Tower of Ipsissimus is a subarea located in Morte Region, Fontaine.
This tower, also referred to as the Sealed Ruined Tower or the Tower of Gestalt, was built by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo and served as their base of operations.
It is not labelled on the map before starting the World Quest Series In the Wake of Narcissus. After completing World Quest Series In the Wake of Narcissus: Act II - Savior's Wake, the tower will sink and become permanently submerged.
Points of Interest[]
There are 2 points of interest in Tower of Ipsissimus:
Name | Description |
Tower of Ipsissimus: Bottom | It is the bottom part of the interior of the Tower of Ipsissimus. |
Tower of Ipsissimus: Middle | It is the middle part of the interior of the Tower of Ipsissimus. |
World Quests
Located on the ground directly across from the Teleport Waypoint.
- The Tower of Ipsissimus comes from an old concept from the ancient Fontainian kingdom of Remuria, and was used to describe a powerful will that could rule, sustain, and destroy the world.
- This tower was designed by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, and it represents the evolution of the human soul and the infinite mysteries of the world.
- The Narzissenkreuz Ordo believes that people continuously refine themselves through samsara cycles. These include Hyperborea, Natlantea, Remuria, and the first half of the fourth samsara (Khraun-Arya), which we are presently experiencing. Please take note that these are just names given to these eras by the Ordo based on ancient texts, and this evolution refers to spiritual evolution. There is no intent here to antagonize any research results obtained by the Akademiya. The human spirit undergoes the loss of paradise, the defeat of evil dragons, the original sin and baptism, and finally, freedom from the gods.
- ...
- Finally, we would like to thank the following ladies and gentlemen for their generous support:
- Madam ██ ████, Mr. Eliphas ██████, Mr. ██████...
- (Most of the names have been struck out...)
Located on a wall panel towards the top of the tower, on its southern side.
- "In accordance with Fontainian law and the Provisional National ████████ Provisions, as well as the Mermonia Act (No. 1█2), the Narzissenkreuz Ordo is declared an illegal extremist group and a criminal organization. This location will be permanently sealed from this day forth."
- "Destroying this █████ board will be seen as a challenge to national authority, and violators will be publicly sentenced on charges of ███████."
- "Date: ██████"
- (...The reverse side has the seal of the courts and the signatures of Alain Guillotin and Neuvillette.)
We must reach the lowest level before the arrival of the apocalypse.
Exploring the Tower of Gestalt, Map description
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
64 | La cite en la mer | Fountain of Belleau | Fontaine (underwater), Institute of Natural Philosophy, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking) |
65 | Passage of an Era | Fountain of Belleau | Fontaine (underwater), Institute of Natural Philosophy, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking), Secret Vault Event Gameplay |
78 | Marcescent Floret | Fountain of Belleau | Annapausis, Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking) Serenitea Pot |
08 | Songe de la plus haute tour | Pelagic Primaevality | Tower of Ipsissimus (surface) Serenitea Pot |
11 | Narcissus Without Water | Pelagic Primaevality | Tower of Ipsissimus (interior) |
12 | Ordeals, Rituals, Laws | Pelagic Primaevality | Combat in Tower of Ipsissimus (interior) |
N/A | Unnamed Tower of Ipsissimus Soundtrack 1 | N/A | Tower of Ipsissimus (underwater, after sinking) |
- Ipsissimus is the superlative of "oneself" in Latin.
- It can be interpreted as a synonym of ipseity.
- The term "gestalt" (Chinese: 格式塔 géshìtǎ) is a German word meaning "form," although outside Germany, it is typically used in context of Gestalt psychology.
Other Languages[]
Tower of Ipsissimus
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Tower of Ipsissimus | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 自体自身之塔 Zìtǐzìshēn zhī Tǎ | Tower of Self Itself |
Chinese (Traditional) | 自體自身之塔 Zìtǐzìshēn zhī Tǎ | |
Japanese | イプシシマスの塔 Ipushishimasu no Tou | Tower of Ipsissimus |
Korean | 궁극자의 탑 Gunggeukja-ui Tap | Tower of the Ultimate Self |
Spanish | Torre del Ipsíssimus | Tower of Ipsissimus |
French | Tour d'ipsissimus | Tower of Ipsissimus |
Russian | Башня Ипсиссимус Bashnya Ipsissimus | Tower of Ipsissimus |
Thai | Tower of Ipsissimus | — |
Vietnamese | Tháp Ipsissimus | Ipsissimus Tower |
German | Ipsissimus-Turm | Ipsissimus Tower |
Indonesian | Tower of Ipsissimus | — |
Portuguese | Torre de Ipsissimus | Tower of Ipsissimus |
Turkish | Benlik Kulesi | Tower of Ego |
Italian | Torre dell'Ipsissimus | Tower of Ipsissimus |
Tower of Gestalt
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Tower of Gestalt | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 格式塔 Géshìtǎ | Gestalt[• 1] |
Chinese (Traditional) | 格式塔 Géshìtǎ | |
Japanese | ゲシュタル塔 Geshutaru Tou | Gestalt Tower |
Korean | 게슈탈트의 탑 Gesyutalteu-ui Tap | Tower of Gestalt |
Spanish | Torre de la Gestalt | Tower of Gestalt |
French | Tour de la gestalt | Tower of Gestalt |
Russian | Башня гештальта Bashnya geshtal'ta | Tower of Gestalt |
Thai | เกสตัลท์ | Gestalt |
Vietnamese | Tháp Mô Thức | Model Tower |
German | Turm der Gestalt | Tower of Form |
Indonesian | Menara Gestalt | Tower of Gestalt |
Portuguese | Torre de Gestalt | Tower of Gestalt |
Turkish | Gestalt Kulesi | Tower of Gestalt |
Italian | Torre della Gestalt | Tower of the Gestalt |
Sealed Ruined Tower
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Sealed Ruined Tower | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 闭锁的遗迹塔 Bìsuǒ de Yíjì Tǎ | Locked Ruined Tower |
Chinese (Traditional) | 閉鎖的遺蹟塔 Bìsuǒ de Yíjì Tǎ | |
Japanese | 閉ざされた遺跡の塔 Tozasareta Iseki no Tou | Locked Ruined Tower |
Korean | 봉쇄된 유적 탑 Bongswaedoen Yujeok Tap | Locked Ruin Tower |
Spanish | Torre en Ruinas Sellada | Sealed Ruined Tower |
French | Tour en ruine scellée | Sealed Ruined Tower |
Russian | Закрытая разрушенная башня Zakrytaya razrushennaya bashnya | Closed Ruined Tower |
Thai | Sealed Ruined Tower | — |
Vietnamese | Tháp Di TíchDi Tích Bị KhóaBị Khóa | Locked Ruined Tower |
German | Versiegelte Turmruine | Sealed Ruined Tower |
Indonesian | Sealed Ruined Tower | — |
Portuguese | Torre Arruinada Selada | |
Turkish | Mühürlü Harabe Kulesi | |
Italian | Torre in rovina sigillata | Sealed Ruined Tower |
- ↑ Chinese: 格式塔 is a phono-semantic matching of "gestalt," and literally means "format tower."
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.2