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Robert W. Valkenier •ï¿½3 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (19 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. The Shadow War by Henri Michel
    2. Marshal Petain by Richard Griffiths
    3. The Sorrow and the Pity by Marcel Ophuls
    4. The Government and Politics of France, Vol. I by Dorothy Pickles
    5. Beaverbrook by A.J.P. Taylor
    6. President Kennedy and Britain by David Nunnerley
    7. States of Ireland by Conor Cruise O'Brien
    8. The Green Flag by Robert Kee
    9. The Orange Order by Tony Gray
    10. West German Politics by Geoffrey K. Roberts
    11. The Government and Politics of East Germany by Kurt Sontheimer and Wilhelm Bleek
    12. The West German Legislative Process by Gerard Braunthal
    13. Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch by Harold J. Gordon, Jr.
    14. The Swiss by Walter Sorell
    15. Politics in Austria by Kurt Steiner
    16. The Republic and the Civil War in Spain by Raymond Carr
    17. In Hiding by Ronald Fraser
    18. History of Portugal, Vol. II by A.H. de Oliveira
    19. Norway by Ronald G. Popperwell
    Foreign Affairs, April 1973, pp. 637-639
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. Europe in the Twentieth Century by George Lichtheim
    2. The European Community in the 1970s by Steven Joshua Warnecke
    3. The Gaullist Phenomenon by Jean Charlot
    4. Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944 by Robert O. Paxton
    5. Pointing the Way, 1959-1961 by Harold MacMillan
    6. The Memoirs of Lord Gladwyn by Hubert M. Gladwyn
    7. The Collapse of British Power by Correlli Barnett
    8. Ambitions and Realities by Robert Rhodes James
    9. Governing Without Consensus by Richard Rose
    10. Whitehall Diary, Vol. III: Ireland, 1918-1925 by Thomas Jones
    11. The Ulster Debate
    12. Friedrich Meinecke and German Politics in the Twentieth Century by Robert A. Pois
    13. Goebbels by Helmut Heiber
    14. Fears and Expectations by Nils Orvik
    15. Dix Ans de Lutte Antifasciste, 1931-1941 by Jules Humbert-Droz
    16. Greece Without Columns by David Holden
    Foreign Affairs, January 1973, pp. 429-431
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (15 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. Europe and the United States by Karl Kaiser
    2. The European Community in Perspective by Gerhard Mally
    3. The Heart of the Battle by Edgar Faure
    4. The Wheat and the Chaff by Francois Mitterand
    5. The Alternative Future by Roger Garaudy
    6. Europe: The Radical Challenge by Hugh Thomas
    7. Diplomacy and Persuasion by Uwe W. Kitzinger
    8. England und Das Dritte Reich by Oswald Hauser
    9. Helmuth von Moltke: A Leader Against Hitler by Michael Balfour and Julian Frisby
    10. The Rebirth of Italy, 1943-50 by Stuart Joseph Woolf
    11. A Piece of Truth by Amalia Fleming
    12. Journal of Resistance by Mikis Theodorakis
    13. Memories of a Mountain War by Kenneth Matthews
    14. Half of Spain Died by Herbert L. Matthews
    15. Diplomat by Gunnar Hagglof
    Foreign Affairs, July 1973, pp. 838-839
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