
というNBER論文をフレデリック・ミシュキンとマイケル・カイリーが上げている(H/T Mostly Economics)。原題は「The Evolution of Inflation Targeting from the 1990s to the 2020s: Developments and Challenges」で、著者はFrederic S. Mishkin(コロンビア大)、Michael Kiley(FRB)。

Since the initial launch of inflation targeting in the early 1990s in New Zealand and a few other countries, inflation targeting has become the predominant monetary policy strategy in large advanced and emerging market economies. Inflation targeting has been remarkably successful in anchoring inflation, likely owing to core elements of the framework across central banks. Its reaction process, which adjusts the monetary policy stance to ensure the return of inflation to target, allows it to flexibly incorporate a wide range of factors while limiting the discretionary biases that can contribute to excessive inflation. The emphasis on communications about the inflation outlook promotes transparency and accountability. As a result, inflation targeting central banks have, on balance, managed well the large shocks associated with the Global Financial Crisis and COVID. Even so, there are numerous challenges discussed in this paper that are associated with calibration and communications of forward guidance, quantitative easing/tightening, and financial stability.

ちなみにMostly Economicsは別エントリで、インフレ目標採用国としての成功体験についてのBOJ総裁の講演ã‚’紹介している。ただしこのBOJはジャマイカ銀行で、総裁はRichard Byles、講演のタイトルは「Lessons from a small, open, developing, inflation targeter」である。

Good [afternoon]. Thank you for inviting me to participate in this forum. I will speak on Jamaica’s experience in managing the post-COVID-19/Russia-Ukraine inflation shocks. This experience may be a useful case study among Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) economies and could offer some insights for our ongoing enquiry into appropriate macroeconomic policy making.
My basic conclusion is that, in response to the twin shocks, Jamaica performed well relative to other LAC countries. In the context of appropriate fiscal and monetary policy responses, Jamaica’s GDP rebounded to its pre-pandemic level at a speed consistent with the recovery of its peers. Inflation spiked but returned to target in short order while inflation expectations, although rising temporarily, returned fairly quickly to normal levels. The exchange rate remained relatively stable and our foreign reserves increased.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Why Are Nordic Workers so Remote?: Potential Causes and (Some) Indirect Labor Market Consequences」で、著者はAdam Gill、Lena E. Hensvik、Oskar Nordström Skans(いずれもウプサラ大)。

In this article, we show that working from home is much more prevalent in the Nordic countries than in the rest of Europe and we discuss potential causes and labor market consequences of this stylized fact. Likely contributing causes include a good technological infrastructure and comparatively widespread digital preparedness in the population. Recent research also suggests that trust is a crucial prerequisite for maintaining a spatial separation between supervisors and workers in marginal occupations. We show that survey measures of trust are extremely high in all Nordic countries, and that these measures correlate very strongly with work-from-home across countries and industries in Europe even controlling for a range of cross-country differences. Finally, we discuss potential spillover effects of increased hybrid work on the Nordic labor markets. We show evidence suggesting that increased hybrid work has caused a relocation of the production of local service firms from business centers to high-work-from-home residential areas, without affecting average commuting distances of service workers.


金曜は新たな土曜となるべきか? 働いた時間と働きたい時間

というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Should Friday be the New Saturday? Hours Worked and Hours Wanted」で、著者はGregor Jarosch、Laura Pilossoph、Anthony Swaminathan(いずれもデューク大)。

This paper investigates self-reported wedges between how much people work and how much they want to work, at their current wage. More than two-thirds of full-time workers in German survey data are overworked—actual hours exceed desired hours. We combine this evidence with a simple model of labor supply to assess the welfare consequences of tighter weekly hours limits via willingness-to-pay calculations. According to counterfactuals, the optimal length of the workweek in Germany is 37 hours. Introducing such a cap would raise welfare by .8-1.6% of GDP. The gains from a shortened workweek are largest for workers who are married, female, white collar, middle aged, and high income. An extended analysis integrates a non-constant wage-hours relationship, falling capital returns, and a shrinking tax base.

