The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Foreign Affairs Archives
Foreign Affairs •ï¿½80 Years, 335 Issues, 7,959 Articles, 69,189pp
Source Material
Foreign Affairs, July 1945, pp. 703-710
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1920s = 8 Years, 29 Issues, 694 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1922 = 2 Issues, 45 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1923 = 4 Issues, 89 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1924 = 4 Issues, 86 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1925 = 3 Issues, 70 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1926 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1927 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1928 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1929 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
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                    Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 1,051 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1930 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1931 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1932 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1933 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1934 = 4 Issues, 108 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1935 = 4 Issues, 112 Articles
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                                  Issues of 1936 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1937 = 4 Issues, 106 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1938 = 4 Issues, 106 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1939 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
                                      2. [+]
                                        Issues of the 1940s = 10 Years, 38 Issues, 973 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1940 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1941 = 4 Issues, 110 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1942 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1943 = 4 Issues, 105 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1944 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      January 1945 Issue = 26 Articles
                                                      1. America at War by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 167-181
                                                      2. Bretton Woods and International Cooperation by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., pp. 182-194
                                                      3. The Monetary Fund by H.D. White, pp. 195-210
                                                      4. The Vatican's Position in Europe by Luigi Sturzo, pp. 211-221
                                                      5. China's Financial Problems by H.H. Kung, pp. 222-232
                                                      6. The Court as an Organ of the United Nations by Philip C. Jessup, pp. 233-246
                                                      7. British Reconversion and Trade by W. Manning Dacey, pp. 247-255
                                                      8. Diplomacy, Old and New by Andre Geraud, pp. 256-270
                                                      9. Argentina, the Recalcitrant American State by Frank Tannenbaum, pp. 271-283
                                                      10. The Reconstruction of European Agriculture by Karl Brandt, pp. 284-294
                                                      11. Shanghai and Hong Kong by H.G.W. Woodhead, pp. 295-307
                                                      12. Race Relations in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands by Eric Williams, pp. 308-317
                                                      13. The Gandhi-Jinnah Conversations by Sir Frederick Puckle, pp. 318-323
                                                      14. Phases in Swedish Neutrality by Joachim Joesten, pp. 324-329
                                                      15. [+]
                                                        Recent Books on International Relations by Robert Gale Woolbert, pp. 330-331 - 24 Reviews
                                                        1. Our Settlement with Germany by H.N. Brailsford
                                                        2. The Control of Germany and Japan by Harold G. Moulton and Louis Marlio
                                                        3. Peace Is the Victory by Harrop A. Freeman
                                                        4. Primer of the Coming World by Leopold Schwarzschild
                                                        5. It Can be Done This Time by Frederick Palmer
                                                        6. Peace Through Law by Hans Kelsen
                                                        7. Regionalism and World Organization
                                                        8. Permanent Peace for Europe by Harry Lewis Braham
                                                        9. War Criminals and Punishment by George Creel
                                                        10. Nationality in History and Politics by Friedrich O. Hertz
                                                        11. Plea for Liberty by Georges Bernanos
                                                        12. Justice and World Society by Laurence Stapleton
                                                        13. People on Our Side by Edgar Snow
                                                        14. Winged Peace by William Avery Bishop
                                                        15. Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel
                                                        16. Europe: An Atlas of Human Geography by Marthe Rajchman
                                                        17. Compass of the World by Hans W. Weigert and Vilhjalmur Stefansson
                                                        18. World Maps and Globes by Irving Fisher and O.M. Miller
                                                        19. The Geography of World Air Transport by J. Parker Van Zandt
                                                        20. The Literature of European Imperialism, 1815-1939 by Lowell J. Ragatz
                                                        21. Everybody's Political What's What? by Bernard Shaw
                                                        22. The First and Second World Wars by Francis J. Tschan
                                                        23. The Statesman's Year Book, 1944 by M. Epstein
                                                        24. 1944 Britannica Book of the Year~~Nineteen Forty-Four Britannica Book of the Year by Walter Yust
                                                      16. [+]
                                                        General: Economic and Social The Sinews of Peace, by Herbert Feis, pp. 332-333 - 15 Reviews
                                                        1. The Sinews of Peace by Herbert Feis
                                                        2. The New Economy by Robert J.G. Boothby
                                                        3. Omnipotent Government by Ludwig von Mises
                                                        4. Peace Through Co-Operation by J. Henry Carpenter
                                                        5. Cartels: Challenge to a Free World by Wendell Berge
                                                        6. Freedom from Fear by Louis H. Pink
                                                        7. Postwar Economic Society by Arnold J. Zurcher and Richmond Page
                                                        8. A Time Is Born by Garet Garrett
                                                        9. Theory of National Economic Planning by Carl Landauer
                                                        10. Food, War and the Future by E. Parmalee Prentice
                                                        11. International Relief in Action, 1914-1943 by Hertha Kraus
                                                        12. Race, Nation, Person: A Symposium by Joseph W. Corrigan and G. Barry O'Toole
                                                        13. The Social Contract and the Islamic State by Ilyas Ahmad
                                                        14. The Jew in Our Day by Waldo Frank
                                                        15. The Great Century in Northern Africa and Asia, A.D. 1800-A.D. 1914 by Kenneth Scott Latourette
                                                      17. [+]
                                                        Second World War The War in Maps, by Francis Brown and Emil Herlin, pp. 334-335 - 17 Reviews
                                                        1. The War in Maps by Francis Brown and Emil Herlin
                                                        2. Great Soldiers of World War II by Harvey A. DeWeerd
                                                        3. Eisenhower: Man and Soldier by Francis Trevelyan Miller
                                                        4. Prelude to Invasion by Henry L. Stimson
                                                        5. Invasion Diary by Richard Tregaskis
                                                        6. Invasion! by Charles C. Wertenbaker
                                                        7. War Below Zero: The Battle for Greenland by Bernt Balchen, Corey Ford, and Oliver La Farge
