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Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo is an Event Quest during Secret Summer Paradise: Part I - An Invitation From Afar!.


  1. Explore the Domain ahead
  2. Follow the Water Droplet
  3. Enter the stone wall and save the Water Droplet's friend
  4. Follow the Water Droplet
  5. Talk to everyone (0/3)
  6. Go to the first component's location
  7. Keep heading towards the first component's location
  8. Enter the preprint and get the component
  9. Return to the Silver Bottle Courtyard


UI Quest Quest Description

After touching the bottle, you really do enter a Domain, but the owner is nowhere to be seen. If you want to find the sender of the "Magic Invite," you'll need to go deep into the Domain...
(Follow the path)
Media:vo yqeq202 1 eula 01.ogg Eula: It looks like no one's set foot on this road for quite some time...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 01.ogg Collei: I agree. And the further we get, the more I feel like this place is a whole lot bigger than we imagined.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, there's something strange up ahead... Let's check it out!
(Approach the sphere of water suspended in a branch)
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, it's a big ball of water...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 klee 01.ogg Klee: I wonder what it feels like? Can I touch it?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It's so big that we could probably pass straight through it!
Icon Dialogue Talk And that was the last we ever heard from Paimon...
Icon Dialogue Talk Watch out, you might get gobbled up by the water-ball monster...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wah, that's so scary! Stop giving Paimon the heebie-jeebies!
Media:vo yqeq202 1 eula 02.ogg Eula: Let's not touch it for now. We still don't know enough about our environment.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But we can't just do nothing at all, because then... nothing at all will happen.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Hmm... I have a feeling that this could be the core that sustains this entire bottle-domain.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: In which case the moment we touch it, this place will instantly revert to its original size... with all of us still inside.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 02.ogg Collei: Yikes...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Okay, okay, Paimon won't touch it, geez!
Media:vo yqeq202 1 klee 02.ogg Klee: Kaeya... Are we really gonna get squished inside a bottle?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Of course not, Klee. I'm sure the real core of this domain is hidden away in a very safe place.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Somewhere like... over there, for example.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 03.ogg Collei: (Ah! I was so nervous that I didn't notice that big wheel at all!)
Media:vo yqeq202 1 eula 03.ogg Eula: Wait! Who goes there!
???: Gurgle!
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It's... It's the waterball monster! Ah, the waterball monster is real!
???: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 04.ogg Collei: It doesn't seem hostile... In fact, don't you think it looks happy to see us?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: R—Really? Uh, you're sure it's not gonna gobble up Paimon whole?
???: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 klee 03.ogg Klee: I don't think it's hungry! Are you, Water Droplet?
Water Droplet: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Oh dear. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not understanding a word of this.
(The water droplet teleports away)
Media:vo yqeq202 1 klee 04.ogg Klee: Wait, don't go! Wait for us!
(It stops on a lower platform)
Water Droplet: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 05.ogg Collei: Why'd it stop?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 06.ogg Collei: Maybe it can understand us after all?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 klee 05.ogg Klee: Oh, I get it now! It's leading the way for us — just like the cats in Mondstadt!
Media:vo yqeq202 1 collei 07.ogg Collei: Like the cats...? How so?
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: When you're walking around in Mondstadt city, sometimes a cat will show up on the side of the road.
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: It'll walk ahead of you for a while, and if you're curious enough to follow it, you'll soon find yourself in front of a fine establishment called:
Icon Dialogue Talk The Cat's Tail!
Media:vo yqeq202 1 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: Exactly. So let's see where this Water Droplet takes us. It could be interesting.
(Approach the Water Droplet)
(The water droplet teleports again)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It went this way, right? Hope we haven't lost it...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Did the Water Droplet go into that cave?
(Approach the Water Droplet)
Water Droplet: Gurgle.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh, another strange contraption... And there's a weird-looking wall over there.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 collei 01.ogg Collei: This kinda looks like that ball of water we saw earlier...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 collei 02.ogg Collei: Did the Water Droplet bring us here because it wants our help with something?
Water Droplet: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 01.ogg Klee: What? Your friend is trapped in the wall!?
