
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Remote Work across Jobs, Companies, and Space」で、著者はStephen Hansen(ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン)、Peter John Lambert(LSE)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Steven J. Davis(シカゴ大)、Raffaella Sadun(ハーバード大)、Bledi Taska(ライトキャスト*1)。

The pandemic catalyzed an enduring shift to remote work. To measure and characterize this shift, we examine more than 250 million job vacancy postings across five English-speaking countries. Our measurements rely on a state-of-the-art language-processing framework that we fit, test, and refine using 30,000 human classifications. We achieve 99% accuracy in flagging job postings that advertise hybrid or fully remote work, greatly outperforming dictionary methods and also outperforming other machine-learning methods. From 2019 to early 2023, the share of postings that say new employees can work remotely one or more days per week rose more than three-fold in the U.S and by a factor of five or more in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the U.K. These developments are highly non-uniform across and within cities, industries, occupations, and companies. Even when zooming in on employers in the same industry competing for talent in the same occupations, we find large differences in the share of job postings that explicitly offer remote work.

ブルーム、デイビスらは不確実性指数に関する研究が有名で(cf. ここ)、コロナ禍以降もコロナ禍と不確実性に関する論文を発表していたが(cf. ここ、ここ、ここ)、最近は在宅勤務にも注目しているようで、これ以前にもここ(ブルームのみ)やここで紹介したような在宅勤務関連の論文を書いている。

*1:ここでリンクした会社が社名変更したもの。cf. 以前紹介したTaskaの共著NBER論文。