A Trainee Forest Ranger who is under the tutelage of Tighnari. She started her academic career a little later than her peers, so she is currently working hard to catch up.
She hides the other side of her personality deep under the surface of optimism and kindness.—Description from the Official Website[1]
Collei was born sickly, so her worried parents brought her to a seer and begged him to save her. He explained the illness as being "touched by the deev" — supernatural creatures with negative properties — and claimed that had to give their daughter to him in order to save her. However, he was working with the Fatui Harbinger Il Dottore and instead of saving her, turned Collei into a test subject for their Archon Residue experiments.
Whether the Fatui had let Collei go or if she had escaped herself is unknown, but she eventually found herself wandering alone. On account of her sickliness, she was treated poorly wherever she went; she was often abused by passing pedestrians, had stones thrown at, and pushed around. This fueled her hatred for people and gods, and a strong desire for vengeance.
The disease Collei is afflicted with is called Eleazar. Unique to Sumeru, this is a disorder that causes dark and hardened scales to form on the body. First symptoms are mild numbness on the affected areas of the skin, but as the disease progresses symptoms of general fatigue and peripheral paresthesia (abnormal sensation of the skin on the limbs) may occur. The final stage of this disease causes complete paralysis of the afflicted person, rendering them completely immobile. These symptoms hint that Eleazar might be a neurological disease. This condition is what causes Collei to be perceived as "clumsy" by other people, as it affects her ability to hold or carry objects, often dropping them to the ground. According to Tighnari, there is no cure for Eleazar, only preventive care may be provided to stop the disease from advancing to a more serious stage. In the days Collei spent with the Fatui, Dottore was able to keep the disease controlled by unknown methods.
Upon the removal of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's consciousness from Irminsul, Collei and the other Eleazar patients have recovered.
A trainee ranger active in Avidya Forest. Behind her enthusiastic words and actions hides a slightly introverted personality.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
When Collei first arrives in Mondstadt, she is extremely wary and suspicious of people because of her past experiences, preferring to be left alone and making her seem cold. Her pessimistic view of the world comes from the mistreatment and abuse she endured everywhere. She also has a rather low opinion of herself, pushing people away because she is "unclean" and says she is unworthy of their time.
She was initially annoyed by Amber because of her cheerful and optimistic personality, but Amber shows her kindness by offering to help her find that something she lost, even insisting they are friends and protecting her from Kaeya's intimidation multiple times. The two continue to grow closer during the course of the manga and Collei begins to trust Amber, becoming less wary of people as her view of the world becomes brighter.
When Amber protected Collei from Barnabas, Collei was touched by Amber's resolve and realizes that she too wishes to be able to protect others.[2] After having her powers sealed by Cyno, she decides to leave with him to Sumeru in hopes of learning more about the world.
By the time she meets the Traveler, Collei is shown to have matured whilst training under Tighnari and is now considerably more positive. She expresses great admiration for Amber, whose compassion deeply moved Collei to the degree that it influenced her behavior and hobbies. Inspired by Amber's benevolence, Collei tries to be very helpful and proactive in her Forest Ranger duties and strives to be as friendly as possible to everyone. Although she still has struggles with her literacy and Eleazar, she attempts to discard her past pessimism in favor of pushing forward and doing the best she can regardless.
She also developed a deep sense of empathy, extending even to the gods, whom she used to deem forsaken by, she now wonders if they too can feel just as helpless. She states that looking back, her extended hatred towards the world outside the Fatui was "childish." She also expresses guilt over her time in Mondstadt and is interested in apologizing.[3]
Despite her improved outlook, it is clear that Collei has yet to fully put her trauma behind her. Whilst no longer being bitter about it, Collei still finds it very difficult to open up to others about her past and avoids the subject when possible, as it brings back painful memories. Her introverted nature also leads her to occasionally spend time alone in a tree hollow, where she writes about any troubles or frustrations she may feel.[4]
Collei is somewhat of a bad liar, only being able to convince Amber on why she wanted to know about the Fatui's research. She is also prone to panic attacks and breakdowns, and especially hates being pushed or shoved around. Even just trying to touch her might cause extreme fear and discomfort, as shown when Paimon tried to playfully touch her the day they met for the first time in Sumeru. This shock apparently triggered a flare-up of her disease, causing her to be bedridden the next day.
Collei uses the medium female model. She has short, wavy light green hair that reaches her shoulders and purple, almost magenta eyes.
Collei's hair in the manga was chin-length.