Water Droplet: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 02.ogg Klee: Don't be sad, Water Droplet! We're here now, we'll save your friend!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: You bet! But, how're we gonna save them? Do we have to break down this wall somehow?
Water Droplet: Gurgle!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 03.ogg Klee: Nope, we can't do that! No breaking the wall.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Hmm... Do we need to find a key of some sort, then?
Water Droplet: Gurgle!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 collei 03.ogg Collei: Oh no! Where'd it go?
Media:vo yqeq202 2 eula 01.ogg Eula: Look, the device has lit up. And it's projecting images onto the wall.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: A two-dimensional space... with objects of the same composition as the device nested inside...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 04.ogg Klee: Yep! What Kaeya said! And that's where its friend is.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 eula 02.ogg Eula: But how exactly do we enter the image on the wall?
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 05.ogg Klee: Maybe... we just copy what the Water Droplet did?
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Umm... But what does that mean?
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Hold on, I think Klee's onto something.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Since the Water Droplet appears to be the key that activated the mechanism, we may be able to follow it inside simply by touching the device.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: The principle is no different than how we entered this bottle domain.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Fair enough... Okay, deep breath, then head in!
(Approach the top of the stairs within the Preprint)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Whoa, you really entered the wall.
(Approach the obstructing crate)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh, there's a box blocking your way... Wait, is it a reflection of this box in front of the wall? (TravelerTraveler), come back out for a second.
(Move the box outside of the Preprint)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Aha, the box on the wall moved, too!
(Open the lower chest)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 06.ogg Klee: Wow, another Water Droplet just came out from the wall...
(Finish the Preprint puzzle)
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: It was flat as a pancake in there, but as soon as it came out, it turned all plump and round...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Hehe, guess it makes sense that the Water Droplet's friend is also a Water Droplet.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 collei 04.ogg Collei: Aw, and they both do the same thing to show they're happy.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Ah, Water Droplet number two ran off...
Water Droplet: Gurgle!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 07a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 07b.ogg Klee: It's saying thank you, (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight, that was a huuuuge help.
Icon Dialogue Talk It was nothing!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 eula 03.ogg Eula: (TravelerTraveler), how do you feel after entering that two-dimensional space? Any... physical side effects?
Icon Dialogue Talk No, I feel the same as ever...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 13a 1.ogg Paimon: You sure seem fine to Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ah, the pain! I've been squished flat like a Traveler pizza!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 13b 1.ogg Paimon: Hmph, quit while you're behind. You're clearly fine.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 eula 04.ogg Eula: Well, I'm just glad that you're okay.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Good thing Eula's here to look out for everyone... Can't say the same for you though, Kaeya. You were pretty quick to send the Traveler inside...
Media:vo yqeq202 2 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Hey now, I only suggested that because I was confident that (TravelerTraveler) would be fine.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 08.ogg Klee: Water Droplet, is there anyone else here besides you and your friend?
Water Droplet: Gurgle?
Media:vo yqeq202 2 klee 09.ogg Klee: Yep, y'know, anyone who looks like me or my friends.
Water Droplet: Gurgle!
Media:vo yqeq202 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Oh, it ran off again... Hopefully this is a good sign.
Media:vo yqeq202 2 collei 05.ogg Collei: Amazing... C'mon, let's follow it!

(Approach the town)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 01.ogg Collei: It looks like there might be a town up ahead.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 02.ogg Collei: Huh, maybe more people live in this domain than we thought...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 01.ogg Klee: And maybe that's where Aunty Desert lives!
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 01.ogg ???: Idyia, the situation is now critical. Our window of opportunity to fix this is rapidly closing.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 02.ogg ???: I'm sure you've noticed just how much things have deteriorated in recent days.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: B—But, even so...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 03.ogg ???: This is your home. Are you really going to let everything fall to pieces?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: I... Well, I live here, but it doesn't actually belong to me...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? Paimon knows that voice...
