Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Resistances, abbreviated in-game as RES, are attributes that reduces incoming DMG of specific types.

Base RES of playable characters is always 0%, while Base RES for enemies vary greatly. There are ways to increase or decrease RES. Total RES is calculated as:

RES Multiplier[]

RES Multiplier vs RES Graph

RES Multiplier vs RES

The DMG multiplier provided by RES varies nonlinearly with the RES percentage. Depending on the value of in the interval below, the corresponding is as follows:[1]

Formula Interval
RES < 0
0 ≤ RES < 0.75
RES ≥ 0.75

For example, an enemy with 10% RES (0.1) will have a RES multiplier (meaning that damage is reduced). If one swirls with the Viridescent Venerer set to reduce resistance by 40%, then the RES (-0.3) will have a RES multiplier (meaning that damage is amplified).

In general, since the RES multiplier decreases with RES percentage, the lower the target's RES percentage, the more damage one can do to it.

RES Types[]

There are 8 types of RES corresponding to the 7 Elements and Physical DMG.

Specific details for the abilities, items, reactions, and other effects that modify a character's or enemy's resistance are listed on these separate pages.

Element RES
Anemo Anemo RES
Cryo Cryo RES
Dendro Dendro RES
Electro Electro RES
Geo Geo RES
Hydro Hydro RES
Pyro Pyro RES
Physical Physical RES

Enemy RES[]

