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Raymond Poincare Archives
Raymond Poincare •ï¿½14 Items / 5 Books, 6 Articles
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  1. Address Delivered by Mr. Raymond Poincare (1919)
    President of the French Republic Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, 19...
  2. Au Service de la France (1930)
    Neuf Annees de Souvenirs
    4 Reviews
  3. A Defense of France
    The Living Age, May 8, 1920, pp. 327-330
  4. Did I Wish War?
    The Living Age, August 26, 1922, pp. 503-508
  5. How France Is Governed (1913)
    3 Reviews
  6. The Memoirs of Raymond Poincare (1913-1914) (1926)
    In the Service of France
    13 Reviews, 6 Readable
  7. The Origins of the War (1922)
    1 Review
  8. The Responsibility for the War
    Foreign Affairs, October 1925, pp. 1-19
  9. The Ruhr and Reparations
    The Outlook, March 12, 1924, p. 422
  10. Since Versailles
    Foreign Affairs, July 1929, pp. 519-531
  11. Why We Occupy the Ruhr
    The Living Age, January 27, 1923, pp. 200-202
  12. No Items Found