Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Volume summary: Volume 11 of Act 2

The chronology pages describe the comics to assist scholars in finding the page on which something occurred. For each page of the comic, the chronology pages identify the characters that appear, actions taken, significant quotes, and other things of interest. Page numbers from the website are zero padded to three digits and in parentheses, for example: (005), (061), (113). Page numbers from print volumes are neither, for example: 5, 61, 113. Section titles are from the canon unless otherwise noted.

For historical reasons, volumes 1 (I) through 13 (XIII) are usually identified with Roman numerals on the Girl Genius chronology pages and elsewhere in the wiki. From volume 14 on, the story entered a new "act" and the volume numbers started over, in Arabic numbers, proceeded by a "2-". For example, overall volume 15 is given as volume 2-2 on chronology pages.

For a partial timeline of the events in the comic, see Internal Chronology. For more information on the double-page spreads in this volume, see double-page spreads in Girl Genius. For more information on special pages in this volume, see the list of special pages, notes, and annotations.

Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

One or more of the following symbols may be attached to a name to indicate the type of appearance. For more explanation, see Chronology Sigils Key.

     (!) Sparking             (!!) God-sparking            (*) Heterodyning
      <  Flashback             >   Flashforward             =  Flash-concurrent
      ~  Imagined              \   Hidden                   ?  Uncertain
      %  Recorded image        @   Transmitted image        #  Controlled body

For more information about the page records and guidelines for adding new ones, see Girl Genius:Editing the Chronology.

---First Page of Volume 24 (Act 2: BOOK ELEVEN)[]

"What did Agatha say to them, anyway?" (non-canon)[1][]

Location: With the Wulfenbach "rescue fleet"

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (001)
Forum:2024-01-03 (Wednesday)
Gil, Red-headed Communications Officer, Tarvek, Airship Officer, Scarf and Goggles, Bang
Gil, commanding a fleet of Wulfenbach airships, is heading towards the site where some Wulfenbach ground troops are surrounded by the forces of the Polar Lords and are in danger of being overwhelmingly defeated. He worriedly asks if there are any new dispatches from General Banks, the commander of the surrounded Wulfenbach ground forces, and is astonished to hear that the tide of the battle has turned because Agatha is there. Agatha was being transported on one of Albia's airships, part of a fleet that came to the aid of the Wulfenbach forces under General Banks, and has melted the Polar Lords' commander and spoken to another monster, causing the Polar Lords' forces to retreat north on their Ice Ark. Tarvek, who is accompanying Gil, says that if they had known Agatha was with the surrounded forces, they wouldn't have needed to mount such a large rescue effort. Then both he and Bang, who is captaining Gil's fleet, point out to Gil that continuing to call it a rescue fleet will be awkward when they arrive.
Gil: "Of course…but…they're retreating? What did Agatha say to them anyway?"
Tarvek: "Who knows? Pity we didn't know she'd be there—we could have left half this armament back in Mechanicsburg."
Bang: "Oh, but now you can impress her with this nice big rescue party, yeah?"
Tarvek: "Sure but…we might want to call it something else."
General Banks, Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Polar Lord's Commander, Even Bigger Monster, Their Army (Snowbounders), Ice Ark, Remaining Troops (Snowfled), Mechanicsburg
2024-01-05 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (002)
Forum:2024-01-05 (Friday)
Mister Griggs, Gil, Weather Spotter, Bang, Dark-haired Communications Officer, Tarvek, Tall Guy, Doctor, Pancake Hat and Red Goggles, Napoleon Hat, ?Lieutenant[2][3], Red Bug Eyes, Wulfenbach clanks, Two Helmspeople (at two wheels), Other Members of the Airship Crew and Staff
Gil, Bang, and Tarvek receive reports and issue orders. Agatha wants a cold storage unit; Gil says to give it to her. A lookout reports that the storm is clearing ahead, Band says send out scouts anyway. Further reports: communications are almost back to normal, casualties are light. Tarvek asks for an estimate on the number of abandoned Polar Lord troops. A request to look out for the HMS Boggart is received from Captain Sunhillow.
Mister Griggs: "Herr Baron! Another message from General Banks! The Lady Heterodyne is apparently demanding…uh…the biggest cold storage unit we can lay our hands on?"
Gil: "See to it, Mister Griggs."
Weather Spotter: "Storm ahead is easing up, Captain!"
Bang: "Yeah? Send a couple scout buzzers ahead anyway. I don't want any icy surprises."
Doctor: "Casualty figures are in sir. Astonishingly light."
Minion with Pancake Hat and Red Goggles: "Try not to sound too disappointed, Doctor."
Tavek: "Get an estimate on how many troops the Polar Lords left behind. We'll need to arrange for their debriefing and transport."
Tall Guy: "Of course, Your Highness—but if they're anything like the fellows we've seen before, they'll be of no use at all until they've had some time to thaw."
General Banks, Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Scout Buzzers, Troops Left Behind (Snowfled), Polar Lords, Captain Sunhillow, HMS Boggart
2024-01-08 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (003)
Forum:2024-01-08 (Monday)
Lieutenant[3], Bang, Pancake Hat and Red Goggles, Red Bug Eyes, Gil, Tarvek
Tarvek: "What about Agatha?"
Gil: "Well, obviously I want to see her, but for now, I have to take care of our forces—and be seen doing it. Albia was right, I wasted too much time in England."
Tarvek: "Well, that's true. I guess I'll—"
Gil: "In the meantime, I shall send along a funny little clown—to let her know I'm thinking of her!"
Tarvek: "A funny little—? Wait a minute! Are you talking about me?!"
General Banks, Captain Sunhillow, All Present Commanders, Agatha, Albia, England

The Royal Jester Takes A Walk[]

Location: Heading from the Wulfenbach "rescue fleet" to ground level

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (004)
Forum:2024-01-10 (Wednesday)
Gil, Bang, Lieutenant[3][4], Tarvek, Wulfenbach clank, Officer with Gold Goggles, Would-Be Assassin,[5] Other Wulfenbach Soldiers
Gil: "I am! DuPree, would you be a hero and accompany our Royal Jester?"
Bang: "Ha ha! Sure! Let's give my second in command here a chance to prove himself!"
Lieutenant: "Thank you for this terrifying opportunity, Captain!"
Ol' Klaus (Klaus Wulfenbach), Paris, Smoke Knights, Wasp eater
SFX, panel 5

Everyone Needs a Personal Spy Network! (non-canon)[1][]

Location: On the ground

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-12 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (005)
Forum:2024-01-12 (Friday)
Tarvek, Bang, Wulfenbach Soldiers, Agatha, Wulfenbach Military Technicians/Specialists, Neena, Ixtha (deceased), Agatha's Wasp eater, Portable Castle
Tarvek: "Oh, the thing with Princess Zeetha? Yeah…good luck with that."
Bang: "Wait—you know? How?"
Tarvek: "Doesn't everybody know?"
Bang: "No?"
Tarvek: "But surely Princess Zeetha—"
Bang: "No!"
Tarvek: "But, she's clearly expecting some kind of big ultimate fight with you!"
Bang: "Sh'yeah. As if—"
Tarvek: "She's obviously looking forward to it!"
Bang: "Really?"
Tarvek: "Yes! Really!"
Bang: "Oh wow! This is going to be amazing! But…you can't tell her why, okay? It's got to be a surprise! Promise! Promise!"
Princess Zeetha
2024-01-15 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (006)
Forum:2024-01-15 (Monday)
Tarvek, Agatha's Wasp eater, Agatha, Ixtha (deceased?), Neena, Wulfenbach Soldier/Technician/Specialist, ?Corbettite Monks[6]
Agatha: "Over there, we've got the remains of some kind of Hive Engines. They seem a little different from the other ones we've seen, but they're really smashed up, and I'm kind of stuck here with this guy for now, so—"
Neena: "Ooh, ooh, and also, if you look carefully, they're all covered with the same weird runes you can see on the Polar Lord!"
Agatha: "I don't know anything about those, but Neena's really excited about them!"
Neena: "I've got so many notes!"
Polar Lord, Prende's Lantern, Violetta, Mama (Albia), Ancient Queens (Ancient God-Queen), Hive Engines
2024-01-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (007)
Forum:2024-01-17 (Wednesday)
Neena, Ixtha (deceased?), Agatha, Tarvek, Agatha's Wasp eater, Zeetha, Violetta
Polar Lords, HMS Eos[7]

Killer Queens (In Training)[]

Location: On the ground

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-19 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (008)
Forum:2024-01-19 (Friday)
Zeetha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Tarvek, Agatha, Neena, Bang, Wulfenbach Soldiers
Higgs/Your Guy/The Big Goof (Axel Higgs), Skifander

Gil's Debriefing Session (non-canon) [1][]

Location: Situation Room One[8] on Castle Wulfenbach[9]

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-22 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (009)
Forum:2024-01-22 (Monday)
Blond-haired Wulfenbach Officer, Lord Moncrieff, Captain Sunhillow, Gil, General Banks, Hat owl, Captain T-Hat[10], Other Members of Albia's Forces, Wulfenbach clanks
Caption, upper left corner, panel 1
2024-01-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (O1O)
Forum:2024-01-24 (Wednesday)
Gil, General Banks[11], Captain T-Hat[10][12]Lord Moncrieff[13], Wulfenbach clanks, Boris, Other Wulfenbach minions and staff
Title of gauge panel, panel 2
STATION 50…[15]
Subtitle of gauge panel, panel 2
Units on gauge dial, panel 2

At Least He Gets A Nize Hat[]

Location: On the ground, outside Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-26 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (011)
Forum:2024-01-26 (Friday)
Jäger #1, Jäger #2, General Dimo, Jäger #3, Jäger #4, Jäger #5, Maxim
Mechanicsburg, Wulfenbach Guys, Reindeer Boys[17], Zamin, Hats
And outside Mechanicsburg—
Caption, panel 1
On visor of Dimo's hat, panels 2-8. [18]
2024-01-29 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (012)
Forum:2024-01-29 (Monday)
Dimo, Maxim, Oggie, Geisterdamen
Effreybody (Jägermonsters), General Schtuff (Jägergeneral Schtuff), De Lady (Agatha), De Town (Mechanicsburg)

Welcome Home, Milady[]

Location: On the ground, outside Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-01-31 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (013)
Forum:2024-01-31 (Wednesday)
Dimo, Oggie, A Jäger, Agatha, Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Chester Bonesteff[19], The Jäger Horde
2024-02-02 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (014)
Forum:2024-02-02 (Friday)
Van, Agatha, Neena, Rakethorn, Agatha's Wasp eater, Violetta, Zeetha, Krosp, Chester Bonesteff, The Jäger Horde
Dimo: "Und here, My Lady, is hyu Jäger Horde. At least, de vuns not guarding de cavesat hyu service!"
Jäger Horde: "Roooooar!"
Agatha: "While I expected nothing less, I am proud of the ferocity with which you have guarded our home! When all this is done, I don't want to hear about any of you being sober for the next month!"
Jäger Horde: "Rhaa! Yez! Woohoo! Whee! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Got hyu covered!"[20]
Krosp: "Nice."
Agatha: "I just asked myself what Zeetha would like!"
Zeetha: "Yeah! Wait… Okay, yeah."
Home (Mechanicsburg), East West Street Roof Rats, De Caves[21]

Comic Interruption: Kaja has been hospitalized (non-canon)[1][22][]

Occasion: Kaja was hospitalized for a week for gall-bladder surgery.