When she first appeared, much of her body and face were covered in bandages. She wore baggy trousers, one that resembles a sirwal, and a tapper hat made from bandages. Tied around her hips is a green-orange cloth. Later, Amber loaned one of her old outfits to Collei to attend Ludi Harpastum in. Collei also wore a beige satchel, in which she store the collected Fatui devices.
In Chapter 16, she appeared with a plain black shirt and a simple pair of shorts under a hooded cloak. She also wore an ushanka hat, a pair of gloves, and boots that reach up to below her knees. Lastly, she uses the same green-orange cloth and beige satchel from earlier.
Official Introduction
Oh, you're going to Sumeru? Can you give my regards to Collei? Well... it's been so long, I wonder if her hair has grown out and if she's taller?
A trainee ranger active in Avidya Forest. Positive and optimistic, enthusiastic and kind.
Collei is from Sumeru, but few people know about her experiences before she came to Gandharva Ville, and she herself never mentions anything about her past.
Perhaps because of Collei's pure gaze and earnest attitude, people saw her reserved demeanor as just part of her personality and did not shy away from her because of it.
The children of Gandharva Ville love to watch her sew dolls, and those who find themselves lost in Avidya Forest are willing to follow her back to safety.
Since her return to Sumeru, Collei has earned the trust and respect of the people with her actions.
But at night, when everything is dark, she sometimes thinks about those memories that she has buried away.
Even though everything is going well, she still hopes that she can work even harder and improve faster in the future.
—Only in this way can she overcome her past weak self as quickly as possible.
Character Stories
Character Details
"Helpful," "bright and sunny," "friendly and passionate"... Just ask around Gandharva Ville, and you'll hear this Trainee Forest Ranger praised to the skies in such terms.
As long as her body allows, no matter how busy school gets, Collei will never slack off when it comes to her forest patrol work, and is always willing to lend a warm helping hand to whoever is in trouble, regardless of what walk of life they are from.
Nevertheless, even as enthusiastic and positive as she is, there seems to be a past and things on her mind that she is not yet ready to reveal to others.
If in the woods where she often patrols, you should chance upon a tree hollow full of strange notes, or hear someone whispering nearby...
No matter what you witnessed or overheard, please kindly take a detour and consider it a silly prank — one played by an Aranara, perhaps.
After all, there are some things that only a tree hollow can know — for now, anyway.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
If words are the vehicles of wisdom, being literate is undoubtedly the starting point of the pursuit of knowledge. Collei, however, seems to have only barely reached the foot of the mountain of knowledge.
When she first arrived in Gandharva Ville, even the outspoken Tighnari showed obvious hesitation, making repeated inquiries with the General Mahamatra if she had walked through the wrong door, since he had yet to make any plans to teach preschool level courses.
Still, after several twists and turns, Collei did finally become a trainee. To facilitate her learning of words, Tighnari gathered a wide assortment of books and documents, in the hope that Collei would soon master enough words through extensive reading.
Apart from the literacy encyclopedias for children and the mandatory-reading academic papers that made her head swell, Collei can most often be found reading fairy tale picture books from Mondstadt.
The logic is simple: those books tend to have fewer words and more pictures. Even if you do not know the words, chances are that you can still guess their meaning by looking at the illustrations.
However, reading only children's books hardly sufficed to keep up with her curriculum. Once she had picked up slightly more words, she immediately started to look for new extracurricular reading materials.
According to some travelers who had passed through Avidya Forest, there was a type of book in Inazuma known as the "light novel," which was easier to read than academic papers, and with fewer illustrations than picture books. To Collei, that sounded like the exact type of book she needed.
More importantly, the plots of these "light novels" were often so incredibly riveting that as soon as they got a copy, many readers just had to finish reading it in one go, even if they had to stay up all night.
That definitely sounded tempting to Collei, since she had to force herself, more often than not, to stay awake long enough to finish her readings.
One day after her forest patrol, Collei excitedly ran back to her dormitory with the newest volume of "Onibudou." She was so ready to pull an all-nighter reading the light novel — and as it turned out, she indeed stayed awake that night.
"My sealed power!" "The lonesome avenger!" "You'd be wise to stay away from me!" "I shall never witness the grace of the gods!"...
—Covering her head with the quilt, Collei tossed and turned upon her mattress the entire night. Even as the dawn broke, she had not yet torn her mind away from these words.
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
There is a saying in Teyvat that has obscure origins and is often used by people who are feeling extremely ashamed or embarrassed:
"I just wanted the tree to open up and swallow me."