                                                        8. The Navy's War by Fletcher Pratt
                                                        9. We Build, We Fight! The Story of the Seabees by Hugh B. Cave
                                                        10. Pacific Battle Line by Foster Hailey
                                                        11. MacArthur and the War Against Japan by Frazier Hunt
                                                        12. Pacific Victory, 1945 by Joseph Driscoll
                                                        13. Nor Death Dismay by Samuel Duff McCoy
                                                        14. Navies in Exile by A.D. Divine
                                                        15. The Tempering of Russia by Ilya Ehrenburg
                                                        16. Leningrad by Alexander Werth
                                                        17. Russian Year by Xavier Pruszynski
                                                      18. [+]
                                                        The United States An American Program, by Wendell L. Willkie, pp. 336-338 - 34 Reviews
                                                        1. An American Program by Wendell L. Willkie
                                                        2. The American Character by D.W. Brogan
                                                        3. Foreign Influences in American Life by David F. Bowers
                                                        4. The Road to Foreign Policy by Hugh Gibson
                                                        5. Bases Overseas by George Weller
                                                        6. The Battle Against Isolation by Walter Johnson
                                                        7. An American Peace by Neil MacNeil
                                                        8. Our Road to Power by Julian Bornow
                                                        9. What Manner of Man? by Noel F. Busch
                                                        10. "That Man" in the White House by Frank Kingdon
                                                        11. Dewey: An American of This Century by Stanley Walker
                                                        12. The Gentleman from Massachusetts by Karl Schriftgiesser
                                                        13. Democracy Reborn by Henry A. Wallace
                                                        14. Watching the World by Raymond Clapper
                                                        15. Stefansson: Prophet of the North by Earl Parker Hanson
                                                        16. Report on Demobilization by James R. Mock and Evangeline Thurber
                                                        17. The Presidency and the Crisis by Louis William Koenig
                                                        18. Our Civil Liberties by Osmond K. Fraenkel
                                                        19. The Bureaucrat by John H. Crider
                                                        20. You and Your Congress by Volta Torrey
                                                        21. New Dictionary of American Politics by Edward Conrad Smith and Arnold John Zurcher
                                                        22. A Dictionary of American Politics by Edward Conrad Smith and Arnold John Zurcher
                                                        23. Representative American Speeches, 1943-44 by A. Craig Baird
                                                        24. Citizens for a New World by Erling M. Hunt
                                                        25. The Rest of Your Life by Leo M. Cherne
                                                        26. Peace, Plenty, and Petroleum by Benjamin T. Brooks
                                                        27. The Food Front in World War I by Maxcy Robson Dickson
                                                        28. Food "Crisis" by Roy F. Hendrickson
                                                        29. United States Shipping in Transpacific Trade, 1922-1938 by Walter A. Radius
                                                        30. U.S. Aviation in Wartime
                                                        31. State of the Nation by John Dos Passos
                                                        32. The History of American Trotskyism, 1928-38 by James P. Cannon
                                                        33. Prejudice: Japanese-Americans by Carey McWilliams
                                                        34. Revolt in Paradise by Alexander MacDonald
                                                      19. [+]
                                                        Western Europe The Truth About de Gaulle, by Andre Riveloup, p. 339 - 8 Reviews
                                                        1. The Truth About de Gaulle by Andre Riveloup
                                                        2. France in Sunshine and Shadow by Tryphosa Bates Batcheller
                                                        3. The Netherlands: Story of a Free People by Hendrik Riemens
                                                        4. The Making of Modern Holland by Adriaan J. Barnouw
                                                        5. Germany: A Short History by George N. Shuster and Arnold Bergstraesser
                                                        6. Military Occupation and the Rule of Law by Ernst Fraenkel
                                                        7. The Nazis Go Underground by Curt Riess
                                                        8. Escape Via Berlin by Jose Antonio de Aguirre
                                                      20. [+]
                                                        Eastern Europe Revolutions in Russia, by Gottfried R. Treviranus, p. 340 - 12 Reviews
                                                        1. Revolutions in Russia by Gottfried R. Treviranus
                                                        2. The U.S.S.R. in Reconstruction
                                                        3. The Structure of Soviet Wages by Abram Bergson
                                                        4. Science in Soviet Russia
                                                        5. Poland and Russia by Ann Su Cardwell
                                                        6. Poland's Progress, 1919-1939 by Michael Murray
                                                        7. Central Union of Europe by Peter Jordan
                                                        8. We Stood Alone by Dorothy Adams
                                                        9. The Baltic Riddle by Gregory Meiksins
                                                        10. The Czechoslovak Cause by Edward Taborsky
                                                        11. Ten Years of Controlled Trade in South-Eastern Europe by Nicolas Momtchiloff
                                                        12. Studies in the History of the Rumanian Jews in the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries by Joseph Kissman
                                                      21. [+]
                                                        The British Commonwealth of Nations Parliamentary Representation, by James F.S. Ross, p. 341 - 7 Reviews
                                                        1. Parliamentary Representation by James F.S. Ross
                                                        2. The Tariff Problem in Great Britain, 1918-1923 by Rixford Kinney Snyder
                                                        3. Britain's Merchant Navy by Archibald Hurd
                                                        4. Canada and the Western Hemisphere by Julia E. Johnsen
                                                        5. French Canada by Stanley B. Ryerson
                                                        6. The Australian Army Medical Services in the War of 1914-1918 by A.G. Butler
                                                        7. Verdict on India by Beverley Nichols
                                                      22. [+]
                                                        The Near East The Rising Crescent: Turkey Yesterday, Today, ..., p. 341 - 3 Reviews
                                                        1. The Rising Crescent: Turkey Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Ernest Jackh
                                                        2. American Policy Toward Palestine by Carl J. Friedrich
                                                        3. Co-Operative Living in Palestine by Henrik F. Infield
                                                      23. [+]
                                                        Africa Across Madagascar, by Olive Murray Chapman, p. 342 - 1 Review
                                                        1. Across Madagascar by Olive Murray Chapman
                                                      24. [+]
                                                        The Far East Asia's Lands and Peoples, by George B. Cressey, p. 342 - 11 Reviews
                                                        1. Asia's Lands and Peoples by George B. Cressey
                                                        2. Treaty Ports by Hallett Abend
