Media Release
Invitation to the independent conference by International NGOs on the topic of
Japan's Participation to the TPP negotioation and
The Intellectual Property (IP) & people’s rights and health
Dear colleagues and friends, Media
July 18, 2013 The Citizen’s Congress for Opposing the TPP is an non-governmental , non-partisan organization established in 2012 at the time of APEC Meeting in Yokohama, composed by more than one hundred members of parliament ( both ruling and opposition parties) , researchers and scholars working in the fields of agriculture, health, medicine , food safety and intellectual property.
We have been criticizing the concept and design of TPP per se besides opposing to the participation of Japan to this hegemonic system disguising the expansion of Free Trade regime.
We are apprehensive that TPP might undermine our fundamental social value system and industrial structure in addition to the direct impacts on the agricultural sector and to medical services.
Although Prime Minister Shinzo ABE declared that Japan will participate in the TPP negotiations and that will be approved on July 23 at the Kota Kinabalu conference , there are growing oppositions in Japan , by the Diet (Congress) members (both ruling and opposition parties), Governors of Local Authorities, scholars , researchers, NGOs and citizens.
As for TPP negotiation itself, “Intellectual Property(IP)” in most important issues at this round, and it is strongly related to people’s rights and health. We are collaborating with International NGOs who had been advocating on the IP issued for a long time.
We would like to invite colleagues ,friends and journalists to our independent press conference to exchange information on the contents and the results of the negotiation which are kept secret even at this stage, and to discuss the future of TPP negotiation after the participation of Japan.
We look forward to seeing you at our media Conference.
*Date: Saturday, 20th July
*Time: 16:30-18:00
*Venue:Theater Room , Level 2, Marina & Country Club
5 minutes from Magellan Sutera Resort by walk
1. Katsumasa HARANAKA
(Chairman, Citizen’s Conference Opposing TPP / Former Chairman,
Medical Association of Japan)
2. Burcu Kilic (Public Citizen)
3. Fifa Rahman( LLB (Hons), MHLPolicy Manager, Malaysian AIDS Council ) 4. Lim Ching Wei( Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia ) 5. Deborah Gleeson( Public Health Association of Australia, Lecturer School of Public Health and Human Biosciences ) 6. Mary Assunta ( Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance )
*Modelator: Shoko Uchida ,Public Citizen/Pacific Asia Resource Center
*Organiser: The Citizen’s Congress for Opposing the TPP/Pacific Asia Resource Center(PARC)
2-14-13 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 102-0093
Phone: +81-3-5211-6880, Fax:+81-3-5211-6886 e-mail: [email protected]
Mobile; +81-90-7192-7448(Shoko Uchida)