Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

The only hope for Watatsumi Island's salvation lies within this all-new, secret-shrouded area — Enkanomiya.
Head into Enkanomiya and complete the trials of valor that await there.

Enkanomiya (Japanese: 淵下宮 Enkanomiya), originally known as Byakuyakoku (Japanese: 白夜国 Byakuyakoku)[2] and Tokoyokoku (Japanese: 常世国 Tokoyokoku), is an area located in Inazuma.

It can be entered via a deep pool east of Sangonomiya Shrine, and legend has it that the Watatsumi people originated from here.[3] Enkanomiya is located under Watatsumi Island, and can be considered either part of Teyvat even though it is somewhat disconnected from it,[2] or fully separate and part of the Dark Sea instead.[4]

To enter Enkanomiya, the seals on the five Goshou Rocks need to be broken for the pearls located within the shrines for the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep, which would allow entry to Enkanomiya, provided that the spirit veins connecting Enkanomiya and Watatsumi Island are flowing smoothly and a person whose heart is "as clear as water." According to legend, the key was forged from Orobashi's blood.[5]

Enkanomiya Unlock Criteria:


Name Description
Dainichi Mikoshi
Dainichi Mikoshi
The central area of Enkanomiya, named after Enkanomiya's artificial sun that was created by Aberaku no Mikoto in order to protect Byakuyakoku from the Dragonheir of the Depths.
Evernight Temple
Evernight Temple
Located east of Dainichi Mikoshi.
The Narrows
The Narrows
Located northwest of Dainichi Mikoshi.
The Serpent's Bowels
The Serpent's Bowels
The pathway towards the main areas of Enkanomiya.
The Serpent's Heart
The Serpent's Heart
Located south of Dainichi Mikoshi.
Yachimatahiko's Locus
Yachimatahiko's Locus
The northernmost area of Enkanomiya. It is initially hidden from the map and can be unlocked and shown on the map by starting the Erebos' Secret questline.
Yachimatahime's Locus
Yachimatahime's Locus
The northeasternmost area of Enkanomiya. It is initially hidden from the map and can be unlocked and shown on the map by starting the Erebos' Secret questline.
Kunado's Locus
Kunado's Locus
The southernmost area of Enkanomiya. It is initially hidden from the map and can be unlocked and shown on the map by starting the Erebos' Secret questline.

Points of Interest[]

Name Description
Dragonbone Flower
Dragonbone Flower
A giant flower in The Serpent's Bowels. In the world quest Lotus Eater, the Traveler waters this flower using the Waters of Lethe to obtain the Dragonbone Orb.
Inscribed Map
Inscribed Map, The Narrows
Interacting with the map during the A Glimpse Into the Pale Night unlocks the Map of Enkanomiya.
World Quest The Heart of Ouroboros
The Altar at The Serpent's Heart
Used to enter in Altar Patterns to obtain rewards or advance a quest.
The Emanant Skylight
The Emanant Skylight
Found in The Narrows, Evernight Temple, and The Serpent's Heart. Ghostfish here can be used to will lift the player up towards a Time Tunnel which will take them to one of the three locuses.
Tokoyo Reisen
Tokoyo Reisen, Evernight Temple
The Traveler obtains the Waters of Lethe from here in the world quest Lotus Eater.
Vishap Research Lab
Vishap Research Lab
Located north of Dainichi Mikoshi. This area is not marked on the map.


World Quests

Hidden Exploration Objectives



  • Altar Patterns: these patterns consist of the five unique Key Sigil types in a circle along with a number associated with each type. This pattern is entered into The Altar at The Serpent's Heart to achieve an objective.
  • Key Sigil Seals: mechanisms that will appear during Evernight that can be unlocked by using Key Sigils in order to unlock a chest or to advance a World Quest.
  • Daises of Day and Night: mechanisms that appear different in Whitenight and Evernight. Get close to them to operate them. However, their states will reset when switching between Evernight and Whitenight.
  • Of Sun and Moon: The Dainichi Mikoshi is a beam of light in the center of Enkanomiya that can be turned on and off, effectively changing the state of Enkanomiya between Whitenight and Evernight. This can be done by activating the appropriate mechanisms throughout Enkanomiya. Walls and mechanisms hidden during Whitenight are visible during Evernight, and vice versa.
  • Ghostfish: schools of fish in the air found in Enkanomiya. They allow the player to continuously glide while in the group. They are notably found around The Emanant Skylights.
  • Phase Gate: a mechanism that transports the player to a different location.
  • Places of Essence Worship: these mechanisms contain the power of Whitenight and Evernight. They allow the player to utilize a mechanism that can only be used in Whitenight while in Evernight, and vice-versa.
  • Shield-Lights of Tokoyo: barriers in Enkanomiya that are present during Whitenight are dispelled during Evernight, or vice versa.
  • Smashed Stone: stone-like crates that contain Mora.
  • Sunfire Phantasms: distortions visible in in the air in Enkanomiya. Switching between Whitenight and Evernight can cause these illusions to disperse or show themselves. These typically obscure other mechanisms, such as Altar Patterns.
  • Triangular Mechanisms: attacks can be used to activate them. If damaged, switch to Evernight to fix them.