                                                        3. China Enters the Machine Age by Kuo-heng Shih
                                                        4. China's Wartime Politics, 1937-1944 by Lawrence K. Rosinger
                                                        5. China's First Lady by Helen Nicolay
                                                        6. Ten Years in Japan by Joseph Clark Grew
                                                        7. Gentlemen of Japan by Violet Sweet Haven
                                                        8. The Peoples of Southeast Asia by Bruno Lasker
                                                        9. Islands of the East Indies by Hawthorne Daniel
                                                        10. The Netherlands Indies and Japan by Hubertus J. van Mook
                                                        11. Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy by J.S. Furnivall
                                                      25. [+]
                                                        Latin America Inter-American Affairs, 1943, by Arthur P. Whi..., p. 343 - 7 Reviews
                                                        1. Inter-American Affairs, 1943 by Arthur P. Whitaker
                                                        2. America and the Americas by Hubert C. Herring
                                                        3. The Virgin Islands and Their People by J. Antonio Jarvis
                                                        4. Timeless Mexico by Hudson Strode
                                                        5. Brazil on the March by Morris Llewellyn Cooke
                                                        6. Argentine Diary by Ray Josephs
                                                        7. Argentine Riddle by Felix J. Weil
                                                      26. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 344-348
                                                    2. [+]
                                                      April 1945 Issue = 24 Articles
                                                      1. Last Time by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 349-377
                                                      2. Science and Foreign Policy by George Fielding Eliot, pp. 378-387
                                                      3. America at War by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 388-405
                                                      4. The Chicago Air Conference by Edward Warner, pp. 406-421
                                                      5. Reconciliation in India by Chakravarti Rajagopalacharia, pp. 422-434
                                                      6. Sweden: A Case Study in Neutrality by Bruce Hopper, pp. 435-449
                                                      7. The Inter-American System and the United Nations by Walter R. Sharp, pp. 450-464
                                                      8. China's Need for Transport by Chang Kia-ngau, pp. 465-475
                                                      9. Men and Circumstance by Harold Nicolson, pp. 476-484
                                                      10. Surplus Government Property and Foreign Policy by Arthur Robert Burns, pp. 485-495
                                                      11. The Campaign in Burma by Horace S. Sewell, pp. 496-504
                                                      12. The Future of the Italian Press by Luigi Einaudi, pp. 505-509
                                                      13. [+]
                                                        Recent Books on International Relations by Robert Gale Woolbert, pp. 510-512 - 26 Reviews
                                                        1. An Intelligent American's Guide to the Peace by Sumner Welles
                                                        2. Strategy of Peace by Henry Merritt Wriston
                                                        3. The Gentlemen Talk of Peace by William B. Ziff
                                                        4. Foreign Policy Begins at Home by James P. Warburg
                                                        5. Problems of the Peace by Wilson Harris
                                                        6. The Second Chance by John Boardman Whitton
                                                        7. The United Nations of the World by Haridas T. Muzumdar
                                                        8. Continentalism: For Enduring Peace by Allan Ramsey Wurtele
                                                        9. The Peace We Americans Need by Edmund Jacobson
                                                        10. New Perspectives on Peace by George B. de Huszar
                                                        11. Postwar Problems in Business, Education, and Government
                                                        12. Pioneers in World Order by Harriet Eager Davis
                                                        13. Colonies by Eric Anderson Walker
                                                        14. Bureaucracy by Ludwig Von Mises
                                                        15. The Device of Government by John Laird
                                                        16. How to Tell Progress from Reaction by Manya Gordon
                                                        17. War Through the Ages by Lynn Montross
                                                        18. War and Its Causes by Luther Lee Bernard
                                                        19. What Makes a War End? by H.A. Calahan
                                                        20. Warfare Today by Reginald Bacon
                                                        21. Air Power and the Expanding Community by Oliver Stewart
                                                        22. Bombing Vindicated by J.M. Spaight
                                                        23. The Legal Effects of War by Lord McNair and A.D. Watts
                                                        24. Claims to Territory in International Law and Relations by Norman L. Hill
                                                        25. Beyond All Fronts by Max Jordan
                                                        26. Political Handbook of the World, 1945 by Walter H. Mallory
                                                      14. [+]
                                                        General: Economic and Social Gold and the Gold Standard, by Edwin Walter Ke..., p. 513 - 14 Reviews
                                                        1. Gold and the Gold Standard by Edwin Walter Kemmerer
                                                        2. World Commodities and World Currency by Benjamin Graham
                                                        3. International Monetary Cooperation by George N. Halm
                                                        4. The History of Rubber Regulation, 1934-1943 by Andrew McFadyean
                                                        5. The Future of Economic Society by Roy Glenday
                                                        6. Climate and the Energy of Nations by Sidney F. Markham
                                                        7. The Science of Man in the World Crisis by Ralph Linton
                                                        8. Plenty of People by Warren S. Thompson
                                                        9. Demographic Studies of Selected Areas of Rapid Growth
                                                        10. Jews in Post-War Europe by Z.H. Wachsman
                                                        11. The Jewish Refugees by Aryeh Tartakower and Kurt R. Grossman
                                                        12. The Church and the Liberal Society by Emmet John Hughes
                                                        13. The Popes' New Order by Philip Hughes
                                                        14. A World to Reconstruct: Pius XII on Peace and Reconstruction by Guido Gonella
                                                      15. [+]
                                                        Second World War Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, by Raphael Lemkin, p. 514 - 10 Reviews
                                                        1. Axis Rule in Occupied Europe by Raphael Lemkin
                                                        2. Mediterrean Air Power and the Second Front by A.W.F. Glenny
                                                        3. They Fly to Fight by Keith Ayling
                                                        4. The Dyess Story by Wm. E. Dyess
                                                        5. The Island by Herbert C.L. Merillat
                                                        6. Helldiver Squadron by Robert Olds
                                                        7. Brave Ships of World War II by Joseph Leeming
                                                        8. By Sea and by Land by Earl Burton
                                                        9. Half Past When by Hassoldt Davis
                                                        10. Still Time to Die by Jack Belden
                                                      16. [+]
                                                        The United States Our Jungle Diplomacy, by William Franklin Sand..., pp. 515-516 - 17 Reviews
