
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「From Crisis to Norm: Remote Work Trends and Employee Engagement Across Industries, Occupations, and Geography」で、著者はChristos A. Makridis(スタンフォード大)、Jason Schloetzer(ジョージタウン大)。

We use a survey of nearly 360,000 workers conducted from May 2020 through December 2023 to characterize shifts in remote work across time, industry, occupation, and geography, and examine the evolving relationship between remote work and employee engagement. We find remarkable stability in the incidence of remote work since mid-2021 with roughly one-half of workers reporting always working remotely or in a hybrid arrangement. While remote work arrangements across industries remain broad-based, at the occupation level, they are conspicuously concentrated in certain job classifications. Remote work continues to evolve across the U.S., with 13 (14) states experiencing reported increases (decreases) in remote work rates since 2022 with the most populous states experiencing remote working rates exceeding 40% of workers. Empirical evidence shows that while working remotely correlates with higher job satisfaction and lower intentions to quit, these correlations disappear when other workplace characteristics such as pay practices, human resources policies, and managerial relationships are considered. If remote work remains the norm, our results suggest it may not directly influence employee engagement—the workplace still matters.

ungated版は見当たらなかったが、Makridisは米国の在宅勤務は過小推計されていた - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した共同研究でも全国ベースのサーベイによる在宅勤務の状況を報告している。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Currency Wars and Trade」で、著者はKris James Mitchener(サンタクララ大)、Kirsten Wandschneider(ウィーン大)。

The Great Depression is the canonical case of a widespread currency war, with more than 70 countries devaluing their currencies relative to gold between 1929 and 1936. What were the currency war’s effects on trade flows? We use newly-compiled, high-frequency bilateral trade data and gravity models that account for when and whether trade partners had devalued to identify the effects of the currency war on global trade. Our empirical estimates show that a country’s trade was reduced by more than 21% following devaluation. This negative and statistically significant decline in trade suggests that the currency war destroyed the trade-enhancing benefits of the global monetary standard, ending regime coordination and increasing trade costs.
大恐慌は、1929年から1936年に掛けて70か国以上が金に対して自国通貨を減価させた広範な通貨戦争の代表的な事例であった。通貨戦争が貿易の流れに与える影響はどのようなものだっただろうか? 我々は、新たに収集した高頻度の2国間貿易データと、貿易相手国がいつ減価したかもしくはしなかったかを説明する重力モデルを用いて、通貨戦争が世界の貿易に与える影響を識別した。我々の実証的な推計結果は、一国の貿易が減価後に21%以上減少したことを示した。この負の統計的に有意な貿易の減少は、貿易を増やすという国際的な金融基準の恩恵を通貨戦争が破壊し、協調体制を終わらせて貿易コストを上昇させたことを示している。

貿易の21%の減少というのはポアソン疑似最尤推定法(Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood=PPML)*1による数字とのことだが、一般均衡の枠組みでの分析では部分均衡より数字は小さくなり、減価した国では12.4%、減価しなかった国では4.2%の減少になったとの由。以下は各国別の推計結果を示した表で、日本は13.8%と減価国平均よりやや大きな減少となっている。

*1:cf. RIETI - 第14回「重力方程式の理論と新しい推定方法」。産業政策とイノベーション:世界の自動車産業における実証結果 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した分析でも使われている。


というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版とスライド資料へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Winners and Losers from the Work-from-Home Technology Boon」で、著者はMorris A. Davis(ラトガーズ大)、Andra C. Ghent(ユタ大)、Jesse M. Gregory(ウィスコンシン大マディソン校)。

We model how an increase in Work-from-Home (WFH) productivity differentially affects workers using a framework in which some workers cannot work offsite, some are hybrid, and some are completely remote. The improvement in WFH productivity increases housing demand and thus housing prices since housing is inelastically supplied. Because workers in non-telecommutable occupations must consume housing but their total factor productivity does not increase, the rise in house prices reduces their welfare. The welfare decline is equivalent to 1-9% of consumption, depending on how substitutable WFH is with onsite work, and it arises despite measured income of all workers increasing.






というブログ記事(原題は「The Case for More H1B Visas」)をマンキューが上げている。

Apparently, there is an ongoing debate in Trumpworld about whether more H1B visas are a good thing. From an economic perspective, the answer is a clear yes.
From the standpoint of economic efficiency, allowing a highly skilled immigrant to work at a U.S. firm is, for standard reasons, beneficial. The transaction is voluntary, so both the employee and employer are better off. And there are no obvious externalities (not counting, of course, pecuniary externalities). In addition, the U.S. government collects more revenue in the form of payroll and income taxes.
From the standpoint of economic equality, allowing a highly skilled immigrant is again beneficial. The relative wage of skilled versus unskilled workers depends on, among other things, the relative supply of the two types of worker. When highly skilled workers immigrate into the United States, the demand for less skilled workers rises.
Think of technology firms that need both engineers and janitors. When the supply of engineers rises, the demand for janitors increases, leading to higher janitor wages.
So an increase in H1Bs visas not only expands economic liberty (arguably a good thing in itself) but also increases both efficiency and equality.
Score one for Vivek and Elon.



というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「When Democracy Refuses to Die: Evaluating a Training Program for New Politicians」で、著者はErnesto Dal Bó(UCバークレー)、Claudio Ferraz(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)、Frederico Finan(UCバークレー)、Pedro Pessoa(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)。

We evaluate the effects of a program in Brazil that selects and trains new politicians, addressing three main challenges: selection bias from program screening, self-selection into candidacy, and the need to quantify the contributions of both selection and training in a holistic evaluation. Our findings show that the program raised political entry by doubling candidacy rates and increasing electoral success by 69%. However, much of the overall effect was driven by screening, which accounted for 30% of the increase in candidacy and 43% of the increase in election rates, while also making the candidate pool more diverse, competent, and committed to democratic values. Renewing the political class involves trade-offs, as some traits favored by the program did not align with voter preferences, and also reduced the descriptive representation of low-income individuals.


