Gama is an open-world NPC located in Enkanomiya that hints at the location of a few nearby chests.
In order to get to Gama, there is a ruin entrance on the south-side of Dainichi Mikoshi, light the two torches to unlock the entrance. Interact with the Daises of Day and Night and enter the room. Inside the room, there are three Rifthound Whelps and a Smashed Stone, climb a pillar to the second floor to find Gama.
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(To be added.)
- (Talk to Gama)
- Gama: Just as I was leaving the place, I was caught by this machine. I mean, how unlucky can a person get?
- (Talk to Gama if the chests were not previously found)
- Gama: Help! Help me!
- Gama: I heard that our leaders were struggling to cope with Supada no Hiko's rebellion, and that the Dainichi Mikoshi was undefended, so I got to thinking a thought that I shouldn't have...
- Gama: Please, good warden, please spare my unworthy life! I have a sickly mother to feed and 12 orphans to bring up! Please have mercy, treat me as but a mere fart to be ignored!
- Gama: Eh? Oh, so you're not one of the guards around the Dainichi Mikoshi.
- Gama: By the looks of your unusual garments... Might you be someone in the same line of work as me — you know, just from someplace else?
- Paimon: Who'd want to be in your line of work!?
- Gama: Oh, come now, there's no need to play pretend. *sigh* I must be the unluckiest person ever. It took me so much effort to get into the Dainichi Mikoshi, and just as I was planning to make a real fortune... I wound up being caught in a mechanical trap.
- Gama: I guess this just isn't the day for "robbing the rich to pay the poor."
- Paimon: Bah, call a spade a spade, call a thief a thief!
- Gama: And what would you know about that? The big shots listen to decadent music, eat well, and drink lavishly, while we bottom-dwellers work ourselves to the bone tossing out their chamber pots and warming their sandals! Where's the logic in that?
- Gama: Let me tell you a secret — consider it repayment for saving my life. I gave the artisans maintaining this place a little something to loosen their tongues, and they told me that there are two more rooms in this place that are used to store treasure.
- Paimon: Two more!
- Paimon: Well, uh, (TravelerTraveler), what say you and Paimon do some "robbing the rich to pay the poor" ourselves, eh?
- Gama: However, I don't know where these rooms are. Those artisans didn't dare to tell me anything more.
- Gama: Consider that intel my gift to you!
- Paimon: Well, no one's in Enkanomiya right now, so let's go see what ancient relics we can find in those rooms, shall we?
- Paimon: C'mon, (TravelerTraveler), let's have a little sneaky look around!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Gama |
Chinese (Simplified) | 贺摩 Hèmó |
Chinese (Traditional) | 賀摩 Hèmó |
Japanese | 賀摩 Gama |
Korean | 가마 Gama |
Spanish | Gama |
French | Gama |
Russian | Гама Gama |
Thai | Gama |
Vietnamese | Gama |
German | Gama |
Indonesian | Gama |
Portuguese | Gama |
Turkish | Gama |
Italian | Gama |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.4