Big Brother Wiki
Alliance Profile
Big Brother Canada 4
Members Cassandra Shahinfar
Tim Dormer
Joel Lefevre
Kelsey Faith
Nikki Grahame
Votes Against 7
HoH Wins 2 (Weeks 5 & 9)
5 (Weeks 3, 8, 10, 11, and Day 63)
Veto Wins 2 (Week 10 and Day 63)

Tass was an alliance on Big Brother Canada 4.


Cassandra Shahinfar
Tim Dormer


Joel Lefevre
Kelsey Faith
Nikki Grahame



Upon Tim Dormer entering the house alongside Nikki Grahame in Week 2, Cassandra Shahinfar and Tim quickly connected and formed a very close alliance.

Gaining Allies[]

Cassandra and Tim used their other social connections in the house to help bring numbers to their side. Cassandra had an alliance and friendship with Joel Lefevre and they ended up forming an alliance with him called The Threekshow. Tim used his bond with Nikki to use her as a number. Cassandra and Tim decided to join the Mighty Middle alliance, despite it being an extremely weak alliance.


Cassandra and Tim continued to dominate the game, successfully playing the middle of the house. Cassandra and Tim were first put in danger at the second Double Eviction of the season. Nick & Phil Paquette and Kelsey Faith began to realize how powerful of a duo Cassandra and Tim were. After Cassandra won HOH and took out their ally Jared Kesler, the duo turned their targets to them. During the Double Eviction HOH, Cassandra cut a deal with Phil to keep herself safe, in return she wouldn’t use the veto if she won. After Nick & Phil won HOH, they nominated Tim and Nikki. After Cassandra won the veto, she went back on the deal and vetoed Tim, much to the anger of Nick & Phil and Kelsey. After Kelsey won HOH, she nominated the duo alongside each other. After a failed plan to get Joel to win the veto to save them. Cassandra and Tim were left in a tricky situation. However, Cassandra and Tim were able to convince Kelsey to change her target to Joel. They were successful as Joel was evicted come eviction night.


After Nick & Phil won both the HOH and POV, Cassandra and Tim were left nominated alongside each other. Kelsey cast the sole vote to evict on Cassandra. After Tim failed to win the final HOH competition, Kelsey cast the sole vote to evict on him, thus officially ending the alliance.


  • Both members of the alliance won exactly 2 competitions.
Big Brother Canada 4 Alliances
Farter & The BeautyFour AcesJury DealLoverryTassThe Canadian Original GangstersThe Shoulda Woulda Coulda AllianceThe ThreekshowThird WheelTikki WildcardsTreaty of the Final 3Queer NutsShut Your MouthMighty Middle