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"Masters of the Night-Wind" is a subarea located in Tezcatepetonco Range, Natlan.

It is the home of the Mictlan tribe.

Points of Interest[]

There are 3 points of interest in "Masters of the Night-Wind":

Name Description
"Chamber of Weaving"
Idukan's Trove

Idukan's Trove is a bookstore run by Amazolli.

Sacrificial Altar of Enigmatic Land






Living with the Iktomisaurs, this is where the Masters of the Night-Wind, most mysterious of the six major tribes of Natlan, call home. It is said that at night, the members of the tribe and their Saurians use glowing patterns to listen to the echoes of the silent kingdom of the night.

The settlement of the Masters of the Night-Wind, surrounded by the peaks of Tezcatepetonco Range, is perched on top of one of the foothills. It is said that their real ceremonial grounds are hidden somewhere deeper...


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
01Prismatic ProverbsEternal Sun, Eternal WantSacrificial Altar of Enigmatic Land
02Soothing of Soul and SandEternal Sun, Eternal Want"Masters of the Night-Wind" (day)
03Springtime in a MirrorEternal Sun, Eternal Want"Masters of the Night-Wind" (day)
04Night's Crown of FlowersEternal Sun, Eternal Want"Masters of the Night-Wind" (night)
05A Fragment of NightEternal Sun, Eternal Want"Masters of the Night-Wind" (night)
06Choir's CypherEternal Sun, Eternal Want"Chamber of Weaving"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Masters of the Night-Wind"
Yānmí Zhǔ
"Smoky Mystery Masters"
Yānmí Zhǔ
Meien no Aruji
"Masters of the Mysterious Smoke"
Korean「연기 주인」
"Yeon'gi Ju'in"
Smoke Master
Spanish"Augures Vientonocturno""Night-Wind Augurs"
French"Maîtres du vent nocturne""Masters of the Night-Wind"
Russian"Повелители Ночного Ветра"
"Poveliteli Nochnogo Vetra"
"Masters of the Night Wind"
Caat Haeng Lom Raat Rii
VietnameseChủ Nhân Gió ĐêmMasters of the Night Wind
GermanMeister des NachtwindsMasters of the Night-Wind
IndonesianPenguasa Angin MalamMasters of the Night Wind
PortugueseMestres do Vento Noturno
TurkishGece Rüzgarının Ustaları
ItalianMaestri del Vento della NotteMasters of the Wind of the Night

Change History[]

