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The wide waters that lie south of the Great Terrestrial Lake were also once an integral part of that high sea. Beneath the abyssal depths untouched by sunlight, the first of dreams and hopes lie buried.
The long-forgotten symphony sounds once more amidst the stronghold of dimmed glories and the sea-sunken ruins. A new chapter in a tale long-ended is about to be written...

The Undersea Capital, the Lost Homeland

Sea of Bygone Eras is an area located in Fontaine. It has its own map tab and exploration progress separate from the main map of Teyvat. It is unlocked after completing the World Quest Underwater Nocturne in Series Canticles of Harmony: First Movement - In the Hall of the Sea King.


There are 7 subareas in Sea of Bygone Eras:

Name Description
Caesareum Palace

Caesareum Palace used to be a training area for the legions of Remuria. In addition, it was used as a place to store Scylla’s chains.


Capitolium is the inner city of Remuria's capital. To access it, one must first enter the Initium Iani in the outer city, Machimos, then travel through the Passage of Ianus.[1]

Hortus Euergetis

Hortus Euergetis is an underwater garden that derives its name from the deceased Harmost Euergetia.

Initium Iani

Initium Iani is the entrance to the Passage of Ianus, the sole path between Machimos and Capitolium. Long ago, the Dragon Prince Scylla was sealed here by the joint efforts of Harmosts Boethius[1] and Euergetia.[2]


Machimos was the outer city of the capital of Remuria. It held the Initium Iani, the only way to access the inner city, Capitolium.[1] It once had grand temples and arenas, towering walls decorated with glaze and gold, bronze and marble statues, and bustling markets.[3]

Passage of Ianus

The Passage of Ianus is the underwater corridor connecting the outer city of Remuria, Machimos, to the inner city, Capitolium. Its entrance is the Initium Iani, and a water current runs through its entire length.

Portus Anticus

Portus Anticus was once the royal port of Remuria; it has since sunk into an underwater cavern. In its prime, it had a lofty belltower, and the sound of its bells could "pierce the barrier of ocean" to guide sailors home.[4][3]

Points of Interest[]

There are 5 points of interest in Sea of Bygone Eras:

Name Description
Alta Semita

The Alta Semita is an aqueduct that once carried Ichor from the Domus Aurea out into "the great lake in the far north."[5] It visually resembles a giant harp.

Clivus Capitolinus

Clivus Capitolinus refers to the hill that holds the heart of Capitolium: the Domus Aurea. The term also encompasses the cavern beneath the hill, which contains the Local Legend Primordial Bathysmal Vishap Cineas — Unreturned Envoy.

Collegium Phonascorum

Collegium Phonascorum was once the educational center of Remuria, where the Harmosts and music lecturers taught Remurians about Phobos' Symphony.[6]

Domus Aurea

The Domus Aurea is the royal palace of the kingdom of Remuria. It was fashioned from King Remus's ship, the Fortuna, and is designed to be a giant instrument on which the Grand Symphony Phobos can be played. It is considered the "heart" of Phobos, and is thus protected by its power.[7]

Sacellum Requietis

The Sacellum Requietis is the throne room of the royal palace. It is where the God-King Remus once ruled, and where the Traveler later silences the Grand Symphony, "Phobos."


World Quests

Hidden Exploration Objectives

Notable Features[]



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
08Here Be DragonsCantus AeternusCaesareum Palace
10Aqueous GriefCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
11Dissolved DawnCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
12Metres of BoethiusCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
13Fortuna VariabilisCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
14Doxology in the DeepCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
15Unfinished IdealCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
16Consolation of Many WatersCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras
17Submerged TrumpetCantus AeternusHortus Euergetis
Serenitea Pot
18The Oracle's FinaleCantus AeternusDomus Aurea
19Deplorable CapitalCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras (Capitolium)
20Pledge of PeaceCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras (Capitolium)
21Tranquil EternityCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras (Capitolium)
22Harmonious CapitoliumCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras (Capitolium)
Serenitea Pot
23Discordia NeglectaCantus AeternusSea of Bygone Eras (caves)
24Alucinatio GloriosaCantus AeternusCollegium Phonascorum (cave)
Serenitea Pot
29Tears of Days PastCantus AeternusSacellum Requietis
Serenitea Pot



  • The event menus for this area and the "Statue of Marble and Brass" were the first event menus to alternate between two different sound effects each time they were switched to.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSea of Bygone Eras
Jiùrì zhī Hǎi
Sea of the Olden Days
Jiùrì zhī Hǎi
Oujitsu no Umi
Sea of Days Past
Korean지난날의 바다
Jinannar-ui Bada
Sea of Days Past
SpanishMar de AntañoSea of Yesteryear
FrenchMer d'antanSea of Yore
RussianМоре древности
More drevnosti
Sea of Antiquity
ThaiSea of Bygone Eras
VietnameseBiển Kỷ Nguyên CũSea of the Old Era
GermanMeer der alten TageSea of Olden Days
IndonesianSea of Bygone Eras
PortugueseMar AntigoAncient Sea
TurkishKadim Çağlar DeniziSea of Ancient Times
ItalianMare dei Tempi RemotiSea of the Distant Times

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Second Movement - Prisoner in Shackles, Part 1: The Last Day of Remuria
  2. Interactable, Caesareum Palace: Ancient Engravings #2
  3. 3.0 3.1 Book: The History of the Decline and Fall of Remuria
  4. Fontaine, Sea of Bygone Eras, Viewpoint: Where Only the Bell Tolls
  5. NPC Dialogue: Scylla
  6. Weapon: Finale of the Deep
  7. World Quest, Canticles of Harmony: Third Movement - Pharsalia's Rhapsody, Part 1: Gradus ad Capitolium

