nothing else to do as they later ate the snacks, the delinquent went rummaging in Yunyun's luggage to discover a Friendship Crystal gifted by Wiz, and thus placed it on the dining table using a cleaning rag as a stand. Not possessing the magical power needed to activate the magic item, he watched Claire and Rain who tried it out instead getting their embarrassing past displayed. The delinquent then couldn't help expressing pity when the crystal showed the memories of Beldia left in the cleaning rag, which involved his woeful days at the castle in face of Megumin's daily Explosions.[58]

Subsequent to Rin discovering a hidden staircase leading downwards, Dust led the others inside in hopes of discovering treasure and intelligence on the Devil King's Army, only to be left disappointedly speechless upon finding in the secret chamber at the end an awaiting Vanir. His curiosity at the Archdemon being acquainted with the noblewomen dismissed with a hint about the former Dragon Knight hiding his past, the delinquent watched Vanir market boxes of dietary snacks to the women who demanded for more after a test taste much like how Undeads hunger for living flesh. Dust like Rain was accordingly gifted by Vanir a replica mask designed from the one he wears, and deduced from the noblewomen's concerns about Iris that the bandit band led by Megumin was set up to support the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade.[58]

The delinquent next accepted from Vanir a job offer with an employee's discount on the dietary snacks that can attract women to him, and helped the Archdemon deliver the goods back to the shop, though he quickly made himself scarce once the shopkeeper incurred her employee's wrath for having misplaced a pair of replica masks with the ability of switching their wearers' bodies. With enough money in his purse from the noblewomen and the Guild for drinking the whole night, Dust in his ensuing drunken stupor staggered back into his room, before covering his face with the mask from Vanir so he didn't have to turn off the lights prior to falling asleep. He however soon found himself in the body of Rain also wearing the mask at the royal castle on the way to Iris' bedroom for reporting alongside Claire, a situation the delinquent reasoned to be a dream offered by the Succubi so he can experience becoming the royal wizard.[58]

Deciding to naturally play out his role of Rain, Dust encouraged Claire to start speaking with the disgruntled princess who had shut herself inside the bedroom, then upon the knight being rebuked by Iris who was still in tantrum mood, bought up the topic of them having adventured at Axel that day. Although he successfully cheered the princess up, the lust expressed by Claire once her liege came out disturbed the former Dragon Knight, yet this didn't stop him from playing along with Iris' mention of a bath to suggest for all of them going to bathe together. Soon relishing the sight of a beautiful woman undressing, but at the same time bothered by the way she undressed the young girl whom he had no interest in, Dust was asked by Iris to take his clothes off too, so the delinquent proceeded with the dream's bathing part by first removing the mask he was still wearing.[58]

Dust suddenly found himself back within his body at the Guild where he was in the middle of eating and drinking with Keith and Taylor as well as other adventurers, then subsequent to punching himself for verifying awakenedness, heard from his party members how earlier on they saw him staggering confusedly to the Guild while speaking in feminine tones before offering to treat everybody to meals and drinks, which ended up driving the dismayed delinquent from richness into debt.[58]

On the following morning, the furious Dust went questioning Vanir about the mask, which turned out to be a specially commissioned magic item capable of switching its wearer's body with that of the other mask's wearer for one single time, unless one of the wearers possesses enough magical power to reactivate it again. Aggravated at having missed out on more erotic experience on top of losing his money, but unable to exact payback on the zapped Wiz whose mishap had landed him with the mask nor daring to hassle Vanir about his loss, the delinquent could only leave for someplace where he can pester somebody for a free meal.[59]

He soon caught sight of the gullible Yunyun walking into a coffee shop, where she turned out to have a meeting alongside Megumin with Claire and Rain. Sneaking close to their table for eavesdropping purposes, Dust heard the royal retainers, who curiously were wary of Kazuma, confronting the Crimson Demons over their involvement in gigantic explosions around the royal capital that allowed for Iris' escapades. Although Dust proceeded to listen in on the blackmailed Arch Wizards listing out possible interests of the princess that may help cheer her up from the royal duties troubling her, upon them mentioning a romanticised telling of him "kidnapping" Leonor, the former Dragon Knight unable to stand the mounting aggravation, sneaked off soon after the retainers mentioned about his old kingdom currently sending a Dragon Knight to Belzerg as an emissary.[59]

Returning to his inn room for sulking because of failing to secure a drink, the delinquent laying on his bed put the mask on again, and accordingly peered at the scenes of the royal castle through the eyes of Iris, whose potent magical power partially reactivated the functionalities of the other mask which she also put on. After a while of merely able to peer at her masquerading as the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade in front of the mirror, Dust also scanned through the documents read by Iris that concerned military funding from the Kingdom of Elroad, before hearing the princess contemplate petitioning for reinstatement of the aid from the prince of the casino kingdom to whom she was betrothed. Reminded of how the royalty's betrothals undermined the romantic stories of love between social statuses, the former Dragon Knight next heard Iris mutter about wanting to fly away on a Dragon much like Leonor did, and became impressed at the younger princess who possessed a more resolute sense of duty to her kingdom. He subsequently noticed through Iris' eyes the Dragon steed belonging to the Dragon Knight emissary roosting in the castle's courtyard, following which the princess took off the mask and ended the visions.[59]

Left with a mask now cracked from overuse, Dust despite Rin later treating him to drinks couldn't sleep from all his old memories. Trudging to the Guild on the following day to find Megumin and Yunyun arguing over how to help Iris sneak out of the tightly guarded royal castle before bickering over the secret identity of "Illis", the delinquent was joined by Rin on whom he enacted mild sexual harassment, but was accordingly pointed out about how strange he recently was. Accordingly concerned about the nearby Megumin and Yunyun bickering over crazy plans to help Iris sneak out of her home, he and Rin tailed the Crimson Demons all the way to the royal capital in fear of them sparking huge trouble. Dust later snatched away Megumin's magic rod while she was chanting for Explosion at the royal castle, then grinding the temples of Yunyun who ungratefully criticised him, suggested for the Crimson Demons to use a smarter method.[59]

