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Ernest Oldmeadow Archives
Ernest Oldmeadow •ï¿½7 Books
Francis, Cardinal Bourne (1944)
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    Recent Books on International Relations (12 Reviews)
    The British Commonwealth of Nations
    1. Per Ardua by Hilary St. George Saunders
    2. Half Mast? by Edmund Hannay Watts
    3. Francis, Cardinal Bourne by Ernest Oldmeadow
    4. Best Books on the British Empire by Evans Lewin
    5. Fabian Colonial Essays by Rita Hinden
    6. The Story of the Irish Race by Seumas MacManus
    7. Eamon de Valera by M.J. MacManus
    8. Canada in World Affairs: Two Years of War, 1939-1941 by Robert MacGregor Dawson
    9. Canada and the World Tomorrow by Violet Anderson
    10. Left Turn, Canada by M.J. Coldwell
    11. Wartime Labour Developments in Australia by Orwell de R. Foenander
    12. Home to India by Santha Rama Rau
    Foreign Affairs, October 1945, p. 168