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Shenanigans and Sweet Wine is the first act of Kaeya's Hangout Event. In order to unlock this quest line, the player needs 2 Story Keys, must have reached Adventure Rank 35, and have completed the following quests:


(To be added.)


Quests List[]

Quests Map[]

The Birdwatcher A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place
(The Birdwatcher)
The Stage
(All the World's a Stage)
All the World's a Stage
(All the World's a Stage)
Must It Be So?
(All the World's a Stage)
Ending: Questions
His Ideas
(A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place)
(A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place)
Poems Dedicated to the Wind The Helper
(Poems Dedicated to the Wind)
A Poem From the Wind
(Poems Dedicated to the Wind)
Ending: A Boat Untethered
An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius Homecoming
(An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius)
Fragrance of Wine Winery Work
(Fragrance of Wine)
Ending: The Grapes of Warmth
Taste of Home Guests
(Taste of Home)
Ending: Our Sun
Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze Old Favors
(Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze)
The Gamblers
(Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze)
(Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze)
Ending: An Informant, or a Friend?


35 Characters appear in this Hangout Event:

Ending Rewards[]

Hangout Memories
Adventure EXP 100
Primogem 20
Guide to Ballad 3
Adventure EXP 100
Hero's Wit 5
Shivada Jade Fragment 3
Adventure EXP 100
Primogem 20
Fruity SkewersHealing 5
Adventure EXP 100
Hero's Wit 5
Shivada Jade Fragment 3
Adventure EXP 100
Primogem 20
Guide to Ballad 3


Branch Description Hangout Memory
Aether Lumine
Questions Answer: So must it be... Yes, so must it be!
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Questions Aether
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Questions Lumine
A Boat Untethered "If you are a chaser of freedom, why not sing with everyone?"
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 A Boat Untethered Aether
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 A Boat Untethered Lumine
The Grapes of Warmth "Let's see what Guy has written..."
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 The Grapes of Warmth Aether
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 The Grapes of Warmth Lumine
Our Sun Follow the sun in flight, flee with all your might!
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Our Sun Aether
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Our Sun Lumine
An Informant, or a Friend? "Do you want to be my informant, or my friend?"
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 An Informant, or a Friend? Aether
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 An Informant, or a Friend? Lumine


There are 3 Achievements obtainable from Shenanigans and Sweet Wine:

Achievement Category Description Requirements Primogem
Make Merry Memories of the Heart Memories of the Heart Complete "Shenanigans and Sweet Wine" and unlock all endings. 20
Lucky Coin Memories of the Heart Memories of the Heart Participate in the wager set up by Kaeya. Complete Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze. 5
Shh... Listen! Memories of the Heart Memories of the Heart Listen to the voice coming from the confinement room. Interact with the Voice Behind the Door from the left inner-most door in the Knights of Favonius Headquarters during An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius in An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius. 5


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
56Glowing EmbersThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3What Shape Does the Self Hold (cutscene), Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing, All the World's a Stage
24Battle PreparationThe Shimmering VoyageA Herald Without Adherents, The Shadows Deepen, Pride and Prejudice, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, All the World's a Stage, Memories That Should Not Exist, Tracks Through the Wilderness, Time for the Showdown


  • While Kaeya's Hangout Event does present Heartbeat Value mechanic, it stays at full value and does not decrease with any choices chosen by the Traveler.
  • In the "An Informant, Or A Friend?" branch, Kaeya's alias 'Albert Rich' is a name that references Kaeya's last name, Alberich.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishShenanigans and Sweet Wine
Guǐhuà yǔ Tiánjiǔ
Nonsense Talk and Sweet Wine
Guǐhuà yǔ Tiánjiǔ
Tawagoto to Bishu
Nonsense Talk and Fine Alcohol
Korean달콤한 술과 농담
Dalkomhan Sulgwa Nongdam
Sweet Alcohol and Jokes
SpanishEngaños y licor dulceLies and Sweet Liqueur
FrenchMagouilles et vin douxShenanigans and Sweet Wine
RussianВыдумки и выпивка
Vydumki i vypivka
Tales and Booze
VietnameseLời Nói Dối Và Rượu NgọtLies and Sweet Wine
GermanUnsinn und süßer WeinNonsense and Sweet Wine
IndonesianKebohongan dan Arak ManisLies and Sweet Wine
PortugueseMentiras e Vinho Doce
TurkishYalanlar ve Tatlı Şarap
ItalianVino e intrallazziWine and Wheeling

Change History[]

Version 3.8
  • 2023-07-25: Shenanigans and Sweet Wine was released.