As the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, the ever-dapper Diluc always presents himself as the epitome of perfection. But behind the courteous visage burns a zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs, allowing him to mercilessly vanquish all who threaten his city.
—Description from the Official Website[1]
The tycoon of a winery empire in Mondstadt, unmatched in every possible way.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text.
Kaeya calls himself and Diluc "anti-heroes with attitude problems." Diluc is burdened with a sense of duty and responsibility. He decided to take matters into his own hands by becoming, to his dismay and hidden heartache, the “Darknight Hero” to protect Mondstadt's people. Someone must face the darkness before dawn so others can dream.
Diluc was once an idealistic young man, dedicated to his work with the Knights of Favonius. After his father's untimely demise as a result of using a Delusion, along with Inspector Eroch ordering Diluc to cover up the incident, his faith in the Knights shattered and he left the organization. Even after Eroch was purged from the Knights for being a traitor, he still holds resentment towards them. He claims that the Knights take too long to get the job done, although he still appreciates those who put the effort in, such as Lisa and Jean.
When he was a member of the Knights, he adored his father, Crepus. Being praised by his father made him happier than anything else, and Crepus told Diluc to be faithful in his duties. In his childhood, Diluc had a lighthearted and happy nature. After his father's death, though his speech comes across as bitter and grumpy, he has a gentle, tender, and modest nature. He tends to part with possessions he no longer needs, such as his father's private residence, but struggles more with letting go of memories and emotional wounds.[2]
Diluc is not fond of alcohol, disliking its taste and that it clouds his mind when working. He prefers non-alcoholic drinks such as grape juice and apple cider, which he had ordered developed upon his return to Mondstadt. This appears to be little known, likely because he is the current owner of Mondstadt's largest winery. He expresses surprise upon learning that Diona also loathes alcohol, having initially believed he was the only bartender in Mondstadt that did not like alcohol.[3]
Diluc uses the tall male model. He has pale skin, red eyes, and bright red hair that goes down to the middle of his back.
Official Introduction
Mr. Diluc is like a fine wine but with too much ice. The first sip tastes heavenly, but drink too much and it gives you brain freeze.
—Sung by José, the six-fingered bard, at "Angel's Share" before being kicked out by bartender Charles[4]
▌Master of the Dawn Winery · Diluc
I will keep marching on until dawn.
People in Mondstadt like to have a glass of dandelion wine after a long day. As your vision begins to waver and mind starts to wander, refraining from pouring another one seems impossible.
The constant flow of brews keeps Diluc, operator of Mondstadt's biggest supplier, "Dawn Winery," firmly in the position of the richest man in Mondstadt.
But what no-one can make sense of is, despite building his enterprise on wine, Diluc has never touched a single drop, no matter the occasion.
When asked by outsiders as to why, his response is always the same — a polite yet mysterious and faint smile that always brings about a multitude of guesses.
But this question is never asked by anyone at the winery, for they have all long since known the answer — Diluc simply doesn't like wine.
Character Stories
Character Details
As the city of ballads and wines, Mondstadt's alcohol industry is renowned all over Teyvat.
As owner of the Dawn Winery, Diluc is essentially in charge of half the industry. This means he has a huge stream of revenue and an entire network of information, in the form of tavern patrons' gossip, right at his fingertips.
In a way, he is the uncrowned king of Mondstadt.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
The scent of wine always lingers in the air in Mondstadt.
If one were to follow the scent to its source, one would invariably arrive at Diluc's Dawn Winery.
A wooden plaque proudly announces the winery's name, and beneath it is written the winery's motto:
"Shine True."
Most interpret this to mean that the wines are brewed for consistency of taste, with time-honored techniques and that same healthy dose of sunny optimism that the dawn brings.
Meanwhile, the more pragmatic Knights of Favonius are reminded of the long history of mutual support between the winery and the city.
The winery holds festivities from time to time. These events are routinely attended by enthusiastic fathers, eager to introduce their wonderful daughters to the young and single winery master.
This is all highly entertaining to the other guests, who watch on and comment, mockingly:
"We'd much rather Master Diluc stays married to the winery, given how good this wine is!"
Diluc deals impeccably with all situations, no matter who or what comes his way.
Diluc is a fine young gentleman in every conceivable respect.
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
Diluc avoids talking about the past.
"If only Diluc were still a member of the Knights..."
After a few drinks, senior knights will say words to this effect with a sigh.