Names Used Text Extras
Vol.2-11 p. n/a
There is no page of the Girl Genius comic for Monday, February 5 (discussion forum), because Kaja Foglio was hospitalized.
Vol.2-11 p. n/a
There is no page of the Girl Genius comic for Wednesday, February 7 (discussion forum), because Kaja Foglio was hospitalized.
Vol.2-11 p. n/a
There is no page of the Girl Genius comic for Friday, February 9 (discussion forum), because Kaja Foglio was hospitalized.
2024-02-11 (Sunday)
Vol.2-11 p. n/a
Forum:2024-02-11 (Sunday)
A special Sunday page with health update from Kaja. She is back from the hospital and recovering, slowly, at home.
The opening passage of Kaja's message is below. You can ready the full message by using the page link to the right in this chronology entry.
Studio News: "Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the big hole in our uploads. Last weekend I wound up going to the emergency room for what turned out to be a suprise gallbladder yeet. I am so overwhelmed by the kindness folks have shown. I get all teary, and it isn't all because of the drugs I'm on."
Vol.2-11 p. n/a
There is no page of the Girl Genius comic for Monday, February 12 (discussion forum), because Kaja Foglio was recovering at home.

A Not-So-Warm Welcome (non-canon) [22][]

Location: Heading towards the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-02-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (015)
Forum:2024-02-14 (Wednesday)
Van, Zeetha, Dimo, Violetta, Agatha, Chester Bonesteff, Two Members of the Jäger Horde, Two Wulfenbach clanks, Bearded Wulfenbach Soldier
Studio News: (from Kaja): I'm back from my stay at the hospital, and have had a few days to start recovering properly. I am still very tired. I'm sorry for the break in uploads!
2024-02-16 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (016)
Forum:2024-02-16 (Friday)
Agatha, Bearded Wulfenbach Soldier, Officious Wulfenbach Soldier, Two Wulfenbach clanks, Van, Chester Bonesteff, Maxim, Dimo, Oggie, Several Other Members of the Jäger Horde
As one of the Wulfenbach soldiers continues to try to keep Agatha from entering the complex surrounding Mechanicsburg while treating her with kid gloves, another appears and emphatically orders her to wait until the Baron arrives to give her permission. Agatha doesn't take this well.
Officious Soldier: "What are these people doing here? This is a restricted area!"
Bearded Soldier: "This is the Lady Heterodyne! I told her—"
Officious Soldier: "Yeah? Well, this is a Wulfenbach facility! She can come in if and when the Baron gives his permission. Take her to a visitor's parlor and give her tea or something while she waits!"
Agatha: "I can't believe what I'm hearing. 'Visitor'? 'Permission'? This 'facility' is in my valley—and in my valleyI go where I please."
The Baron, My Valley[23]
Patch on sleeve of officious Wulfenbach soldier, near shoulder, panel 3.
2024-02-19 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (017)
Forum:2024-02-19 (Monday)
\Officious Wulfenbach Soldier[25], Agatha, <Klaus Wulfenbach, <Mamma Gkika, Zeetha, Krosp, Van, Dimo, Chester Bonesteff, Several Members of the Jäger Horde
Studio News: (from Kaja): Phil and I will be at MagicCon in Chicago this weekend (February 23-25)! We'll be signing cards and selling our playmats. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, we hope folks will visit us there!
2024-02-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (018)
Forum:2024-02-21 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Van, Gil, Tarvek, Wulfenbach clank, Violetta, Othar
Her Own Town (Mechanicsburg), Grand Europan Stage

Consulting With Kjarl[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-02-23 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (019)
Forum:2024-02-23 (Friday)
Kjarl Thotep, Agatha, Othar, Zeetha
Your Town (Mechanicsburg), The Device/Prende's Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Albia, Vozzler, British (England)
2024-02-26 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (020)
Forum:2024-02-26 (Monday)
Officious Wulfenbach Soldier[26], Gil, Tarvek, Krosp, Wulfenbach clanks, Orotine, Norville, Seffie, Sparafucile, Bang, Trelawney Thorpe, Other Wulfenbach Soldiers
Mechanicsburg, Her Majesty (Albia), Lady Heterodyne (Agatha)
And so eventually—
Caption, upper left, panel 1
2024-02-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (021)
Forum:2024-02-28 (Wednesday)
Gil, Tarvek, Agatha, \Norville[27] \Krosp[27]
Studio News: (from Kaja): Phil and I will be at the Emerald City Comic Con this weekend! Find us at the Girl Genius booth, #20501

Our next Kickstarter campaign is coming soon, and you can sign up to be notified when it goes live! It's for Volume 21 of Girl Genius: An Entertainment in Londinium, and we will most likely have another early bird category.

For information about our previous Kickstarter, please visit the Exorcism Engines updates page.

Animal Antics[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-01 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (022)
Forum:2024-03-01 (Friday)
Agatha, Gil, Tarvek, Norville, Krosp
Martellus, Martellus' Knights/Some Kind of Werewolf (Knights of the Hunt), England

Art Interruption: Color version of new cover[28] for volume 21 (non-canon)[1][22][]

Occasion: The Foglios attended two conventions in two weeks and ran out of comic.

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-04 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. cover art: showing it off!
Forum:2024-03-04 (Monday)
Dimo, Wee Beastie, Maxim, Oggie, Krosp, Agatha, Portable Castle, Other Jägermonsters[29], Other Dingbots, Giant Transforming Clank
Studio News: (from Kaja): What's this? Well, Phil and I have been at the Emerald City Comic Con all weekend, so he didn't get a page drawn. Oh no! Instead, here are the colors for the cover of the upcoming print volume! We'll be back with the main story on Wednesday. Sorry for the interruption, we hope you enjoy all the happy monsters.

More Animal Antics (non-canon) [22][]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-06 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (023)
Forum:2024-03-06 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Kjarl Thotep, Norville, Krosp, Tarvek, Othar, Gil
This Lovely Device (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Time Stoppage (Take-Five Bomb), Town (Mechanicsburg), Storm King (Andronicus Valois), Violetta
SFX, panel 5
SFX, panel 6

Krosp and Norville's Incredible Journey[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-08 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (024)
Forum:2024-03-08 (Friday)
Krosp, Norville
Somewhere Else (Timeskip)
SFX, panel 1
Krosp and Norville's Incredible Journey!
Title, below panels
2024-03-11 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (025)
Forum:2024-03-11 (Monday)
Krosp, Norville
Martellus, Weird Dog Knights/Brave Knight of the Hunt (Knights of the Hunt), Vampiri, Ham Studio News: (from Kaja): Oof I was taking a nap so this is going up about a half hour late. Oops
2024-03-13 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (026)
Forum:2024-03-13 (Wednesday)
Krosp, Norville, Chef, Kjarl, Agatha, Othar, Tarvek, Gil
Sandwiches, Vampiri, Cheese, Savarin (Brillat-Savarin), Cold Room
SNIFF (×3)
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 4
Many sandwiches later—
Caption, upper left, panel 6

Tarvek's Fantasy[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-15 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (027)
Forum:2024-03-15 (Friday)
Kjarl, Tarvek, Agatha, Agatha's Wasp eater, Gil
The Field (Take-Five Bomb), The Town/Mechanicsburg, Your Device (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), A Battle (Polar Ice Lord), Formal Victory Ball, "Dark Science Princess" Ensemble
Caption, upper left, panel 1
Studio News: (from Kaja): Phil has a cold and got the page drawn a bit late, colors will be in later!

The colored version of the page was posted by Sunday, March 17, 2024.
2024-03-18 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (028)[30]
Forum:2024-03-18 (Monday)
Tarvek, Gil, <Huge Creature (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Agatha, Krosp, Norville[31], Othar, Kjarl
Gil interrupts Tarvek and reminds everyone that there is a huge creature looming over Mechanicsburg that has to be dealt with and they have no idea of how to combat it, if necessary. Krosp warns that restoring the time flow might cause other unexpected effects, especially, as Tarvek adds, triggering experiments of the Old Heterodynes. Agatha wants to restart time at the same time of day, to minimize shock and panic in the inhabitants of the town, but they all immediately realize that the enormous creature towering overhead will cause that by itself.
Gil: "We've got that huge creature emerging from the dimensional rift. It would be smart to move our troops and allies into position—just in case it's suddenly closer than we think it is. I've had people working on it, but they only started recently. I still don't know if anything we've got will even work if that thing attacks."
Dimensional Rift, Old Heterodynes (House Heterodyne), Town (Mechanicsburg), Empire (House Wulfenbach)
2024-03-20 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (029)
Forum:2024-03-20 (Wednesday)
Van, Agatha, Hat Geisterdame[32], Unidentified Geisterdame, Eotain[33], Tarvek, Gil, Othar, Chester Bonesteff, Seffie
Agatha, Tarvek, and Gil, accompanied by Othar, encounter a very tired Van, who has apparently been drinking a lot of coffee. Next to Van some Geisterdamen are sampling coffee and don't seem to care for it. Agatha tells Van she will wait until everyone has rested and plans and preparations can be made before attempting to free Mechanicsburg; he is surprised and relieved to hear it. As Van prepares to get himself and his young aide off to bed, Seffie comes in and offers everyone a nightcap. Gil turns her down but Agatha, to Seffie's chagrin, accepts, saying they really should talk.
Van: "Lady Heterodyne! So? What are your plans?"
Agatha: "Ah! Herr von Mekkhan! We'll let everyone get some rest, and tomorrow, we'll have some preparations to make. When everything is good and ready, then we'll go in, and with luck, release the town."
Van: "So, you don't want to go in tonight?"
Agatha: "Well, no. Are you disappointed?"
Van: "Far from it. There is a lot to do. No, I'm just a bit surprised."
Agatha: "I'm surprised you're still awake!"
Van: "My Lady, I am your seneschal! If you want to wade unprepared into the unknown, I must be ready to stand by your side! —But now I can gratefully collapse like everyone else."
The Town (Mechanicsburg), Nightcap
Caption, upper left, panel 1

