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Walter A. McDougall Archives
Walter A. McDougall •ï¿½61 Items / 39 Articles, 7 Books, 15 Reviews
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  1. American Power---For What?
    Commentary, January 2000, p. 39
  2. Reviews
    Back to Bedrock
    Foreign Affairs, March 1997, pp. 134-146
  3. "The Balance of Tomorrow," Today
    Orbis, Winter 1992, pp. 11-22
  4. Bury My Heart at PBS
    Commentary, December 1996, pp. 41-46
  5. Clinton, the Country, and the Political Culture
    Commentary, January 1999, pp. 35-36
  6. Correspondence
    The National Interest, Winter 1998, pp. 112-122
  7. Correspondence
    The National Interest, Spring 2000, pp. 143-150
  8. Correspondence
    The National Interest, Spring 2003, pp. 151-156
  9. A Defense for the Future?
    How Not to Think about Space Lasers
    National Review, May 13, 1983, pp. 550-556
  10. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 1995, pp. 143-148
  11. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Summer 1995, pp. 315-320
  12. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 1995, pp. 467-472
  13. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 1996, pp. 177-182
  14. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 1996, pp. 493-498
  15. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Winter 1996, pp. 1-6
  16. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 1997, pp. 169-174
  17. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Summer 1997, pp. 337-342
  18. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 1997, pp. 503-512
  19. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Winter 1997, pp. 1-6
  20. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 1999, pp. 165-172
  21. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Summer 1999, pp. 345-354
  22. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 1999, pp. 523-530
  23. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Winter 1999, pp. 1-8
  24. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 2000, pp. 175-186
  25. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Summer 2000, pp. 331-344
  26. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 2000, pp. 515-526
  27. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Winter 2000, pp. 1-12
  28. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Spring 2001, pp. 163-174
  29. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Summer 2001, pp. 317-328
  30. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Fall 2001, pp. 485-494
  31. Editor's Column
    Orbis, Winter 2001, pp. 1-12
  32. Current Books
    Fellows' Choice (Review)
    Six Armies in Normandy, by John Keegan
    1. Six Armies in Normandy by John Keegan
    The Wilson Quarterly, January 1983, pp. 132-133
  33. France's Rhineland Diplomacy, 1914-1924 (1978)
    The Last Bid for a Balance of Power in Europe
    2 Reviews
  34. Freedom Just Around the Corner (2004)
    A New American History, 1585-1828
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  35. [+]
    Getting It Off Pat (Review)
    The Great Betrayal, by Patrick J. Buchanan
    1. The Great Betrayal by Patrick J. Buchanan
    The National Interest, Summer 1998, pp. 96-99
  36. Books, Arts & Manners
    Gonna Study War Once More (Review)
    War: Ends and Means, by Paul Seabury and Angelo Codevilla
    1. War: Ends and Means by Paul Seabury and Angelo Codevilla
    National Review, July 14, 1989, pp. 43-45
  37. Review Essays
    The "Great Game" in the Cold War Era (Review)
    More Precious Than Peace, by Peter W. Rodman
    1. More Precious Than Peace by Peter W. Rodman
    Orbis, Spring 1996, pp. 319-329
  38. The Grenada Papers (1984)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  39. The Heavens and the Earth (1985)
    A Political History of the Space Age
    9 Reviews, 2 Readable
  40. Books
    Henry, Act III (Review)
    Years of Renewal, by Henry Kissinger
    1. Years of Renewal by Henry Kissinger
    The National Interest, Summer 1999, pp. 121-125
  41. Let the Sea Make a Noise... (1993)
    A History of the North Pacific From Magellan to MacArthur
    6 Reviews
  42. Merits and Perils of Teaching Cultures
    Orbis, Fall 1999, pp. 599-604
  43. Reviews of Books
    Methods/Theory (2 Reviews)
    Virtual History, by Niall Ferguson
    1. Virtual History by Niall Ferguson
    2. What If? by Robert Cowley
    The American Historical Review, December 2000, p. 1692
  44. Modern Europe
    The American Historical Review, October 1980, p. 902
  45. Review Essays
    Oh Henry! Kissinger and His Critics (Review)
    Diplomacy, by Henry Kissinger
    1. Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger
    Orbis, Fall 1994, pp. 657-672
  46. [+]
    Our Dialectical Century (Review)
    The Age of Extremes, by Eric Hobsbawm
    1. The Age of Extremes by Eric Hobsbawm
    Commentary, August 1995, pp. 56-57
  47. Books
    Power Steering (2 Reviews)
    The Paradox of American Power, by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
    1. The Paradox of American Power by Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
    2. The Ideas that Conquered the World by Michael Mandelbaum
    The National Interest, Winter 2002, pp. 113-119
  48. Promised Land, Crusader State (1997)
    The American Encounter With the World Since 1776
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  49. Books
    Race for the "Super" (Review)
    Dark Sun, by Richard Rhodes
    1. Dark Sun by Richard Rhodes
    Commentary, October 1995, pp. 52-54
  50. Rating the Presidentys
    National Review, October 27, 1997, pp. 32-37
  51. The Scramble for Space
    The Wilson Quarterly, Autumn 1980, pp. 71-82
  52. Sex, Lies, and Infantry
    Commentary, September 1997, pp. 43-47
  53. Teaching American History
    The American Scholar, Winter 1998, pp. 101-102
  54. Technocracy and Statecraft in the Space Age
    Toward the History of a Saltation
    The American Historical Review, October 1982, pp. 1010-1040
  55. Throes of Democracy (2008)
    The American Civil War Era, 1829-1877
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  56. [+]
    Two Cheers (Review)
    The American Century, by Harold Evans, Gail Buckland, and Kevin Baker
    1. The American Century by Harold Evans, Gail Buckland, and Kevin Baker
    Commentary, February 1999, pp. 70-74
  57. [+]
    United States (Review)
    JPL and the American Space Program, by Clayton R. Koppes
    1. JPL and the American Space Program by Clayton R. Koppes
    The American Historical Review, April 1984, p. 554
  58. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Sputniks Crisis and Early United States Space Policy, by Rip Bulkeley
    1. Sputniks Crisis and Early United States Space Policy by Rip Bulkeley
    The American Historical Review, June 1992, p. 957
  59. [+]
    United States (Review)
    Facing West: Americans and the Opening of the Pacific, by John Curtis Perry
    1. Facing West: Americans and the Opening of the Pacific by John Curtis Perry
    The American Historical Review, October 1996, p. 1288
  60. No Discharge From That War
    The Vietnamization of America
    Orbis, Fall 1995, pp. 479-490
  61. Whose History? Whose Standards?
    Commentary, May 1995, pp. 36-43
  62. No Items Found