Icon Dialogue Talk Definitely sounds like someone we know.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 04.ogg ???: Anyone else who comes into this domain in the future will take one look at the ruins before them and conclude that this place was abandoned years ago.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 05.ogg ???: But just imagine how different things could be if you maintained this domain in perfect condition. Whoever sets foot inside would witness a magical wonderland...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 06.ogg ???: How miraculous it would feel to them to find such unimaginable beauty in the middle of a lifeless desert.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: *sigh* You're right, General, truly, but—
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 07.ogg General Sangonomiya?: Act now, while you still can. You have to stand up to this, and break free from your despair.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 08.ogg General Sangonomiya?: The most important thing is to have no regrets in the end.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: Huh... Heh, well... No one CHOOSES to have regrets, do they...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 05.ogg Idyia: But I take your point... I'll try my best to stop running away.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 06.ogg Idyia: But the question remains of where to begin...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hehe, Paimon's figured out who it is.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 02a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 02b.ogg Klee: Is it (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight's friend from a faraway land?
Icon Dialogue Talk She's a Divine Priestess...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 03.ogg Klee: A divine priestess? What's that? Is it a kind of mage?
Water Droplet: Gurgle...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 07.ogg Idyia: What are you doing here? Huh...? We have new visitors?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 08.ogg Idyia: Greetings, everyone. This is the Veluriyam Mirage, and I'm the caretaker, Idyia...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 09.ogg Idyia: I'm so sorry that you have to see this domain in its current state of disarray. We are actively working on repairs, and everything will be back to normal shortly! Um, I hope...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 09.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Greetings, everyone. I guess I should introduce myself, too—
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 10.ogg Idyia: It's all right, just leave the introductions to me.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 10.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: (Hmm? I kinda wanted to say hello in my own way... But no harm done, I guess I'll let her do the honors.)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 11.ogg Idyia: This lady is a visitor to the domain, just like yourselves. She is a formidable military general.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 12.ogg Idyia: Have any of you heard of Inazuma's "Onmyou Chamber"?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 03.ogg Collei: The... what chamber?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 13.ogg Idyia: Onmyou chamber. It's an elite training academy for gifted students of Onmyoudou. Practitioners are divided into four classes, A through D, and assigned the power of shikigami based on their mastery of the art...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 11.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Ah... Wait...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 14.ogg Idyia: This lady famously led the class D underdogs to victory against the class A favorites in the final mock-campaign before graduation, an astonishing feat that few in the history of the academy have ever achieved. Hence, "formidable general" is no exaggeration!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 15.ogg Idyia: Isn't that right, General? Uh... What's wrong?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 12.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: ...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? Wait, so the favorites were beaten by the... classy underdogs...? Paimon's not completely following...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
(TravelerTraveler): (Those all sound like tropes from some Inazuman light novels!)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 04a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 04b.ogg Klee: That doesn't sound like the "Divine Priestess" (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight was talking about.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 04.ogg Collei: (Uh-oh, did she just get caught lying in front of someone she was trying to impress? Or... maybe she uses a different identity in her private life, and this is the first time her friends are learning about it...)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 05.ogg Collei: (Seems... kind of embarrassing, but also kinda cool... I guess having someone else to introduce you is a good way to make an impression...)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 06.ogg Collei: (Hmm, maybe I'd fit in better with everyone if I had a title, too?)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 13.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Ahem... Some people call me a general, but it's just their way of showing respect. My actual name is Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 16.ogg Idyia: Huh? Oh no... Sorry, my mistake, General... Uh, I mean... Miss Sangonomiya?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 14.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Call me whatever you like, Idyia. The only important thing about names is knowing who's who.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 05.ogg Klee: Oh, I get it now! It's like that story that Mom told me that time!
Water Droplet: Gurgle?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 06.ogg Klee: Klee can explain! So basically, in the story, a big group of people go on an adventure to Bottleland. One of them's called the "king," and some of them are called "knights"!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 07.ogg Klee: So Miss Sangonomiya must be the super smart one who solves all the problems in the story... Um... What's that one called again?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 01.ogg Eula: Perhaps a "sage"?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Indeed, wisdom is an important attribute found in military generals.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 08.ogg Klee: Okay, well I'll just call you that! Hehe, Miss General it is!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 15.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Fine by me. It sounds really cute, coming from you.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 16.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: (At least... cuter than my pen name, that's for sure...)
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 17.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Well then, how should I address the rest of you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Old friend for me... I hope!