Collei was pacing in the woods while murmuring the sentence, which she had just learned from a book.
Before she returned to Sumeru, she had promised a dear friend that she would become an excellent doctor with exceptional medical skills so as to save people like her who were in constant agony, both physically and mentally.
However, it takes only a passing passion to make a wish, and yet it requires years of painstaking training to realize it. In the examination that had just concluded, Collei had hit the barrier between reality and expectations once more.
"Ugh... How am I supposed to tell Amber about this..."
Plus, she would have to ask her master to write the letter for her. Things like doing poorly on the test and wanting to have someone to talk to were not things she could easily speak out in front of her master, either.
It just so happened that a tree hollow, roughly the size of a person, appeared along her patrol route, as if some god had overheard her mumblings.
"Wait, wait... Talking to Aranara about my problems... I mean, I've read about it in the books, but they were children's books! I'm sure I've outgrown that... But now that there's no one around..."
Before she knew it, she was already crouching in said hollow.
The darkness turned into a solid fortress, isolating Collei from all kinds of pressure.
Collei, being an introvert by nature, found it difficult to present herself impeccably. No matter how hard she strove to be as outgoing and sunny as Amber, she could never manage to ignore her weariness and loneliness.
Thus did Collei vent her distress to that hollow, emptying herself of all the negativity she had accumulated after getting back to Sumeru.
"Did Collei go on patrol in that area again?"
A few days later, Tighnari checked on Collei's recent forest patrol routes, which she had been taking all too frequently, before looking at her test papers, which featured remarkably higher scores. He could not help but think to himself:
"Did she find a way to improve her grades in the forest? Well, that's not bad either way. Alright, I'll save that patrol route for her and leave her be for the time being. I'll have other Rangers take the other routes."
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
Should written tests be left out, Collei actually does well on her exams, especially when it comes to "surviving in the wilderness."
The jungles of Sumeru suffer no shortage of poisonous creatures and dangerous beasts, while unexpected emergencies lurk around every corner. Therefore, a competent Forest Ranger must be a thoroughly-prepared one.
And Collei really exceeds in this regard. She may not be as literate as her peers, which hinders her performance in all the written tests. Yet, she is nothing if not practical and creative.
Wrapping thorny vines around her boots to increase traction, rubbing the toxic sap of poisonous mushrooms onto hunting traps to promote efficiency...
Such ideas have ensured that she can travel in and out of the jungle safely, successfully extracting those unfortunate enough to become lost in the woods, accidentally ingest poison, or get hit by a running beast.
Those who have been rescued by Collei are, one and all, amazed by her unique but reliable survival skills — not to mention how they are all moved by her genuine kindness and enthusiasm.
Be it surrounded by grave dangers, or lacking food and supplies, even if the rescued traveler turns hysterical, she embraces every circumstance with the warmth of the sun.
She cares little for scars, and hunger concerns her not. She just wants to offer help to whoever is in need.
The only thing about her that is considered unacceptable by many is the recipes she utilizes during times of crisis: as long as they can replenish her energy, she will even gladly swallow fireflies without hesitation — the crushed pits of Zaytun Peaches are even less of an obstacle.
When people meet her, they simply cannot help but wonder about this young trainee's past.
—What sort of experiences could make such a seemingly innocent girl see the wilderness as her home?
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
Before returning to Sumeru, Collei had wandered for a long time.
The decisive difference between wandering and traveling, of course, lies in that the former bears no designated destination.
Her wandering started from those charred ruins, or perhaps earlier, when she was afflicted with that disease, and it was long destined to be a never-ending nightmare extending into nothing but total darkness.
Most of the companions with whom she had fled from the ruins either lost their way in the endless waves of sandstorms, or corroded to death by divine remains.
Sick and cursed, they had nowhere to stay, thus turning to uninhabited jungles and wildernesses.
Mother Nature is both merciful and cruel. She would never reject them because of their illness, nor would she offer whatever they need even if they cried out for it.
As more and more of her companions could walk no further, the lessons they left behind helped the rest become better at surviving in the most desperate situations.
And when Collei's last companion could no longer continue, she learned yet another lesson: never to reach out to anyone again.
At that time, the two of them had their backs against the cliff, utterly exhausted. Yet, they could still hear the beast roaring from not too far off.
Perhaps it was because of the narrow passage, if not for other reasons, but her only remaining companion bumped into her, sending her careening off the cliff.