They refer to events from a long time ago, back when Diluc's father, Master Crepus, was still the owner of the winery. Master Crepus' wish was for his son to become the most esteemed knight of all and safeguard Mondstadt, the City of Freedom.
As per his father's wishes, Diluc trained rigorously to make himself worthy of the Ragnvindr name. Sure enough, he passed the Knights of Favonius' trials, swore the oath of protection to Mondstadt, and entered their ranks. Before long, he received an early promotion which saw him become the youngest-ever Cavalry Captain.
Over the course of his missions and patrols, the denizens of Mondstadt gradually came to know this young and passionate Cavalry Captain.
No matter what the missions demanded from him, he always maintained his composure and his passion. No matter how big the challenge before him, his boundless courage always led him to the front line. The praise he received from his comrades and citizens spurred him on.
But the words of praise he valued most of all were:
"Good job. Now, that's my son."
His father's words fueled the fire inside his heart and served as his greatest motivation.
His faith was an unquenchable fire that burned strong and bright inside him.
Diluc was so young back then.
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
"Sometimes, life can change in an instant."
The day that Crepus spoke these words to Diluc would turn out to be the latter's last as a Knight of Favonius.
For on that day, a horrific monster attacked the transport fleet he and his father were traveling with.
There was no time for Diluc to send for help. The monster was stronger than any foe the young Cavalry Captain had ever encountered, and overpowered him.
Diluc could never have anticipated the way this battle would end: His father, who had been denied admittance into the Knights and who was shunned by the gods, defeated the monster with an unknown evil power — before that same power backfired, mortally wounding Crepus himself. Crepus died shortly after in his son's arms.
With a heavy heart, Diluc returned to the Knights' headquarters, only to receive an unthinkable order from Inspector Eroch: "Conceal the truth."
Eroch insisted that the incident must be portrayed as an unfortunate accident in order to maintain the reputation of the Knights of Favonius in the eyes of the public.
Such was the sheer outrageousness of this request that Diluc did not think it was even worth trying to argue.
Diluc's father had once said to him that the world would never turn its back on the faithful.
But now, the Knights of Favonius trampled on his faith like it was nothing. He couldn't help but wonder: What was his father's view on faith in his final moments?
Diluc resigned from the Knights that day and left everything behind, including his Vision.
He swore to avenge his father's death, and to find the source of that occult power which had caused his father's demise.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
After Diluc resigned and discarded his Vision, he handed the running of the Dawn Winery over to the head housemaid and left Mondstadt altogether.
Diluc traveled all across the seven nations of Teyvat in search of the truth.
All clues pointed toward a behemoth of an organization: The Fatui. He learned that they made counterfeit Visions in secret, calling them "Delusions." A Delusion could amplify the power of its bearer to its extreme, but also carried the risk of backfiring. That was what had caused his father's death.
Was it possible that his father could have obtained such a sacrilegious item in order to do good?
Diluc knew he may never know the full truth, but that could never stop him from pursuing it.
Like an eagle scouring the wilderness, he set off on his hunt for the truth. Determination burned like fire in his heart, unfathomable enigmas and unending battles could not sway him from his course. He pressed on relentlessly, scarred but undeterred, like a fiery tornado burning through the dense fog of mystery.
The Fatui's rulers, the Harbingers, monitored Diluc's progress from the shadows. The prowess with which he laid waste to numerous Fatui strongholds caught their attention and forced them to take action.
Diluc narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Harbingers thanks to a third-party observer from the north, who was part of a vast underground intelligence network. The observer claimed to have been watching Diluc for some time, and approved of his methods.
After his close encounter with death, Diluc took a long hard look at his past and the anger he had harbored for so long. Acknowledging his shortcomings, he decided to join the underground intelligence network.
Just like when he first joined the Knights of Favonius, Diluc committed himself fully to his work. His talents and skills saw him rise steadily through the ranks into the upper echelons of the network.
The network was made up of volunteers, and many of its members had willingly given up their prior positions and reputations to join. Some had even abandoned their names.
Could working with these new comrades finally restore the faith he once clung to? The faith that had been all but destroyed in the events surrounding his father's death?
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
"Shine True." The background to this motto is hotly contested, but to Diluc it has one simple, clear meaning.
"Evil cannot go unpunished.
Never settle for mediocrity. Never forget that the dawn will one day come."
Diluc's solitary sojourn lasted for three years.
Four years on, Diluc had returned to Mondstadt and taken over as head of the family winery, now a young man.