                                                        1. Our Jungle Diplomacy by William Franklin Sands and Joseph M. Lalley
                                                        2. First Fleet by Reg Ingraham
                                                        3. The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938 by Basil Rauch
                                                        4. Democracy Under Pressure by Stuart Chase
                                                        5. Meet Your Congress by John T. Flynn
                                                        6. Government of the People by D.W. Brogan
                                                        7. The Dies Committee by August Raymond Ogden
                                                        8. What America Thinks by William A. Lydgate
                                                        9. What the Negro Wants by Rayford W. Logan
                                                        10. Jim Crow Joins Up by Ruth Danenhower Wilson
                                                        11. Here Comes Tomorrow by A. Wilbert Zelomek
                                                        12. When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Dixon Wecter
                                                        13. The Economics of Demobilization by E. Jay Howenstine, Jr.
                                                        14. Civil Aviation and Peace by J. Parker Van Zandt
                                                        15. The Wilson Era: Years of Peace, 1910-1917 by Josephus Daniels
                                                        16. Bernard Baruch by Carter Field
                                                        17. General Ike by Alden Hatch
                                                      17. [+]
                                                        Western Europe The Speeches of General de Gaulle, by Charles ..., p. 517 - 10 Reviews
                                                        1. The Speeches of General de Gaulle by Charles de Gaulle
                                                        2. The British Survey Handbook: Belgium by John Eppstein
                                                        3. Queen Wilhelmina: Mother of the Netherlands by Philip Paneth
                                                        4. Haakon VII: Norway's Fighting King by Philip Paneth
                                                        5. Behemoth by Franz L. Neumann
                                                        6. Germany Between Two Wars by Lindley M. Fraser
                                                        7. Germany Under Fascism: 1933 to the Present Day by Jurgen Kuczynski
                                                        8. Germany---Land of Substitutes by Olaf Nissen
                                                        9. Germany's Stepchildren by Solomon Liptzin
                                                        10. The Junker in the Prussian Administration Under William II, 1888-1914 by Lysbeth W. Muncy
                                                      18. [+]
                                                        Eastern Europe Russia: Then and Always, by Nina Verhovskoy an..., p. 518 - 9 Reviews
                                                        1. Russia: Then and Always by Nina Verhovskoy and Fillmore Hyde
                                                        2. Behold Russia! by Nora Ware Myles
                                                        3. The Ukraine: A Submerged Nation by William Henry Chamberlin
                                                        4. Poland by Bernadotte E. Schmitt
                                                        5. Story of a Secret State by Jan Karski
                                                        6. Racial State by Gerhard Jacoby
                                                        7. Balkan Federation by Leften S. Stavrianos
                                                        8. Balkan Background by Bernard Newman
                                                        9. Rumania by C. Kornos
                                                      19. [+]
                                                        The British Commonwealth of Nations Full Employment in a Free Society, by William ..., p. 519 - 6 Reviews
                                                        1. Full Employment in a Free Society by William H. Beveridge
                                                        2. Representative Bureaucracy by J. Donald Kingsley
                                                        3. The Church Looks Forward by William Temple
                                                        4. Admiral Sir William Fisher by William M. James
                                                        5. Diplomats in Dublin by Kees van Hoek
                                                        6. Mackenzie King: A Portrait Sketch by Emil Ludwig
                                                      20. [+]
                                                        The Near East America and Palestine, by Reuben Fink, p. 520 - 2 Reviews
                                                        1. America and Palestine by Reuben Fink
                                                        2. Trans-Jordan: An Economic Survey by Adolf Konikoff
                                                      21. [+]
                                                        Africa Without Bitterness, by Akweke Orizu, p. 520 - 3 Reviews
                                                        1. Without Bitterness by Akweke Orizu
                                                        2. Labor Problems of Africa by John A. Noon
                                                        3. Race and Politics in Kenya by Elspeth Huxley and Margery Perham
                                                      22. [+]
                                                        The Far East America's Far Eastern Policy, by Thomas A. Bisson, p. 520 - 7 Reviews
                                                        1. America's Far Eastern Policy by Thomas A. Bisson
                                                        2. Chiang Kai-Shek Carries On by Philip Paneth
                                                        3. China to Me by Emily Hahn
                                                        4. Modern Korea by Andrew J. Grajdanzev
                                                        5. So Sorry, No Peace by Royal Arch Gunnison
                                                        6. Unfolding Drama in Southeast Asia by Basil J. Mathews
                                                        7. The Economic Development of French Indo-China by Charles Robequain
                                                      23. [+]
                                                        Latin America The Problem of Inter-American Organization, by..., p. 521 - 2 Reviews
                                                        1. The Problem of Inter-American Organization by M. Margaret Ball
                                                        2. To the South by Kurt Severin
                                                      24. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 522-526
                                                    3. [+]
                                                      July 1945 Issue = 28 Articles
                                                      1. America at War by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 527-542
                                                      2. Liberated Europe by A British Official, pp. 543-555
                                                      3. The Rebirth of the French Spirit by Andre Siegfried, pp. 556-566
                                                      4. The Treatment of Germany by Jacob Viner, pp. 567-581
                                                      5. Cartels, Patents and Politics by Walton Hamilton, pp. 582-593
                                                      6. The British Commonwealth as a Great Power by H. Duncan Hall, pp. 594-608
                                                      7. Political Aspects of Foreign Loans by Herbert Feis, pp. 609-619
                                                      8. National Power and Foreign Policy by Grayson Kirk, pp. 620-626
                                                      9. Which Way Will Farmers Turn? by Theodore W. Schultz, pp. 627-634
                                                      10. New Social Forces in India by B. Shiva Rao, pp. 635-643
                                                      11. Our Mineral Resources and Security by Elmer Walter Pehrson, pp. 644-657
                                                      12. The British Labor Party by A.L. Rowse, pp. 658-667
                                                      13. Population Trends in the Orient by Frank Lorimer, pp. 668-674
                                                      14. The Future of Tangier by Graham H. Stuart, pp. 675-679
                                                      15. The Bombay Plan by P.S. Lokanathan, pp. 680-686
                                                      16. [+]
                                                        Recent Books on International Relations by Robert Gale Woolbert, pp. 687-689 - 25 Reviews
                                                        1. Freedom and Civilization by Bronislaw Malinowski
                                                        2. The Annihilation of Man by Leslie A. Paul
                                                        3. Problems of the Postwar World by Thomas Carson Tooke McCormick