Fortunately, Collei managed to grab a tiny twig in her panic, before stretching out her other hand and shouting for help.
However, that companion merely glanced at her with a complicated look before escaping alone without hesitation.
She did not get far, the beast's howls outpacing her fleeing steps like a raging wind. The beast's pure predatory instinct caused it to overlook the shivering Collei, who was barely hanging onto the cliff.
Collei quietly withdrew her hand and held on tightly to the branch that might break at any moment, until all the sounds above her head died down.
The roar of the beast and the screams of that companion had all disappeared.
She could not hate that companion. If she were in that person's shoes, she could not guarantee that she would have made a different choice.
At that moment, there was only one thought remaining in Collei's mind.
Be it to offer help or to ask for it—
"I will never reach out to anyone again."
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
Collei once again touched someone's hand during a certain year's Ludi Harpastum in Mondstadt.
The city was elaborately decorated with lights and lanterns. The streets were jam-packed with people. The sky was getting darker, and the stage was in full swing.
A girl in flaming red just grabbed her hand, took her out of that cramped wooden box, and squeezed into the crowd.
People gathered around, cheering and applauding the contestants who were playing hoops or with slingshots.
Collei could not relate to them. No matter how well they could play these most childish games, what use were they in hunting game out in the wild?
Yet, the girl with her was extremely passionate about these little games. She would cheer and whoop at every victory, and hand out the prizes she won to the children.
Collei was even more baffled. If not for the rewards, why would anyone participate in these activities? Was there really any fun in them?
So she sneaked to a corner and picked up a slingshot to try her hand at it — in the end, one of the more than ten shots she fired eventually hit the edge of the target.
"Yay! I hit it!" Collei turned her head excitedly. "Hey! Did you see..."
It was only then that she realized that she had been there for quite a long time and the girl in red had already left.
In the days that followed, Collei had been practicing day in and day out. Gradually, she became more than familiar with the sounds of drawing a bowstring and throwing darts. She practiced for a long time, until she would seldom miss a shot out of ten.
Every time she pulled the bowstring back, Collei remembered the excitement of hitting the target for the first time on that night.
And that when the girl grabbed her hand and ran towards the crowd, her palm was as warm as the sun.
Friendship Lv. 4
To grow up is to best one's immature past self.
Collei often helps the children in Gandharva Ville mend toys, and her Forest Rangers colleagues also occasionally ask her to help patch their clothes when they get torn up by branches.
That said, Collei was by no means born a seamstress. As a matter of fact, her first attempt at sewing was nothing short of a disaster.
It was when Collei was about to leave Mondstadt. Right before she left, she handed a piece of repaired old clothes to Lisa, hoping that she could return it to its original owner, Amber, on her behalf.
The piece was indeed repaired, but also covered in stitches so twisted that one could potentially mistake them for earthworms. In all likelihood, it was no longer possible for its owner to ever wear it out again.
She was afraid that Lisa would laugh at her or criticize her.
To her surprise, Lisa just gently took Collei's hands, hidden as they had been behind her back, and carefully bandaged the injuries.
She was not even slightly surprised by all the injuries, deep or shallow, on Collei's fingertips. She just casually commented, "Why, it almost looks as if someone's been bouncing Wolfhooks across their hands all night, as if they were balls."
"Don't be this impatient with your studies in Sumeru, little Collei," Lisa said with a smile. "There's always a first time for everything, and learning to overcome the difficulties you encountered during that first time is where the meaning of growing up lies."
Collei instantly blushed. She had not quite learned how to accept the kindness of others back then.
But she was just a child, and children grow up.
The desperate child would grow up and discover hope once again. A child who could not use a slingshot at all gradually learned how to aim.
That child who was once constantly injured by a needle has also slowly grown up to be an ingenious role model in the eyes of other children.
In Gandharva Ville, children gather around Collei, chittering with envy and excitement.
"You're so skillful! What a pretty cat!" "Collei, does it have a name?"
Collei, for once, felt so proud of herself. She held up the exquisite cat doll, all fine stitches and perfect needlework.
"This is — Cuilein-Anbar!"
Friendship Lv. 6
The rain was pouring. A surge of rock, earth, and debris had blocked Collei's way back.
Collei lit a bonfire by the cliff, trying to warm the shivering girl next to her.
This river valley would require a full day's journey from the woodlands that were the domain of her usual patrols. If she were here all by herself, it would not be entirely impossible to get back in this rain.
But now that she had a child with her, wracked by cold and hunger after being lost in the woods for a long time, she had to wait.