Local Specialties[]


Shades of Tokoyo[]

Shades of Tokoyo (also known as "Sinshades") are spectral NPCs that appear throughout Enkanomiya during Evernight.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
31Pathway to the Hidden IslesIslands of the Lost and ForgottenThe Serpent's Bowels
32Sink Into OblivionIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya, The Serpent's Bowels, Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
33The Abysmal RegionIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya, Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
34The Glooming LightIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
35The Shallow MelancholyIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
36Drops of TimeIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
37Evanescent MomentsIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
38A Glimpse of Old DreamsIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
39Like in a HazeIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
40Chthonian VoicesIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Whitenight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (pre-light realm chisel activation)
41The Gaze of the AncientsIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area)
42Soft Moans of the RemainsIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
43The Long Dark NightIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
44A Dim Echo of the PastIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
45In the Brink of TimeIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
46Drift Along the LetheIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
47Now and ForevermoreIslands of the Lost and ForgottenEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
48At Dawn and DuskIslands of the Lost and ForgottenDainichi Mikoshi
49Tales of WoeIslands of the Lost and ForgottenDainichi Mikoshi (Evernight)
50Tearless Souls of ByakuyaIslands of the Lost and ForgottenDainichi Mikoshi (Whitenight)
51The Realm of TokoyoIslands of the Lost and ForgottenDainichi Mikoshi (Evernight)
52Hope or NostalgiaIslands of the Lost and ForgottenDainichi Mikoshi (Whitenight)
58Combat Beneath the WavesIslands of the Lost and ForgottenCombat in Enkanomiya
59Undersea EncountersIslands of the Lost and ForgottenCombat in Enkanomiya
60No Turning BackIslands of the Lost and ForgottenCombat in Dainichi Mikoshi: Coral Defenders Coral Defenders
Event Gameplay
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 1N/AEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 2N/AEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 3N/AEnkanomiya (Whitenight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (pre-light realm chisel activation)
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 4N/AEnkanomiya (Whitenight)
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 5N/AEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (post-light realm chisel activation)
 N/AUnnamed Enkanomiya Soundtrack 6N/AEnkanomiya (Evernight), Three Realms Gateway Offering (Area) (pre-light realm chisel activation)


Long ago, the Heavenly Principles and its Four Shades defeated the Seven Sovereigns and began the creation of heaven and earth for humanity's sake.[6] A single, unified human civilization spanned the whole world, which the people of Enkanomiya were part of.[7] But later, an individual known as the Second Who Came appeared and a war broke out between the Heavenly Principles and the Second Who Came which destroyed the heavens and earth. As a result of this disaster, Enkanomiya fell into the ocean and was severed from the surface world.[6]

Years of Darkness

When they fell into the ocean, they met against the Dragonheirs of the Depths (now known as Bathysmal Vishaps) that ruled this place. They learned that the Dragonheirs loved the dark and shunned the light,[8] so they used thousands of lanterns to ward them off.[8] However, this was not particularly effective, and so they prayed and lamented, but the Heavenly Principles and its Four Shades did not hear their pleas. Only on the Third Year of Darkness did Istaroth, one of the four shining Shades and the "Ruler of Time," hear their lamentations, helping them by giving enough wisdom to Aberaku no Mikoto so that he could create the Dainichi Mikoshi, which was then known as the "Helios." As a result, in the Year of Blindness, Aberaku's wisdom had been awakened, and the people began constructing the Helios under his command.