*1:本文では「The model allows us to convert the observed and counterfactual wedges into dollars via simple willingness to pay (WTP) calculations.」と記述している。

「A final section extensively addresses two considerations related to the resource feasibility of the counterfactual allocations we consider. First, we ask whether firms would actually be willing to hire workers at the counterfactual hours we consider at an unchanged wage rate. For an answer, we follow Bick et al. (2022) and investigate the empirical relationship between hours and wages in the cross-section in our data. We then apply the resulting schedule to calculate the surplus or shortfall we should expect relative to the constant wage–hours benchmark. Similar to Bick et al. (2022), we find a declining relationship between hours and wages across much of the relevant part of the support. This implies that our calculations based on a constant wage-hours relationship understate the gains from a shortened workweek. The gains are larger yet if workers sort positively on hours in the cross-section.
Second, we offer a way of integrating into the analysis losses from reducing working hours that are arguably “external” to the survey respondents. Specifically, we allow for both the income earned by capital owners and the tax base to contract when aggregate hours fall. To do this, we work with a simple CES production function and calculate the total income reduction associated with the change in total effective hours implied by a shortened workweek.
Under these two extensions, maximum welfare is obtained at 36 hours, with net gains of 3.88% of GDP. These large gains, however, primarily reflect that the cross-sectional exercise `a la Bick et al. (2022) suggests significant productivity gains from reducing hours. A more conservative alternative shuts this down and consequently predicts net welfare losses, albeit small, at any hours cap below 43. The takeaway is that a shorter workweek at constant wages delivers sizable welfare gains to workers in Germany. Whether these are offset, from an economy-wide perspective, by a smaller tax base and lower returns to capital depends on whether labor productivity rises as hours fall.」
(Bick et al. (2022)はHours and Wages* | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic)


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Rules versus Discretion in Capital Regulation」で、著者はUrban Jermann(ペンシルベニア大)、Haotian Xiang(北京大)。

We study capital regulation in a dynamic model for bank deposits. Capital regulation addresses banks’ incentive for excessive leverage that dilutes depositors, but preserves some dilution to reduce bank defaults. We show theoretically that capital regulation is subject to a time inconsistency problem. In a model with non-maturing deposits where optimal withdrawals make deposits endogenously long-term, we find commitment to have important effects on the optimal level and cyclicality of capital adequacy. Our results call for a systematic framework that limits capital regulators’ discretion.

バーゼル3の銀行の資本規制は、自己資本比率規制(required capital ratio)、資本保全バッファ(conservation capital buffers=CCo)、反循環的資本バッファ(countercyclical capital buffers=CCyB)の組み合わせから成るが、前二者がルールとして定義されているのに対し、CCyBはマクロプルーデンシャル規制当局の裁量によって動的に調整できる。そうした裁量は、規制当局が経済見通しの変化に素早く対応することを可能にするが、同時に規制当局が時間的非整合性の問題を抱えることも意味する。具体的には、新たな預金を発行するとデフォルトリスクの高まりにより従来の預金価値の希薄化が生じるが、それは事実上、株式価値の増加となる。そのため、規制当局が現在と将来のレバレッジに寛大になるような形で資本規制についてコミットする場合は、そうした過大なレバレッジの利得によって破綻の可能性を減じることができる半面、コミットせずに現在の資本規制だけを考える場合はレバレッジが過小になるような規制を行うことになる、との由。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン、ungated版)。原題は「The New Geography of Labor Markets」で、著者はMert Akan(スタンフォード大)、 Jose Maria Barrero(メキシコ自治工科大)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、 Tom Bowen(Gusto)、Shelby Buckman(スタンフォード大)、Steven J. Davis(同)、Hyoseul Kim(同)。

The rise of remote and hybrid working arrangements is reshaping the geography of U.S. labor markets. Mean distance from employee home to employer location rose from 19 miles in 2019 to 26 miles in 2023 in our balanced panel of employers. The share of employees living more than fifty miles from their employers rose from 4 to 9 percent over the same period, and to 12 percent among those hired since March 2020. These developments are concentrated among higher earners, employees in their 30s and 40s, and in industry sectors like Finance & Insurance, Information, and Professional & Business Services. Thirty percent of employees in the Information sector reside more than files from their employers as of 2023, and 20 percent do so in Professional & Business Services.
These developments have wide-ranging implications for states, cities, employers, and households. For example, we show that continuing employees tend to migrate to states with lower tax rates and to areas with less expensive housing. These migration patterns greatly intensified in 2020, especially among high earners, and they continued to unfold through 2023. Outmigration pressures are most acute for cities with high housing costs that are situated in high-tax states, especially cities that also have high employment shares in industries with remote-suitable jobs.
Migration responses to the rise in WFH matter for state-level income tax collections. Our evidence suggests that net migration from high-tax to low-tax states since 2020 has reduced aggregate state-level income tax collections by roughly 7 to 8 percent as of 2023. Of course, these fiscal effects are uneven, with high-tax states losing income tax revenues and low-tax states benefiting from an influx of high earners. Because new hires exhibit more locational flexibility than incumbent employees hired before the pandemic, these fiscal effects are likely to mount in the years ahead as workforces turn over.
We also find large average welfare gains for workers who relocated. Employees with annual earnings greater than $250,000 who moved between states in 2020 (while staying with the same employer) lowered their top state-level tax rates by an average of 5.2 percentage points. Employees with annual earnings greater than $150,000 who moved to a new zip code in 2020 saw a 16% reduction in local housing costs, on average. Savings in taxes and housing costs are also sizable for high earners who moved in 2021, 2022 and 2023. Employees in the middle of the earnings distribution also benefited by relocating to areas with lower housing costs. These results help explain why many employees are highly resistant to return-to-office mandates.
Finally, we show that separation and hiring behavior differs between far and near employees. Among growing firms, hiring rates for distant employees are greater and more sensitive to the firm’s expansion rate. Among shrinking firms, separation rates are higher for employees who live more than 50 miles away and more responsive to the firm’s contraction rate. In short, firms treat distant employees as a more flexible margin of adjustment. Employer-level workforces have also become more geographically dispersed since the pandemic struck. For both reasons – greater employee dispersion, and the greater responsiveness of far employees – the labor market footprint of the average firm is more geographically diffused than before the pandemic. This diffusion of firm-level footprints will continue for some years as workforces turn over.

データは著者の一人が属するGusto社(cf. Gusto, Inc. - Wikipedia)のものを使ったとの由。

在宅勤務の測定 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文に続く、Barrero、Bloom、Davisのトリオが共著した在宅勤務やコロナ禍に関する新たなNBER論文ということになる。

*1:「more than files」は本文の記述を基に「more than 50 miles」の誤記と見做した。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「A Test of the Efficiency of a Given Portfolio in High Dimensions」で、著者はMikhail Chernov(UCLA)、Bryan T. Kelly(イェール大)、Semyon Malamud(Swiss Finance Institute)、Johannes Schwab(同)。

We generalize the seminal Gibbons-Ross-Shanken test to the empirically relevant case where the number of test assets far exceeds the number of observations. In such a setting, one needs to use a regularized estimator of the covariance matrix of test assets, which leads to biases in the original test statistic. Random Matrix Theory allows us to account for these biases and to evaluate the test’s power. Power increases with the number of test assets and reaches the maximum for a broad range of local alternatives. These conclusions are supported by an extensive simulation study. We implement the test empirically for state-of-the-art candidate efficient portfolios and test assets.