A Night In Mechanicsburg[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-03-22 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (030)
Forum:2024-03-22 (Friday)
Seffie, Agatha, ~Gil[34], ~Agatha[34], ~Tarvek[34],
Seffie and Agatha talk. Seffie hopes that she and Agatha can be friends, despite Agatha's conflicts with her brother, Martellus. Agatha asks about Martellus' whereabouts. Seffie responds that she expected to find him in Mechanicsburg, but since he isn't there, he is probably out trying to convince his family to support his bid to be Storm King and kill off anyone who stands in his way. Agatha angrily asks if Tarvek is still a target and Seffie quickly and emphatically insists that no one in her family would dare hurt Tarvek now, but that rogue assassins could still be a threat. At Agatha's prompting, Seffie goes on to say that Tarvek has some support in her family and would have more if Martellus was no longer a factor. But she also says she loves Martellus, despite his flaws, and doesn't want him to be killed; she is there to help settle things with as little bloodshed as possible. Agatha endorses this idea and Seffie marvels at how un-Heterodyne-like Agatha is.
Seffie: "It's one of the reasons I'm here—to try to help settle all this trouble without too much more unnecessary blood!"
Agatha: "I appreciate that."
Seffie: "…You do, don't you? If I may say—you are unusual for your family."
Agatha: "Oh, the whole 'not plotting, ranting, and menacing the countryside' thing? Well…some days it is easier than others."
Paris, My Brother/Martellus, The Family (House von Blitzengaard), The New Storm King (The Storm King (title)), Your Family (House Heterodyne)
2024-03-25 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (031)
Forum:2024-03-25 (Monday)
Zeetha, Agatha, Violetta, Seffie
Zeetha and Violetta join Agatha and Seffie. The newcomers have just returned from visiting the nearby caverns where the residents of Mechanicsburg who weren't trapped when the town was frozen in time have been hiding. (The caverns have proved a very effective hideout; the Polar Lords never even noticed them.) They bring a cake from Lilith, which they serve up, while helping themselves to wine. Zeetha reports that airships are approaching from all over, but the oupost commanders don't seem worried. It turns out Seffie knows all about them; the airships are from current and former allies (who are considering rejoining the Wulfenbach Empire). She has talked to all the leaders behind the approaching airships; the experience was so tedious that even thinking about it makes her call for more wine and cake.
Zeetha: "What, no menacing the countryside? Your townspeople will be so disappointed!"
Townspeople (Mechanicsburgers), Sparks, Caverns, Polar Lords, Lilith, Cake, Wine, Airships, Outpost Commanders, The Empire (House Wulfenbach)
2024-03-27 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (032)
Forum:2024-03-27 (Wednesday)
Colette Voltaire, Seffie, Violetta, Agatha, Zeetha, Wulfenbach Soldier[35], Wulfenbach clank[36], Mighty Clank Army (Parisian Gargoyle Clanks)
Colette is the next person to join the party. She receives a warm welcome from everyone, but especially from Seffie, and not just because she arrives with more wine. Agatha expresses her gratitude that Colette has come from Paris to help defend Mechanicsburg; Colette denies any altruism, saying the Other and the Polar Lords are a universal threat. Zeetha expresses admiration that Colette was able to help send the Polar Lords fleeing, even though she was so far from her center of power in Paris. But Colette directs the attention of Zeetha and the rest to the window, where the flying Awful Tower and a large contingent of giant Parisian clanks can be seen, commenting that she brought Paris with her.
Agatha: "Welcome! Gil said you were here—thank you for coming! To actually leave your city to defend mine—"
Colette: "Oh, chérie! The Other and the Polar Lords, they threaten us all. —But they are running straight north now. I have helped see to that."
Zeetha: "I'm impressed! I thought your main source of power was your city! How did you leave Paris behind and still fight a bunch of monsters?"
Colette: "Ha ha! It is as the poets say—'When Paris is in your heart—you take her with you wherever you go!' For me, it is somewhat more true than most. Voilà! Observe my mighty clank army and tremble!"
Zeetha: "Whoa! I've got to read more poetry!"
Wine, Gil, Your City/Paris, Mine (Mechanicsburg), The Other, Polar Lords
Illegible wine label
Colette is holding a wine bottle with a visible label, but a close look shows there is no readable text on it, panel 1
2024-03-29 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (033)
Forum:2024-03-29 (Friday)
Trelawney Thorpe, Agatha, Colette, Violetta, Seffie, Zeetha, Agatha's Wasp eater
Admiral Llewellyn, Ice Cannons, Shortbread
2024-04-01 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (034)
Forum:2024-04-01 (Monday)
Bang, Zeetha, Violetta, Colette, Trelawney, Seffie, Neena
Violetta: "You seem to be having fun!"
Agatha: "I am! After all—"
Neena: "Okay, it's absolutely not my fault—but everybody's got to run! Now!"
Bang and Zeetha (together): "FIGHTING!"
Agatha: "These moments of calm are things to treasure!"
Madgirls (Sparks), Shortbread, Rum

You Got Dreen[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-04-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (035)
Forum:2024-04-03 (Wednesday)
Bang, Zeetha, Colette, Trelawney, Neena, Agatha, Seffie, Dreen-1, Dreen-2, Dreen-3
Agatha: "Ah!"
Dreen-1: "Lady Heterodyne."
Agatha: "Not those things again!"
Monsters (The Mechanicsburg Guild of Monsters), Citizens (Mechanicsburgers)
SFX, panel 5

Art Interruption: Deathwish DuPree (non-canon)[22][]

Occasion: According to Kaja's message on the Patreon page (behind a paywall) for the comic posted on Friday, April 5, 2024, the Foglios needed time to get the new Kickstarter ready.

Names Used Text Extras
2024-04-05 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. Deathwish DuPree!
Forum:2024-04-05 (Friday)
Deathwish DuPree, Agatha
Deathwish DuPree! (Dashing Pirate King of the High Skies) Wants you to check out our new Kickstarter campaign! In the Studio News: section, Kaja recounts a great deal of the history of Deathwish DuPree both within the world of Girl Genius and ouside it. Only the portion explaining why there is a filler page featuring Deathwish is quoted here:

"Because we’ve been running ourselves ragged trying to get our latest Kickstarter campaign launched (it’s already funded, by the way!) we don’t actually have the next page finished, so we though you might like to know a little bit about ol’ Deathwish here instead, because we think he‘s fun, and because this volume deals with Londinium, and they have pirates and stuff, and...well, yeah. We don’t have the page ready and we had this art. So here goes!"

You Still Got Dreen (non-canon)[22][]

Location: In the vicinity of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-04-08 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (036)
Forum:2024-04-08 (Monday)
Agatha, Neena, Zeetha, Colette, Bang, Trelawney, Dreen-R[37], Dreen-W[37], Dreen-BT[37]
Agatha: "Uh—"
Dreen-R: "Rude."
Dreen-W: "Weird."
Dreen-BT: "'Bout time."
Lady Heterodyne's Star (Prende's Chronometric Lantern)
2024-04-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (037)
Forum:2024-04-10 (Wednesday)
Dreen-R[37], Dreen-BT[37], Agatha, Dreen-W[37], Zeetha, Neena
Zeetha: "Why didn't your timey-staff thing stop them?"
Agatha: "I'm…not sure."
Neena: "What…"
[Agatha points her staff at Neena and activates it as a test. Neena freezes.]
Agatha: "No, it's working… Hmm…"
[Agatha deactivates her staff.]
Neena: "…are they?"
Agatha: "I think maybe we should find Mister Thotep."
Dreen-R[38] : "Wake me when the time arrives."
Dreen-W[38]: "You will regret not trying these."
Dreen-BT[38]: "I will not."
Dreen-W[38]: "I have seen that you will."
Shortbread, Timey-Staff Thing (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Mister Thotep (Kjarl Thotep)
2024-04-12 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (038)
Forum:2024-04-12 (Friday)
Agatha, Dreen-BT[37], Dreen-R[37], Dreen-W[37]
[Agatha pokes Dreen-R (the one closest to her) with her staff.]
Dreen-R: "You will stop that."
Dreen-W: "There. You are the chosen one."
Dreen-BT: "Yes. You will talk to her."
Dreen-R: "Sigh…Fine."
The Chosen One
SFX, panel 2
MONCH (×2)
SFX, panel 3
SFX, panel 4
SFX, panel 5
POKE (×2)
SFX, panel 7
2024-04-15 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (039)
Forum:2024-04-15 (Monday)
Agatha, Dreen-R[37], Dreen-W[37], Colette, Trelawney, Violetta, Zeetha, Dreen-BT[37]
Agatha: "—And who exactly is your 'quarry?'"
Dreen-R: "Not a 'who.' A creature. A monster attracted by the blockage."
Agatha: "What? I heard it was huge! You're planning to kill it? Just the three of you?"
Dreen-W: "Heh heh"
Dreen-R: "Ho ho"
Dreen-BT: "Hee hee"
Dreen (all): "Yes."
The Chosen One, Temporal Blockage (Take-Five Bomb), Mechanicsburg, Our Quarry/Creature/Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Mister Thotep (Kjarl Thotep), Princess Neena (Neena)

Bring In The Vozzler![]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-04-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (040)
Forum:2024-04-17 (Wednesday)
Kjarl Thotep[39] Tarvek, Neena, Gil
Them/Uncouth Murder Hoboes/Dreen, Shortbread, Time Blockage (Take-Five Bomb), That Creature (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Your Whole Town (Mechanicsburg), Monsters
2024-04-19 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (041)
Forum:2024-04-19 (Friday)
Kjarl Thotep, Dreen, Gil, Agatha, Tarvek, Trelawney, Seffie, Neena, Agatha's Wasp eater
Monastary Crypts (Corbettite Depot Fortress), My Father (Klaus Wulfenbach), The Empire (House Wulfenbach), Shortbread, The Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Robur Heterodyne
2024-04-22 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (042)
Forum:2024-04-22 (Monday)
Dreen-R[40][41], Agatha, Kjarl, Agatha's Wasp eater, Trelawney, Dreen-W, Dreen-BT
Vozzler/Our Vozzler, My Town (Mechanicsburg), Shortbread