Icon Dialogue Talk Comrade-in-arms... unless you've forgotten!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 18.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hehe, how could I ever forget you? But what about these esteemed ladies and gentlemen accompanying you? I'd be delighted if you could introduce me to them, too.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 09.ogg Klee: Wait, Klee wants a title, too! Hmm... okay, got it. Klee wants to be a Mage! The kind that flies around everywhere. Da-da-da! WHOOSH!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 10a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 10b.ogg Klee: Kaeya can be the "Master Thief," (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight can be, uh... the "Knight." And Paimon will be the "Fairy" who follows the Knight everywhere.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Master Thief, huh? I did like playing pirates as a child, so I suppose this is an apt role for me. And I must admit, the "Master" part is a nice touch.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 02.ogg Eula: Hold on a second! Are you saying the position of "Knight" is now filled?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 11.ogg Klee: Eula can be the "Swordmaster," who can cut through anything and also gets to wear a super sparkly cape!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 03.ogg Eula: Hmph. That's more like it.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 12.ogg Klee: And Collei can be, umm... the "Healer."
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 07.ogg Collei: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...If you wanna be the Knight, we can swap.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 08.ogg Collei: No no, I don't mind, Healer is a great role! I just don't know if I'm qualified to be one...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 09.ogg Collei: Whenever I'm thinking of titles for myself, I usually imagine myself as an "adventurer" or "musician." I never thought I could be a Healer... I mean, it feels like it should be Master Tighnari's role, if anyone's...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 13.ogg Klee: Don't worry, Collei, you'll be the bestest healer ever! You don't talk much, but you're very kind. Just like the Healers in Mom's stories!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 04.ogg Eula: You'll do fine. I heard you're good with bandages. You can patch up a wound, can't you?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 10.ogg Collei: Uhh... I can pitch a tent? Maybe you heard wrong... But I'll do my best! It's my first day filling in for Master Tighnari, but hopefully it's the first of many!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 17.ogg Idyia: This is a great idea... Once a new visitor arrives, they can assume a new identity... then add in some role-playing...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 14.ogg Klee: Oh, we can't leave you out, Miss Idyia! Hmm... There are lots of characters in Mom's stories, but you don't remind me of any of them...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 18.ogg Idyia: That's perfectly okay! I already have a role here anyway, remember? I'm the caretaker.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 15.ogg Klee: I got it, I got it! This wasn't in any of the stories, but you can be the "Mascot!"
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 19.ogg Idyia: Mascot...?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Klee, maybe you could think up an even better role for Miss Idyia?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 20.ogg Idyia: A mascot, you say... Isn't that a character that doesn't have to actually do anything, and sits around letting everyone else do all the important work? Incredible, you've seen right through me...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 11.ogg Collei: Sounds like the idea of being lazy is pretty exciting to her...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 19.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: The Mascot serves to maintain troop morale, Idyia. Don't underestimate your role.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 21.ogg Idyia: Ah, alright. I'll be the Mascot, then.
Water Droplet: Gurgle?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 22.ogg Idyia: That's right. Thank you for bringing these new friends here safely. You can go off and play now.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 16.ogg Klee: Thanks, Water Droplet! See ya!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 23.ogg Idyia: Hmm, Water Droplet? Is that your pet name for it? Haha, I suppose it's as accurate a nickname as any.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: We keep getting sidetracked... but I believe you were saying something about being in a difficult predicament. Is something wrong with the Veluriyam Mirage?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 24.ogg Idyia: Ah yes, about that... I'm afraid the entire domain has recently sustained some significant damage...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 25.ogg Idyia: It was as if... the whole world was suddenly flipped upside down. A few components went missing from the core, which sustains the domain, and the impact cascaded out from there.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 26.ogg Idyia: Needless to say, many things in the Veluriyam Mirage have now stopped working...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 27.ogg Idyia: Just days after I agreed to let my friend's daughter come and visit, too. When she gets here, and sees the state this place is in—
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 17.ogg Klee: Oh, so you're Mom's friend? Hi, Aunty Desert, I'm Klee! Here, I brought the Magic Invite — see?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 28.ogg Idyia: Huh? Wait, so you're... you're...!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 05.ogg Eula: Look how dilated her pupils are... She must be very surprised.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 12.ogg Collei: Yeah, and not in a good way...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 18.ogg Klee: Mom's the one who sent me here! She's the strongest mage ever. She said that her friend lives in the desert — you live in the desert, so that must be you! Right, Aunty Desert?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 kokomi 20.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Ah, I see. So being a mage runs in the family.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 29.ogg Idyia: Aaaah!!!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 30.ogg Idyia: You're... you're Alice's daughter!? Oh, I just want the ground to swallow me up right now... Wait, that's it! I'll hide myself away in the core of the domain! Hide there until this all blows over. See you all in a hundred years!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 collei 13.ogg Collei: Idyia's really going through it! She's like a shriveled little forest fungus, hanging its head in shame!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 eula 06.ogg Eula: ...Collei? That's a harsh analogy, where'd all that come from?
