The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Richard A. Lester Archives
Richard A. Lester •ï¿½34 Items / 7 Books, 18 Articles, 9 Reviews
Providing for Unemployed Workers in the Transition (1945)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    A Reader's List (6 Reviews)
    International Monetary Cooperation, by George N. Halm
    1. International Monetary Cooperation by George N. Halm
    2. Health Care for Americans by C.-E.A. Winslow
    3. Stabilizing the Construction Industry by Miles L. Colean
    4. Providing for Unemployed Workers in the Transition by Richard A. Lester
    5. Keep Your Head Down by Walter Bernstein
    6. The Little Company by Eleanor Dark
    The New Republic, June 11, 1945, pp. 821-822
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (20 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. The United States and the World Court by Denna Frank Fleming
    2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Memorial by Donald Porter Geddes
    3. My Aunt Louisa and Woodrow Wilson by Margaret R. Axson Elliott
    4. Lost Visions by Harry Augustus Garfield
    5. Are Men Equal? by Henry Alonzo Myers
    6. Public Journal by Max Lerner
    7. Can Representative Government Do the Job? by Thomas K. Finletter
    8. The First Round by Joseph Gaer
    9. Black Mail by Henry Reed Hoke
    10. Tomorrow's Business by Beardsley Ruml
    11. America's Role in the World Economy by Alvin H. Hansen
    12. America's Place in the World Economy by Arnold J. Zurcher and Richmond Page
    13. The Liquidation of War Production by A.D.H. Kaplan
    14. Production, Jobs and Taxes by Harold M. Groves
    15. Demobilization of Wartime Economic Controls by John Maurice Clark
    16. Providing for Unemployed Workers in the Transition by Richard A. Lester
    17. Our Flying Navy
    18. Born Free and Equal by Ansel Adams
    19. Highway to Alaska by Herbert C. Lanks
    20. American Handbook
    Foreign Affairs, July 1945, pp. 693-694