In the space of these four years, Eroch had been purged from the Knights of Favonius after being shown to be a traitor, while Grand Master Varka had left on an expedition, leaving Master Jean to assume the role of Acting Grand Master.
The return of the Dawn Winery's master should have been a momentous occasion for Mondstadt, but strangely it went completely unnoticed.
The reason? Mondstadt's citizens were far too busy pondering the mysterious case of an unknown "Guardian of Mondstadt."
All that was known about the anonymous guardian was that the smell of burning would follow in his wake, and that a flash of red flames would reveal his silhouette for but a moment in the darkness of the night, before he disappeared in an instant.
The bodies of monsters that had plagued Mondstadt for an age now lay dead in the wilderness... Mondstadt's most wanted thieves suddenly appeared bound and gagged, hanging from their feet in the statue plaza... All the Knights of Favonius were dispatched to reckon, once and for all, with the Abyss Mage behind countless crimes in the city, but they arrived only to discover that he had long since been killed...
Aided by wine-fueled conversations, word of the mysterious guardian spread swiftly, and he came to be known as the "Darknight Hero."
In public, Diluc appeared to hold this hero in contempt, his face curling up in disgust every time the name was uttered.
Elzer of the Mondstadt Wine Guild was one of the select few who was in the know, and once queried Diluc about this: Was his disapproval of the Darknight Hero just an act, intended to throw the knights off his trail and protect his anonymity?
But Diluc simply frowned once more, and curtly replied: "It's just a stupid name."
Dawn Winery's Apple Cider
Friendship Lv. 4
Diluc may hold the whole wine industry in the palm of his hand, but he himself is not fond of wine.
At Diluc's request, the Dawn Winery developed several alcohol-free beverages, a decision which was met with resounding approval from those in Mondstadt who could not drink alcohol but still wanted to partake in the drinking culture.
One of those alcohol-free beverages is Mondstadt's apple cider vinegar, the success of which is on a par with dandelion wine in terms of monthly sales volumes.
Some think that Diluc must have such high standards when it comes to wine that he is never seen drinking the mediocre-quality beverages that are available to the public.
Others think that drinking wine must surely remind him of his father, and that that is why he does not touch it.
When pressed about his drinking habits, he responds by saying that alcohol clouds his thoughts, and consuming it would impact his day-to-day work.
But the thing that people don't understand is: What kind of day-to-day work does a winery master do, if it requires him to never touch a drop of alcohol?
Friendship Lv. 6 •
Darknight Hero's Alibi
Crepus had two regrets in life. One was never becoming a knight, and the other was never obtaining a Vision.
For this reason, in the moment that Diluc received his Vision, he took it as a recognition by the gods of his and his father's shared ambition — finally, he could make his father proud.
Just a few years later, his father died on a dark and gloomy day. The hopes and dreams that burned bright in Diluc's Vision were extinguished in the torrential rain that fell on that night.
No matter how upright and good-hearted a person may be, death will still come to them without warning.
Is this where the tale of justice ends? Just like that?
It seemed to him that his Vision and his status as a knight were both equally ineffectual at enabling him to protect the things that he treasured most. It was time to discard them both, he decided.
When he recognized his own powerlessness, his Vision became but a burden, of no greater service than a Delusion.
Empty titles were of no interest to him. He sought after ardent flames that would burn brighter than any other, and an unshakable resolve. Only a firm resolve can drive the truth-seeker forward, and only ardent flames can vanquish the ice that freezes the hand of justice.
On the day that Diluc returned to Mondstadt, he took up his Vision once more. The events of his years away had purged him of his childish immaturity, and turned him into a hero ready to shoulder his father's will once more. Each night, from the shadows, he fought for Mondstadt.
He did not discuss the past. But he did not deny the past, either.
To the lost, perhaps a Vision is a beacon of light given by the gods to help them find the path forward.
But to those with conviction, a Vision is simply an extension of their strength, a medium for channeling their willpower, a tribute to the experiences that have shaped them, and a testament to the story of their life so far.