Enemy Elemental RES Physical RES Other
Slime Slime 10% 10% Immune to own element
Hilichurls Hilichurls 10% 10%
Mitachurl Mitachurl 10% 30%
Samachurl Samachurl 10% 10% +40% RES to own element
Lawachurl Lawachurl 10% 50% +60% RES to own element
Ruin Guard Ruin Guard 10% 70%
Ruin Grader Ruin Grader 10% 70%
Ruin Hunter Ruin Hunter 10% 50%
Whopperflower Whopperflower 35% 35% +40% RES to own element
-25% All RES when stunned
Fatui Skirmisher Fatui Skirmisher 10% -20% +100% All RES with elemental armor
Fatui Pyro Agent Fatui Pyro Agent 10% -20% +40% Pyro RES
Fatui Cicin Mage Fatui Cicin Mage 10% -20% +40% RES to own element
Treasure Hoarder Treasure Hoarder 10% -20%
Millelith Millelith 10% -20%
Geovishap Hatchling Geovishap Hatchling 10% 30% +40% Geo RES
Geovishap Geovishap 10% 30% +40% Geo RES
+20% RES to own element after infusing
Abyss Mage Abyss Mage 10% 10%
Abyss Herald Abyss Herald 10% 10%
Abyss Lector Abyss Lector 10% 10%
Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm 10% 10% Immune to Anemo
Cicin Cicin 10% -50% +40% RES to own element
The Great Snowboar King The Great Snowboar King 10% 50% +20% Cryo RES
Hypostasis Hypostasis 10% 10% Immune to own element
Rhodeia of Loch Oceanid 10% 10%
Hydro Mimic Hydro Mimic 15% 15% Immune to Hydro
Boar and Squirrel -55% Pyro RES
Crane and Raptor -55% Electro RES
Crab and Mallard -55% Cryo RES
Finch and Frog -55% Geo RES
Hydro Mimic Hydro Mimic (Event) 10% 10% Immune to Hydro
Cryo Regisvine Cryo Regisvine 10% 30% +60% Cryo RES
+100% All RES while shielded
Pyro Regisvine Pyro Regisvine 10% 30% +60% Pyro RES
+100% All RES while shielded
Electro Regisvine Electro Regisvine 10% 30% +60% Electro RES
+300% All RES while shielded
Primo Geovishap Primo Geovishap 10% 30% +40% Geo RES
+20% RES to own element
+200% All RES when awaking
-50% All RES for 5 seconds after being countered
Dvalin Dvalin 10% 10%
Andrius Andrius 10% 10% Immune to Anemo and Cryo
Childe Childe 0% 0% Phase 1:
+50% Hydro RES
-30% All RES when stunned
Phase 2:
+50% Electro RES
-50% All RES when stunned
Phase 3:
+70% Hydro RES
+70% Electro RES
Azhdaha Azhdaha 10% 40% +60% Geo RES
+60% RES to infused element after first infusion
+50% RES to infused element after second infusion.
Maguu Kenki Maguu Kenki 10% 10%
Dual Maguu Kenki Dual Maguu Kenki 10% 10% +20% RES to own element
Ruin Cruiser Ruin Cruiser 10% 30%
Ruin Destroyer Ruin Destroyer 10% 30%
Ruin Defender Ruin Defender 10% 50%
Ruin Scout Ruin Scout 10% 50%
Perpetual Mechanical Array Perpetual Mechanical Array 10% 70% -50% All RES when stunned
Nobushi Nobushi 10% -20%
Kairagi Kairagi 10% -20%
Mirror Maiden Mirror Maiden 10% -20% +40% Hydro RES
Specter Specter 10% 10% Immune to own element
Thunder Manifestation Thunder Manifestation 10% 10% Immune to Electro
La Signora La Signora 10% 10% Phase 1: +40% Cryo RES
Phase 2: +60% Pyro RES
Rifthound Rifthound 25% 25% -65% RES to own element in Elemental Devourer state
Rifthound Whelp Rifthound Whelp 20% 20% -30% RES to own element in Elemental Devourer state
Golden Wolflord Golden Wolflord 25% 25% +200% All RES at the beginning of battle
-45% Geo RES in Elemental Devourer state
Fellflower Fellflower (Event Boss) 210% 210% +60% Cryo RES
-200% All RES after the shield is destroyed
Bathysmal Vishap Bathysmal Vishap (Hatchling) 10% 30% +10% RES to own element
Bathysmal Vishap Bathysmal Vishap (Large) 10% 30% +20% RES to own element
Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto 10% 10% +200% All RES when in the Baleful Shadowlord phase
-60% All RES when stunned after the Baleful Shadowlord phase ends
Shadowy Husk Shadowy Husk 10% 30% +20% RES to own element
Black Serpent Knight: Windcutter Black Serpent Knight: Windcutter 10% 30% +40% Anemo RES
Black Serpent Knight: Rockbreaker Ax Black Serpent Knight: Rockbreaker Ax 10% 30% +40% Geo RES
+50% All RES during rampage
Fungus Fungus (Small, Except Dendro) 10% 10% +10% RES to own element
+10% Dendro RES
Floating Dendro Fungus Floating Dendro Fungus 10% 10% +15% Dendro RES
Fungus Fungus (Large, Except Dendro) 10% 10% +20% RES to own element
+20% Dendro RES
Winged Dendroshroom Winged Dendroshroom 10% 10% +30% Dendro RES
Ruin Serpent Ruin Serpent 10% 70% +300% All RES when charging
The Eremites The Eremites (Low Tier) 10% -20%
The Eremites The Eremites (Mid Tier) 10% -20% -60% RES to own element while stunned