The girl looked pale, her forehead boiled, and she kept murmuring her mother's name.
Collei still remembered the girl's mother, who had been anxiously and desperately seeking help in Gandharva Ville — she recalled the look on her face, the look of one who wished that she was in suffering instead of her daughter. Collei knew that look.
The family had been traveling with a caravan to cross the river valley. As they were camping and resting, her playful daughter had run off, straying into the deep forest. As soon as the caravan noticed that the child was missing, they tried their best searching for her, but it was all in vain.
In desperation, the mother had to return to Gandharva Ville to look for help.
Recently, Tighnari had been attending meetings in the city with other Forest Rangers, and the situation before her was critical — Collei could not wait for any of them to return. Nor could she rely on the search and rescue dogs during such heavy rain.
So she immediately grabbed her pack, bow, and arrows, before diving into the forest alone.
At that moment, the occasional low growl against the sound of thunder and rain told her that there were beasts approaching.
Collei could not help but recall some disturbing experiences from her past. Old memories came flooding back, the memories she least wanted to face.
But the rain would pass, and after receiving the news, Tighnari rushed over without taking any breaks.
Traces of fighting could be found all the way along the cliff. Several beasts lay fallen in the distance, while Collei and the girl slept peacefully on each other's shoulders.
Tighnari's heart seized up in his chest. He was well aware that Collei was not capable of doing all this — unless she had wielded power that should not be unleashed.
It was like drinking poison to quench thirst, and it would surely aggravate Collei's condition. He must contact the General Mahamatra right away...
Tighnari's footsteps awakened Collei. She hurriedly gestured to ask her master to quiet down so as not to wake the girl next to her.
Tighnari checked upon her worriedly, "Collei... Did you..."
Collei shook her head. She raised a hand and released the fist that had been clenched all night.
"Master, I've become stronger! I won't let anyone's efforts go to waste — from now on, I'll protect everyone."
It was a Vision, silently glowing in her hand.
Collei: Good Virtue | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Collei Description: "I—It's Cuilein-Anbar! I, uh..." |
Leptailurus Cervarius | |
![]() | Meaning: Serval |
Quests and Events
Archon Quests
Story Quests
Hangout Events
- Graven Innocence
- Windblume's Breath
- Windblume Festival
- Part I: A Gathering of Outlanders
- Part II: A Riddle Amidst the Crowds
- Part III: Joy Above the Clouds
- Windblume Festival
- A Parade of Providence
- Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
- Secret Summer Paradise
- Part I: An Invitation From Afar!
- Part II: Mirage Paradise in Crisis!
- Part III: Dreams and First Encounters!
- Summertide Scales and Tales
- Appendix: Afterword (Summertide Scales and Tales)
- Mementos of Teyvat
- Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses
Web Events
Hidden Exploration Objectives
Character Trials
- Event Story Quest A Riddle Amidst the Crowds in Windblume's Breath: Windblume Festival: Part II
- Event Story Quest Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated in Secret Summer Paradise: Part II - Mirage Paradise in Crisis!
- Fayz Trials
- Tablet Analytics
- Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Sand
- Fayz Trials: Hypothesis
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water
- Triumphant Frenzy
Test Run Events
- Tighnari, Zhongli, Collei, Diona, Fischl — 2022-08-24
- Ganyu, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Dori, Sucrose, Xingqiu — 2022-09-09
- Cyno, Venti, Candace, Kuki Shinobu, Sayu — 2022-09-28
- Nilou, Albedo, Beidou — 2022-10-14
- Dehya, Cyno, Bennett — 2023-03-01
- Nahida, Nilou, Kuki Shinobu, Dori, Layla — 2023-04-12
- Baizhu, Ganyu, Kaveh, Candace, Fischl — 2023-05-02
- Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Kirara, Yun Jin, Chongyun — 2023-05-24
- Wriothesley, Venti, Chongyun, Thoma, Dori — 2023-10-17
- Cyno, Kamisato Ayato, Kirara, Kuki Shinobu — 2023-11-28
- Xiao, Yae Miko, Yaoyao, Xinyan, Ningguang — 2024-02-20
- Chiori, Arataki Itto, Gorou, Yun Jin, Dori — 2024-03-13
- Clorinde, Alhaitham, Sethos, Bennett, Thoma — 2024-06-05
- Navia, Nilou, Kirara, Kaveh, Ningguang — 2024-07-17
- Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Thoma, Kujou Sara, Chevreuse — 2024-09-17
- Xilonen, Chiori, Dori, Candace — 2024-10-09
- Nahida, Hu Tao, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu — 2024-10-29
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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Sender | Mails |
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Other Appearances
Collei is a major character in the manga, which takes place roughly a year or less before the Traveler's arrival in Mondstadt.
