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Edwin Griswold Nourse Archives
Edwin Griswold Nourse •ï¿½21 Items / 11 Books, 6 Articles, 4 Reviews
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  1. Agricultural Economics (1916)
  2. American Agriculture and the European Market (1924)
    1 Review
  3. [+]
    American History (Review)
    George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity, by Gilbert C. Fite
    1. George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity by Gilbert C. Fite
    The American Historical Review, October 1954, pp. 136-137
  4. America's Capacity to Produce (1934)
    7 Reviews, 3 Readable
  5. Can the American Farm Be Saved?
    The Nation, April 20, 1932, pp. 460-461
  6. The Chicago Produce Market (1918)
  7. Economics in the Public Service (1953)
    Administrative Aspects of the Employment Act
    7 Reviews, 1 Readable
  8. [+]
    $4,370 for Every Family? (Review)
    The Chart of Plenty, by Harold Loeb
    1. The Chart of Plenty by Harold Loeb
    The Saturday Review, April 27, 1935, p. 652
  9. General Articles
    Hard Times for Farmers: I
    The New Republic, April 30, 1930, pp. 288-290
  10. Industrial Price Policies and Economic Progress (1938)
    1 Review
  11. Intellectualism on the Economic Front
    The American Scholar, Summer 1958, pp. 321-330
  12. The Legal Status of Agricultural Co-Operation (1927)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  13. The Nineteen Fifties Come First (1951)
    9 Reviews, 3 Readable
  14. Our Wheat Surplus
    Foreign Affairs, April 1933, pp. 447-457
  15. Outlines of Agricultural Economics (1917)
    A Class-Book of Questions and Problems
    3 Reviews
  16. Price Making in a Democracy (1944)
    3 Reviews
  17. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    History and Theory of Agricultural Credit in the United States, by Earl Sylvester Sparks
    1. History and Theory of Agricultural Credit in the United States by Earl Sylvester Sparks
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1932, pp. 442-443
  18. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Management of Prosperity, by Arthur F. Burns
    1. The Management of Prosperity by Arthur F. Burns
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1967, pp. 153-154
  19. Three Years of the Agricultural Adjustment Admi... (1937)
    2 Reviews
  20. The War and the Back-to-the-Land Movement
    The North American Review, February 1916, pp. 246-255
  21. Why I Had to Step Aside
    Collier's Weekly, February 18, 1950, p. 13
  22. No Items Found