
OFCE(Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques/[英]French Economic Observatory)というパリ政治学院(Sciences-Po)付属の研究所が、欧州議会の経済金融委員会の金融対話の資料として、これまでの日米英の量的緩和政策の欧州にとっての教訓をまとめた論文「The QE experience: Worth a try?」を作成している。著者はChristophe Blot、Jérôme Creel、Paul Hubert、Fabien Labondance。

The ECB has decided to implement large-scale quantitative easing (QE) measures since March 2015 until September 2016. This unconventional monetary policy has had a variety of precedents, in the Japanese, UK and US economies. These experiments have been effective at modifying government and corporate bond yields, mostly in the UK and US and to a lesser extent in Japan. This conclusion is not context-free. The European QE has started in a deflation era which requires more activism and cooperation from the ECB and Euro area governments than in the UK and the US when their central banks embarked in QE. The success of the European QE will also depend substantially on the depreciation of the Euro and will require clear communication by the ECB that it is prepared to accept a large depreciation at least until the inflation rate goes back to its target.