Girl Genius contains many tea references.
Agatha suggests tea while she finds the plans she crammed into the closet. 2002-12-18 (Wednesday) ✣
The Generals invite Agatha to tea ✣ .
Zoing makes tea and wants to keep the job ✣ .
One of "Madame Olga's" customers wants advice after doing something for forty-three hours with a tea cozy and only one spoon. 2005-05-23 (Monday) ✣
Lucrezia's secret laboratory has a tea cart. 2010-05-07 (Friday) ✣
Klaus asks for tea when he surrenders and sets off the Take-Five Bomb. 2013-05-01 (Wednesday) ✣
Tweedle has had enough tea. 2013-08-07 (Wednesday) ✣
Agatha considers a teapot ✣ designed by a Heterodyne.
Tybalt serves ✣ at a tea party for Zeetha, Violetta and Bang.
Wooster and Dimo would kill for a cup of tea ✣ .
Rakethorn serves a Scoundrel's Tea to Agatha and Tarvek. 2018-09-10 (Monday) ✣ (Tea here refers to the meal, not just the beverage.)
The Black Spot Teahouse's specialty is special tea ✣ .
Higgs makes tea in the ruins beneath Big Rat Island. 2021-07-28 (Wednesday) ✣
As Agatha and her companions start their return to Mechanicsburg, every British subject present is suddenly, simultaneously, and emphatically made to decide it's time for tea. ✣
Off comic[]
Tea keeps things ✣ civilised ✣
Trelawney Thorpe has a tea pot in her card in The Works.
In Agatha H. and the Airship City, Zoing and Wooster get into a vigorous off-stage "discussion" about who will be serving tea to Gil and Agatha.