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ICU高校校歌英語作詞奈良橋 陽子 作曲:タケカワ ユキヒデ




ICU High School Song

作詞奈良橋 陽子

作曲:タケカワ ユキヒデ

補作:野村 威温

I can sing with all my heart

Of all the dreams I can search for

Of all the love that is God sent

Of all horizons I will explore

Praise be to you


I will pledge to walk

The road of light and learning

With God in me to guide me every day

See me through the narrow

Send me on my way

For tomorrows that I long for

By how I live today

*Praise be to you


Honor to you

ICU High School

I can see a bright new dawn

A future which lies in our hands

A future we will shape and form

A future to make better for man

Praise be to you


I will pledge to strive

To work for understanding

No matter what the race or creed may be

The spirit of all men

Our souls be all the same

We can work for peace abiding

Unite our hearts to sing




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