The Eremites The Eremites (High Tier) 10% -20% +50% All RES while enhanced
-60% RES to own element while stunned
Ruin Drake Ruin Drake 10% 50% +40% RES to absorbed element
Jadeplume Terrorshroom Jadeplume Terrorshroom 25% 25% +55% Dendro RES
-25% All RES while stunned
Sumpter Beast Sumpter Beast 10% 10%
Rishboland Tiger Rishboland Tiger 10% 10%
Spinocrocodile Spinocrocodile 10% 10%
Aeonblight Drake Aeonblight Drake 10% 70% +60% RES to absorbed element
+100% All RES at the beginning of battle
Primal Construct Primal Construct (Elite Enemy) 10% 10% +50% All RES while invisible
Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network 10% 10% +200% All RES while invisible
+100% All RES at the beginning of battle
Red Vulture Red Vulture 10% 10%
Scorpion Scorpion 10% 10%
Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom (Phase 1) 10% 10% +40% Electro RES
Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom (Phase 2) 30% 30% +60% Electro RES
+200% All RES while shielded
-170% All RES while stunned against attacks that hit chest
Consecrated Beast Consecrated Beast 40% 40% +30% RES to own element
-30% All RES while stunned
-30% RES to own element while stunned
Setekh Wenut Setekh Wenut 25% 25% +35% Anemo RES
-45% RES to elements that its Windbite Bullets were destroyed by while paralyzed
+30% All RES in the Spiral Abyss
Flying Serpent Flying Serpent 10% 10%
Hilichurl Rogue Hilichurl Rogue 10% 10% +40% RES to own element
Iniquitous Baptist Iniquitous Baptist 10% 10%
Guardian of Apep's Oasis Guardian of Apep's Oasis 10% 10% +60% Dendro RES
Tainted Hydro Phantasm Tainted Hydro Phantasm 10% 10% Immune to Hydro
Breacher Primus Breacher Primus (Small) 10% 10% +20% RES to own element
Breacher Primus Breacher Primus (Large) 10% 10% +40% RES to own element
Fontemer Aberrant Fontemer Aberrant 10% 10% +60% All RES while shielded
Clockwork Meka Clockwork Meka 10% 10%
Emperor of Fire and Iron Emperor of Fire and Iron 10% 10% +50% Pyro RES
+60% All RES while shielded (in overworld)
+80% All RES while shielded (in Spiral Abyss)
Icewind Suite Icewind Suite 10% 10% +60% Anemo RES
+60% Cryo RES
+300% All RES at the beginning of battle
+25% All RES during Coppelia's Climax
Fatui Operative Fatui Operative 10% -20% +40% RES to own element
Millennial Pearl Seahorse Millennial Pearl Seahorse 10% 10% +50% Electro RES
+60% All RES while shielded (in overworld)
+80% All RES while shielded (in Spiral Abyss)
Prototype Cal Prototype Cal. Breguet 10% 10% +60% Geo RES
Hydro Tulpa Hydro Tulpa 10% 10% Immune to Hydro
+45% All RES during rage
All-Devouring Narwhal All-Devouring Narwhal 10% 10% +60% Hydro RES
All-Devouring Narwhal All-Devouring Narwhal (Phantom) 10% 10% +60% Electro RES
Xuanwen Beast Xuanwen Beast 10% 10% +40% Anemo RES
+40% Hydro RES
Solitary Suanni Solitary Suanni 10% 10% +60% Anemo RES
+60% Hydro RES
+200% All RES at the beginning of battle
+200% All RES when gathering adeptal energy
Praetorian Golem Praetorian Golem 10% 10% +50% All RES while shielded
"Statue of Marble and Brass" "Statue of Marble and Brass" 10% 10% +60% All RES while shielded
-80% All RES while paralyzed
Sauroform Tribal Warrior Sauroform Tribal Warrior 10% -20%
Natlan Saurian Natlan Saurian (Adult) 10% 10% +40% RES to own element
Natlan Saurian Natlan Saurian (Whelp) 10% 10% +20% RES to own element
Natlan Saurian Natlan Saurian (Normal Boss) 10% 10% +60% RES to own element
Eroding Avatar of Lava Eroding Avatar of Lava 10% 10%
Fluid Avatar of Lava Fluid Avatar of Lava 10% 10% +60% Pyro RES
Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker 50% 50% -40% All RES while weakened or in laser state
Wayob Manifestation Wayob Manifestation 10% 10% +40% RES to own element
Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device 60% 60% -90% All RES while weakened
Tenebrous Mimiflora Tenebrous Mimiflora 10% 10%
Tenebrous Papilla Tenebrous Papilla (Normal) 20% 20% -70% All RES during paralysis
-35% All RES after recovering from paralysis
Tenebrous Papilla Tenebrous Papilla (Spiral Abyss) 70% 70% -70% All RES during paralysis
-35% All RES after recovering from paralysis
Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker 10% 10% +60% Cryo RES
-40% All RES while paralyzed
Lord of Eroded Primal Fire Lord of Eroded Primal Fire 10% 10%

