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Robert Gilpin Archives
Robert Gilpin •ï¿½22 Items / 8 Books, 3 Articles, 11 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American Government and Politics (Review)
    The RAND Corporation, by Bruce L.R. Smith
    1. The RAND Corporation by Bruce L.R. Smith
    American Political Science Review, March 1967, p. 191
  2. American Policy in the Post-Reagan Era
    Daedalus, Summer 1987, pp. 33-68
  3. American Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy (1962)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  4. The Challenge of Global Capitalism (2000)
    The World Economy in the 21st Century
    3 Reviews
  5. European Disunion and the Technology Gap
    The Public Interest, Winter 1968, pp. 43-54
  6. France in the Age of the Scientific State (1968)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  7. Global Political Economy (2001)
    Understanding the International Economic Order
    1 Review
  8. Of Source the Gap's Not Really Technogical
    The Public Interest, Summer 1968, pp. 125-129
  9. The Political Economy of International Relations (1987)
    4 Reviews
  10. Book Reviews and Essays
    The Political Economy of the Multinational Corporation (4 Reviews)
    Three Contrasting Perspectives
    1. Silent Surrender by Kari Levitt
    2. Economics and World Order by Jagdish N. Bhagwati
    3. Sovereignty at Bay by Raymond Vernon
    4. U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation by Robert Gilpin
    American Political Science Review, March 1976, pp. 184-191
  11. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (8 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Fellow-Travellers by David Caute
    2. The Nuremberg Fallacy by Eugene Davidson
    3. International Crises: Insights From Behavorial Research by Charles F. Hermann
    4. The Origins of Peace by Robert F. Randle
    5. The Anatomy of Influence by Robert W. Cox, Harold K. Jacobson, and Gerard Curzon, ...
    6. Conversations with the Bewildered by Eugen Loebl
    7. Social Hierarchies: 1450 to the Present by Roland Mousnier and Margaret Clarke
    8. The Origins of the First World War by H.W. Koch
    Foreign Affairs, July 1973, p. 831
  12. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (9 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Fascist Persuasion in Radical Politics by A. James Gregor
    2. Secrecy and Foreign Policy by Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband
    3. The New Diplomacy and Its Apparatus by Geoffrey McDermott
    4. The Cuban Missile Crisis by Abram Chayes
    5. Divided Nations in a Divided World by Gregory Henderson and John George Stoessinger, ...
    6. The Security Council by Richard Hiscocks
    7. Building States and Nations, Vol. II by S.N. Eisenstadt and Stein Rokkan
    8. Building States and Nations, Vol. I by S.N. Eisenstadt and Stein Rokkan
    9. Ethnicity and Nation-Building by Wendell Bell and Walter E. Freeman
    Foreign Affairs, October 1974, p. 176
  13. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Macropolitics by Richard W. Sterling
    2. International Conflict by Michael Haas
    3. A Theory of Conflict by Brian Crozier
    4. The Question of Government by David Fromkin
    5. Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
    6. Becoming Modern by Alex Inkeles and David Horton Smith
    7. The Sea Change by H. Stuart Hughes
    8. The Thin Blue Line by Indar Jit Rikhye, Michael Harbottle, and Bjorn Egge, ...
    9. Theory of International Law by G.I. Tunkin
    10. Suez 1956 by Robert R. Bowie
    11. Fisheries Conflicts in the North Atlantic by Giulio Pontecorvo
    Foreign Affairs, April 1975, p. 581
  14. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Logic of World Power by Franz Schurmann
    2. New Forces in World Politics by Seyom Brown
    3. Sovereign Equality Among States by Robert A. Klein
    4. The End of the Postwar Era by Alastair Buchan
    5. International Systems by Michael Haas
    6. Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism by Steven J. Rosen and James R. Kurth
    7. The Control of the Sea-Bed by Evan Luard
    8. Clio and the Doctors by Jacques Barzun
    9. Land Reform and Politics by Hung-Chao Tai
    10. The United Nations in a Changing World by Leland M. Goodrich
    11. Cyprus, 1958-1967 by Thomas Ehrlich
    12. Diplomat by Eric Clark
    13. Religion and Political Development by Donald Eugene Smith
    Foreign Affairs, January 1975, p. 378
  15. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Nations in Conflict by Nazli Choucri and Robert C. North