Diluc: Flames | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Diluc Description: Master Crepus painted many eagles during his lifetime, but he never could've foreseen creating an eagle with such fire. |
Noctua | |
![]() | Story Chapter: Noctua Meaning: Owl |
Quests and Events
Archon Quests
- Prologue
- Act I: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
- Act II: For a Tomorrow Without Tears
- Act III: Song of the Dragon and Freedom
Story Quests
Hangout Events
World Quests
- Invitation of Windblume
- Part III: Realm of Fog and Wind
- Part IV: Dream of Wind and Flowers
- Midsummer Island Adventure
- Part III: Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait
- Part IV: The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered
- Of Drink A-Dreaming
- Hidden Strife
- All's Well That Ends Well
- Phantom of the Past (as a memory recreated by the Ley Lines)
- Of Ballads and Brews
- Act II: Bonds of Melody
- Alchemical Ascension
- Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter
Web Events
- Side by Side We Venture
- An Unforgettable Journey
- Taking Pictures and Recounting Good Times
- Canvas of Starlight Memories
- Discover Teyvat
Character Trials
- Darknight Hero's Alibi in Diluc's Story Quest, Noctua Chapter: Act I - Darknight Hero's Alibi
- Event World Quest All's Well That Ends Well in Hidden Strife
- Event World Quest Phantom of the Past in Hidden Strife
Quest Domains
- Cipher for the Ciphertext — Darknight Hero's Crisis in Diluc's Story Quest, Noctua Chapter: Act I - Darknight Hero's Alibi
- Retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel — Archon Quest Chasing Shadows in Prologue: Act II - For a Tomorrow Without Tears
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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Other Appearances
Diluc is a major character in the manga, which takes place shortly after his return to Mondstadt three years after his father's death.[Note 1]
In his early days of being a vigilante, Diluc fought using throwing knives and the Delusion his father once owned. He also wore a bird mask and a black cloak to hide his identity.
Along with various members of the Knights of Favonius, although he works independently of the organization, Diluc rebuffs Krupp's recruitment attempt for the Fatui and later foils the Fatui's plan to attract something dangerous using metal birds during Ludi Harpastum. He eventually uses the Delusion to pose as the perpetrator of the Black Fire Incident due to the similarities between its powers and those of Collei, the true culprit. Afterward, he abandons the disguise and Delusion, mailing them both broken to Il Dottore. Kaeya returns his Vision under the guise of gifting him a vase.
- Have you been well? (2021-04-30)
- Dinner... (2022-04-30)
- New Drinks... (2023-04-30)
- Fragrance... (2024-04-30)
- ↑ This conflicts with Diluc's Character Story 5, which says that by the time Diluc returned to Mondstadt, four years had already passed. There is a number of other discrepancies between details in the manga and information presented in-game. Given the manga's age, details in the manga that conflict with in-game information may no longer be accurate.
- Diluc is one of the characters with ornaments that glow. While wearing his default outfit, Darknight Blaze, when Diluc's Elemental Burst is ready, the red gem on his tie and the red crosses on the four buttons on the back of his coat will glow along with his Vision.
- Diluc has no object that appears to be a Vision while wearing his themed outfit Red Dead of Night, but when switching to Diluc when his Elemental Burst is ready, the projected elemental symbol that is typically seen over other characters' Visions is seen over the red gem in the phoenix insignia's eye on the left side of his chest.
- Diluc and his relationship with Kaeya are referred to with the following terms in the original Chinese version of Kaeya's Character Details, Kaeya's Vision story, an interactable during Hidden Strife, Archon Quest Destined Encounter in Chapter III: Act VI - Caribert, Event Story Quest Of Ballads and Brews: Act II - Bonds of Melody, Taste of Home in Kaeya's Hangout Event: Act I - Shenanigans and Sweet Wine, and Flame Born (Chapter 2 of the manga):
- Kaeya's 义兄 yì xiōng, "sworn older brother," while Kaeya is referred to as Diluc's 义弟 yìdì, "sworn younger brother."
- The former term is also used by Dwarkanath to describe her adoptive brother Iradj.
- These terms make it likely that Kaeya is younger than Diluc, but not guaranteed. (For example, the birth year of Guan Yu (? – 220), a sworn younger brother of Liu Bei (161 – 223), was traditionally considered to be 160.[5])
- The meaning of "sworn brothers" is complex and usually refers to a delicate bond built from trust and honor between close, unrelated friends.
- A 兄弟 xiōngdì, "brother" to Kaeya.
- Relatedly, Kaeya is described as a 义子 yìzǐ, "foster son" to the Ragnvindr Family and Crepus's 养子 yǎngzǐ, "adopted son," while Kaeya refers to Crepus as his 养父 yǎngfù, "adoptive father" and 义父 yìfù, "adoptive father." This affects Kaeya's relationship with Diluc, as they were raised in the same household.
- Kaeya's 义兄 yì xiōng, "sworn older brother," while Kaeya is referred to as Diluc's 义弟 yìdì, "sworn younger brother."