                                                        4. A Dynamic World Order by Donald A. MacLean
                                                        5. Politics and Morals by Benedetto Croce
                                                        6. An Essay on Man by Ernst Cassirer
                                                        7. Our Two Democracies at Work by Kingsley B. Smellie
                                                        8. Strangers Should Not Whisper by Jan-Albert Goris
                                                        9. Public Opinion and the Last Peace by Ronald B. McCallum
                                                        10. Europe Now by H.V. Kaltenborn
                                                        11. Ten Years to Alamein by Matthew Halton
                                                        12. Europe: Free and United by Albert L. Guerard
                                                        13. Toward the Understanding of Europe by Ethan T. Colton
                                                        14. Take Your Place at the Peace Table by Edward L. Bernays
                                                        15. Towards World Recovery by Henry Carter
                                                        16. The Green Star by Joseph W. Dubin
                                                        17. Bombers by Keith Ayling
                                                        18. Fighting Wings by Gilbert Paust and Milton Lancelot
                                                        19. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1943-44 by Leonard Bridgman
                                                        20. International Law by Charles Cheney Hyde
                                                        21. International Tribunals: Past and Future by Manley O. Hudson
                                                        22. War Criminals: Their Prosecution and Punishment by Sheldon Glueck
                                                        23. The Postwar Settlement of Property Rights
                                                        24. Collection of International War Damage Claims by Rene A. Wormser
                                                        25. Foreign Affairs Bibliography by Robert Gale Woolbert
                                                      17. [+]
                                                        General: Economic and Social The United States in a Multi-National Economy,..., p. 690 - 17 Reviews
                                                        1. The United States in a Multi-National Economy by Jacob Viner
                                                        2. The Economics of Peace by Kenneth E. Boulding
                                                        3. The Reconstruction of World Agriculture by Karl Brandt
                                                        4. Food for the World by Theodore W. Schultz
                                                        5. Tin Under Control by Klaus E. Knorr
                                                        6. Currency After the War: The British and American Plans by Paul Einzig
                                                        7. Money and the Law
                                                        8. The Coming Air Age by Reginald M. Cleveland and Leslie E. Neville
                                                        9. International Regulation of Fisheries by L. Larry Leonard
                                                        10. Advance Through Storm by Kenneth Scott Latourette
                                                        11. Conscience and Society by Ranyard West
                                                        12. A Panorama of Prejudice by Harry Cohen
                                                        13. The Way to Freedom by Meyer Edelbaum
                                                        14. David Wolffsohn by Emil Bernard Cohn
                                                        15. Relief and Rehabilitation by Zorach Warhaftig
                                                        16. Indemnification and Reparations: Jewish Aspects by Nehemiah Robinson
                                                        17. A Rising Wind by Walter Francis White
                                                      18. [+]
                                                        The First World War Fighting Generals, by Robert Lee Bullard, p. 691 - 3 Reviews
                                                        1. Fighting Generals by Robert Lee Bullard
                                                        2. Armistice 1918 by Harry R. Rudin
                                                        3. The Peace Conference of 1919 by Frank Swain Marston
                                                      19. [+]
                                                        The Second World War A Miniature History of the War, by Robert C.K...., p. 692 - 21 Reviews
                                                        1. A Miniature History of the War by Robert C.K. Ensor
                                                        2. The Oxford War Atlas, Vol. III: The War in 1943 by Jasper H. Stembridge
                                                        3. Jews Fight Too! by Mac Davis
                                                        4. Tourist Under Fire by Thomas Edward Healy
                                                        5. The Royal Air Force in the World War by Norman Macmillan
                                                        6. Military Operations in the Netherlands from 10th-17th May, 1940 by P.L.G. Doorman
                                                        7. The Russian Campaigns of 1941-1943 by W.E.D. Allen and Paul Muratoff
                                                        8. Mediterranean Sweep by Richard Thruelsen and Elliott Arnold
                                                        9. Guns for Tito by Louis Huot
                                                        10. Sank Same by William Bancroft Mellor, Jr.
                                                        11. Battle Report: Pearl Harbor to Coral Sea by Walter Karig and Welbourn Kelley
                                                        12. Combat Correspondent by Jim G. Lucas
                                                        13. Carrier War: Task Force 58 by Oliver O. Jensen
                                                        14. My Life to the Destroyers by L.A. Abercrombie and Fletcher Pratt
                                                        15. Flying Leathernecks by Richard G. Hubler and John A. Dechant
                                                        16. They Called It "Purple Heart Valley" by Margaret Bourke-White
                                                        17. Green Armor by Osmar White
                                                        18. Guadalcanal Round-Trip by Alfred S. Campbell
                                                        19. What Australia Has Done by H.C. Smart
                                                        20. Leyte Calling by Joseph F. St. John
                                                        21. First Steps to Tokyo by D.F. Griffin
                                                      20. [+]
                                                        The United States The United States and the World Court, by Denn..., pp. 693-694 - 20 Reviews
                                                        1. The United States and the World Court by Denna Frank Fleming
                                                        2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Memorial by Donald Porter Geddes
                                                        3. My Aunt Louisa and Woodrow Wilson by Margaret R. Axson Elliott
                                                        4. Lost Visions by Harry Augustus Garfield
                                                        5. Are Men Equal? by Henry Alonzo Myers
                                                        6. Public Journal by Max Lerner
                                                        7. Can Representative Government Do the Job? by Thomas K. Finletter
                                                        8. The First Round by Joseph Gaer
                                                        9. Black Mail by Henry Reed Hoke
                                                        10. Tomorrow's Business by Beardsley Ruml
                                                        11. America's Role in the World Economy by Alvin H. Hansen
                                                        12. America's Place in the World Economy by Arnold J. Zurcher and Richmond Page
                                                        13. The Liquidation of War Production by A.D.H. Kaplan
                                                        14. Production, Jobs and Taxes by Harold M. Groves
                                                        15. Demobilization of Wartime Economic Controls by John Maurice Clark
                                                        16. Providing for Unemployed Workers in the Transition by Richard A. Lester
                                                        17. Our Flying Navy
                                                        18. Born Free and Equal by Ansel Adams
                                                        19. Highway to Alaska by Herbert C. Lanks
                                                        20. American Handbook
                                                      21. [+]
                                                        Western Europe Belgium, by Jan-Albert Goris, pp. 695-696 - 7 Reviews
