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Lucian W. Pye Archives
Lucian W. Pye •ï¿½60 Items / 14 Articles, 29 Reviews, 17 Books
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  1. Reviews & Responses
    Appealing the Tiananmen Verdict (Review)
    The Tiananmen Papers, by Zhang Liang, Andrew J. Nathan, and Perry Link
    1. The Tiananmen Papers by Zhang Liang, Andrew J. Nathan, and Perry Link
    Foreign Affairs, March 2001, pp. 148-154
  2. APSA Presidential Address
    American Political Science Review, March 1974, pp. 188-189
  3. Asian Power and Politics (1985)
    The Cultural Dimensions of Authority
    2 Reviews
  4. The Asian Values Ballyhoo
    Foreign Affairs, November 1998, pp. 135-141
  5. Aspects of Political Development (1966)
    1 Review
  6. China After Chou En-Lai
    Current History, September 1976, pp. 53-55
  7. China in Context
    Foreign Affairs, January 1967, pp. 229-245
  8. China: An Introduction (1972)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  9. China: Erratic State, Frustrated Society
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1990, pp. 56-74
  10. The Citizen and Politics (1978)
    A Comparative Perspective
    1 Review
  11. Coming Dilemmas for China's Leaders
    Foreign Affairs, April 1966, pp. 387-402
  12. Communications and Political Development (1963)
    3 Reviews
  13. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Administration and Development in Malaysia, by Milton J. Esman
    1. Administration and Development in Malaysia by Milton J. Esman
    American Political Science Review, September 1974, pp. 1352-1353
  14. [+]
    Comparative Politics (Review)
    China's Quest for National Identity, by Lowell Dittmer and Samuel S. Kim
    1. China's Quest for National Identity by Lowell Dittmer and Samuel S. Kim
    American Political Science Review, June 1994, p. 492
  15. [+]
    Comparative Politics (Review)
    Scientism and Humanism, by Shiping Hua
    1. Scientism and Humanism by Shiping Hua
    American Political Science Review, June 1996, p. 451
  16. Crises and Sequences in Political Development (1971)
    3 Reviews
  17. The Dynamics of Chinese Politics (1981)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  18. The Dynamics of Factions and Consensus in Chinese Politics (1980)
    A Model and Some Propositions
    1 Review
  19. [+]
    Eastern Nationalism and Western Policy (4 Reviews)
    Asian Nationalism and the West, by William L. Holland
    1. Asian Nationalism and the West by William L. Holland
    2. Nationalism and Communism in East Asia by W. Macmahon Ball
    3. Asia and the West by Maurice Zinkin
    4. Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia by George McTurnan Kahin
    World Politics, January 1954, pp. 248-265
  20. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (Review)
    The Governance of Modern Burma, by J.S. Furnivall
    1. The Governance of Modern Burma by J.S. Furnivall
    American Political Science Review, June 1960, p. 565
  21. Guerrilla Communism in Malaya (1956)
    Its Social and Politial Meaning
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  22. China
    Hostility and Authority in Chinese Politics
    Problems of Communism, May 1968, pp. 10-22
  23. The Leader in the Shadows: A View of Deng Xiaoping
    Current History, September 1996, pp. 246-253
  24. Letters
    Commentary, September 1973, pp. 4-34
  25. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, January 12, 1995, pp. 48-56
  26. Mao Tse-Tung: The Man in the Leader (1976)
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  27. Mao Tse-tung's Leadership Style
    Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1976, pp. 219-236
  28. Political Culture and Political Development (1965)
    4 Reviews
  29. Political Power and Communications in Indonesia (1978)
    3 Reviews
  30. Political Science and Area Studies (1975)
    Rivals or Partners?