Enemy Resistance Modifiers[]

Enemy Resistance can be affected by various other effects:

Effect Amount Resistance type Notes
Elemental Nodes +50% All An additional +50% to the node's element.
Superconduct -40% Physical Effect lasts 12 seconds
Attendants Ley Line Disorder +10% All
Shikifuda: Snowstorm Summoning -20% All

Decreasing Enemy RES[]

Several character abilities can decrease the base enemy resistances listed above. For specific details, see the individual Resistance pages.


There are 9 Talents that match the category selection:

Divine Maiden's Deliverance Divine Maiden's Deliverance
Shenhe Shenhe
Unleashes the power of the Talisman Spirit, allowing it to roam free in this plane, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
The Talisman Spirit then creates a field that decreases the Cryo RES and Physical RES of opponents within it. It also deals periodic Cryo DMG to opponents within the field.
Elemental Burst
Dominus Lapidis Dominus Lapidis
Zhongli Zhongli
Every mountain, rock and inch of land is filled with the power of Geo, but those who can wield such powers freely are few and far between.

Commands the power of earth to create a Stone Stele.

Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects:
  • If their maximum number hasn't been reached, creates a Stone Stele.
  • Creates a shield of jade. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli's Max HP.
  • Deals AoE Geo DMG.
  • If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.

Stone Stele
When created, deals AoE Geo DMG.
Additionally, it will intermittently resonate with other nearby Geo constructs, dealing Geo DMG to surrounding opponents.
The Stone Stele is considered a Geo construct that can both be climbed and used to block attacks.
Only one Stele created by Zhongli himself may initially exist at any one time.

Jade Shield
Possesses 150% DMG Absorption against all Elemental and Physical DMG.
Characters protected by the Jade Shield will decrease the Elemental RES and Physical RES of opponents in a small AoE by 20%. This effect cannot be stacked.
Elemental Skill
Icetide Vortex Icetide Vortex
Eula Eula
Sharp frost, swift blade.

Slashes swiftly, dealing Cryo DMG.
When it hits an opponent, Eula gains a stack of Grimheart that stacks up to 2 times. These stacks can only be gained once every 0.3s.

Increases Eula's resistance to interruption and DEF.

Wielding her sword, Eula consumes all the stacks of Grimheart and lashes forward, dealing AoE Cryo DMG to opponents in front of her.
If Grimheart stacks are consumed, surrounding opponents will have their Physical RES and Cryo RES decreased.
Each consumed stack of Grimheart will be converted into an Icewhirl Brand that deals Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.
Elemental Skill
Impetuous Flow Impetuous Flow
Faruzan Faruzan
When Faruzan is in the Manifest Gale state created by Wind Realm of Nasamjnin, the amount of time taken to charge a shot is decreased by 60%, and she can apply The Wind's Secret Ways' Perfidious Wind's Bale to opponents who are hit by the vortex created by Pressurized Collapse.1st Ascension Passive
Mamaloaco's Frigid Rain Mamaloaco's Frigid Rain
Citlali Citlali
While Itzpapa is on the field, after nearby party members trigger the Frozen or Melt reactions, the Pyro and Hydro RES of opponents affected by that reaction decreases by 20% for 12s.

Additionally, Citlali will regain 16 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul can be restored this way once every 8s.
1st Ascension Passive
Rimechaser Blade Rimechaser Blade
Chongyun Chongyun
When the field created by Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost disappears, another spirit blade will be summoned to strike nearby opponents, dealing 100% of Chonghua's Layered Frost's Skill DMG as AoE Cryo DMG.
Opponents hit by this blade will have their Cryo RES decreased by 10% for 8s.
4th Ascension Passive
The Wind's Secret Ways The Wind's Secret Ways
Faruzan Faruzan
Faruzan deploys a Dazzling Polyhedron that unleashes a Whirlwind Pulse and deals AoE Anemo DMG.
While the Dazzling Polyhedron persists, it will continuously move along a triangular path. Once it reaches each corner of that triangular path, it will unleash 1 more Whirlwind Pulse.