A Conclave Of Kings[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-04-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (043)
Forum:2024-04-24 (Wednesday)
Wulfenbach Soldier (List of Wulfenbach military units), Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Colette, Van, Chester Bonesteff, Dimo, Seffie, Martellus, von Blitzengaard Minions[42], Krosp
The next morning—
Caption, upper left corner, panel 1
2024-04-26 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (044)
Forum:2024-04-26 (Friday)
Krosp, Martellus, von Blitzengaard Minion, Wait Staff
Great and Noble Force (Martellus' forces), Your Lady (Agatha), Her Lands/Mechanicsburg, Western Gate, Wulfenbach (Gil), Albia's Captain Sunhillow, The Castle (Castle Heterodyne)
SFX, panel 5
Studio News: (from Kaja): Our new Girl Genius Kickstarter campaign is live and has already funded, all the reprint stretch goals have been hit, and the Bundles are now complete! Not only that, I've added a crazy stretch goal: if we reach $200,000 I'll not only print the new volume 21, I'll print volume 22 at the same time, and it will go into the Second Journey and Epic bundles just as it should. I'll also do a bookplate, bookmark and PDF for it, to go with the PDF pile and Envelope of Madness, which is starting to look positively respectable! Ok, I don't think we're going to hit that goal, but it sure would be nifty. The book files are pretty close to being ready to go so it wouldn't even be that much terrible work!
2024-04-29 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (045)
Forum:2024-04-29 (Monday)
Martellus, Krosp, Wait Staff
She (Agatha), Doctor Vapnoople (Dimitri Vapnoople), Bears (Swartzwalders), Storm King (The Storm King (title)), Europa, Paris, Spark, Wolf Knights/Hunt (Knights of the Hunt), That Thing on Your Head (Lightning Crown), Fancy Nobles (Fifty Families), Your Sister (Seffie)
SFX, panel 5
SFX, panel 10

Cats Being Cats[]

Location: In the time-stop research complex surrounding Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-05-01 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (046)
Forum:2024-05-01 (Wednesday)
Seffie, "Rita", Wait Staff, Tea Maid, Krosp
My Brother (Martellus), My Tea (Tea)
SFX, panel 10
2024-05-03 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (047)
Forum:2024-05-03 (Friday)
Krosp, Seffie, "Rita", Wait Staff
She/My Agatha, Your Chump Brother/My Martellus, Cream, Sturmvoraus/Traitorous Lackey (Tarvek), The Usurper Wulfenbach (Gil), Pierogi, Pyrohy, Cake
SFX, panel 3
Written on five bottles, panels 11 and 12
SFX, panel 12

It Will Be Epic[]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-05-06 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (048)
Forum:2024-05-06 (Monday)
Agatha, Dreen-BT[41], Dreen-R[41], Dreen-W[41], Gil, Bang, Zeetha, Tarvek, Doctor Scantrontb, Additional Members of the Wulfenbach Time Tunnelling Team
2024-05-08 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (049)
Forum:2024-05-08 (Wednesday)
Dreen-BT[41], Kjarl Thotep, Agatha, Member of the Wulfenbach Time Tunnelling Team, Wee Beastie, Portable Castle
2024-05-10 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (050)
Forum:2024-05-10 (Friday)
Gil, Kjarl Thotep, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Dreen-BT[41], Tarvek, Some citizens of Mechanicsburg (frozen in time)
Thorn Hedge

Into Mechanicsburg[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-05-13 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (051)
Forum:2024-05-13 (Monday)
Kjarl, Gil, Tarvek, Agatha, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie
Van, Bellytimber Square (Streets in Mechanicsburg), The Staff (Prende's Chronometric Lantern)
CLIK (×5)
SFX, panel 1
Sign on time-lab barrier wall, panel 1
Sign over shop, panel 1
Sign on wall, panel 2
On map, panel 3
Written above shop door or window, panel 3
Written above shop window, panel 5
On map, panel 5
2024-05-15 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (052)
Forum:2024-05-15 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Gil, A Citizen of Mechanicsburg (frozen in time), Eekineezer (frozen in time)
The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), My Team (Wulfenbach Time Tunnelling Team), Ancient Queens (Ancient God-Queen), The Heterodyne (House Heterodyne), Mechanicsburg
Written above stall on left side, panel 1
Written on sign below stall on left side, panel 1
Written display stand in front of stall on left side, panel 1
Sign on back wall of left-side stall, panel 1
Written above shop on right side, panel 1
Written below shop window on right side, panel 1
Written on door of roaster on cart on left side, panel 1
Written on cart on left side, panel 1
2024-05-17 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (053)
Forum:2024-05-17 (Friday)
Mechanicsburg Snap Bean, Agatha, Gil, Tarvek
This Town/Your Town/My Town (Mechanicsburg), The Rat (Eekineezer)
SFX, panel 3
Stand up display sign, panel 5
Written on signs, walls, and cabinets, panel 7
Written on cart panel 7
Sign on shop seen in on shop in background on right, panel 7
License certificate, panel 7


Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-05-20 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (054)
Forum:2024-05-20 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil, Bohrlaikha[46] (frozen in time), Portable Castle, Wee Beastie
2024-05-22 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (055)
Forum:2024-05-22 (Wednesday)
Communication Technician , Lever-throwing Technician (Wulfenbach Time Tunnelling Team), Zeetha, Bang, Dragonoid Human (frozen in time), Gil, Tarvek, Agatha
Klaus, Bohrlaikha[46], Wastelands, Wild Clanks, Rogue Monsters,The Empire (House Wulfenbach)
SFX, panel 1
Sign on wall, panel 2
Sign or cuecard being held up by someone, panel 3
2024-05-24 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (056)
Forum:2024-05-24 (Friday)
Gil, Zeetha, Bang, Agatha, Tarvek, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Bohrlaikha[46] (frozen in time), Mechanicsburger (frozen in time)
The Field (Take-Five Bomb), The Baron (Klaus)
Signs on storefront, panel 2
Written on poster on wall, panel 5
SFX, panel 6


Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-05-27 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (057)
Forum:2024-05-27 (Monday)
Gil, Tarvek, Agatha
Gil: "I said run! She's breached the walls!"
She (Bohrlaikha[46])
2024-05-29 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (058)
Forum:2024-05-29 (Wednesday)
Zeetha, Gil, Portable Castle, Bang, Agatha, Tarvek, Wee Beastie
SFX, panel 2
Junction gate ID number, panels 7, 8
SFX, panel 7
SFX, panel 8
2024-05-31 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (059)
Forum:2024-05-31 (Friday)
?\Bang[47], Bohrlaikha[46], Bang, Gil, Tarvek, Agatha
Master Van Rijn, That magic wand of yours (Prende's Chronometric Lantern)
2024-06-03 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (060)
Forum:2024-06-03 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Gil[48], Bohrlaikha[46], Bang, Zeetha
The Lantern/That Thing (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Fields of Instability, The Time Stop (Take-Five Bomb), The Town (Mechanicsburg)
SFX, panel 6
SFX, panel 7

She's Still Coming![]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-05 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (061)
Forum:2024-06-05 (Wednesday)
Bang, Agatha, Tarvek, Zeetha, Bohrlaikha[46], Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Gil
It (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Cheese Shop
2024-06-07 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (062)
Forum:2024-06-07 (Friday)
Agatha, Gil, Zeetha, Tarvek, Bang, Bohrlaikha[46], Wee Beastie, \Portable Castle, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time)
Using the power of Agatha's staff (aka Lady Heterodyne's Star aka Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Our Heroes move through the time-stopped region of Mechanicsburg to escape from Bohrlaikha. They speculate about what will happen when the whole city is restarted. Will the big clank kill them all or can the Castle stop her? As Agatha warns them all to stay together, Zeetha becomes fascinated by a display in a shop window and gets left behind in the time-freeze field until Agatha goes back to retrieve her.
Zeetha: "Hey, what's snail cheese?! Is it—…—tasty?"[49]
The Castle (Castle Wulfenbach), The Dreen, Snail Cheese
Written on shopfront, left side of panel 1
Written on shopfront, right side of panel 1
Written on map/brochure, panel 5
Painted on cheese shop window, seen from inside (reversed), panels 6-9
Studio News: (from Kaja): If this page goes up as line art, it's because tonight we're celebrating a birthday and I might be home a little late. Of course I'll get the colors up as soon as I can![51]

Fuzzy Boots (non-canon)[1][]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-10 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (063)
Forum:2024-06-10 (Monday)
?Wulfenbach Airship Officer, Boris Dolokhov, Goggles-and-Weird-Ears Wulfenbach minion, Totally-Bald-with-Forehead-Emblem Wulfenbach minion, Dreen, Gil, Time-Lab Technicians, Agatha, Zeetha, Tarvek, Bang
Castle Wulfenbach, Captain Patel (Amit Patel), The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Bohrlaikha[46], The Town (Mechanicsburg), Fuzzy Boots
2024-06-12 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (064)
Forum:2024-06-12 (Wednesday)
Gil, Wulfenbach minion, Dreen, Time Suit Valet, Agatha, \Castle Heterodyne, Portable Castle, Zeetha, Time Technician, Tarvek
Ozone Overlook, The Creature (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Paris

Moving Through Soup[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-14 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (065)
Forum:2024-06-14 (Friday)
Agatha, Kjarl, Dreen, Another Dreen, Yet Another Dreen, Tarvek, Bang, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Zeetha, Gil, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time)
Master Saturnus (Saturnus Heterodyne), The Monks (Corbettite Monk), The Family (House Heterodyne)
Sign above storefront, upper right, panel 1[52]
2024-06-17 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (066)
Forum:2024-06-17 (Monday)
Agatha, Dreen, Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1, Tarvek, Bang, Zeetha, Kjarl, Gil, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time)
Dreen #1: "Ahhhh—It is beyond expectation!"
Dreen #1: "It is magnificent!"
Dreen #2: "It is beautiful!"
Dreen #3: "Let's krengulate it!"
of The
Written on poster on building, upper right, panel 2
Street signs, right side of panel 2
2024-06-19 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (067)
Forum:2024-06-19 (Wednesday)
Gil, Dreen, Agatha, Tarvek, Bang, Kjarl, /Zeetha[54]
The Cathedral (Red Cathedral), Green Skifandrian (Zeetha is from Skifander)
Written on map/brochure, panel 1[55]


Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-21 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (068)
Forum:2024-06-21 (Friday)
Dreen-BT, Bang, Dreen-2, Agatha, Kjarl, Tarvek, Dreen-3, Zeetha, \Portable Castle[56], \Wee Beastie[56], Mechanicsburger (frozen in time), Mysterious Entity (not frozen in time)
Dreen-2: "Stand fast."
Dreen-3: "Aim true."
Both together: "Loot the bodies."
Sign on building, upper left panel 1
Sign above storefront, upper right, panel 3
Card in store window, panel 3
Sign above shop[57], upper right, panels 6-8
Studio News: (from Kaja): This weekend Phil and I will be at the Laughing Dragon Magic the Gathering event in Tacoma Washington! Because we have to leave early and don't currently have tech that can handle artwork and uploads in the field, Friday's and Monday's page are in their in-progress line art form. I'll get the colors up when I get home on Monday! Thanks for your patience. I really need to get a travel laptop. Ugh.