Media:vo yqeq202 3 klee 19.ogg Klee: Don't worry, Aunty Desert, Klee's here to help you! And all my friends will help, too! Just take a deep breath, then another deep breath, and all your worries will fly away!
Icon Dialogue Talk Klee's right. Many hands make light work...
Icon Dialogue Talk As a Knight, it shall be my honor to render my assistance...
Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 04a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Yeah, don't you worry — (‍SirSir/LadyLady‍) Fixalot over here has a good track record with this kind of thing!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 31.ogg Idyia: Well, I'm useless... but it looks like that won't matter with all you capable people around. Fantastic!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Don't put yourself down, Idyia, you're great too!
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 32.ogg Idyia: Thanks for your encouragement... Anyway, for the time being, please talk amongst yourselves.
Media:vo yqeq202 3 idyia 33.ogg Idyia: That'll give me some time to think things through, and maybe make a start on... um, delegating...
(Talk to Klee or Kokomi)
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 klee 01a.ogg Media:vo dialog yqeq202 klee 01b.ogg Klee: Hi Miss General! (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight says that you're from Watatsumi Island...
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 klee 02.ogg Klee: What's it like there? There must be loooads of fish, right?
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 klee 03.ogg Klee: Wait! You look kinda like a mermaid. Are there fish in your family?
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kokomi 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Oh, uh... Sorry to disappoint you, Miss Mage, but I'm just an ordinary human.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kokomi 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: I have lots of great stories about Watatsumi Island, though. C'mon, let's enjoy the scenery while I tell you all about it.
(Talk to Kaeya or Collei)
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Feeling nervous, Collei? It's your first time as a guide, after all.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 collei 01.ogg Collei: Hmm? Oh no, not at all. I'm just... still settling into the role, so I was thinking about how to talk more like Master Tighnari...
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Well, the easiest way to imitate someone is to start with their most common turns of phrase.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 collei 02.ogg Collei: Oh, okay. In that case... Ahem! "Put that mushroom down! Now! It's highly poisonous."
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: There you go. With just a few simple words, you've captured your master's personality perfectly.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 collei 03.ogg Collei: Anyway, what about your role? Don't you mind being the "Master Thief"? It doesn't sound like you're one of the good guys...
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Maybe not — until you factor in that I only steal from the enemy. I think that's enough to make me one of the good guys... don't you?
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 collei 04.ogg Collei: Oh, uh... fair point, fair point...
(Talk to Eula or Idyia)
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: Hmm? Who else has visited the Veluriyam Mirage recently? There was someone from the Akademiya who came not long ago... a Kshahrewar scholar. Blond hair, architect, I think?
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: He was a huge help, and redesigned many of the buildings here. Although he was always grumbling to himself, he was extremely diligent in his work. Ah... What a kind person...
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: I could tell that was a sensitive soul, a lot like me... Ah! Sorry, please pretend you didn't hear that... Ahem! I'm of course a very strong and resilient person.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: After him, an aristocrat from Mondstadt showed up, then the Gen— I mean, Miss Sangonomiya.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 05.ogg Idyia: Unfortunately, everything here suddenly started changing before I'd had the chance to be a good host and show them around.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 eula 01.ogg Eula: Do you know where the Mondstadt aristocrat is now?
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 06.ogg Idyia: ...If I remember correctly, he headed north after the incident.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 07.ogg Idyia: It's a pity we're having all these issues... *sigh* If we could get everything working normally again, I could probably locate him in an instant.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 08.ogg Idyia: Still, not to worry. There's nothing dangerous here.