Whirlwind Pulse
  • When the Whirlwind Pulse is unleashed, it will apply Perfidious Wind's Bale to nearby opponents, decreasing their Anemo RES.
  • The Whirlwind Pulse will also apply Prayerful Wind's Benefit to all nearby party members when it is unleashed, granting them an Anemo DMG Bonus.
Elemental Burst
Vanguard's Coordinated Tactics Vanguard's Coordinated Tactics
Chevreuse Chevreuse
When all party members are Pyro and Electro characters and there is at least one Pyro and one Electro character each in the party:
Chevreuse grants "Coordinated Tactics" to nearby party members: After a character triggers the Overloaded reaction, the Pyro and Electro RES of the opponent(s) affected by this Overloaded reaction will be decreased by 40% for 6s.
The "Coordinated Tactics" effect will be removed when the Elemental Types of the characters in the party do not meet the basic requirements for the Passive Talent.
1st Ascension Passive
Yohual's Scratch Yohual's Scratch
Xilonen Xilonen
Let the rhythms of passion resound throughout the land! Xilonen switches to high-speed combat blading gear and rushes forward a certain distance before dealing Nightsoul-aligned Geo DMG based on her DEF.
After using this, Xilonen will gain 45 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state. In this state, she will shift to the Blade Roller mode.

Source Samples
Xilonen has 3 Samplers with her that can generate different Soundscapes based on her other party members' Elemental Types, decreasing nearby opponents' corresponding Elemental RES while active.
The initial recorded Source Sample within each Sampler will be Geo, and for each party member who is Pyro/Hydro/Cryo/Electro, 1 Geo Sampler will change to that corresponding Element.
While Xilonen is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Geo Source Sample she carries will always be active. After unlocking her Passive Talent, "Netotiliztli's Echoes," Xilonen can trigger said Passive Talent's effects to regenerate Nightsoul points for herself. When her Nightsoul points hit the maximum, she will consume all her Nightsoul points and activate the 3 Source Samples she has on hand for 15s.
When the Source Samples are active, nearby opponents' corresponding Elemental RES will decrease. Source Sample effects of the same Elemental Type cannot stack. Xilonen can trigger these effects even when off-field.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Xilonen
Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When these points are depleted or if used again, this Nightsoul's Blessing state will end. This state has the following traits:
  • Switches to the Blade Roller mode, increasing Xilonen's Movement SPD and climbing speed, and she can perform high-speed leaps in Ocelot Form while climbing.
  • Xilonen's Nightsoul's Blessing has the following restrictions: When in this state, Xilonen's Nightsoul points have a 9s time limit. After this limit passes, her Nightsoul points will immediately expire.

After Xilonen's Nightsoul points have expired while she is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, she will no longer be able to generate Nightsoul points via the Passive Talent "Netotiliztli's Echoes."
Elemental Skill


There are 18 Constellations that match the category selection:

Constellation Description Level
Intertwined Winds Intertwined Winds
Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo)
Targets who take DMG from Gust Surge have their Anemo RES decreased by 20%.
If an Elemental Absorption occurred, then their RES towards the corresponding Element is also decreased by 20%.
Lands of Dandelion Lands of Dandelion
Jean Jean
Within the Field created by Dandelion Breeze, all opponents have their Anemo RES decreased by 40%.4
Storm of Defiance Storm of Defiance
Venti Venti
Targets who take DMG from Wind's Grand Ode have their Anemo RES decreased by 20%.
If an Elemental Absorption occurred, then their RES towards the corresponding Element is also decreased by 20%.
Breeze of Reminiscence Breeze of Reminiscence
Venti Venti
Skyward Sonnet decreases opponents' Anemo RES and Physical RES by 12% for 10s.
Opponents launched by Skyward Sonnet suffer an additional 12% Anemo RES and Physical RES decrease while airborne.
Dew-Drinker Dew-Drinker
Ganyu Ganyu
Taking DMG from a Charge Level 2 Frostflake Arrow or Frostflake Arrow Bloom decreases opponents' Cryo RES by 15% for 6s.
A hit regenerates 2 Energy for Ganyu. This effect can only occur once per Charge Level 2 Frostflake Arrow, regardless if Frostflake Arrow itself or its Bloom hit the target.
The Starry Skies Their Flowers Rain The Starry Skies Their Flowers Rain
Nilou Nilou
After characters affected by the Golden Chalice's Bounty deal Hydro DMG to an opponent, that opponent's Hydro RES will be decreased by 35% for 10s. After a triggered Bloom reaction deals DMG to opponents, their Dendro RES will be decreased by 35% for 10s.
You need to have unlocked the "Court of Dancing Petals" Talent.
Lakelight Top Note Lakelight Top Note
Emilie Emilie
When Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, or Cleardew Cologne produced by the Passive Talent "Lingering Fragrance" (the last of which requires Passive Talent activation) hits opponents, those opponents' Dendro RES is decreased by 30% for 10s.2
Tiger Beetle's Palm Tiger Beetle's Palm
Kinich Kinich
When Kinich's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, it will decrease their Dendro RES by 30% for 6s.
Additionally, the first Scalespiker Cannon Kinich fires after entering Nightsoul's Blessing has increased AoE, and its DMG increases by 100%.
Bane of Evil Bane of Evil
Beidou Beidou
During the duration of Stormbreaker, the Electro RES of surrounding opponents is decreased by 15%.6
Violet Vehemence Violet Vehemence
Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro)
When Falling Thunder created by Bellowing Thunder hits an opponent, it will decrease their Electro RES by 15% for 8s.2
The Oathsworn Never Capitulate The Oathsworn Never Capitulate
Navia Navia
When As the Sunlit Sky's Singing Salute hits an opponent, that opponent's Geo RES will be decreased by 20% for 8s.4
Rainbow Upon the Azure Sky Rainbow Upon the Azure Sky
Xingqiu Xingqiu
Extends the duration of Guhua Sword: Raincutter by 3s.
Decreases the Hydro RES of opponents hit by sword rain attacks by 15% for 4s.
"Can the Most Merciful of Spirits Defeat Its Foes?" "Can the Most Merciful of Spirits Defeat Its Foes?"
Sigewinne Sigewinne
When using Rebound Hydrotherapy and Super Saturated Syringing, Sigewinne can create a Bubbly Shield worth 30% of her Max HP that absorbs Hydro DMG with 250% efficiency. The Bubbly Shield will persist until Sigewinne finishes using relevant skills.
Additionally, after Rebound Hydrotherapy's Bolstering Bubblebalm or Super Saturated Syringing hits an opponent, that opponent's Hydro RES will be decreased by 35% for 8s.
Heart Devourer's Travail Heart Devourer's Travail
Citlali Citlali
Citlali gains 125 Elemental Mastery, and other characters shielded by her Opal Shield, or who have Itzpapa following them, gain 250 Elemental Mastery.
Additionally, when the Elemental Skill Dawnfrost Darkstar is used, nearby active characters will also be granted an Opal Shield.

Also, the Passive Talent "Mamaloaco's Frigid Rain" has its effects enhanced:
While Itzpapa is on the field, after nearby party members trigger Frozen or Melt, the opponent(s) affected by this reaction will have their Pyro and Hydro RES additionally decreased by 20% for 12s. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Mamaloaco's Frigid Rain" to gain access to the above effect.
Divine Retribution Divine Retribution
Rosaria Rosaria
Rites of Termination's attack decreases opponents' Physical RES by 20% for 10s.6
Wildfire Rhythm Wildfire Rhythm
Xinyan Xinyan
Sweeping Fervor's swing DMG decreases opponent's Physical RES by 15% for 12s.4
Crispy Outside, Tender Inside Crispy Outside, Tender Inside
Xiangling Xiangling
Opponents hit by Guoba's attacks have their Pyro RES reduced by 15% for 6s.1
Well-Versed, Well-Rehearsed Well-Versed, Well-Rehearsed
Lyney Lyney
After an opponent is hit by Lyney's Pyro Charged Attack, this opponent's Pyro RES will be decreased by 20% for 6s.4


2 Artifact Sets match the category selection:

Set Rarity Pieces Bonuses
Viridescent Venerer 4-5★ In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem 2 Piece: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%
4 Piece: Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.
Deepwood Memories 4-5★ Labyrinth WayfarerScholar of VinesA Time of InsightLamp of the LostLaurel Coronet 2 Piece: Dendro DMG Bonus +15%
4 Piece: After Elemental Skills or Bursts hit opponents, the targets' Dendro RES will be decreased by 30% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.