                                                        1. Belgium by Jan-Albert Goris
                                                        2. Total War and the Human Mind by Joost A.M. Meerloo
                                                        3. Education in Democracy: The Folk High Schools of Denmark by John Christmas Moller and Katherine Watson
                                                        4. Future Germany by Thomas H. Minshall
                                                        5. Re-Educating Germany by Werner Richter
                                                        6. Legal Claims Against Germany by Siegfried Goldschmidt
                                                        7. The Life of Pope Pius XII by Charles Hugo Doyle
                                                      22. [+]
                                                        Eastern Europe Crossroads of Two Continents, by Feliks Gross, pp. 697-698 - 18 Reviews
                                                        1. Crossroads of Two Continents by Feliks Gross
                                                        2. Germany, Russia and the Future by John T. MacCurdy
                                                        3. Report on the Russians by William L. White
                                                        4. Russia Is No Riddle by Edmund Stevens
                                                        5. The Real Soviet Russia by David J. Dallin
                                                        6. The Collected Works of V.I. Lenin by V.I. Lenin
                                                        7. The Spirit of Russian Economics by Joao F. Normano
                                                        8. Life and Culture of Poland by Waclaw Lednicki
                                                        9. Poland: Land of the White Eagle by Eileen A. Arthurton
                                                        10. Colonel Beck and His Policy by Stanislaw Mackiewicz
                                                        11. No Traveler Returns by Henry Shoskes and Curt Riess
                                                        12. The Basis of Czechoslovak Unity by Alexandre Kunosi
                                                        13. Czechoslovakia Before and After Munich by Louis Novak
                                                        14. Edvard Benes: In His Own Words by Edvard Benes
                                                        15. Hungary by Tibor Mende
                                                        16. Why Rumania Failed by Pavel Pavel
                                                        17. Greece by Kathleen Gibberd
                                                        18. The Price of Liberty by Mikia Pezas
                                                      23. [+]
                                                        The British Commonwealth of Nations Remobilisation for Peace, by Ronald C. Davison, p. 699 - 7 Reviews
                                                        1. Remobilisation for Peace by Ronald C. Davison
                                                        2. The Britain of Tomorrow by Magnus Irvine
                                                        3. Canada and Russia: Neighbors and Friends by Raymond Arthur Davies
                                                        4. Canada and the Building of Peace by Grant Dexter
                                                        5. Canada and the Fight for Freedom by William L. Mackenzie King
                                                        6. Canadian Government and Politics by Hugh McDowall Clokie
                                                        7. Strangers in India by Penderel Moon
                                                      24. [+]
                                                        The Near East Allenby in Egypt, by Archibald P. Wavell, p. 699 - 2 Reviews
                                                        1. Allenby in Egypt by Archibald P. Wavell
                                                        2. Chaim Weizmann, Statesman and Scientist by Meyer Weisgal
                                                      25. [+]
                                                        Africa Missionary Doctor: The Story of Twenty Years i..., p. 700 - 1 Review
                                                        1. Missionary Doctor: The Story of Twenty Years in Africa by Mary Floyd Cushman
                                                      26. [+]
                                                        The Far East Solution in Asia, by Owen Lattimore, pp. 700-701 - 15 Reviews
                                                        1. Solution in Asia by Owen Lattimore
                                                        2. Security in the Pacific
                                                        3. Asia On the Move by Bruno Lasker
                                                        4. Asia Between Two World Wars by J.F. Normano
                                                        5. China Among the Powers by David Nelson Rowe
                                                        6. China After Seven Years of War by Hollington K. Tong
                                                        7. Report from Red China by Harrison Forman
                                                        8. China, My China by Harold B. Rattenbury
                                                        9. Before Final Victory by Kai-shek Chiang
                                                        10. Until They Eat Stones by Russell Brines
                                                        11. What to Do with Japan by Wilfrid Fleisher
                                                        12. Japan: A Physical, Cultural and Regional Geography by Glenn Thomas Trewartha
                                                        13. Mining in the Netherlands East Indies by Alex L. ter Braake
                                                        14. Southwest Pacific and the War
                                                        15. The Pacific Islands Handbook 1944 by R.W. Robson
                                                      27. [+]
                                                        Latin America Latin America in the Future World, by George H..., p. 702 - 8 Reviews
                                                        1. Latin America in the Future World by George Henry Soule, David Efron, and Norman T. Ness, ...
                                                        2. Economic Problems of Latin America by Seymour E. Harris
                                                        3. Greater Good Neighbor Policy by Wade Crawford Barclay
                                                        4. Handbook of Latin American Studies, 1942 by Miron Burgin
                                                        5. A Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti by Crawford M. Bishop and Anyda Marchant
                                                        6. A Padre Views South America by Peter Masten Dunne
                                                        7. Chile: An Economy in Transition by P.T. Ellsworth
                                                        8. The Argentine Republic by Ysabel F. Rennie
                                                      28. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 703-710
                                                    4. [+]
                                                      October 1945 Issue = 26 Articles
                                                      1. The United Nations: A Prospectus by John Foster Dulles, pp. 1-11
                                                      2. The Security Council by R. Keith Kane, pp. 12-25
                                                      3. America at War by Hanson W. Baldwin, pp. 26-39
                                                      4. Flying Bombs and Rockets by Nigel Tangye, pp. 40-49
                                                      5. The Critic Turns Actor by James B. Reston, pp. 50-61
                                                      6. The Other China by Gunther Stein, pp. 62-74
                                                      7. The New World Court by Manley O. Hudson, pp. 75-84
                                                      8. Imports in the American Economy by Percy W. Bidwell, pp. 85-98
                                                      9. The American System and the World Organization by Ezequiel Padilla, pp. 99-107
                                                      10. Bagehot and the Fresh Eye by Byron Dexter, pp. 108-118
                                                      11. Toward Arab Unity by H.A.R. Gibb, pp. 119-129
                                                      12. Education for Self-Government by Margery Perham, pp. 130-142
                                                      13. Russia and China in Outer Mongolia by Fedor S. Mansvetov, pp. 143-152
                                                      14. A New Constitution for Ceylon by Amry Vandenbosch, pp. 153-157
                                                      15. [+]
                                                        Recent Books on International Relations by Robert Gale Woolbert, pp. 158-159 - 20 Reviews
                                                        1. National Self-Determination by Alfred Cobban
                                                        2. Charters of the Peace by William Arnold-Foster
                                                        3. The Anatomy of Peace by Emery Reves