    2 Reviews
  31. Articles
    Political Science and the Crisis of Authoritarianism
    American Political Science Review, March 1990, pp. 3-20
  32. Politics, Personality, and Nation Building (1962)
    Burma's Search for Identity
    6 Reviews, 1 Readable
  33. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (5 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. The Singapore Story by Lee Kuan Yew
    2. The Chan's Great Continent by Jonathan D. Spence
    3. Forging Reform in China by Edward S. Steinfeld
    4. Democracy in East Asia by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner
    5. The Good Man of Nanking by John Rabe and Erwin Wickert
    Foreign Affairs, March 1999, pp. 155-156
  34. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (8 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. A Great Wall by Patrick Tyler
    2. Rural China Takes Off by Jean C. Oi
    3. Contesting Citizenship in Urban China by Dorothy J. Solinger
    4. America's Boy by James Hamilton-Paterson
    5. The End of North Korea by Nick Eberstadt
    6. The Politics of Post-Suharto Indonesia by Jonathan Paris and Adam Schwarz
    7. Post-Soeharto Indonesia by Geoff Forrester
    8. Indonesia: The Challenge of Change by Richard W. Baker, J. Kristiadi, and Douglas E. Ramage, ...
    Foreign Affairs, November 1999, pp. 159-161
  35. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. China Joins the World by Elizabeth Economy and Michel Oksenberg
    2. The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms by Merle Goldman and Roderick MacFarquhar
    3. Orphans of the Cold War by John Kenneth Knaus
    4. The Sacred Willow by Duong Van Mai Elliott
    5. Brother Number One by David P. Chandler
    6. Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia by Stephen J. Morris
    7. Trans-Pacific Racisms and the U.S. Occupation of Japan by Yukiko Koshiro
    Foreign Affairs, September 1999, pp. 184-185
  36. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (6 Reviews)
    Asia and Pacific
    1. Engaging India by Gary K. Bertsch, Seema Gahlaut, and Anupam Srivastava, ...
    2. India by John Keay
    3. Bird in a Cage by Stanley B. Lubman
    4. The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography by Joshua A. Fogel
    5. China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975 by Qiang Zhai
    6. Broadcasting Politics in Japan by Ellis S. Krauss
    Foreign Affairs, July 2000, pp. 161-162
  37. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (5 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. Kawari by Milton Ezrati
    2. The Logic of Japanese Politics by Gerald L. Curtis
    3. Secret War in Shanghai by Bernard Wasserstein
    4. India's Nuclear Bomb by George Perkovich
    5. War At the Top of the World by Eric S. Margolis
    Foreign Affairs, March 2000, pp. 175-176
  38. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    Asia and Pacific
    1. Imperial China: 900-1800 by Frederick W. Mote
    2. Mao: A Life by Philip Short
    3. Mao Zedong by Jonathan Spence
    4. Alliance Adrift by Yoichi Funabashi
    5. The U.S.-Japan Alliance by Michael J. Green and Patrick M. Cronin
    6. Meltdown by Mark L. Clifford and Pete Engardio
    7. Born a Foreigner by Charles T. Cross
    Foreign Affairs, May 2000, pp. 177-178
  39. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (5 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. East Meets West by Daniel A. Bell