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 eula 02.ogg Eula: Mm...
(After talking to everyone)
Media:vo yqeq202 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey Idyia, you got an update for us? We've all caught up with each other.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: Very well. Then please allow me, Idyia, your Mascot, to explain exactly what's happened here...
(TravelerTraveler): (She's pretty happy with this Mascot role, huh...)
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: Basically, this entire domain is powered by a device called the Central Hub, which you all saw earlier.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: But following a major incident, several key components from the Central Hub came loose and went flying.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: ...Four components, I believe, which has caused the Central Hub to stop turning.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 klee 01.ogg Klee: Ohhh, so that thing's supposed to spin?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 05.ogg Idyia: Yes! It definitely shouldn't be frozen still like it is now! ...At least, that's not how it was when I first got here? Ugh, I've done such a terrible job of taking care of it, it's so embarrassing...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, everything's gonna be okay. So, we need to fix the big wheel up there, and to do that we need to find the missing parts.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 06.ogg Idyia: Right... I do know where one of the parts is. It landed not too far away.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 07.ogg Idyia: But the rest all landed in different areas. I'm afraid you'll have to go and look for those...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 08.ogg Idyia: Ahem! Now, as the caretaker and your mascot, I shall announce your respective adventure duties!
Media:vo yqeq202 5 collei 01.ogg Collei: Umm... You can just be yourself if you want, no need to force the whole roleplaying thing...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 09.ogg Idyia: ...Oh, I see... Um, okay, so I was thinking that maybe Swordmaster Eula and Healer Collei could investigate the northern zone, if that's okay?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 eula 01.ogg Eula: Fine by me. I was going to be looking for my cousin there anyway.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 collei 02.ogg Collei: I'll be your backup, Eula. I know you usually team up with Amber, so I'll try my best to fill her shoes.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 eula 02.ogg Eula: Oh? Well this'll be fun. Let's see if a forest ranger can outperform an outrider.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 10.ogg Idyia: Master Thief Kaeya and Mage Klee, if you could earmark some time in your busy schedules to search the west zone...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 klee 02.ogg Klee: Earmark? What does that mean?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: It just means we mustn't forget to do it. Don't worry, we can handle that.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 11.ogg Idyia: Finally, we have our General, Miss Sangonomiya, and our Knight, (TravelerTraveler). If there's no objections, please come with me to retrieve the first component.
Icon Dialogue Talk Understood.
Icon Dialogue Talk You have my sword!
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 12b 1.ogg Idyia: Wow... Spoken like a true knight.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kokomi 01b 1.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hehe... Then for my part, my strategic mind is at your service.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 13.ogg Idyia: Alright. Well, if anyone finds anything, come back here and we'll regroup.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 14.ogg Idyia: Please take care while you're out on the road, and look after each other... especially our little mage here.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 klee 03.ogg Klee: You got it! I'll take extra-special care of Kaeya.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: I'll be on my best behavior.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 15.ogg Idyia: ...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 16.ogg Idyia: Okay, we'll leave it there for now. You two, please follow me.
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 17.ogg Idyia: I remember seeing it just behind the Central Hub...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kokomi 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: ...So how come you didn't bring it back when you first saw it?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 18.ogg Idyia: I'd have been more than happy to, if this one component was enough to fix the whole domain.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 idyia 19.ogg Idyia: But with three other components to find... I suddenly felt overwhelmed by how much work needed doing...
Media:vo yqeq202 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon kinda gets that... Taking the first step is always the hardest part.
(Approach the bridge on the floating rock)
Media:vo yqeq202 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, so Paimon's been meaning to ask, what brought you here, Kokomi?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kokomi 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Oh, um... Well, things have quieted down in Watatsumi Island for now, so I thought I'd take the chance to get out and see more of the world.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: You've traveled a pretty long way... Why Sumeru?
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kokomi 04.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: ...I figured that I needed to venture farther than usual to really broaden my horizons.
Media:vo yqeq202 5 kokomi 05.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Well, that's one reason, anyway... I can explain in more detail another time.