You Will Not Understand (non-canon)[1][]

Location: In the Red Cathedral in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-24 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (069)
Forum:2024-06-24 (Monday)
Dreen, Agatha
Agatha and one of the Dreen have reached a high platform on the roof of the Red Cathedral, the location from which the Dreen will attack their quarry. Agatha and the Dreen have a discussion about determinism vs. free will.
Dreen: "Yes, this is where I must be."
Agatha: "How much of the future is predetermined?"
Dreen: "Why, none of it."
Agatha: "Then why do you keep talking like you know what will happen?"
Dreen: "Ah. You will not understand—and then you will be angry."
Agatha: "Try me."
Dreen: "Fine. Any outcome is possible. Some outcomes are…more possible than others. In this place we can see many possibilities—as well as what must be done to ensure the outcome we desire."
Agatha: "Well, that…actually seems fairly straightforward."
Dreen: "I knew that you would not understand."
Agatha: "What?! But I—"
Dreen: "And now I am correct yet again."
The Future
Caption, upper left, panel 1
Witten on buildings along street, lower center to lower right, panel 1[58]
2024-06-26 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (070)
Forum:2024-06-26 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Zeetha
Smug Jerk/Conceited Superior Know-It-All Clowns (Dreen), The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), The Rest of His Forces (List of Wulfenbach military units), The Empire (House Wulfenbach)
Sign, right side, panel 8
Laughing Tow[er] Path of Death and Danger!!
Written on upper part of sign in doorway, panel 8
ADULTS 2…[60]
KIDS 1[5][60]
Written on lower part of sign in doorway, panel 8

Playing The Game[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-06-28 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (071)
Forum:2024-06-28 (Friday)
Zeetha, Agatha, Gil, Dreen, Tarvek, Bang, Wee Beastie, Portable Castle, Kjarl Thotep
Zeetha: "We're back!"
Agatha: "—And you're all right?"
Gil: "Safe and sound, as you can see! It's fascinating. We experienced nothing."
Agatha: "I'll admit, I was a little worried. I didn't like just leaving you all here, frozen."
Gil: "Well, it didn't seem to hurt Zeetha any."
Bang: "Yeah, she's as slow as ever!"
Zeetha: "Hey, I gotta give you a chance—"
Frozen (Take-Five Bomb), Wondermonger District (Geography of Mechanicsburg), Laughing Tower, Red Cathedral
2024-07-01 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (072)
Forum:2024-07-01 (Monday)
Agatha, Dreen, Kjarl, Bang, Tarvek, Zeetha, Mechanicsburger (frozen in time)[61], Gil
Written on building, upper right, panel 1
Written on theater marquee, top, panel 2
HOME OF THE Romping Girls!
Written on poster, center right, panel 2
Written on poster, upper left, panel 7 (behind dialog balloons)
2024-07-03 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (073)
Forum:2024-07-03 (Wednesday)
Dreen, Agatha, Zeetha, Bang, Tarvek, Gil, Kjarl, Portable Castle

An Acceptable Position[]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-05 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (074)
Forum:2024-07-05 (Friday)
Dreen, Agatha, Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1, Portable Castle
Agatha: "Time to go! What are you looking at?"
Castle: "The town. Myself. I am…sorry My Lady."
Agatha: "Oh? For what?"
Castle: "There I stand…glorious…impressive…and helpless. I am your fortress! I should be defending your town! You should not have to rely on smug enigmatic murder ghosts."
Dreen: "And yet, rely you can, architecture—so long as you keep your end of the bargain."
The Town/Your Town (Mechanicsburg)
2024-07-08 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (075)
Forum:2024-07-08 (Monday)
Agatha, Portable Castle, <Dreen
Castle: "That I retained awareness while time stopped around me was a surprise. I even have some small control of my defenses—if I work slowly."
Agatha: "—And what does that have to do with the Dreen?"
Castle: "Well, I assumed this control to be the result of certain modifications Master Robur undertook after our initial encounter with these 'Dreen.' The ordeal did greatly upset him. —But these creatures imply, in their infuriatingly cryptic way, that it is somehow part of their plan—and perhaps it is true."
Torchmen, That Thing/Giant Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Master Robur (Robur Heterodyne)
2024-07-10 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (076)
Forum:2024-07-10 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Portable Castle, <Klaus, <Mamma Gkika, Kjarl, Tarvek, Wee Beastie, Bang, Zeetha

Extra Drama![]

Location: In time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-12 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (077)
Forum:2024-07-12 (Friday)
Agatha, Portable Castle, Zeetha, Bang, Wee Beastie, Tarvek, Kjarl
Vozzler, He/The Lady's Suitor (Gil)
2024-07-15 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (078)
Forum:2024-07-15 (Monday)
Tarvek, Zeetha, Agatha, Bang
Tarvek: "Wulfenback wouldn't do this. I don't think he even could!"
Zeetha: "Maybe that Bohrlaikha clank—?"
Agatha: "No. We made sure she was frozen after the tunnel collapsed. Castle, did you—"
Bang: "There's been a fight."
Agatha: "Oh?"
Bang: "Yeah. Look—this blood wasn't here before."
Wulfenbach/Gil/The Baron (Gilgamesh Wulfenbach), Bohrlaikha[46] clank, Castle (Portable Castle)
On shopfront, top, panel 1
On shopfront, upper right, panel 2
SFX, panel 3
On shopfront, top, panel 8
2024-07-17 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (079)
Forum:2024-07-17 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Tarvek, Bang, Black Squad Trooper (in Time Stop Field), Mechanicsburger (frozen in time)
Larger You/Main Structure/Big Castle (Castle Heterodyne), Looming Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Young Wulfenbach (Gil), Mechanicsburg

Art Interruption: Video Game News (non-canon)[22][]

Occasion: The PlayStation version of the Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne video game is announced.

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-19 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. Game Release!
Forum:2024-07-19 (Friday)
Theo, ~Castle Heterodyne[63], Sanaa, Tarvek, Gil, Othar, Zeetha, Sleipnir, Zola, Moloch, Violetta, Agatha, Dingbots
Instead of the next page of the comic is an announcement that the Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne video game is coming out on PlayStation soon.
Coming soon to PlayStation!
Teaser text in game announcement
Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne
Game title
URL for Girl Genius games news site
Studio News: (from Kaja): I'm pleased to announce that the Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne video game will be coming to the Playstation e-shop! I don't have a release date just yet, but I'm now cleared to talk about it so talk about it I shall. You can visit for links to all the places to get our games and game-related stuff!

Phil and I are the art Guests of Honor at the NASFIC in Buffalo New York this weekend. Then we'll be at the San Diego Comic-Con International. Then we will be exhausted. But we'll have a lovely time getting that way!

You Awake Soldier?[]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-22 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (080)
Forum:2024-07-22 (Monday)
Zeetha, Bang, Black Squad Trooper, Agatha, Tarvek, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie
Dreen, Lantern Field (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), Time Stop (Take-Five Bomb), Gil/The Young Baron

Smoke 'Em If You've Got 'Em (non-canon)[22][]

Location: With Gil in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-24 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (081)
Forum:2024-07-24 (Wednesday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil, Mechanicsburger (frozen in time)
The Empire (House Wulfenbach), The Time Stop (Take-Five Bomb), The Rest of My Squad (Black Squad), Revenants
2024-07-26 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (082)
Forum:2024-07-26 (Friday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil, Hellebore[64], Other Black Squad Members
SFX, panel 4
SFX, panel 5
SFX, panel 6

The Matter of the Giant Monster (non-canon)[22][]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-29 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (083)
Forum:2024-07-29 (Monday)
Agatha, Kjarl, Tarvek, Bang, Mechanicsburger (frozen in time), Zeetha, Wee Beastie
Tarvek: "Of course, there's the matter of the giant monster…"
Agatha: "The Dreen will take care of that."
Zeetha: "—And the Baron will wake up and try to kill you!"
Agatha: "The Castle can probably stop him long enough for me to tell him that Gil's missing. He might listen if he knows we're trying to help."
Zeetha: "What if the Castle's slow waking up or something?"
Agatha: "Then I'll count on the two of you to hold him off."
Zeetha: "Ooo— Tricky…"
Bang: "Nah, she's right! Klaus loves his idiot kid!"
Zeetha: "I sure hope so."
Stolen Companion/Idiot Kid (Gil), The Town/The Sleeping City (Mechanicsburg), Black Squad, Giant Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), The Dreen, The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), The Castle (Castle Heterodyne)
Sign above shop window, upper left, panel 1
Sign above shop window, top, panel 2
Sign on shop window, middle right, panel 2
Sign below shop window, lower right, panel 2


Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-07-31 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (084)
Forum:2024-07-31 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Zeetha, Portable Castle, Wee Beastie, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time), Bang, General Zog
The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), Mechanicsburg Note from Kaja on the Girl Genius Patreon page (behind a paywall) for Wednesday, July 31, 2024: "Well, we're home and exhausted! Phil JUST FINISHED the art for this page, so of course Cheyenne hasn't had time to color it, but we'll have it soon I'm sure."
2024-08-02 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (085)
Forum:2024-08-02 (Friday)
General Zog, Bang, Agatha
Agatha: "General! No! Stop! She's working with us!"
SFX, panel 1
SFX, panel 2
2024-08-05 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (086)
Forum:2024-08-05 (Monday)
General Zog, Agatha, Bang, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time), Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1, Kjarl
Zog: "Hyu gots to be kidding! Come on. Hy ken rip her in two right now, und save a lot ov trouble!"
Agatha: "No!"
Zog: "Vy not? Dis vun iz barely even a creature ov de Baron! Hyu gots to take enemies like her seriously!"
Bang: "He's not wrong!"
De Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach)
2024-08-07 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (087)
Forum:2024-08-07 (Wednesday)
General Zog, Agatha, Kjarl, Wee Beastie, Tarvek, Bang, Zeetha
One speedy explanation later—
Caption, upper left, panel 1

Boris and Van[]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-08-09 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (088)
Forum:2024-08-09 (Friday)
Boris Dolokhov, Vanamonde von Mekkhan, Radiohead Couple, Wulfenbach Minions, Wulfenbach Soldiers[66], Captain Vacuum-Tube Ears[67]
Captain Vacuum-Tube Ears: "Herr Dolokhov! What the devil is going on?!"
Caption, upper left, panel 1
2024-08-12 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (089)
Forum:2024-08-12 (Monday)
Boris, Van, Captain Vacuum-Tube Ears
Boris: "Incoming ships? We aren't expecting any more allies…"
Captain Vacuum-Tube Ears: "No sir! They're ours! From Castle Wulfenbach! It looks like every support ship in the fleet!"
Boris: "What? Why?"
Captain Vacuum-Tube Ears: "I don't know! None of us do! The order's gone out to abandon ship! No disrespect, Sir, but we thought you'd given it! You really didn't know?"
Castle Wulfenbach
2024-08-14 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (090)
Forum:2024-08-14 (Wednesday)
Boris, Ensign Headphones Hat, Martellus von Blitzengaard, Xerxsephnia von Blitzengaard, The Empress, Tybalt, Van
Captain Amit Patel, Captain Finch, Airtug Norn, Time Stop (Take-Five Bomb), Castle Wulfenbach, Queen of the Dawn, The Other, Out-of-Panel Voice (Othar) Studio News: (from Kaja): We will be at the Laughing Dragon Magic the Gathering CommanderFest in Los Angeles this weekend, where I believe Original Magic Art is premiering Phil's new token card set! (At least, I think we'll have it there.) If you can't make it to the event, you can sign up to be notified when OMA's mini-Kickstarter campaign goes live! The cards look so good that they decided to run a little campaign for them. We are very pleased.