    2. The Missionary and the Libertine by Ian Buruma
    3. Informal Politics in East Asia by Lowell Dittmer, Haruhiro Fukui, and Peter N.S. Lee, ...
    4. Kashmir in Conflict by Victoria Schofield
    5. The Other Side of Silence by Urvashi Butalia
    Foreign Affairs, November 2000, pp. 189-190
  40. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (5 Reviews)
    Asia and the Pacific
    1. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix
    2. Profits and Principles by Michael A. Santoro
    3. Virtual Tibet by Orville Schell
    4. The Search for the Panchen Lama by Isabel Hilton
    5. Negotiating on the Edge by Scott Snyder
    Foreign Affairs, September 2000, pp. 128-129
  41. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (6 Reviews)
    Asia and Pacific
    1. From Third World to First by Lee Kuan Yew
    2. The Making of Modern Japan by Marius B. Jansen
    3. Same Bed, Different Dreams by David M. Lampton
    4. Engaging China by Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert S. Ross
    5. Civil Islam by Robert W. Hefner
    6. The Boxer Rebellion by Diana Preston
    Foreign Affairs, March 2001, pp. 183-185
  42. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (6 Reviews)
    Asia and Pacific
    1. China Confidential by Nancy Bernkopf Tucker
    2. East Asia at the Center by Warren I. Cohen
    3. Dogs and Demons by Alex Kerr
    4. The Manchurian Myth by Rana Mitter
    5. Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia by Amitav Acharya
    6. Treason by the Book by Jonathan D. Spence
    Foreign Affairs, May 2001, pp. 147-149
  43. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (5 Reviews)
    Asia and Pacific
    1. India Unbound by Gurcharan Das
    2. The Chinese by Jasper Becker
    3. New Shanghai by Pamela Yatsko
    4. The Great Hedge of India by Roy Moxham
    5. Mao's China and the Cold War by Chen Jian
    Foreign Affairs, September 2001, pp. 173-174
  44. Research in Comparative Politics
    Comparative Politics of Non-Western Countries
    American Political Science Review, December 1955, pp. 1022-1041
  45. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Communism in India, by Gene D. Overstreet and Marshall Windmiller
    1. Communism in India by Gene D. Overstreet and Marshall Windmiller
    American Political Science Review, December 1959, pp. 1134-1136
  46. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    Administration in Developing Countries, by Fred W. Riggs
    1. Administration in Developing Countries by Fred W. Riggs
    American Political Science Review, June 1965, p. 456
  47. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Authoritarian Politics in Modern Society, by Samuel P. Huntington and Clement H. Moore
    1. Authoritarian Politics in Modern Society by Samuel P. Huntington and Clement H. Moore
    American Political Science Review, December 1970, pp. 1264-1265
  48. [+]
    Political Theory, History of Political Thought and Methodology (Review)
    Modernization: Latecomers and Survivors, by Marion J. Levy
    1. Modernization: Latecomers and Survivors by Marion J. Levy
    American Political Science Review, December 1974, p. 1740
  49. [+]
    Political Theory (Review)
    Democracy and Its Critics, by Robert A. Dahl
    1. Democracy and Its Critics by Robert A. Dahl
    American Political Science Review, June 1990, pp. 627-628
  50. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Golden Road to Modernity, by Manning Nash
    1. Golden Road to Modernity by Manning Nash
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1966, p. 325
  51. [+]
    Books Reviews (Review)
    The Nadars of Tamilnad, by Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr.
    1. The Nadars of Tamilnad by Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr.
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1971, p. 511
  52. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
    1. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream by Doris Kearns Goodwin
    Political Science Quarterly, Winter 1976, pp. 699-700
  53. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    China's Foreign Relations in the 1980s, by Harry Harding
    1. China's Foreign Relations in the 1980s by Harry Harding
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1985, pp. 322-323
  54. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Human Rights in Contemporary China, by R. Randle Edwards, Louis Henkin, and Andrew J. N...
    1. Human Rights in Contemporary China by R. Randle Edwards, Louis Henkin, and Andrew J. Nathan, ...
    Political Science Quarterly, September 1987, p. 506
  55. [+]
    Reviews of Books (Review)
    The Politics of Modernization, by David E. Apter
    1. The Politics of Modernization by David E. Apter
    American Political Science Review, June 1966, p. 396
  56. The Soviets and Neutralism
    The New Republic, June 11, 1956, pp. 35-36
  57. The Spirit of Chinese Politics (1968)
    A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development
    8 Reviews
  58. Studying Politics Abroad (1964)
    Field Research in the Developing Areas
    2 Reviews
  59. [+]
    The Thoughts of Ho Chi Mihn (Review)
    Ho Chi Minh on Revolution, by Bernard B. Fall and Ho Chi Minh
    1. Ho Chi Minh on Revolution by Bernard B. Fall and Ho Chi Minh
    Problems of Communism, January 1968, p. 41
  60. Warlord Politics (1971)
    Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China
    1 Review
  61. No Items Found