                                                        4. Mirror of the Past by K. Zilliacus
                                                        5. European Manifesto by Pierre C. de Lanux
                                                        6. The Future of Europe by Johannes Steel
                                                        7. The Plot Against the Peace by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn
                                                        8. Color and Democracy by W.E.B. DuBois
                                                        9. Freedom Is More Than a Word by Marshall Field
                                                        10. The Story of Liberty by Louis K. Anspacher
                                                        11. The Forces that Shape Our Future by Clyde Eagleton
                                                        12. National Cultures, Nazism and the Church by Andrew J. Krzesinski
                                                        13. Can Democracy Recover? by Louis Marlio
                                                        14. The American Road to Peace by Mario Pei
                                                        15. Look to the Frontiers by Roderick Peattie
                                                        16. Boundary-Making by Stephen B. Jones
                                                        17. Foreign Maps by Everett C. Olson and Agnes Whitmarsh
                                                        18. The Governments of the Major Foreign Powers
                                                        19. Tanks and Armored Vehicles, 1900-1945 by Robert J. Icks
                                                        20. International Law, Vol. I by Georg Schwarzenberger
                                                      16. [+]
                                                        General: Economic and Social A Price for Peace, by Antonin Basch, p. 160 - 16 Reviews
                                                        1. A Price for Peace by Antonin Basch
                                                        2. Liberal Plan for Peace
                                                        3. Time for Planning by Lewis L. Lorwin
                                                        4. The Economic Lessons of the Nineteen-Thirties by H.W. Arndt
                                                        5. The Economic Problem of the Peace by Walter Padley
                                                        6. The Economics of Full Employment
                                                        7. World Grain Review and Outlook, 1945 by Helen C. Farnsworth and V.P. Timoshenko
                                                        8. Federal Finance in Peace and War by G. Findlay Shirras
                                                        9. Death Pays a Dividend by Fenner Brockway and Frederic Mullally
                                                        10. Population Roads to Peace or War by Guy Irving Burch and Elmer Pendell
                                                        11. International River and Canal Transport by H. Osborne Mance and J.E. Wheeler
                                                        12. Man's Fight to Fly by John P.V. Heinmuller
                                                        13. War, Peace and Non-Resistance by Guy Franklin Hershberger
                                                        14. The Power of Non-Violence by Richard B. Gregg
                                                        15. Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race by Ashley Montagu
                                                        16. Jews in the Post-War World by Max Gottschalk and Abraham G. Duker
                                                      17. [+]
                                                        The Second World War The World at War, 1939-1944,, pp. 161-162 - 15 Reviews
                                                        1. The World at War, 1939-1944
                                                        2. They Were There by Curt Riess
                                                        3. World Blackout by Sarah Gertrude Millin
                                                        4. At His Side by George Korson
                                                        5. Conspiracy in Algiers, 1942-1943 by Renee Pierre-Gosset
                                                        6. Fighters Up by Eric Friedheim and Samuel W. Taylor
                                                        7. Unconditional Surrender by Everett Holles
                                                        8. We Fought Them in Gunboats by Robert Peverell Hichens
                                                        9. Speaking from the Desert by Godfrey Walker Talbot
                                                        10. Under Cunningham's Command, 1940-1943 by George M.S. Stitt
                                                        11. With Wingate in Burma by David Halley
                                                        12. American Guerrilla in the Phillippines by Ira Wolfert
                                                        13. Robinson Crusoe, U.S.N. by George R. Tweed and Blake Clark
                                                        14. Mission Beyond Darkness by Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Bryan, III, U.S.N.R., ...
                                                        15. Mob 3: A Naval Hospital in a South Sea Jungle by Robert P. Parsons
                                                      18. [+]
                                                        The United States Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal, by Thom..., p. 163 - 19 Reviews
                                                        1. Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal by Thomas A. Bailey
                                                        2. Woodrow Wilson and the People by H.C.F. Bell
                                                        3. American Chronicle by Ray Stannard Baker
                                                        4. Woodrow Wilson: Selections for Today by Arthur B. Tourtellot and Woodrow Wilson
                                                        5. Documents on American Foreign Relations, July 1943-June 1944 by Leland M. Goodrich and Marie J. Carroll
                                                        6. And Yet I Like America by James Lansdale Hodson
                                                        7. The American Story by Archibald MacLeish
                                                        8. One America by Francis James Brown and Joseph Slabey Roucek
                                                        9. Big Democracy by Paul H. Appleby
                                                        10. Big Government: Can We Control It? by Merlo J. Pusey
                                                        11. Postwar Fiscal Requirements: Federal, State, and Local by Lewis H. Kimmel
                                                        12. Organized Labor by Harry A. Millis and Royal E. Montgomery
                                                        13. The Food Front in World War I by Maxcy Robson Dickson
                                                        14. America's Maritime History by A.C. Denison
                                                        15. Shall We Scrap Our Merchant Marine? by A.D. Rathbone
                                                        16. Two Hundred Thousand Flyers by Willard Wiener
                                                        17. Fighting Liberal by George W. Norris
                                                        18. Memoirs of an Ex-Diplomat by Francis M. Huntington-Wilson
                                                        19. Apaurak in Alaska by Joseph Walter Johnshoy
                                                      19. [+]
                                                        Western Europe The Development of Public Services in Western ..., pp. 164-165 - 14 Reviews
                                                        1. The Development of Public Services in Western Europe, 1660-1930 by Ernest Barker
                                                        2. A Giant in the Age of Steel by Alfred A. Hessenstein
                                                        3. A Short History of Germany by S.H. Steinberg
                                                        4. Germany After Hitler by Paul Hagen
                                                        5. Phantom Victory by Erwin C. Lessner
                                                        6. Hitler and Beyond by Erich F.L. Koch-Weser
                                                        7. The Moral Conquest of Germany by Emil Ludwig
                                                        8. In Tyrannos by Hans J. Rehfisch
                                                        9. The Silent Church by Julius Rieger
                                                        10. Civil Life in Wartime Germany by Max Seydewitz
                                                        11. Escape from Berlin by Catherine Klein
                                                        12. Journey Into Chaos by Karl Wollf
                                                        13. From Democracy to Nazism by Rudolf Heberle
                                                        14. Twilight of the Gladiators by Frank Heller
                                                      20. [+]
                                                        Eastern Europe These Are the Russians, by Richard E. Lauterbach, pp. 166-167 - 16 Reviews