The former Dragon Knight proceeded to explain his plan of sneaking into the royal castle alone while the others caused distractions for thinning out the security detail, so that he could locate the princess and cheer her up. Still lacking a Dragon Knight helmet that was essential for his plan, Dust having heard from Rin that the helmet guy could be contacted by simply yelling out on the streets of Axel about wanting to drink with a male noble, really tried out the method to astonishing success. Asking to borrow back his old Dragon Knight helmet for the night from the fervently excited man, Dust became surprised when later handed by the helmet guy a set of armour to match it as well. He thus laid in wait near the royal castle that night subsequent to securing Keith and Taylor's assistance too, and watched Claire followed by Rain and a band of soldiers heading outside in response to Megumin's Explosion outside the city, only to be muddled by the rumours spread by his party members. As the princess' retainers stood around in indecision, the delinquent feigning drunkenness approached to claim that Kazuma had also arrived at the royal capital, which freaked out the two noblewomen and sowed even more confusion among the soldiers' ranks.[59]

Sneaking off while they were arguing over where to head for, Dust went to put on the helmet and suit of armour that he had hidden nearby, before masquerading as the Dragon Knight emissary to inquire about the situation from the princess' retainers. Managing to fool the apologetic noblewomen who asked him to go back to rest in his castle room, the delinquent blatantly infiltrated the royal castle with the soldiers and servants none the wiser. The former Dragon Knight subsequently headed straight for the courtyard, where he quickly tamed the emissary's Dragon steed and took off atop of it.[59]

Dust next flew to the balcony of the princess' room just as the exhausted Iris was yearning for heading to play with her friends, and so invited her on a ride now that the security detail was too preoccupied to notice her gone. Soon taking the princess high above the royal capital as well as the surrounding countryside to thrill her much like Leonor had been, the former Dragon Knight reminisced about his vow before leaving his old kingdom, then returned the thankful Iris to the royal castle before she was missed. Further advising the dutiful princess to seek assistance if needed, Dust set the Dragon back to the courtyard, and walked out of the castle to a dark corner so he could stuff his removed disguise into a bag borrowed from Yunyun. Rendezvousing with Rin afterwards, he promised to tell her his secret one day.[59]

At some point during the period, Dust read a book from the general store telling that he could increase his popularity by acting like a hard-working person in a contrast to his regular delinquent ways, yet his party members simply pointed out the trick when he tried pulling it off at the Guild. Dust anyhow accepted a quest for capturing a Giant Toad alive, only to hear that the requester was the perverted Darkness, and verifying the matter with Kazuma later saw the quest cancelled, though his party was still paid the cancellation fee.[60]

Early Autumn Arc[]

Axel Hearts Arc[]

Quest Clearing Arc[]

Lightning Spirit Arc[]

Succubus Queen Arc[]

White Dragon Arc[]

Princess and Adventurer Arc[]

Devil King's Attack Arc[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 5, Chapter 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 2
  3. 3.0 3.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 5, Chapter 3
  4. 4.0 4.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 6, Chapter 2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 2
  6. Limelight Light Novel Volume 5, Chapter 2
  7. Limelight Light Novel Volume 7, Prologue
  8. 8.0 8.1 KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 4
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 2
  10. Explosion Light Novel Volume 3, Prologue
  11. Explosion Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 2
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 3
  13. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 1
  14. KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 5
  15. KonoSuba Television Animation Season 2, Episode 1
  16. KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 1
  17. Consultation Light Novel, Chapter 1
  18. 18.0 18.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 4
  19. KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 4, Chapter 2
  20. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Bonus Short Story coming with the E-book
  21. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Bonus Short Story from Gamers
  22. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Bonus Short Story from Animate
  23. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Prologue
  24. 24.0 24.1 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 5
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 6
  26. Limelight Light Novel Volume 1, Epilogue
  27. Preordered KonoSuba Television Anime Blu-ray Disc Volume 6, Special Short Story Booklet
  28. Judgment on this Greedy Game!, Chapter 1
  29. Judgment on this Greedy Game!, Chapter 2
  30. Judgment on this Greedy Game!, Chapter 3
  31. Judgment on this Greedy Game!, Chapter 5
  32. Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers
  33. Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers, Main Story at the Mystery Tower
  34. Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering Adventurers, Epilogue
  35. Love for these Clothes of Desire!, Chapter 2
  36. Love for these Clothes of Desire!, Chapter 4
  37. Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers
  38. Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Main Story at the Snowfield Forest
  39. Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Friendship Events with Dust
  40. Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Main Story with Supergiant Wallavy
  41. Cursed Relic and the Perplexed Adventurers, Epilogue
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 1
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 7, Chapter 3
  44. KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 7, Chapter 5
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 3
  46. Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Prologue
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 4
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Chapter 5
  49. Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Epilogue
  50. Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Bonus Short Story from Animate
  51. Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Bonus Short Story from Toranoana
  52. Limelight Light Novel Volume 2, Bonus Short Story coming with the E-book
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.6 53.7 53.8 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 1
  54. KonoSuba Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 3
  55. Consultation Light Novel, Chapter 3
  56. Consultation Light Novel, Chapter 4
  57. 57.0 57.1 Bonus Explosion Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 3
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 58.4 58.5 58.6 58.7 58.8 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 3
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 59.6 Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Chapter 4
  60. Limelight Light Novel Volume 3, Bonus Short Story coming with the E-book