ECB SPFの25年を振り返る

というECB論文ã‚’Mostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「A look back at 25 years of the ECB SPF」で、著者は同行のAnastasia Allayioti、Rodolfo Arioli、Colm Bates、Vasco Botelho、Bruno Fagandini、Luís Fonseca、Peter Healy、Aidan Meyler、Ryan Minasian、Octavia Zahrt。

This paper looks back on the 25-year history of the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). Since its launch in the first quarter of 1999, it has served as an important input for policymaking and analysis, especially over the past five years, where the euro area has, following a period of low inflation, navigated a global pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and an unprecedented surge in inflation. The survey has evolved over time and provides not only a long time series of economic expectations and forecasts, but also valuable insights on key topical issues and on economic risks and uncertainties. We show that, for each of the three main macroeconomic variables forecast – HICP inflation, real GDP growth and the unemployment rate – the track record of the ECB SPF in forecasting has been broadly comparable to that of the Eurosystem. In addition, its combination of quantitative point forecasts and probability distributions with qualitative explanations has provided useful input for macroeconomic analysis. Beyond analyses of the forecasts for the main macroeconomic variables, there are also two further sections that examine the technical assumptions (oil prices, policy rates, exchange rates and wages) underlying SPF expectations and an analysis and assessment of measures of macroeconomic uncertainty. Technical assumptions are shown to account for the lion’s share of the variance in the inflation forecast errors, while uncertainty is shown to have increased considerably relative to that which prevailed during the early years of the SPF (1999-2008). Looking ahead, the SPF – with its long track record, its
large and broad panel (spanning both financial and non-financial forecasters) and committed panellists – will undoubtedly continue to provide timely and useful insights for the ECB’s policymakers, macroeconomic experts, economic researchers and the wider public.
本稿はECBの予測専門家調査(SPF)*1の25年の歴史を振り返る。1999年第1四半期の開始以来、同調査は政策策定と分析にとって重要な入力となってきたが、ユーロ圏が低インフレの期間の後に世界的なパンデミック、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻、および前例の無いインフレ高騰を舵取りしたここ5年は特にそうだった。調査は時間とともに発展し、経済予想と予測の長期時系列を提供するにとどまらず、主要な時事問題について、ならびに経済的なリスクや不確実性について、貴重な洞察を提供している。3つの主要なマクロ経済変数の予測――HICPインフレ率、実質GDP成長率、および、失業率――それぞれにおいて、ECB SPFの実績はユーロシステムのそれ*2におおむね比肩するものであったことを我々は示す。また、定性的な説明を伴う定量的な点予測と確率分布の組み合わせは、マクロ経済分析に有用な入力を提供してきた。本稿では、主要なマクロ経済変数の予測を分析したほか、2つの節において、SPF予想の背後にある技術的仮定(原油価格、政策金利、為替相場、および賃金)を調べ、また、マクロ経済の不確実性の指標を分析し評価した。技術的な仮定がインフレの予測誤差の大きな割合を占めることが示される一方で、不確実性がSPFの初期(1999-2008)に支配的だった水準よりも顕著に増加したことが示される。今後については、長い実績があり、(金融と非金融の両方に跨る予測者の)多人数の幅広いパネルと熱心なパネリストを有するSPFは、間違いなく時機を得た有用な洞察をECBの政策担当者、マクロ経済の専門家、経済の研究者、および幅広く一般に提供し続けるであろう。


というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンï¼›ungated版)。原題は「The Long-run Effects of Transportation Productivity on the US Economy」で、著者はA. Kerem CoÅŸar(バージニア大)、Sophie Osotimehin(ケベック大学モントリオール校)、Latchezar Popov(テキサス工科大)。

We propose a model with sectoral and spatial linkages to study the effects of transportation productivity changes. Using the model, we quantify the aggregate welfare gains from higher transportation productivity observed in the US over 1947-2017 and we study the determinants of its regional and sectoral gross output effects. We find that the welfare gain is more than two times larger than what is implied by the transportation sector’s share in the economy. Both the aggregate and the granular effects crucially depend on the structure of sectoral linkages. The findings point to the critical role of the transportation sector for the economy and suggest notable welfare losses should productivity growth in the transportation sector fall behind other sectors. The implications of such changes would be more pronounced for countries less far along their structural change path, with higher shares in agriculture, mining and manufacturing than the US. They also be more pronounced starting from much higher levels of transportation costs.
We view our results as a lower bound on the contribution of the transportation sector to growth. Several factors could magnify its role: first, given its focus on transportation multifactor productivity, our analysis does not account for the improvement in energy efficiency and other innovations in transportation equipment. In addition, we have restricted our attention to freight and hence do not include the implications of lower costs of passenger transportation, which can contribute to growth by improving labor mobility, facilitating commuting and stimulating the tourism industry. Future research that assesses the contributions of improved equipment and higher passenger mobility would be of great interest.

インドの鉄道相がジョン・ベイツ・クラーク賞学者から学べること - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したように、インド経済に鉄道が果たした役割についてはジョン・ベイツ・クラーク賞を受賞したデイブ・ドナルドソン(Dave Donaldson)が強調したところである。日本でも新幹線が経済発展に果たした役割は巷間良く言われるところであるが、ただ、そちらはこの論文やドナルドソンの研究が焦点を当てた貨物輸送ではなく旅客輸送であることには注意を要する。その点では、リニアの効果についてもそれらの研究を単純に当てはめることはできないだろう。