                                                        1. These Are the Russians by Richard E. Lauterbach
                                                        2. The Pattern of Soviet Power by Edgar Snow
                                                        3. The Russia I Believe In by Samuel N. Harper, Paul V. Harper, and Ronald Thompson, ...
                                                        4. Stalin and Eternal Russia by Walter Kolarz
                                                        5. The Basis of Soviet Strength by George B. Cressey
                                                        6. The Face of Russia by George K. Lukomski
                                                        7. Our Soviet Ally by Margaret Cole
                                                        8. The People's Verdict by Ignatik F. Kladov
                                                        9. Russo-Polish Relations by Serge Konovalov
                                                        10. Russia, Poland and the Curzon Line by Leszek Kirkien
                                                        11. Poland by Edward Elgoth-Ligocki
                                                        12. Poland Between Two Wars by Ferdynand Zweig
                                                        13. The Rise of Polish Democracy by William John Rose
                                                        14. Economic Development in S.E. Europe
                                                        15. Eduard Benes: A Leader of Democracy by Philip Paneth
                                                        16. Marshal Tito by Michael Padev
                                                      21. [+]
                                                        The British Commonwealth of Nations Per Ardua, by Hilary St. George Saunders, p. 168 - 12 Reviews
                                                        1. Per Ardua by Hilary St. George Saunders
                                                        2. Half Mast? by Edmund Hannay Watts
                                                        3. Francis, Cardinal Bourne by Ernest Oldmeadow
                                                        4. Best Books on the British Empire by Evans Lewin
                                                        5. Fabian Colonial Essays by Rita Hinden
                                                        6. The Story of the Irish Race by Seumas MacManus
                                                        7. Eamon de Valera by M.J. MacManus
                                                        8. Canada in World Affairs: Two Years of War, 1939-1941 by Robert MacGregor Dawson
                                                        9. Canada and the World Tomorrow by Violet Anderson
                                                        10. Left Turn, Canada by M.J. Coldwell
                                                        11. Wartime Labour Developments in Australia by Orwell de R. Foenander
                                                        12. Home to India by Santha Rama Rau
                                                      22. [+]
                                                        The Near East Statistical Handbook of Middle Eastern Countries,, p. 169 - 5 Reviews
                                                        1. Statistical Handbook of Middle Eastern Countries
                                                        2. Judaea Lives Again by Norman Bentwich
                                                        3. Soldiers from Judea by Rabbi Louis Isaac Rabinowitz
                                                        4. Favoring Palestine as a Free and Democratic Jewish Commonwealth, or State by Jacob Stone Strahl
                                                        5. Cyprus: Past and Future by Doros Alastos
                                                      23. [+]
                                                        Africa The Dynamics of Culture Change, by Bronislaw M..., p. 169 - 2 Reviews
                                                        1. The Dynamics of Culture Change by Bronislaw Malinowski and Phyllis Kaberry
                                                        2. More About Africa by Helen E. Baker
                                                      24. [+]
                                                        The Far East China's Crisis, by Lawrence K. Rosinger, p. 170 - 13 Reviews
                                                        1. China's Crisis by Lawrence K. Rosinger
                                                        2. China Takes Her Place by Carl Crow
                                                        3. The Vigil of a Nation by Yutang Lin
                                                        4. Chungking Dialogues by Mou-sheng Lin
                                                        5. China Fights On by Pan Chao-Ying (Stephen C.Y. Pan)
                                                        6. The Chinese Labor Movement by Nym Wales
                                                        7. Asia for the Asiatics! by Robert S. Ward
                                                        8. The Japanese Nation by John F. Embree
                                                        9. Japanese Militarism: Its Cause and Cure by John M. Maki
                                                        10. Through Japanese Eyes by Otto D. Tolischus
                                                        11. Pacific Region by Evans Lewin
                                                        12. Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics by Karl J. Pelzer
                                                        13. In Javanese Waters by H.W. Ponder
                                                      25. [+]
                                                        Latin America Our American Neighbors,, p. 171 - 5 Reviews
                                                        1. Our American Neighbors
                                                        2. Handbook of International Organizations in the Americas by Ruth D. Masters
                                                        3. Who's Who in Latin America by Ronald Hilton
                                                        4. Makers of Democracy in Latin America by Harold E. Davis
                                                        5. Costa Rican Life by John Biesanz and Mavis Biesanz
                                                      26. Source Material by Ruth Savord, pp. 172-176
                                                  2. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1946 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1947 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1948 = 3 Issues, 77 Articles
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                                                          Issues of 1949 = 3 Issues, 69 Articles
                                                        2. [+]
                                                          Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 37 Issues, 925 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1950 = 1 Issue, 23 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1951 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                                Issues of 1952 = 4 Issues, 96 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1953 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                                    Issues of 1954 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
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                                                                      Issues of 1955 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                                        Issues of 1956 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
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                                                                          Issues of 1957 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
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                                                                            Issues of 1958 = 4 Issues, 102 Articles
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                                                                              Issues of 1959 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
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                                                                              Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 993 Articles
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                                                                                Issues of 1960 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                  Issues of 1961 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
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                                                                                    Issues of 1962 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
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                                                                                      Issues of 1963 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1964 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
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                                                                                          Issues of 1965 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
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                                                                                              Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
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                                                                                                Issues of 1968 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                                                                  Issues of 1969 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
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                                                                                                  Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 38 Issues, 878 Articles
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                                                                                                    Issues of 1970 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
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                                                                                                      Issues of 1971 = 4 Issues, 97 Articles
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                                                                                                        Issues of 1972 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
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                                                                                                          Issues of 1973 = 3 Issues, 73 Articles
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                                                                                                            Issues of 1974 = 1 Issue, 21 Articles
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                                                                                                                  Issues of 1977 = 4 Issues, 92 Articles
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                                                                                                                        Issues of 1980 = 5 Issues, 96 Articles
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