Daimon (Japanese: 大門 Daimon) is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears during the World Quest Kunado's Trial in Series Erebos' Secret.
Daimon can be found at the start location for Kunado's Trial.
Like most shades, they are a translucent humanoid figure without defining physical features.
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Daimon |
Chinese (Simplified) | 大门 Dàmén |
Chinese (Traditional) | 大門 Dàmén |
Japanese | 大門 Daimon |
Korean | 다이몬 Daimon |
Spanish | Daimon |
French | Daimon |
Russian | Даймон Daymon |
Thai | Daimon |
Vietnamese | Daimon |
German | Daimon |
Indonesian | Daimon |
Portuguese | Daimon |
Turkish | Daimon |
Italian | Daimon |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.4