After that we are heading to the National Cartoonist's Society annual Reuben Awards, so Phil can talk to other cartoonists in person. We'll be taking a little three-page break from the Girl Genius story in there, because our time ran out and we still aren't packed, but soon we'll be home and working hard again! So don't worry, it won't be a long break.

Enter A Hero![]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-08-16 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (091)
Forum:2024-08-16 (Friday)
Othar, Eotain, Hat Geisterdame, Other Geisterdamen, Krosp
Studio News: (from Kaja): It's Othar! Of course it is. I'm sure this development is a surprise to no one.
2024-08-19 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (092)
Forum:2024-08-19 (Monday)
Othar, Martellus, Geisterdamen, Boris, Krosp, The Empress, Wulfenbach clank
Studio News: (from Kaja): We had a great time at the Laughing Dragon Magic the Gathering CommanderFest in Los Angeles, where we debuted Phil's new token card set! It looks amazing, and I'll have samples to show off soon. You can sign up to be notified when OMA's mini-Kickstarter campaign for the set goes live! The cards look so good that they decided to run a little campaign for them. We are very pleased.

Now we are heading to the National Cartoonist's Society annual Reuben Awards, so Phil can talk to other cartoonists in person. We'll be taking a little three-page break from the Girl Genius story in there, because our time ran out and we still aren't packed, but soon we'll be home and working hard again! So don't worry, it won't be a long break. Three pages. Unless something goes haywire, we'll be back to normal on the 28th. Thanks everyone!

Art Interruption: D&D-flavored Cats (non-canon)[22][]

Occasion: The Foglios are doing a lot of traveling and ran out of comic.

Names Used Text Extras
2024-08-21 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. Finding the Dragon
Forum:2024-08-21 (Wednesday)
A feline dungeon party with a rogue, magic user, fighter, and cleric (and dragon)
The dungeon-crawling cats encounter a cat-dragon cat napping on its hoard and the rogue shows how easy it is to steal its treasure.
We're traveling, so here is 1 of 3 in a little series of illustrations! We'll be back with more Girl Genius story on Wednesday, August 28. Thanks everyone! —Phil & Kaja
Text in the black border above page image which is part of the image.
Almost exactly a year ago, Kaja started posting posting cat drawings by Phil as bonus content for Girl Genius Patreon patrons (behind a paywall). The first set was posted on the Girl Genius Patreon page for the Girl Genius Comic for Friday, August 25, 2023. On that page, Kaja commented:

Today I thought it would be fun to show you some sketches from a thing Phil and I have been amusing ourselves with. It's a bunch of D&D-flavored cats. A dungeon clowder. A bunch of puurdurr hoboes. Phil loves cats and always has fun drawing them, and I love his cat drawings. I don't know what we're going to do with these guys just yet, probably some cute pins or something, and these are very initial sketches, but I thought you'd like to see the whole thing as we work on it. Don't worry, we're not likely to take another bunch of months off Girl Genius to go on another dungeon crawl, but that's where our heads have been lately.

2024-08-23 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. Fighting the Dragon
Forum:2024-08-23 (Friday)
A feline dungeon party with a magic user, cleric, fighter, and rogue (and dragon!)
The overconfident rogue is now in the paw of the furious, fire-breathing cat-dragon. The cleric invokes the protection of the cat-gods, blocking the flames, as the magic user readies a spell and the fighter raises his two-pawed broadsword.
We're traveling, so here is 2 of 3 in a little series of illustrations! We'll be back with more Girl Genius story on Wednesday, August 28. Thanks everyone! —Phil & Kaja
Text in the black border above page image which is part of the image.
Studio News: (from Kaja): …Now we are at[68] the National Cartoonist's Society annual Reuben Awards, so Phil can talk to other cartoonists in person. …
2024-08-26 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. Robbing the Dragon
Forum:2024-08-26 (Monday)
A feline dungeon party with a rogue, magic user, fighter, and cleric (and dragon?!)
The cat-dragon has been knocked goofy (and unconscious). The self-satisfied cat adventurers depart with surprisingly modest amounts of loot.
We're traveling, so here is 3 of 3 in a little series of illustrations! We'll be back with more Girl Genius story on Wednesday, August 28. Thanks everyone! —Phil & Kaja
Text in the black border above page image which is part of the image.

Terribly Important Things (non-canon)[22][]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-08-28 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (093)
Forum:2024-08-28 (Wednesday)
Krosp, Martellus, The Empress, Norville
As Krosp walks off to do "terribly important things" (getting an annoyed glance from Martellus), the Empress stops him by asking exactly what he is going to do. Krosp's reply doesn't satify her, so he asks her to come along and see for herself. The Empress agrees, hoping to see him make a fool of himself. She follows Krosp on a sneaky roundabout journey, during which he steals a jar. They end up in a room with Norville, who has made a great many sandwiches. The jar Krosp purloined turns out to be full of "fishy pickles", the final ingredient needed to make Norville's "cheesydog" sandwiches truly delicious. Even the Empress is impressed and the three start gorging themselves.
Norville: "Fishy pickles are very important! You can't eat my special cheesydog sandwiches without fishy pickles!"
Fishy Pickles (aka Terribly Important Things), Cheesydog Sandwiches Studio News: (from Kaja): COMING SOON: Magic the Gathering tokens with art by Phil! You can sign up to be notified when OMA's mini-Kickstarter campaign for the set goes live! The cards look so good that they decided to run a little campaign for them. We are very pleased.

Now that the last of the Volume 20 International shipments are out (more on that will be posted soon on the Volume 20 Kickstarter updates page) I'm gearing up to do a little mini-crowdfund project for some of our exclusive medals and other pointy-pinnish items. I might try a few different platforms just to see what life is like outside Kickstarter, but before I do any of that I need to get the designs finished! So more on that later.
I'll be back to streaming vidya games on Wednesdays, and I'm trying to figure out how to set up my camera to stream some of my painting as well. I'm ProfessoressaFoglio on Twitch, and official office hours are 6-9 PM Wednesdays, Seattle time.

I Think You'll Live (non-canon)[22][]

Location: With Gil in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-08-30 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (094)
Forum:2024-08-30 (Friday)
Gil, Dal Maghiar
Partially visible sign on wall at top of panel 2
Menu posted on wall, panel 2
Sign on door, partially visible in panels 3 and 5[69]

A General Discussion[]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-02 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (095)
Forum:2024-09-02 (Monday)
Agatha, General Koppleslav, General Zog, General Goomblast
Beeg Monster (Hideous Extradimensional Being: Type 1), Jäger, Drinky Tea Vit No Bones In, Stop-Time (Take-Five Bomb)
2024-09-04 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (096)
Forum:2024-09-04 (Wednesday)
Agatha, General Khrizhan, Zeetha, Tarvek, General Zog, General Goomblast, Bang, General Koppleslav
General Gkika (Mamma Gkika), De Cathedral (Red Cathedral), Old Klaus/Him/He (Klaus Wulfenbach), Hyu Leedle Toy/Dis Krezy Wand Gizmo (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), De Time/Hiz Trap (Take-Five Bomb)

Very Sad Indeed (non-canon)[22][]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-06 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (097)
Forum:2024-09-06 (Friday)
Eotain, Hat Geisterdame, Other Geisterdamen, Othar

Spies Like Us[]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-09 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (098)
Forum:2024-09-09 (Monday)
Neena, Rakethorn, Trelawney
Castle Wulfenbach, Mechanicsburg, The Other, Polar Lords, Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), Your Mother (Albia), Princess of the Realm‏‎

So Angry! (non-canon)[1][]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-11 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (099)
Forum:2024-09-11 (Wednesday)
Boris Dolokhov, Gritha Pantagruel, Wulfenbach clank, \Voice from Out of Panel
Castle Wulfenbach, Wasped (Revenant), That "Storm King" Person (Martellus), His Knights (Knights of the Hunt), Some Parity
2024-09-13 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (100)
Forum:2024-09-13 (Friday)
Bat-eared Jäger, Pinhead Jäger, Beard Braid Jäger, Shaggy Bangs Jäger, Spike Chin Jäger, Boris, Dimo
De General (Jägergenerals)

Sandwich Diplomacy (non-canon)[1][]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-16 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (101)
Forum:2024-09-16 (Monday)
The Empress, Krosp, Norville
Sandwiches[70], Martellus
NOM (×7)
SFX, panel 1
EAT (×4)
SFX, panel 1

Strike Force Assemble![]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-18 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (102)
Forum:2024-09-18 (Wednesday)
Boris, Dimo, Martellus, Othar, Trelawney, Krosp, The Empress, Wulfenbach clank, Jäger, Knight of the Hunt
Lucrezia, Revenants
2024-09-20 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (103)
Forum:2024-09-20 (Friday)
Ruxala, Two Unnamed Vespiary Squad Members, Over Two Dozen Wasp eaters, Wulfenbach clank, Two Jägers, Wulfenbach Soldiers, Wulfenbach minions and staff
Vespiary Squad, Herr Dolokhov (Boris Dolokhov)

Wasp Eater Backstory[]