(Approach the Streaming Projector)
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: Okay, this is the spot.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: Now, I'm sure you're both wondering: "But where's the component?"
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: "There's nothing here! Oh, where could it be..."
Media:vo yqeq202 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's that lamp thingy, right? Water Droplet showed us how that works already.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: Uh... yes, that's the one... There goes my big introduction.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 05.ogg Idyia: Showing people the ropes is supposed to be my job... I can't believe I'm being shown up by a Hydro Eidolon...
Media:vo yqeq202 6 kokomi 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Cheer up, Idyia. The Hydro Eidolon can give a basic demonstration of how to use things, but beyond that, it can't communicate...
Media:vo yqeq202 6 kokomi 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: That's where you come in. Your descriptions can explain everything in full, vivid detail.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon forgot how persuasive Kokomi can be when she really wants to... Sometimes having a genius strategist around really comes in handy.
(TravelerTraveler): (Now I see how an eloquent speaker can persuade others to not only agree with them, but do things for them...)
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 06.ogg Idyia: Oh, if you put it that way... Well then, just pretend like you've never seen it before, and I'll tell you all about it!
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 07.ogg Idyia: This is called the Streaming Projector. Everything here in the Veluriyam Mirage was made using this device...
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 08.ogg Idyia: All you need to do is place an item in the Projector, and you can construct a corresponding item based on the shape of the original and your imagination.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 09.ogg Idyia: ...At least, I think that's what it used to do. With the domain in its current state, only its most basic functions are still operable.
Icon Dialogue Talk Basic functions... like shining light?
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 10.ogg Idyia: Okay, not quite that basic... At the moment, it's only able to show two-dimensional objects. I call them "preprints."
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 11.ogg Idyia: Think of it like a sort of draft or blueprint, or something.
Media:vo yqeq202 6 kokomi 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: So you're saying, the component fell into the preprints?
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 12.ogg Idyia: Yes, exactly. I'll leave you to go in and physically retrieve it, while I... Uh, I'll be out here rooting for you by... by doing a motivational dance!
Media:vo yqeq202 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Really?
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 13.ogg Idyia: ...No. Sorry. I feel like I have two left feet when I try to dance. I guess I'll just... find a place nearby to sit and wait patiently for you...
Media:vo yqeq202 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, come on, cheer up. We'll handle everything from here!
(Talk to Idyia again, optional)
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 09.ogg Idyia: All you need to do is touch the Streaming Projector and you'll enter the world of preprints...
Media:vo dialog yqeq202 idyia 10.ogg Idyia: Don't worry. It's not dangerous.
(Open the first chest in the Prerint)
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 14.ogg Idyia: Doesn't look like the component is in here...
(Open the rightmost chest in the Prerint)
Media:vo yqeq202 6 idyia 15.ogg Idyia: Yes, that's the one! Now you just need to bring it back out.
(Leave the preprint after collecting the gear)
Media:vo yqeq202 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What is this thing, anyway? Some kind of gear?
Secret Summer Paradise Gear
Media:vo yqeq202 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: And why's it so small? It doesn't look like it belongs in that huge wheel...
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: It's hard to explain, but I assure you that it's definitely one of the components.
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: So that leaves three more components missing...
Media:vo yqeq202 7 kokomi 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Every journey begins with a first step. I think we're off to a good start, and things should keep going smoothly from here.
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: Y—You really think so?
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course, trust the General!
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: I suppose you're right... she did manage to defeat class A at the Onmyou chamber, after all...
Media:vo yqeq202 7 kokomi 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Um... You, uh, don't need to keep bringing that up!
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 05.ogg Idyia: Anyway, thank you for all your help.
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 06.ogg Idyia: I'll take this and start trying to repair the Central Hub. You two may as well head back to town.
Media:vo yqeq202 7 idyia 07.ogg Idyia: *sigh* Why am I so clumsy? Once again, I was no help at all... The least I can do is try and handle the actual repairs.

(Approach the marked location in the Silver Bottle Courtyard)
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hmm...
Media:vo yqeq202 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What's wrong, Kokomi?
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: I'm just a little confused... You mentioned that the Water Droplet showed you how to use the projector?
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Can you tell me a little bit more about that? I'm so curious to know what happened.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, sure!