Years of Sun and Moon

The year the Helios was completed was the First Year of Sun and Moon. With the light of the Dainichi Mikoshi, they were able to survive and drive away the Dragonheirs.[6] Some great Watatsumi houses such as the Yuna Clan can be traced back to those days.[9] In the Second Year of Sun and Moon, the people of Byakuyakoku sought for a way to return to the surface, thinking that war had surely ended by then, but they were blocked by unknown means. They interpreted this as a ban from the Four Shades, and assumed it meant the Second Who Came was defeated. Around this time, a cabal of corrupt nobles[10] manipulated the people of Byakuyakoku into worshipping the Dainichi Mikoshi as a god, while installing a puppet ruler, known as the Sunchild. Aberaku realized the truth and opposed the corrupt nobles, so the cabal simply convinced the Sunchild that Aberaku wanted to kill him and take his place, then had him accuse Aberaku of high treason and imprisoned him under permanent house arrest. On the Tenth Year of Sun and Moon, Aberaku had died, and his clothes and body were enshrined in various places in acknowledgement of his achievements for creating the Helios.[11] Others such as Spartacus also attempted to oppose the rule of the Sunchildren, but failed and were imprisoned. The Years of Sun and Moon continued under the rule of the Sunchildren, until the arrival of Orobashi.[6]

At some point, the people of Enkanomiya built the Towers of the Three Realms at the borders of Byakuyakoku.[12] Because Byakuyakoku was on the border between three different realms — the Human Realm, the Light Realm, and the Void Realm, they built these towers to stabilize the tendencies of Byakuyakoku and maintain harmony between the three realms. Because of the importance of these towers, they are hidden using secret arts, and can only be summoned by shrine maidens such as Eboshi and the Vassals of Watatsumi.[12] The ancient names of these towers have been long forgotten, but the islands on which they stand are now called Yachimatahiko's Locus, Yachimatahime's Locus, and Kunado's Locus.

During this time, the people of Enkanomiya observed some special phenomena — the mirages and the Sinshades — which they indiscriminately referred to as "Eidolons." It was not until the arrival of Orobashi that they were able to understand them, and they respectively named them Sunfire Phantasms and Ghostfire Phantasms.[13]

Arrival of Orobashi

After being defeated in the Archon War and fleeing the continent of Teyvat,[14] the ancient god later known as Orobashi no Mikoto appeared in Byakuyakoku.[4] A young child of Enkanomiya found Orobashi in a cave and asked it to become their god. Taking pity on them, Orobashi overthrew the Sunchildren and defeated the Dragonheirs, sealing them away. Orobashi then used the corals growing off its body to create a path back to the surface world, creating Watatsumi Island.[15] The people it saved dubbed this new land "Sangonomiya" and in turn began referring to Byakuyakoku as "Enkanomiya." They also began worshipping this god as their "Orobashi no Mikoto" and "Watatsumi Omikami."[3]

Upon taking in the Enkanomiyan people, Orobashi came upon the book Before Sun and Moon, which recorded a history of the world that Celestia wanted concealed. He learnt of a prophecy that foretells the rebirth of the Dragon of Water, one of the Seven Sovereigns, in human form. Orobashi placed a ban upon the book and began personally leading experiments on the Dragonheirs to better understand their abilities, as well as prevent the return of the Dragon of Water.[16]

On the last day of Enkanomiya before the people relocated above the sea, envoys from Khaenri'ah alongside a Ruin Guard came to seize the book (Before Sun and Moon). Antigonus fought them and prevented the loss of the book, but was also critically injured as a result.[17]

Present Time

Every few thousand years, Enkanomiya begins to bleach the soil of Watatsumi Island, which would endanger the island, slowly turning it into desert, as well as release the Dragonheir of the Depths and other monsters to the surface if not dealt with properly. In order to stop this from happening, the people of Watatsumi must conduct a ritual known as the Watatsumi Goryou Matsuri, which involves using a Jade Coral Branch broken off from the depths of Enkanomiya.

Recently, Tsuyuko requested the Traveler to remove the five seals to obtain the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep. To deal with the issue, she sent a request to Sangonomiya Kokomi to authorize entry into Enkanomiya, who eventually granted them permission to enter and retrieve the Bloodbranch Coral for the ritual. During the Traveler's trip into Enkanomiya, they discovered the ancient Bathysmal Vishaps, along with numerous hilichurls and traces of the Abyss Order, who were ordered by "Enjou" to search for the book "Before Sun and Moon". This was done in order to prove that the gods and Celestia came from outside Teyvat.