Location: Gil's Time Lab on the outskirts of Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-09-23 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (104)
Forum:2024-09-23 (Monday)
Boris, Dimo, Ruxala, Wasp eaters, <Ruxala, <Martellus, <Agatha, <Sergeant Scorp, <Mechanicsburgers
Ruxala: "But then I saw Sergeant Scorp. He was in a panic. Shouting. I never did find out what he was saying—but when an old soldier like him wants me to move, I move."
The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach)
2024-09-25 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (105)
Forum:2024-09-25 (Wednesday)
<Ruxala, <Sergeant Scorp, <Crowds of Mechanicsburgers, <Clank
Town (Mechanicsburg), Front Gate[71], Jägerhorde (Jägermonsters), Time Stop (Take-Five Bomb)
Uppermost visible sign on storefront to left, panel 1
Lower visible sign on storefront to left, panel 1
Sign in store window to left, panel 1
Uppermost visible sign on storefront to right, panel 1
Sign on storefront to right, panel 1
2024-09-27 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (106)
Forum:2024-09-27 (Friday)
<Ruxala, <Female Wulfenbach Soldier, <Male Wulfenbach Soldier, <Dimo, <Two-eyed Jägermonster with Horns, <Three-eyed Jäger, <Oggie, <Maxim, <One-eyed Jäger, <Two-eyed Jäger with Tusks
It (Time stop), Bug Hunters (Vespiary Squad), Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach)
SFX, panel 2
Roadside sign, panel 3
2024-09-30 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (107)
Forum:2024-09-30 (Monday)
Dimo[72], <Dimo, <Female Wulfenbach Soldier, <Two-eyed Jägermonster with Horns, <Two-eyed Jäger with Tusks, <Maxim, <Oggie, <Vespiary Squad member (dying), <Wulfenbach Soldier, <Three-eyed Jäger, <Wulfenbach clank (destroyed), <Vespiary Squad member (dead), <Wasp eater (dead), <One-eyed Jäger, <Vespiary Squad members (dead)
2024-10-02 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (108)
Forum:2024-10-02 (Wednesday)
Dimo[73], <Wasp eaters, <Dimo, <Ruxala, <Other Vespiary Squad members, <Other Jägermonster, <Oggie, Trelawney, <Goofy Jägers, <Wooster, Krosp, <Agatha's Wasp eater, <Agatha
De Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), Her Mamma (Lucrezia)

Strike Team on the Move (non-canon)[1][]

Location: Approaching and boarding the Goblin, outside Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-10-04 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (109)
Forum:2024-10-04 (Friday)
Martellus, Dimo, Boris, Knights of the Hunt, The Empress, Krosp, Shaggy Bangs Jäger, Othar, Spike Chin Jäger, Trelawney, Pinhead Jäger, Other Wulfenbach Troops and Ground Crew Members
Boris: "You have indeed been very clever. I can see why they made you a general."
Dimo: "Yah, yah! Hy gots two brain cells und Hy ken rubs dem together! Hoorayzah for me! It does not make me happy."
Boris: "Oh, it never does."
Othar: "Nonsense! I am always cheerful!"
Krosp: "Of course…"
The Other, Castle Wulfenbach, Wasp eaters, General (Jägergenerals)
Name of tethered airship, panel 3
Numbers on tanks[74] near airship, panel 3
2024-10-07 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (110)
Forum:2024-10-07 (Monday)
Van, Oana Grosu, Dimo, Boris, Krosp, Martellus, The Empress, Trelawney, Knights of the Hunt, Jägers, Members of the Goblin's Crew
The Goblin, Castle Wulfenbach, The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach), Mechanicsburg
On Barrel (next to Dimo), far left, panel 1

Best Pal Ever[]

Location: With Gil in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-10-09 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (111)
Forum:2024-10-09 (Wednesday)
Gil, Dal Maghiar
Double Fortified Lingonberry Snap (see List of beverages), Madboy (Spark)
Caption, upper left, above panel 1
DOUBLE Ling[onberry] Sna[p]
Label on bottle, panel 2
Sign over shop window/entrance, panel 4
2024-10-11 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (112)
Forum:2024-10-11 (Friday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time), Gun-Toting Black Squad Trooper, Sword-Wielding Black Squad Trooper, Kill-Happy Black Squad Trooper, Additional Black Squad Troopers
Snap (Double Fortified Lingonberry Snap—see List of beverages), Madboy (Spark), Your Dad (Klaus Wulfenbach), Castle Wulfenbach, The Lady Heterodyne (Agatha)
Standing sign in foreground, panel 1
Sign on building, middle background, panel 1
Signs on building, right, panel 1
Sign on building, right background, panel 3
SFX, panel 4
SFX, panel 5
Poster on wall, right panel 6
2024-10-14 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (113)
Forum:2024-10-14 (Monday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil, Grabby Black Squad Trooper, Black-Eye Black Squad Trooper, Additional Black Squad Troopers
Freeze (Time stop)
SFX, panel 4
Sign above shop display window, panel 7
Price tag in display window, panel 7
Sign below shop display window, panel 7
On cigar box[75], panel 7
2024-10-16 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (114)
Forum:2024-10-16 (Wednesday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil
Lady Heterodyne (Agatha), You Guys/Those Jerks (Black Squad), My Father/Your Dad (Klaus Wulfenbach), My Teams (Wulfenbach Time Tunnelling Team), Here (Time stop in Mechanicsburg), Zagreb, Stosh
2024-10-18 (Friday)
Vol.2-11 p. (115)
Forum:2024-10-18 (Friday)
Dal Maghiar, Gil, Mechanicsburgers (frozen in time)
Revenants, Ice eaters (Polar Lords), Pocket Space, Your Dad/My Father (Klaus), Agatha, The Others (Zeetha, Violetta, Tarvek), Your People (Black Squad), Time Still Stopped (Time stop)

Extra Power Source (non-canon)[22][]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-10-21 (Monday)
Vol.2-11 p. (116)
Forum:2024-10-21 (Monday)
Agatha, Tarvek, Kjarl, Bang, General Khrizhan, General Zog, Zeetha, Wee Beastie
Agatha is concerned by a change in the appearance of her time-control staff[76]. She asks Kjarl about it; he replies that the time-stop field is growing stronger. Agatha remarks that Albia said her staff could handle the frozen time zone and Kjarl reminds everyone they have an extra power source. Zog and Zeetha discuss the upcoming dangers of the mission. Tarvek thinks he has spotted the Baron but then the entire party reacts with varying degrees of surprise, dismay, and horror.
Beastie: "Snap it up! Look, the dust is thinner in this direction!"
Tarvek: "Yes—I think I see the Baron! That's lucky, he's right— No… wait… uh…"
Time stop, Gil, Her Majesty (Queen Albia of England), The Lantern (Prende's Chronometric Lantern), The Baron (Klaus Wulfenbach)
Caption, upper left, panel 1
Studio News: (from Kaja): Phil and I will be in Las Vegas this weekend, for MagicCon: the big Magic the Gathering event of 2024! October 25-27 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Klaus MAY Have Screwed Up[]

Location: With Agatha in time-frozen Mechanicsburg

Names Used Text Extras
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)
Vol.2-11 p. (117) & (118)
Forum:2024-10-23 (Wednesday)
Agatha, Klaus
Agatha reacts with shock as she and her group confront a crowd of dozens of individuals frozen in the time-stop field, each of whom appears to be Klaus Wulfenbach. Each Klaus seems to have his own time-stop device, but some are throwing them in the air or have dropped them (one even attempting to step on the device), so it is hard to be sure. The Klauses are all in different postures, with varying expressions displaying a wide range of emotions.
Agatha: "What—?"
Written on building, near top of page (117), the left half of the double-page spread.[77]
Displayed on readout of some of the time-stop devices near the center right of the double-page spread.[79]
Studio News: (from Kaja): So yes, it's another double-page spread, so if you want to see a larger version, follow this Elegant and Finely-Crafted Link!