You tell Kokomi everything that happened earlier with Water Droplet.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 04.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: I see...
(The ground shakes)
Media:vo yqeq202 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, look! The wheel is spinning now.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Aww, and now it's stopped again. Well, that didn't last long...
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 05.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: It also wasn't spinning at the right speed. Before the incident, it spun much faster than that.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, so you saw it back when it was still working?
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 06.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Yes. I arrived here a little earlier than the rest of you. But the incident took place not long after I entered.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 07.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Like Idyia said, it felt like the world was "flipped upside down"... I don't know how else to describe it... and I certainly don't want to experience it again.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 idyia 01.ogg Idyia: *sigh* It's no use... Seems it won't run until all the missing components are returned.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 idyia 02.ogg Idyia: For a moment there, when it started turning, I got excited... I thought that maybe the hub can work just fine without the other three...
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 08.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Wishful thinking is only going to lead to disappointment, Idyia. Let's stick to the plan, we'll get there.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 01a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 01b.ogg Klee: Hey, (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight and Miss General are here! Oh, and our mascot!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 02.ogg Klee: You beat us! I was sure we were gonna be the first ones back!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Hey. How'd it go?
Icon Dialogue Talk Mission complete!
Icon Dialogue Talk Where a knight's sword goes, victory soon follows!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Haha. Impressive. I doubt you'd find many other knights of such caliber even among the Knights of Favonius.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 idyia 03.ogg Idyia: How about our Master Thief and Mage? Did you find anything?
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 03.ogg Klee: You bet! We made a huuuge discovery!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 04.ogg Klee: The place we were trying to get to was blocked off. We couldn't see anything past it, and there was no way around.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 05.ogg Klee: But then, just now, a huge canyon appeared outta nowhere... so we hurried back here!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 09.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: It appeared just now?
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 10.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: ...
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 06a.ogg Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 06b.ogg Klee: Come and see, (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight! Let's go on a canyon adventure!
Icon Dialogue Talk To the canyon!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 idyia 04.ogg Idyia: I'll sit this one out. I'm beat after trying to make those repairs... I need to take a break.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 07.ogg Klee: Miss General, you should come, too! You can hide behind me and give me smart advice while I protect you!
Media:vo yqeq202 8 kokomi 11.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Wonderful. It would be an honor to serve as adviser for our young mage.
Media:vo yqeq202 8 klee 08.ogg Klee: Hee-hee, let's go!!!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
05Soothing NightfallThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo, Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures), Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle
17Dreamlike ReflectionThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo, Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated, Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing (zosimos' show), Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle
Locations, Event Gameplay



  • The Multum in Parvo in this quest's name is a Latin phrase meaning "much in a little."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGlaze Domain, Multum in Parvo
Liúlí Mìjìng, Xiǎozhōngjiàndà
Glaze Domain, The Large Seen From Within the Small
Liúlí Mìjìng, Xiǎozhōngjiàndà
Ruri no Hikyou, Bindzume no Sekai
Korean작은 비경
Jageun Byeong Sok Keun Bigyeong
A Big Domain Inside a Small Bottle
SpanishDominio de cristal, de pequeño a descomunalCrystal Domain, From Small to Huge
FrenchDonjon bouteillé, dupant par son immensitéBottled DomainDomainDomainDomainTooltip for DomainDomain, Fooling Because of Its Immensity
RussianСтеклянное подземелье, большое в малом
Steklyannoye podzemel'ye, bol'shoye v malom
Glass DomainDomainDomainDomainTooltip for DomainDomain, the Big Within the Small
Thaiดันเจี้ยนกระจกเงา ดูเล็กแต่ยิ่งใหญ่
VietnameseBí Cảnh Lưu Ly, Trong Nhỏ Có Lớn
GermanKleine Flasche, große MirageSmall Bottle, Big Mirage
IndonesianDomain Kaca, yang Besar di Dalam yang KecilGlass Domain, the Big One Inside the Small One
PortugueseDomínio Vitrificado, do Pequeno ao Gigante
TurkishCamdan Zindanda Göze Görünenden Fazlası
ItalianDominio Splendente, "Multum in parvo"Shining Domain, "Multum in Parvo"

Change History[]
