The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Edgar Turlington Archives
Edgar Turlington •ï¿½11 Items / 2 Books, 2 Articles, 7 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American History (Review)
    International Law and American Treatment of Alien Enemy Property, by James A. Gathings
    1. International Law and American Treatment of Alien Enemy Property by James A. Gathings
    The American Historical Review, October 1942, p. 143
  2. Armenia and the Honor of America
    The New Republic, June 9, 1926, pp. 83-84
  3. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    No More War on Foreign Investments, by Friedrich Wilhelm Bitter and A. Zelle
    1. No More War on Foreign Investments by Friedrich Wilhelm Bitter and A. Zelle
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1934, p. 156
  4. The Financial Independence of Persia
    Foreign Affairs, July 1928, pp. 658-667
  5. [+]
    General History (Review)
    A Concise History of the Law of Nations, by Arthur Nussbaum
    1. A Concise History of the Law of Nations by Arthur Nussbaum
    The American Historical Review, July 1948, p. 790
  6. Mexico and Her Foreign Creditors (1930)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  7. [+]
    Minor Notices (Review)
    Modern Turkey, by Eliot Grinnell Mears
    1. Modern Turkey by Eliot Grinnell Mears
    The American Historical Review, January 1926, p. 353
  8. Neutrality: Its History, Economics, and Politics, Vol. III (1936)
    The World War Period
    2 Reviews
  9. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    American Foreign Policy in Mexican Relations, by James Morton Callahan
    1. American Foreign Policy in Mexican Relations by James Morton Callahan
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1933, p. 139
  10. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Dwight Morrow, by Harold G. Nicolson
    1. Dwight Morrow by Harold G. Nicolson
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1936, pp. 278-279
  11. [+]
    The Westernization of Turkey (Review)
    Turkey, by Arnold J. Toynbee and Kenneth P. Kirkwood
    1. Turkey by Arnold J. Toynbee and Kenneth P. Kirkwood
    The Nation, June 1, 1927, p. 614
  12. No Items Found