- The vase Kaeya gifts him in the manga can be found in-game, inside the Dawn Winery. Its description notes it looks out-of-place and is probably a gift. This is the same vase he mentions during A Child's Secret.
- In Flame Born, the second chapter of the manga, a close look at a picture frame on the shelf in Diluc's manor reveals that it depicts HOMU, a mascot from HoYoverse's other game Honkai Impact 3rd. Next to the picture frame is a book with an eight-pointed star on its back cover; this symbol is typically seen on the clothing of characters from Khaenri'ah and the Abyss Order.
- Despite owning a winery, Diluc dislikes the mouthfeel of alcohol and prefers grape juice, which he keeps stocked at Angel's Share.
- According to Vile, Diluc once downed an entire glass of Snezhnaya's specialty alcohol, Fire-Water, in one go during a banquet with Snezhnayan merchants. Afterwards, he passed out for three days, and Adelinde remarked that she'd "never seen someone get drunk like that before." Charles' dialogue about Fire-Water may be referencing this incident.
- Diluc has a habit of pulling his left glove up — he does so in his character card, in an idle animation, and before attacking enemies during certain cutscenes. This may be related to the fact that Diluc previously wore his Delusion on his left glove.
- Based on his character stories, Diluc's estimated age is roughly 22 years old. Diluc left Mondstadt after his father's death on his 18th birthday, and by the time he returned 4 years later, Varka — who embarked on his expedition 6 months before the game's story — was already gone.
- The manga's timeline conflicts with Diluc's character stories. The manga is set merely 3 years after Crepus' death, making its events occur before Diluc returned to Mondstadt.
- In Diluc's official wish art, he is seen wielding the Bloodtainted Greatsword, a gacha weapon.
- Diluc has an anonymous message on the Cat's Tail Message Board, in which he lets himself express wistfulness for the past before wishing Cat's Tail luck in their business.
- Diluc owns an Umbertail Falcon and used to own a pet tortoise.
- Diluc is one of only two residents of Mondstadt who are aware that Venti is Barbatos, the other being Jean. While Venti also revealed himself to Stanley, the latter does not remember their conversation.
- Diluc is known by these aliases or titles:
- Diluc is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 3 Furnishings:
- Diluc's name is derived from the Latin word dīlūculum, meaning "daybreak" or "dawn."
- His father, Crepus, has his named derived from its antonym, crepusculum, meaning "twilight," "dusk," or "darkness."
- His constellation, Noctua, is Latin for "The Owl," or literally, "Night Bird."[11]
- His family name, Ragnvindr, may be derived from the Old Norse words regin (gods) + vindr (wind), meaning "Wind God."
Other Languages
Character Title: The Dark Side of Dawn
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | The Dark Side of Dawn | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 晨曦的暗面 Chénxī de Ànmiàn | The Dark Side of Dawn |
Chinese (Traditional) | 晨曦的暗面 Chénxī de Ànmiàn | |
Japanese | アカツキの裏面 Akatsuki no Rimen | The Backside of Dawn |
Korean | 새벽의 어둠 Saebyeok-ui Eodum | Darkness of Dawn |
Spanish | El Amanecer Oscuro | The Dark Dawn |
French | Ombre de l'Aurore | Shadow of the Dawn |
Russian | Тёмный рассвет Tyomnyy rassvet | The Dark Dawn |
Thai | เงาแห่ง Ngao haeng Rung Arun | Shadow of Dawn |
Vietnamese | Mặt Tối Của Bình Minh | The Dark Side of Dawn |
German | Dunkle Seite der Dämmerung | Dark Side of Twilight |
Indonesian | The Dark Side of Dawn | — |
Portuguese | O Lado Negro do Alvorecer | The Dark Side of Dawn |
Turkish | Şafağın Karanlık Yüzü | |
Italian | Il lato oscuro dell'alba | The Dark Side of the Dawn |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Diluc
- ↑ Point of Interest, Cat's Tail Message Board: Diluc's Message
- ↑ Diluc's Voice-Over: About Diona
- ↑ Facebook: Diluc's Introduction
- ↑ Chinese Wikipedia: Discussion of Guan Yu's Birth Year
- ↑ Diluc's Character Story: Character Story 5
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Story Quest Act, Diluc, Noctua Chapter: Act I: Darknight Hero's Alibi
- ↑ Diluc's Character Story: Character Details
- ↑ Diluc's Character Story: Character Story 2
- ↑ Klee's Voice-Over: About Diluc
- ↑ Wiktionary: noctua