In search of both a cure for her illness and means of revenge, Collei travels to Mondstadt. Unable to gain entry normally, she initiates the Black Fire Incident as a distraction to slip in to Mondstadt.
Amber finds Collei and befriends her despite Collei's warnings. Amber does her best to help Collei with her search while also investigating the Black Fire Incident, during which Amber discovers the metal birds planted by the Fatui and disables them with Collei before they can cause any harm. Amber also takes Collei to Ludi Harpastum festivities and shows Collei that people lead happy lives in Mondstadt.
Kaeya discovers that Collei is the culprit behind the Black Fire Incident and sets out to kill Collei but is stopped by Collei's acceptance of her death as well as the timely arrival of Amber.
Amber resolves to help Collei even after learning that Collei is the culprit behind the Black Fire Incident. Amber stands guard while Cyno seals away Collei's archon residue.[Note 1] Afterward, Amber faces Barnabas alone to protect Collei and eventually brings him down with the help of Diluc, who is also posing as the perpetrator of the Black Fire Incident. Kaeya "arrests" Diluc and hands him over to the Fatui to close the case, absolving Collei of the Black Fire Incident.
Afterward, Collei writes a letter to Amber with Lisa's help, thanking Amber and saying she left for Sumeru with Cyno.
- Collei ate Fried Radish Balls offered by Amber during Ludi Harpastum in Chapter 9 of the manga, Ludi Harpastum. She ended up liking them a lot, as seen in her "Favorite Food" voice-over.
- Barnabas tells Collei's parents that she's been touched by the deev. A deev (دیو dêv), meaning "satanic giant" in Persian, is a particular sort of supernatural entity with disagreeable characteristics.
- There are hints she is claustrophobic.
- Due to the Archon Residue feeding on Collei's negative emotions, when she encounters such a negative emotion, the Archon Residue lets Collei have a vision of what would happen if she had control over the Archon Residue and was filled with hate.
- On the Cat's Tail Message Board, one message left by a customer talks about a "strange girl" that was "wrapped in bandages," referring to Collei.
- In the Japanese version of the manga, Collei's name was previously translated as "Kona" (コナ), though this has since been changed to reflect her current name, "Korei" (コレイ).
- Collei is known by this alias or title:
- Revived Serval (in Zero Hour Invokation)
- Collei is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:
- Collei's name translates to 'lost' in Welsh.
- Collei's constellation, Leptailurus Cervarius, is in reference to servals; Leptailurus refers to the serval's genus, while cervarius is a Latin term meaning 'of, pertaining to, or connected with deer' from which the word serval is derived.
- Cuilein-Anbar's name may be translated as 'Darling Amber.' Cuilein (directly translating to 'pup/cub') is a Gaelic term of endearment commonly used for young animals, equivalent to 'darling,' while anbar is an Arabic word meaning 'amber.'
Other Languages
Character Title: Sprout of Rebirth
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Sprout of Rebirth | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 萃念初蘖 Cuìniàn Chūniè | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 萃念初櫱 Cuìniàn Chūniè | |
Japanese | 純真を抱く萌蘖 Junshin wo Idaku Hougetsu | Innocence-Bearing Sprout |
Korean | 다시 움튼 새싹 Dasi Umteun Saessak | Resprouted Bud |
Spanish | La Promesa en Flor | The Flowering Promise |
French | Germe de renaissance | Sprout of Rebirth |
Russian | Росток возрождения Rostok vozrozhdeniya | Sprout of Rebirth |
Thai | ต้นกล้าเมื่อคราแรกแย้ม Ton-Kla Meua Kra Raek Yaem | Freshly Bloomed Sprout |
Vietnamese | Mầm Non Tái Sinh | Sprout of Rebirth |
German | Taufrisches Keimblatt | Dew-Fresh Seed Leaf |
Indonesian | Sprout of Rebirth | — |
Portuguese | Broto de Renascimento | Sprout of Rebirth |
Turkish | Yeniden Doğuş Filizi | |
Italian | Germoglio di rinascita | Sprout of Rebirth |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Collei
- ↑ Manga, Chapter 15: Conclusion
- ↑ Collei's Voice-Over: About Kaeya
- ↑ Collei's Character Story: Character Story 2