本文では、上の要旨に記述していないもう一つの研究目的として、資産の数が観測数より少ない場合でも、資産の数の増加とともにGRS検定の検定力が弱くなる、という問題の克服を挙げている。Fan, Liao and Yao(2015*3)のような従前の研究では、個々の資産のアルファのスパース性に依拠した閾値設定に基づくツールでその問題に対処したが、そうした手法は回転不変(rotation-invariant)ではない、と著者たちは指摘する。即ち、個々の資産のアルファがスパースだとしても、資産ポートフォリオのアルファがスパースだとは限らない。その場合、すべてのあり得るポートフォリオを検定資産として考慮しないと、効率的ポートフォリオ候補の資産の価格付けが投資家の情報集合の条件付け期待値になっていると結論できない、というHansen and Richard(1987*4) の命題が適用できない。その問題についても、ランダム行列理論で対処したとの由。

*1:cf. GRS検定 - Wikipedia。

*2:本文では次のように説明している:「First, we consider asymptotic power under a local alternative. We select this alternative to be at the “border of detectability”, where the true information ratio squared is of order T−1/2 (which is selected on the basis of the statistic’s convergence rate). The corresponding power depends on the unknown covariance matrix of test asset returns, so we engage RMT again to obtain the distribution of our test statistic under the alternative and to derive the test’s power. Next, we derive the optimal regularization parameter, which is used to estimate the covariance matrix of test assets to maximize the test’s power. Lastly, in the spirit of the Hansen and Richard (1987) prescription, we evaluate the case when the asymptotic ratio of test assets to sample size, c, approaches infinity. In this case, the power does not depend on the regularization parameter, and we can fully characterize the set of alternative hypotheses that allow attaining the full power.」

*3:Power Enhancement in High‐Dimensional Cross‐Sectional Tests - Fan - 2015 - Econometrica - Wiley Online Library、ungated版。

*4:The Role of Conditioning Information in Deducing Testable Restrictions Implied by Dynamic Asset Pricing-Models – Lars Peter Hansen。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン、ungated(SF連銀)版)。原題は「Supply Constraints do not Explain House Price and Quantity Growth Across U.S. Cities」で、著者はSchuyler Louie(UCアーバイン)、John A. Mondragon(SF連銀)、Johannes Wieland(UCサンディエゴ)。

This paper revisits the standard view that housing supply constraints significantly influence local house price and quantity growth. We estimate how shifts in income growth and remote work exposure translate into changes in housing prices and quantities across U.S. cities with varying housing supply elasticities. Contrary to prevailing beliefs and influential policy narratives, our empirical results consistently demonstrate that higher income growth predicts similar growth in house prices, housing quantities, population, and living space per person across more and less housing constrained cities.
Through the lens of a standard demand-and-supply equilibrium housing model, in which we allow for arbitrary correlations of income growth with other housing demand or supply shocks, our estimates imply that differences in housing supply elasticities across U.S. cities are small and quantitatively not important for explaining differences in house price and quantity growth. Our findings challenge the consensus that relaxing regulatory constraints would substantially lower housing prices and meaningfully expand housing quantities. This research thus calls for a reevaluation of our understanding of housing supply, echoing the call by DiPasquale (1999) more than 25 years ago, and of policy prescriptions that hope to improve housing affordability primarily through the relaxation of housing regulations.

今回の論文でも参照されているが、MondragonとWielandは、3年前に住宅需要と在宅勤務 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したNBER論文で在宅勤務と住宅価格の関係を調べている。

コーエンはこの論文の紹介エントリを「NIMBY contrarianism」と題しているが、フォローアップエントリではその主張に疑問を投げ掛けている。曰く、建築規制が住宅価格にあまり影響しないことは事実かもしれないが、その重要性はあまり過大評価すべきではない。というのは、経済学者は価格そのものよりも結果を重視すべきだからである。住宅をもっと多く建ててもその地域の住宅価格が下落しなければそれは良いことであり、住宅の価値が高く、人々がそれを購入できること、および、住宅の密度が上がっても犯罪が増えないこと、等々を示している。一方、この論文よりも左派的なYIMBYの主張は分配を重視し過ぎており、所得の分配の平等化を期待し過ぎている。YIMBYは、実際には集積効果と高賃金と高住宅価格につながるのではないか。ただ、その場合でも、結果的に生産が増加し選択の自由が高まるのはやはり良いこと、というのがコーエンの見方である。