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 The title for this section is not from the Canon; that is, it is not from the Girl Genius website navigation menu. It was added for easier navigation within the chronology.
  2. This may be the same character as the one addressed as "Lieutenant" by Bang on the next page of the comic. The coloring of his uniform is different, but that could be an error.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 On Royal Navy ships in the real world, the person who is second in command of a naval vessel is referred to as "First Lieutenant" regardless of their actual rank. Presumably that is why Bang addresses her second in command as "Lieutenant".
  4. Although some details of his uniform are different, the tentative assumption is being made here that the person Bang is referring to as her second in command on this page is the same person that she referred to as "Lieutenant" on the previous page of the comic and that the difference in details of the uniform are due to an art error.
  5. It seems very likely that the person who tries to stab Tarvek and is fatally stopped by Bang is a revenant. The revenants in this locality might be under the control of Lucrezia/The Other or Zola/The Queen of the Dawn, but both of them have reason to want Tarvek out of the way.
  6. These characters are shown looking over the remains of the Hive Engines. They are at a considerable distance from the viewer and so are rendered without much detail, but from what can be seen, they look a lot like Corbettite Monks. While they could be some kind of superficially similar Wulfenbach Military Technicians/Specialists, something as dangerous as Hive Engines, especially Hive Engines potentially modified by entities as dangerous and mysterious as the Polar Lords, would be right up the Corbettites' alley.
  7. There is internal evidence in the comic that the airship Neena stowed away on was actually called the HMS Titan. Perhaps this new ship name will be corrected.
  8. See panel 4 of the page for Monday, January 8, 2024.
  9. Since Gil is using this vessel as his command center, presumably it is Castle Wulfenbach or at least some large, well-equipped Wulfenbach airship.
  10. 10.0 10.1 There is a insignia on the visor of this female officer's hat that looks like the letter 'T'.
  11. Probably. The identity of this person is uncertain because they are bowing and their face cannot be seen. But General Banks was present on the previous page and, as the highest-ranking Wulfenbach military officer present, it makes sense that he would be bidding farewell to Gil.
  12. Quite possibly. The identity of this person is uncertain because they are bowing and their face cannot be seen, but Captain T-Hat's hat was off on the previous page , as it is here, and her hair is very distinctive. And, as one of the highest-ranking Wulfenbach military officers present, it makes sense that she would be bidding farewell to Gil.
  13. Possibly. The identity of this person is uncertain because their face is completely obscured. But Lord Moncrieff was present on the previous page and, as one of the highest-ranking of Albia's subjects present, it makes sense that he would be bidding farewell to Gil.
  14. There is another gauge, apparently a pressure gauge, back in volume 18 on page (034), panel 3, posted on Friday, January 5, 2018, which has the letters KPC printed on the dial. It is natural to interpret these letters as units of pressure, but hard to come up with an interpretation that makes sense.
  15. There may be additional digits in this number.
  16. It is natural to interpret these letters as units of pressure, but hard to come up with an interpretation that makes sense.
  17. The first reference to the Polar Ice Lords as "de Reindeer Boys" was in volume 8, page (042), panel 1, posted Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
  18. The text on the visor of Dimo's "General" hat will not be mentioned again unless it become relevant to the plot; assume it is there unless you are told otherwise.
  19. Chester Bonesteff's name is revealed on the next page of the comic.
  20. Separate cries from individual Jägers in the horde have been combined into a single line of dialog.
  21. As seen starting on page (120) of volume 13 posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.
  22. 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 Although this is a non-canon section, it is considered to be an important navigation item, so it has been promoted to the same heading level as the canonical sections.
  23. Agatha's Vally, aka the Valley of the Heterodynes or the Valley of Mechanicsburg
  24. The final digit isn't very clear. It might be another '3', but it looks very different from the first one, so it is probably a '5'.
  25. Voice from out of panel
  26. At least it could be him, but we only see him from the back on this page.
  27. 27.0 27.1 , Norville and Krosp are continuing their fight off-panel on this page (021), posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Their voices are heard in panel 4.
  28. A previous version of the cover for volume 21 was shown as a pencil sketch posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, but was abandoned.
  29. Or rather, British actors made up to look like Jägermonsters.
  30. This page was posted as number 027, which duplicates the number of the previous page, posted on Friday, March 15, 2024. This should be corrected soon; in the Patreon post for Wednesday, March 20, 2024 (behind a paywall), Kaja says, "Also, thanks for the note about the last page's number; I'll try to fix it properly soon."
  31. On the page for Monday, March 18, 2024, Norville is back in human form, fully dressed, and sound asleep.
  32. This Geisterdame is wearing Oggie's hat and must be the one who requested kissing lessons, prompting the Jäger to give it to her.
  33. This Geisterdame can be indentified as Eotain since she and Othar are exchanging smiles and waves.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Seffie visualizes a glowering Agatha and Gil protectively standing in front of a smiling, innocent-looking Tarvek.
  35. Seen through window. The identity of this character isn't certain, but it seems likely that they are a member of the Wulfenbach forces since they are standing next to a Wulfenbach clank.
  36. Seen through window.
  37. 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 Dreen-R is the one who says "Rude"; Dreen-W, "Weird"; and Dreen-BT, "'Bout time": see the page for Monday, April 8, 2024. At first, the three Dreen that appear near Mechanicsburg following Agatha's return, after she has helped drive off the Polar Lords using her Sparky talents and Lady Heterodyne's Star, were identified in the chronology of this wiki as Dreen #1, Dreen #2, and Dreen #3. But, inspired by seeing these Dreen identified as "Rude", "Weird", and "'Bout time" in discussions on the Girl Genius subreddit, it was decided to rename them as Dreen-R, Dreen-W, and Dreen-BT. The intention was to come up with unique (for searchability) names that still call to mind the memorable scene where they speak those words. However, when the Dreen revert to their original appearance, it becomes very difficult to determine who is who. In those cases, the Dreen who can't be identified will be referred to using a hyphen (dash) and a number, for example, Dreen-2.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 In this conversation, individual Dreen can be identified because Agatha uses her staff on them on the next page of the comic (posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 ).
  39. In panel 1 of the page for Wednesday, April 17, 2024, Tarvek is shown, but doesn't speak. Kjarl Thotep isn't shown, but his out-of-panel voice is the only dialog in the panel, so he is listed first.
  40. One of the Dreen is the only speaker in the first panel and so is listed first, even though this character is not shown until the second panel.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 When the Dreen are back in "interchangable appearance" mode, it is not always clear which of them is speaking. This footnote indicates the instances where an educated (or occasionally wild) guess is made.
  42. Possibly including a Knight of the Hunt
  43. The wording shown here can be seen nearly in full on the previous page, panel 1.
  44. "EEK" Is written on the license certificate under a picture of a rat's head. This lettering is very hard to see on the colored version of the page, but is readable in Phil's pencil sketch on the Patreon page for the comic page posted on Friday, May 17 (behind a paywall). Eek (shown to be a rat wearing an apron on the previous page ) is the licensee and apparently the proprieter of a Mechanicsburg shop called "Fruit to Nuts". It is short for Eekineezer. The information on the rat's name comes from Kaja in her comment on that Patreon page.
  45. The name of this clank character was spelled "Bohrlaikha" in the comic during her initial set of appearances, starting with her first. It is reproduced in the new variant spelling here since this occurrence is part of a section title, but elsewhere in the chronology it is spelled "Bohrlaikha" for consistency with the previous part of the story.
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.7 46.8 46.9 This clank character's name has been spelled "Bohrlaika" in the comic (omitting a second 'h' after the 'k') since she has come back into the story after a long absence. This is inconsistent with the original spelling, "Bohrlaikha".
  47. The speaker in panels one through three on the page for Friday, May 31, 2024 is not visible in those panels and their identity is uncertain even afterward. It's also uncertain whether only one speaker is involved or a few. The identity of the speaker is guessed to be Bang here because she speaks in almost every remaining panel on the page and she is the only identifiable person asking questions, as the speaker in those initial panels does.
  48. In panel 2 of the page for Monday, June 3, 2024, Bohrlaikha is shown but a series of tailless dialog balloons show that someone present in the scene, but not in the panel, is speaking. Comparing what is said in those balloons with what Gil says in panel 3 makes it seems extremely likely he was the speaker in panel 2 as well. Therefore, he is listed before Bohrlaikha in the character list for this page.
  49. The punctuation "—…—" in Zeetha's dialog represents a long pause during which Zeetha is temporarily caught in the Mechanicsburg time freeze.
  50. The full word starting with 'M' on the map/brochure is revealed to be "museum" in panel 1 of the page of the comic for Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in which a larger portion of the same map is shown.
  51. Editorial note: In this case, the colors were not delayed.
  52. This text is very hard to discern in the color version of the page posted on the Girl Genius website. This transcription is taken from the pencil sketch version posted on the Girl Genius Patreon page for the page posted on Friday, June 14, 2024 (behind a paywall). Confusingly, this Patreon page was posted with the date May 14, 2024.
  53. In an earlier view of the same time-frozen scene, the lower street sign read "ZIPF", not "ZIPP".
  54. Zeetha doesn't appear on the page for Wednesday, June 19, 2024, but her voice is heard from "off screen" in panel 8.
  55. The same map/brochure is shown on the page for Friday, June 7, 2024. Compared to the rendering of the map shown on the page for the date of this chronology entry (Wednesday, June 19, 2024), less text is shown, but some of it is more readable on the earlier page.
  56. 56.0 56.1 The Wee Beastie and Portable Castle are presumably present in the background of this scene, because the weird Kjarl-created vehicle they are piloting/riding is present, but the top of it, where they normally perch, is blocked by an arm of one of the Dreen.
  57. A cooper is a craftsperson who makes barrels, which are displayed in front of this store.
  58. This text is very hard to decipher in the colored version of the page posted on the comic website. It has been transcribed from the pencil sketch, available as a bonus for patrons (behind a paywall), on the Girl Genuis Patreon page for Monday, June 24, 2024.
  59. The sign partially visible here is above a framed panel (only a small portion of which can be seen) that could be the window of a ticket booth. That, and the fact that it appears next to a much larger sign listing what seems to be the prices of admission to the Laughing Tower, a "fun-house-style" attaction in the Red Cathedral, are why this full text of this sign is assume to be "TICKETS".
  60. 60.0 60.1 The number here is presumably the price of admission in whatever unit of currency is used in Mechanicsburg.
  61. This figure is dimly visible between Agatha's and Tarvek's heads in the background.
  62. This may be a Diesel Sweeties reference.
  63. Castle Heterodyne is shown on a screen, presumably as part of the game being played by Agatha in the ad.
  64. The assumption is being made here that "Hellebore" is the name of the Black Squad who speaks to Dal Maghiar in panels 1 and 2.
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 In the Girl Genius Patreon entry for Friday, August 2, 2024 (behind a paywall), Kaja included an image of the page for Monday, July 29, 2024 without any dialog balloons, which displays the text obscured by them on the published version of the page. The Patreon page image is the source of the text transcribed here.
  66. It is assumed that all the beings in uniforms that display a Wulfenbach sigil are members of one of the many Wulfenbach military units. The word "beings" in this note is used advisedly because, although almost everyone in uniform shown on this page seems human, there is one non-human creature in uniform in panel 4.
  67. This character's rank is revealed to be captain on the next page of the comic.
  68. Emphasis added.
  69. Some of the text on this page is difficult to read in the colored version of the comic posted to the Girl Genius website and has been has been transcribed from the pencil sketch posted on the Girl Genius Patreon page for the comic posted Friday, August 30, 2024, which is behind a paywall. The full text of the sign can be reconstructed from the different views in the two panels.
  70. Presumably, Cheesydog sandwiches with fishy pickles.
  71. This gate seems to be the same as the one referred to as the Main Gate in the Mechanicsburg article.
  72. Present day Dimo is narrating this page, which is nearly all flashback, from the beginning, so he is listed first, even though he doesn't appear in non-flashback form until panel 8.
  73. Present day Dimo is narrating the flashback panels on this page, which include the first one, so he is listed first, even though he doesn't appear in non-flashback form until panel 2.
  74. A hose connects tank #1 to the ship. Presumably, fuel or supplies (such as water), are being pumped on board.
  75. The cigar box is held under Dal Maghiar's left arm. In the colored version of the page image, the text is hard to discern. It was transcribed from the pencil sketch on the Patreon post for the comic page for Monday, October 14, 2024 (behind a paywall).
  76. This is the transformed version of Prende's Chronometric Lantern, known as Lady Heterodyne's Star after its transformation by Albia and originally called Ninisinaa's Star, after its creator, an Ancient God-Queen.
  77. The sign on the building is easier to read in the pencil sketch for the double-page spread on pages (117) and (118), shown on the corresponding Patreon page, behind a paywall.
  78. The fact that the number 2 is displayed on three of the time-stop devices is almost impossible to make out on the today's page, but it can be clearly seen in the pencil sketch version of the double-page spread shown on the Patreon page, "Girl Genius Comic for Wed. & Fri., October 23 & 25, 2024" (behind a paywall). This is also confirmed in the comic in the next volume on page (003), posted on Friday, November 1, 2024 .
  79. The three Klauses holding time-stop devices that display a "2" are the frontmost Klaus, holding the device over his head and the two who flank him. Of these, the one to the left is also holding the device up and the one to the right is holding it out to the right.


Chronology Overview         Internal Chronology
Key Book red = First page of volume                 Calendar metal = chronology                 Cast multicolor = cast
Act 1 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

13 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

Act 2 1 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

2 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

3 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

4 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

5 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

6 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

7 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

8 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

9 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

10 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

11 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor

12 Book red

Calendar metal Cast multicolor