    2. Nonintervention and International Order by R.J. Vincent
    3. Meeting at Potsdam by Charles L. Mee, Jr.
    4. Understanding World Politics by Kenneth W. Thompson
    5. Law and Civil War in the Modern World by John Norton Moore
    6. Peasants, Politics, and Revolution by Joel S. Migdal
    7. The Handling of International Disputes by Means of Inquiry by Nissim Bar-Yaacov
    8. The Totalitarian Party by Aryeh L. Unger
    9. New Era of Ocean Politics by Ann L. Hollick and Robert E. Osgood
    10. The Tides of Change by Elisabeth Mann Borgese and David Krieger
    11. Locational Approaches to Power and Conflict by Kevin R. Cox, David R. Reynolds, and Stein Rokkan, ...
    Foreign Affairs, July 1975, p. 777
  16. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. A Study of Future Worlds by Richard A. Falk
    2. Footsteps Into the Future by Rajni Kothari
    3. On the Creation of a Just World Order by Saul H. Mendlovitz
    4. The New Liberty by Ralf Dahrendorf
    5. Change Without War by Alastair Buchan
    6. New Dimensions of World Politics by Geoffrey L. Goodwin and Andrew Linklater
    7. On War by Manus I. Midlarsky
    8. The Socialist Idea by Leszek Kolakowski and Stuart Hampshire
    9. The Fate of the Atlantic Community by Elliot R. Goodman
    10. The Second World War by A.J.P. Taylor
    11. Multilateral Sanctions in International Law by C. Lloyd Brown-John
    12. The Political Geography of the Oceans by J.R.V. Prescott
    Foreign Affairs, October 1975, p. 182
  17. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (15 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Foreign Affairs Bibliography by Janis A. Kreslins
    2. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Daniel Bell
    3. The Lusitania Disaster by Thomas Andrew Bailey and Paul B. Ryan
    4. Twilight of Authority by Robert A. Nisbet
    5. The Modernization of Japan and Russia by Cyril E. Black
    6. Ideology and the Ideologists by Lewis S. Feuer
    7. The Politics of Pluralism by David R. Smock and Audrey C. Smock
    8. New States in the Modern World by Martin Kilson
    9. Modern Political Geography by Richard Muir
    10. In the Forecasters' Maze by Edvard A. Arab-Ogly
    11. International Bureaucracy by Thomas George Weiss
    12. Socialism in the Third World by Helen Desfosses and Jacques Levesque
    13. The Politics of the Western Indian Ocean Islands by John M. Ostheimer
    14. Radio Power by Julian A.S. Hale
    15. The European Convention on Human Rights by Francis G. Jacobs
    Foreign Affairs, April 1976, pp. 608-609
  18. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Handbook of Political Science, Vol. I by Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby
    2. Causal Explanation and Model Building in History, Economics, and the New Economic History by Peter D. McClelland
    3. Arms, Alliances and Stability by Partha Chatterjee
    4. Game Theory and Politics by Steven J. Brams
    5. The Morality of Consent by Alexander M. Bickel
    6. The Strategy of Treaty Termination by Arie E. David
    7. The Public Order of Ocean Resources by P. Sreenivasa Rao
    8. The Angels' Game by William B. Macomber
    9. UNESCO and World Politics by James P. Sewell
    10. Idols of the Tribe by Harold R. Isaacs
    11. Witness to Power by Marquis W. Childs
    Foreign Affairs, January 1976, p. 379
  19. Scientists and National Policy-Making (1964)
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  20. U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation (1975)
    The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment
    4 Reviews
  21. War and Change in World Politics (1981)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  22. No Items Found