The Iridescence Tour is an international music tour in Teyvat involving all seven nations. It was begun in Fontaine. Xinyan was meant to attend it in Inazuma, but it was cancelled suddenly.[1] The organizers planned the show again, but this too ended up being cancelled, much to Xinyan's disappointment.[2]
Back in Liyue, Xinyan bumps into Dvorak during the Lantern Rite Festival. Dvorak had been visiting for personal reasons, but Xinyan convinces him to consider holding the Iridescence Tour there and then, even if it had been put off numerous times. With the help of Ganyu, the Liyue Qixing, and several others, the Iridescence Tour: Lantern Rite Grand Concert was held. Xinyan and Hu Tao performed the opening act.[3][4]
At a later time Arataki Itto was able to create his own Iridescence Tour with the help of Dvorak and others.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Iridescence Tour | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 虹色巡回 Hóngsè Xúnhuí | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 虹色巡迴 Hóngsè Xúnhuí | |
Japanese | イリデッセンスツアー Iridessensu Tsuaa | Iridescence Tour |
Korean | 무지갯빛 투어 Mujigatppit Tueo | Iridescence Tour |
Spanish | Tour Iridiscente | Iridescent Tour |
French | Tournée Iridescence | Iridescence Tour |
Russian | Тур «Многоцветье» Tur "Mnogotsvet'ye" | "Iridescence" Tour |
Thai | Iridescence Tour | — |
Vietnamese | Lễ Hội "Sắc Màu Lưu Động" | |
German | Regenbogen-Tour | Rainbow Tour |
Indonesian | Iridescence Tour | — |
Portuguese | Tour Iridescente | |
Turkish | Parıldayan Turne | |
Italian | Tour dell'arcobaleno |
Change History[]
- ↑ Event Labyrinth Warriors Quest, Part 1: A Tricky Situation
- ↑ Event Summertime Odyssey Quest: I - The Golden Apple Vacation Returns!, Part 1: The Golden Apple Vacation Returns!
- ↑ Event The Exquisite Night Chimes Quest: Part I, Part 1: A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune
- ↑ Event The Exquisite Night Chimes Quest: Part II, Part 1: A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul