
オーストラリアの経済学者ジョン・クイギンが、表題の件に関してユニークな議論を展開している(Economist's View経由)。

Linking to Bennett McCallum with some puzzlement a while back, Brad DeLong asked why a higher inflation target could be seen as undermining central bank independence. I’m with McCallum on the analysis, but not on the policy conclusion. A higher inflation target would reduce central bank independence, and a good thing too.




A higher inflation target would be an even more direct repudiation of central bank independence. Not only would it facilitate active fiscal policy but it would underscore the point that the greatest financial disaster in history occurred during the era of strong central bank independence and as a result of the combination of central bank independence and financial deregulation, previously cheered on as the cause of the Great Moderation.

To paraphrase Clemenceau, monetary policy is too important to be left to central bankers. Governments will inevitably held responsible for the outcomes of macroeconomic policy, so they need to take a substantial share in shaping it.

このクイギンの議論に対し、オーストラリアでRismark Internationalなる不動産関連の金融ビジネス会社を営むChristopher Joyeという人が以下のように噛み付いている(クイギン自身がエントリの追記でリンクしている)。

As far as I can see, John does not tender credible cases in support of this thesis. It is more an ideological crusade that bundles together independent, inflation-targeting central banks with Libertarian, free-market fundamentalism, the latter of which is John's bete noire. This is one debate Australia does not need. On the contrary, I believe we should consider cutting the RBA's CPI target from 2.5% to 1.5%.


*1:cf. ここ。「La guerre! C’est une chose trop grave pour la confier à des militaires./(英訳)War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men.」