Elemental Resonance[]

The Geo Enduring Rock Elemental Resonance decreases the Geo RES by 20% for 15s of enemies who take DMG from characters protected by a shield.

Increasing Character RES[]

This list some general ways to increase character resistance. For specific details, see the individual Resistance pages.


There are 4 Talents that match the category selection:

Headspace Capture Headspace Capture
Emilie Emilie
When the Lumidouce Case created by Emilie is on the field, all party members gain 85% Pyro RES against Burning DMG.Utility Passive
Lightning Fang Lightning Fang
Razor Razor
Summons the Wolf Within, which deals Electro DMG to all nearby opponents. This clears all of Razor's Electro Sigils, which will be converted into Elemental Energy for him.
The Wolf Within will fight alongside Razor for the skill's duration.

The Wolf Within
These effects end when Razor leaves the battlefield.
When Razor leaves the field, a maximum of 10 Energy will be returned to him based off the duration remaining on this skill.
Elemental Burst
Moonjade Descent Moonjade Descent
Yaoyao Yaoyao
At the enjoinment of a certain adeptus, Yuegui's full potential can be unleashed in an emergency, dealing Dendro DMG to nearby opponents and entering an (in some sense) unsurpassed Adeptal Legacy state.

Adeptal Legacy
  • White Jade Radishes generated will be changed to heal and deal DMG according to this skill. Explosions will heal all nearby party members, and the Dendro DMG that they deal will be viewed as Elemental Burst DMG instead.
  • Summons "Yuegui: Jumping Mode" at intervals until their limit has been reached. The behavior of this version of Yuegui is the same as that of "Yuegui: Throwing Mode" in the Elemental Skill, Raphanus Sky Cluster. A maximum of 3 Yuegui: Jumping Mode can exist at any one time.
  • Yaoyao's Movement SPD is increased by 15%.
  • Yaoyao's Dendro RES will be increased.

The Adeptal Legacy state will end once Yaoyao is off-field, and all remaining Yuegui: Jumping Mode will be cleared once this state ends.
Elemental Burst
Strength Alone Can Defend Strength Alone Can Defend
Arlecchino Arlecchino
Arlecchino gains 1% All Elemental and Physical RES for every 100 ATK she has in excess of 1,000. The maximum RES increase she can gain this way for each is 20%.4th Ascension Passive


There are 4 Constellations that match the category selection:

Constellation Description Level
Exquisite be the Jade, Outshining All Beneath Exquisite be the Jade, Outshining All Beneath
Ningguang Ningguang
Jade Screen increases nearby characters' Elemental RES by 10%.4
Butterfly's Embrace Butterfly's Embrace
Hu Tao Hu Tao
Triggers when Hu Tao's HP drops below 25%, or when she suffers a lethal strike:
Hu Tao will not fall as a result of the DMG sustained. Additionally, for the next 10s, all of her Elemental and Physical RES is increased by 200%, her CRIT Rate is increased by 100%, and her resistance to interruption is greatly increased.
This effect triggers automatically when Hu Tao has 1 HP left.
Can only occur once every 60s.
"All Rewards and Retribution, Mine to Bestow.. "All Rewards and Retribution, Mine to Bestow..."
Arlecchino Arlecchino
Blood-Debt Directives are now already Blood-Debt Due when first applied.
When Arlecchino absorbs such a Due, she unleashes Balemoon Bloodfire in front of her, dealing 900% of her ATK as AoE Pyro DMG and increasing her All Elemental RES and Physical RES by 20% for 15s. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Agony Alone May Be Repaid."
Sublime Salutations Sublime Salutations
Kaveh Kaveh
Within 3s after using Artistic Ingenuity, Kaveh's Dendro RES and Incoming Healing Bonus will be increased by 50% and 25% respectively.1