Sometime after handing the Bloodbranch Coral over, the Traveler learns from Kokomi that the ritual underwent some complications. Upon investigating, they find an everlasting darkness surrounding Enkanomiya, and a strange shrine maiden named Tsumi who initially helps the Traveler. The Traveler finds out that Enjou was causing the darkness, and was maliciously conspiring with Tsumi, who may be one of the "Vishap-people": vishaps that evolved to imitate humans to infiltrate human society. The Traveler repels the darkness and convinces Tsumi not to destroy the Dainichi Mikoshi, although Tsumi warns that the vishaps will be back. Returning to Sangonomiya Shrine, Kokomi denies the existence of Vishap-people, saying that Tsumi is likely the last Vassal of Watatsumi, human/snake hybrid familiars of Orobashi. Now that she knows how the Bloodbranch Coral works, Kokomi decides to find a different method of stopping the soil bleaching, in order to no longer disturb the vishaps.[1]


The Enkanomiyans revered snakes, even before Orobashi became their patron. In fact, The Serpent's Heart was originally called Delphi, or "land of snakes." Since the "earliest times," they had worshipped Ouroboros, also referred to as the "great imaginary serpent" or "Cosmic Serpent." After the arrival of Orobashi, the Enkanomiyans came to worship them both, depicting Ouroboros as a "scaleless serpent" and Orobashi as a "coral-adorned serpent."[12]

According to Enjou, the Enkanomiyans also had a tradition of "triangle worship." They believed that Enkanomiya was the intersection of three realms, the Vishap Realm, Void Realm, and Human Realm. Their borders are marked out by three corners, at which they established three watchposts (now trial sites) to guard against the Vishaps.[7] Triangle motifs are also prominent in the architecture of Enkanomiya, such as in the Dainichi Mikoshi, which is made of three tall pillars that form a triangle-shaped interior, and in Triangular Mechanisms.

As they integrated with the nation of Inazuma above, many Enkanomiyan things gained Inazuman names, such as the artificial sun, Helios ("Dainichi Mikoshi"), and the people of Enkanomiya themselves (e.g., Abrax as "Aberaku no Mikoto"). Over time, the ancient Enkanomiyan language became lost.

The Watatsumi people have continued the practice of certain Enkonomiyan traditions, such as fortune-telling using "Deep Sea Spiritherbs," a type of plant transplanted to Watatsumi Island from Enkanomiya.[18]


  • Enkanomiya may be based on the lost city of Atlantis or the lost continent of Mu, which has also been identified with Atlantis. In lore pertaining to both locations, they are described as technologically advanced civilizations which sank underwater in a single night after experiencing severe earthquakes.
  • Based on the architecture and names of the people here, Enkanomiya may be inspired by Greece. This makes Atlantis as an inspiration more likely as it is a Greek legend specifically written about by Plato.


  • Tokoyokoku (Japanese: 常世国 Tokoyokoku) translates to "eternal land" or "distant land."
  • A midnight sun or white night (Japanese: 白夜 byakuya), used in the location's original name Byakuyakoku, refers to a natural phenomenon in which the sun remains visible during nighttime.
    • This implies that the area was named Byakuyakoku after the creation of the Dainichi Mikoshi. The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 3 also states that its name has been changed from "Aphotic Earth" to "Tokoyokoku" to "Byakuyakoku" over the years, which supports this theory.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
Palace Below the Depths
Palace Below the Depths
Palace Below the Depths

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 2.1 • Released in Version 2.4
Version 2.4
  • Enkanomiya was released.
  • The English translation for Enkanomiya's original name was revised from Byakuya no Kuni to Byakuyakoku.

Version 2.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Event Three Realms Gateway Offering Quest, Aphotic Diffusal: Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath
  2. 2.0 2.1 YouTube: Version 2.4 Special Program (Timestamp: 25m 22s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 World Quest, The Moon-Bathed Deep: The Moon-Bathed Deep
  4. 4.0 4.1 Weapon Ascension Material: Jade Branch of a Distant Sea
  5. World Quest, The Moon-Bathed Deep: "Heart of Watatsumi"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 2
  7. 7.0 7.1 World Quest, From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku: The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent
  8. 8.0 8.1 Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 1
  9. Book: The Life of Mouun the Shrine Maiden
  10. World Quest: Lotus Eater
  11. World Quest, Hyperion's Dirge: Hyperion's Dirge
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 3
  13. Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 5
  14. Book: A Preliminary Study of Sangonomiya Folk Belief
  15. Book: Sangonomiya Chronicles
  16. Book: The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol. 4
  17. World Quest: Antigonus
  18. World Quest: Divine Plant of the Depths
  19. Map, Label: Enkanomiya (Japanese)