4 Artifact Sets match the category selection:

Set Rarity Pieces Bonuses
Tiny Miracle 3-4★ Tiny Miracle's FlowerTiny Miracle's FeatherTiny Miracle's HourglassTiny Miracle's GobletTiny Miracle's Earrings 2 Piece: All Elemental RES increased by 20%.
4 Piece: Incoming Elemental DMG increases corresponding Elemental RES by 30% for 10s. Can only occur once every 10s.
Defender's Will 3-4★ Guardian's FlowerGuardian's SigilGuardian's ClockGuardian's VesselGuardian's Band 2 Piece: DEF +30%
4 Piece: For each different element present in your own party, the wearer's Elemental RES to that corresponding element is increased by 30%.
Thundersoother 4-5★ Thundersoother's HeartThundersoother's PlumeHour of Soothing ThunderThundersoother's GobletThundersoother's Diadem 2 Piece: Electro RES increased by 40%.
4 Piece: Increases DMG against opponents affected by Electro by 35%.
Lavawalker 4-5★ Lavawalker's ResolutionLavawalker's SalvationLavawalker's TormentLavawalker's EpiphanyLavawalker's Wisdom 2 Piece: Pyro RES increased by 40%.
4 Piece: Increases DMG against opponents affected by Pyro by 35%.


7 Food match the category selection:

Icon Name Quality Type Effect Has Recipe
Item Heatshield Potion Heatshield Potion 3 Stars Icon Pyro RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Pyro RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Desiccant Potion Desiccant Potion 3 Stars Icon Hydro RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Hydro RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Frostshield Potion Frostshield Potion 3 Stars Icon Cryo RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Cryo RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Windbarrier Potion Windbarrier Potion 3 Stars Icon Anemo RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Anemo RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Insulation Potion Insulation Potion 3 Stars Icon Electro RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Electro RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Dustproof Potion Dustproof Potion 3 Stars Icon Geo RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Geo RES by 25% for 300s. Yes
Item Dendrocide Potion Dendrocide Potion 3 Stars Icon Dendro RES Up Potions Increases all party members' Dendro RES by 25% for 300s. Yes

Elemental Resonance[]

When in a party of 4 different elements, the Elemental Resonance Protective Canopy increases All Elemental RES and Physical RES by 15%.

Decreasing Character RES[]


The following decreases elemental and physical RES.

There are 2 Talents that match the category selection:

Emergency Dose Emergency Dose
Sigewinne Sigewinne
While underwater, heal your active character over 2.5s when their HP falls under 50%. The amount healed is equal to 50% of their Max HP, and their All Elemental and Physical RES will be decreased by 10% for 10s. This effect can be triggered up to once every 20s.Utility Passive
Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil! Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil!
Arataki Itto Arataki Itto
Time to show 'em the might of the Arataki Gang! For a time, Itto lets out his inner Raging Oni King, wielding his Oni King's Kanabou in battle.
This state has the following special properties:
  • Converts Itto's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks to Geo DMG. This cannot be overridden.
  • Increases Itto's Normal Attack SPD. Also increases his ATK based on his DEF.
  • On hit, the 1st and 3rd strikes of his attack combo will each grant Arataki Itto 1 stack of Superlative Superstrength.
  • Decreases Itto's Elemental and Physical RES by 20%.

The Raging Oni King state will be cleared when Itto leaves the field.
Elemental Burst

Benefit of RES Reduction[]

As the RES multiplier varies nonlinearly with the RES percentage, the Exact Relative Damage Bonus (i.e. Benefit) of RES Reduction is also piecewise with the RES percentage.

Depending on the value of Target RES and the value of Resistance Reduction in the interval below, the corresponding Benefit of Resistance Reduction is as follows:[2]

Formula Interval
RES < 0
0 ≤ RES < RR < 0.75
0 < RR < RES < 0.75
RES > 0.75, RES - RR < 0
RES > 0.75, 0 < RES - RR < 0.75
RES > 0.75, RES - RR > 0.75

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning


